Fact-Checking "Presumed Guilty" by Jose Baez ***LIST ONLY, NO DISCUSSION***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
More on the part of the book where jose states that casey said oh well.. when we all know it was surprise surprise
“So what do you guys think of this new theory that Caylee made have died by accident?” It struck a chord with George, who turned around and blew up at the reporter. “Shut up. Shut up,” he started yelling. Then they go into the jail, and you can hear Cindy saying to Casey, “George just blew up at the media.” “Oh really?” said Casey. “They’re saying that Caylee drowned in the pool,” said Cindy. And that’s when Casey said, “Oh well. Oh well.” But here’s the point. The media said, she died “by accident.” But Cindy was the one who said “she drowned in the pool.” The inference had to be that at that point Cindy knew.
Presumed Guilty (Kindle Locations 6246-6254)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3xJi0Lu_fc&feature=youtu.be around to 2:08 mark.

what jose doesnt say in all this was all the news reports and rumors going around.. that we all know the anthonys heard.... the nite before for example on nancy grace they talked about the rumor of the pool and drowning.. It was talked about all over the place, its only logical that the anthonys had heard the rumor. and took the reporters comment about accident to be about drowning....

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Renee Rockwell, trial lawyer out of Atlanta, Alan Ripka, veteran defense attorney joining us out of our New York studios. We`re taking your calls live.
You know, Renee, let`s just break it down. All these theories about an accidental death -- maybe she drowned. Maybe she fell. You know what? If she fell or she drowned by accident, why not call 911

heres video of george before jail visit.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb3LBCi_AkQ&feature=relmfu"]8/14/08: Parents Visit Casey In Jail After Outburst Directed At Media - YouTube[/ame]

.40 second mark

oh and on top of it all... the typo s / mistakes lol...
*** Caylee made have died by accident**** Jose don't you mean *may have died*
also if you listen to the tape of jail visit above.. she does not say Oh really when cindy says dad's blown up at the media... casey actually says... yeah i heard
The Phone rings… page 22

…on July 17, 2008, I was driving around in downtown Orlando when I called my office to check my messages. My secretary told me to go see a prospective client. She said a relative of an inmate called and wanted me to go to the Orange County jail to see an inmate by the name of Casey Anthony …....Casey walked in and sat down. The public defender told her “a private lawyer is here to see you”… “Yes, I know” she said, “I asked someone to do that for me”.


"It kind of happened at random in booking," Casey Anthony told her parents according to jailhouse tape that was played at her trial. "I heard a couple of people talking about attorneys...His name came up and I said if he's good, can you do me a favor and pass my name along… It was an inmate and there was three other people that confirmed it."


Exactly how did Jose Baez become Casey Anthony’s attorney and how he is getting paid? Those are the questions that everyone wants answered. But what people should really be asking is how did Jose Baez become Casey Anthony’s attorney so quickly.

- According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Prisoner Transport Jurat, Casey Anthony was officially booked into jail as of 11:40 p.m. on July 16, 2008

- According to the Notice of Appearance filed by Jose Baez, he was officially her attorney of record as of 3:54 p.m. on July 17, 2008.

More snipped from his blog...

Rather the jail keeps you in their Booking and Release unit until they can process you and formerly assign you to permanent housing unit. So it is unlikely that she had sufficient contact with other inmates to even get an attorney’s name and number to call.

Second, even if another inmate gave her Jose Baez’s number, you would expect that inmate to have hired Jose Baez as well. Moreover, because the jail keeps inmates segregated, you would expect that inmate to be a woman.

And while by no means exhaustive, you can exclude this possibility by conducting a search on the Orange County Clerk’s website for all cases that Jose Baez handled from September 22, 2005 (his date of admission) to July 18, 2008 (the day after Casey Anthony’s arrest).

The search reveals he was attorney of record in 54 cases. Of those cases, only 16 cases involved female clients (or at least feminine first names). And if you examine each of his female client’s cases, you will see that none of them were either:

1. Being held in jail awaiting trial, or
2. Serving a jail sentence on the day of Casey Anthony’s arrest.

So it seems highly unlikely that a female inmate gave Jose Baez’s phone number to Casey Anthony.
Jose's truth:

Pg 152 - "We later found out while investigating Suburban Drive that in October a woman and her neighbor had called 9-1-1 after they heard a child screaming from the wooded area near the elementary school. The call was made to the Orlando Police Department, not the Orange County Sheriff's Department, and a massive search was undertaken in the exact area where Caylee's remains later were found. A helicopter flew over the area, they brought in dogs, and performed an exhaustive search. No child was found, but after searching the records of the Orlando Police Department, we could verify that the site where Caylee was found was the area where they searched for the child who allegedly was screaming in the woods."

The actual truth:

According to the incident report you can find here (starting at page 7) "The wooded area was not entered by any ground units due to its thick vegetation, and the fact that the ground is very wet and covered in deep water in some areas."

- Keep your fact-checks clear & concise. Provide the statement from the book, and then provide and link to the counter-argument. (i.e., "On page X, Baez says that the witness said Y, but as you will see at this link, during the trial the witness actually said Z.")

- This is a no discussion thread.

bumping this
Jose's truth:

Pg 152 - He's talking about Keith Williams and his search on Suburban Drive. "He (Keith Williams) said he had searched in the woods in the exact area where Caylee's body was later found, but all he could find was a bag of stuffed animals, which he took to the Anthony home."

The real truth:

According to the OSCO supplemental report you can find here (go to page 5) Keith Williams admitted he never went into the woods in the exact area where Caylee's body was found. From page 5 and 6 of the above report: "We drove to the area where Caylee Anthony's remains were found and asked Keith Williams if he ever checked this area. Below is a synopsis of the conversation with his answer:

Keith Williams: "The only time that I walked around where she was actually found was that August 18i' date is when I was told that she was a foot into the woods and I actually walked around this whole area looking at that same range and I never saw nothing."

Sergeant Allen: "But earlier you indicated you never walked into the woods you just walked along the edge and looked into the woods is that correct?"

Keith Williams: "As far as that area where she was found I, I, I walked more, I was on the grass„ I wasn't just on the sidewalk."

Sergeant Allen: "Right"

Keith Williams: "I walked in the grass looking but I didn't actually...."

Sergeant Allen: "Go into the woods."

Keith Williams: "I didn't actually enter the woods at that point; I was just looking, yeah."
Page 266 - Preparing for Trial

Then came the attempted public destruction of Laura Buchanan whose arm was twisted to lie so the police could charge me with a crime. When she bravely refused, she was publically castigated by the police and the press. The police made it known that they were investigating her. Didn’t anyone find it strange the police were advertising their investigation?


Laura Buchanan's deposition -page 191

(LDB): They (JB) asked you whether or not you believed that you were the target of a criminal investigation

(LB) Um-hum

(LDB) Where did you get that idea?

(JB) Hold on

LB's attorney then asserts privilege and then LDB comes back with….

(LBD) Did you hear that from one of the prosecutors of the case?

(LB) No ma’am

LDB then asks if OSCO's Allen, Melich and Edwards advised LB of the investigation

(LB) No ma’am

LDB then asks if family, friends or other searchers advised LB of the investigation

(LB) No ma’am
Page 249 – The Shrinks

Sexual abuse – incest – is the most underreported crime in the world, and if people who are abused cannot come forward and can’t expect a process that is helpful to them and makes it easier to speak out, it will never be reported. I find it so hypocritical the way people approached OCA in that regard.

:websleuther: I have searched, and searched, and searched, but I can not find any documents or communications by JB to either report the long term sexual abuse, or begin an criminal investigation of GA. JB writes that OCA told him about GA's sexual abuse over the course of many visits, and also told the shrinks, in late 2008/early 2009.

Page 165 - from that day on, the entire defenes team called George "Baldy", a constant reminder of the child molester and rapist we believed him to be.

:websleuther: I believe that this would be a claim by OCA of Capital Sexual Battery, due to OCA’s age being under 12 when it started, where there is no statute of limitations.

Page 319 – The Fockers

In the end Tony testified that OCA told him her brother lee had felt her up, but he was not sure what she said about the father, whether it was physical or sexual abuse

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkeRinl94SY"]Casey Anthony: Murder Trial Day 14 - 5/26/11 Part 18 (Anthony Lazzaro Reveals Secret) - YouTube[/ame]

:websleuther: Starts at 4:20

JB: I want to ask you a question in reference to the shared secrets that we had discussed earlier

JB: Was the secret that OCA had shared with you that she had been abused by her father

TL: No

JB: What was the secret that she had shared with you?

TL: Lee Anthony tried to sexually abuse her

JB: Ok..and did you ….did she ever discuss in reference to…well let me ask you this…

JB: What was your response to Lee Anthony trying to touch her?
TL: Shocked
JB: What did do, what did you say to her?
TL: I don’t remember, it was definitely comforting though
JB: Did you kinda brush off the conversation?
TL: If anything, I probably tried to quickly change the subject so she won’t be dwelling on it…

This testimony goes nowhere.. and then JB picks up with…

JB: I’m gonna get the transcripts, but I wanna ask you if you recall any discussion with OCA in reference to the abuse by her father

TL: Yes


TL: That’s what clarified that more would be, I do recall her bringing up being disciplined by her father, but I don’t recall what actually happened, my knowledge it seemed like discipline to me.

JB: But, do you recall… not, well, I’ll need the transcript for this but … can you recall for certain…that it wasn’t because, that it was, sexual abuse verse physical abuse, or you just don’t know for sure.

TL: I just don’t know for sure, defiantly was not sexual abuse, the only time that would…someone tells me that that I knew the Lee thing, because that’s such a substantial thing to say.

JB: Was it a lengthily discussion or a short discussion

TL: Defiantly a short discussion

JB: And, you don’t recall the details of it

TL: No sir

JB: However you do recall the word abuse coming up within this discussion

TL: I do recall the word….maybe hitting

JB: Anything else?

TL: No

JB tells Judge Perry that he has his file outside… while he goes to get it Judge Perry askes TL question.. here is the portion related to GA

JP: Relate to us, in terms of abuse from with Mr. Anthony, in as much detail as you can recall.

TL: Hitting, that’s all I can remember

JP: When you say hitting, what did you take that to mean, or did she give you a more specific description of hitting

TL: I took it as discipline

JP: But did she tell you, besides use the word hitting, did she say anything else

TL: Not to my knowledge

JP: Again, did she say when this occurred, Mr. George Anthony hitting her.

TL: As a child

JP: As a child… anything else she said, that you can recall

TL: No Sir

JP: Ok Mr. Baez

JB: Mr. Lazarro do you remember, we conducted a deposition over the phone
TL: Sure

JB: And, do you recall me asking you this, the following question, page 30,line 13 through 17,

JB: So you don’t know if its physical, or sexual, you just don’t recall, and your answer was – “I just don’t recall, it could have been, honestly it would have been much better to do this at that time".

JP: Which Anthony are you referring to Lee A or George A
JB: George Anthony

JB: Now, sir, were you referring to that, your deposition took place in 2011, February 2011, as apposed you being asked these questions in 2008

TL: I was referring to it would be easier if it was… asked those questions probably closer to the time I would know that.

JB: And that’s why you simply just can’t recall whether it was physical or sexual, only that you do remember as of now… hitting

TL: At of all, any kind of abuse, that is why I was making that comment then.

JB: I have no further questions.
Jose's truth:

He talks about this throughout the book but for example on Pg 154: "This was making the prosecution very nervous, and when these prosecutors became nervous, there was no telling what they would do. They went after Laura Buchanan, accusing her of presenting false evidence in a capital case. Of course, they leaked what they were doing to the media."

The actual truth:

The prosecution or LE never leaked anything to the media. Florida has a law called The Sunshine Law. "The Florida Sunshine Law is a series of laws designed to guarantee that the public has access to the public records of governmental bodies in Florida."

Jose's truth:

Pg 157 - "Despite all of Kronk's crazy stories and his inconsistencies, and his love of duct tape, the police never thoroughly investigated him. To my knowledge, they never pulled his phone records to see if he had any contact with the Anthony's."

The actual truth:

On day 38 of the trial, Yuri Melich testified that police obtained the phone records of Roy Kronk.

Jose Baez: "So the entire 3 years that you've been investigating this case or had this case you've never done that. For anyone other than Casey Anthony."

Yuri Melich: "That's not correct, there are other people that I've pulled cellphone records on and I've looked at tower information to see where they were during particular times."

Jose Baez: "Who did you do that for?"

Yuri Melich: "Off the top of my head I can think of one and that was the person who actually called when they had discovered the remains on December 11th."

Click here for the video

Go to 15.01 in the video. Later on in the video (20.51) he again confirms that they obtained Roy Kronk's phone records.
In Chapter Eight (ironically entitled "The Wack (sic) Pack"), JB writes:

"On August 11, 2008, a man by the name of Roy Kronk called 9-1-1 to report seeing something suspicious in the woods near the Anthony home. On this same day, St. John was driving herself and a couple of her psychic associates when she videotaped herself pulling up to the Anthony home. You can see the media trucks on her tape, and she says, “I’m getting a feeling.” Then she says, “Let’s turn left over here,” and she starts heading toward Suburban Drive. When she stopped there, she said, “My feelings are getting stronger.” She pulled to the right, and on the tape you can hear the dogs breathing heavily.

St. John said the feeling she got that day was overwhelming. “You get very sick to your stomach,” she said.
“You feel as though you’ve been punched in the stomach and something knocks the air out of you.”
“I’m getting a feeling right here,” she said, and everyone got out of the car. The dogs searched around and stopped at the exact spot where Caylee would eventually be found months later in December. Her dogs found no body."

Facts: (full 20-minute video can be found here.)

If you go to 2:09 of the video, you can see that they parked the van by the light post by the curve in the road. That is too far down Suburban to be considered the exact area where Caylee was located. "Colleen" then proceeds with the dog in the direction of the school.

At the 6:31 mark, "Colleen" says she can't go into the woods because of the water there. ("It's right full."). Orlando had been in drought conditions until Tropical Storm Fay came through at the end of August of 2008, so there is no way this video was shot on August 11th. From July 1 through August 11th, Orlando had only received 170mm of rain, which is a little over 6 inches in six weeks.
No page number but Jose says that the autopsy revealed NO SIGNS of suffocation which shows by something to do with ears. HIs O/S claims she died from drowning which is suffocation or lack of oxygen and water filling in the lungs. If blood vessels pop when being suffocated, they will pop from water pressure. The prosecution should have refuted the OS IMO and it probably would have resulted in a guilty verdict like it should have been. Also, the timeline of the day considering GA wasn't even home and subpeoned his work place.
This is a no-discussion thread.

Posts in this thread should consist of brief excerpts from the book, followed by a link to evidence that contradicts or disputes what was stated in the book.


Just a reminder
Destroying the Fantasy, Page 373 -

On Saturday, June 24 (wrong date), in court Burdick came up to me and she said “You know, all I really want is the truth from Casey as to what happened”. When she said that, I thought, this is a plea overture ….

continuing on Page 374

All five of the defense team, Cheney, Lisabeth, Dorothy, Michelle and I went to see Casey. I told her about the offer and that all she had to do was consider it.

“No”, she said right away.

“Casey, you have got to at least think about it”

“Okay”, “I just thought about it the answer is no”

“No, I’m not guilty". "I’m innocent" she said. "And I don’t care what anyone has to say". "I feel this jury is on our side". "I’ll plead to lying to the cops but I won’t plead guilty to something I did not do”.

:websleuther:Jeff Ashton’s Imperfect Justice page 293

At the eleventh hour, however, it appeared that Cheney had decided he needed to step in. He (Cheney) had approached Linda about a plea....
Cheney wanted OCA to talk to him about entering a plea. At first, Jose was not on board with the idea, but he had come around and was at least entertaining it….

On Saturday, June 25 (right date), we approached the bench and moved to a back room with Judge Perry. Cheney told us that OCA refused to even listen to the idea of a plea. Every time he (Cheney) approached the subject with her, she would look at him blankly, like she didn’t know what a plea was. He said her expression gave him concerns about her competency.

Motion to determine competency of OCA
Its not just the out right lies in this book that will make you nutz.. but Baez cannot remember from chapter to chapter what his story is.. here is an example.. of stating 2 differant things in differant places in the book.. this was posted on a amazon review thread and brought to my attention so thought you all would like to see it.

There’s evidence this was a young woman who had her periods since she was twelve years old, but who never once went to a gynecologist until she became pregnant at age nineteen.
Golenbock, Peter; Baez, Jose (2012-07-03). Presumed Guilty (Kindle Locations 4782-4784). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.

that Casey hadn’t been to a gynecologist until she was nineteen years old; and that she had had her menstrual cycle since she was ten and that she had had an irregular menstrual cycle and other female problems.
Golenbock, Peter; Baez, Jose (2012-07-03). Presumed Guilty (Kindle Locations 7258-7260). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.
Ok found it....

pg 221 The prosecution was contending that KC had killed Caylee by using chloroform and putting duct tape over her mouth-basically suffocating her. If a person dies of suffocation many times there is bleeding behind the back of the ears. But you cant know this unless you open the skull. The prosecutions theory was that Caylee suffocated but the medical examiners office never took the necessary steps to confirm that. Spitz found NO EVIDENCE of discloration. THERE WAS ZERO EVIDENCE that Caylee had been suffocated.

If she drowned she would have suffocated from lack of oxygen.
Ok found it....

pg 221 The prosecution was contending that KC had killed Caylee by using chloroform and putting duct tape over her mouth-basically suffocating her. If a person dies of suffocation many times there is bleeding behind the back of the ears. But you cant know this unless you open the skull. The prosecutions theory was that Caylee suffocated but the medical examiners office never took the necessary steps to confirm that. Spitz found NO EVIDENCE of discloration. THERE WAS ZERO EVIDENCE that Caylee had been suffocated.

If she drowned she would have suffocated from lack of oxygen.

And here is the autopsy report by Dr. G. for anyone who care to compare notes with Dr. Spitz. Examination of the skeletal remains is one Page 8, last paragraph contains findings within the skull.

pg 185 Another small piece of evidence that suggets Caylee died at home was the fact that when her remains were discovered she wasn't wearing any socks or shoes, according to GA Caylee never left the house barefoot so where were her socks and shoes..

Ok peeps...<Mod Snip>is trying to tell us that Caylee took her own socks and shoes off and jumped into the pool and drowned? That this "accident" had to have happened at home based on the sole fact that she had no socks or shoes on, like they weren't removal anywhere else? The chances of a 2 year old removing their own socks and shoes, opening the heavy door by themselves, climbing the ladder, jumping in and drowning and than being discovered with shorts that were too small on her, of ALL THE CLOTHES whomever could have put on her from her own drawers in her own room, is quite unlikely. This is the big brain bubble JB concluded??? Whats more likely IMO is there is another time where the child wouldn't be wearing socks or shoes and that's when she is sleeping, possibly mouth taped and chroloformed in her sleep, undressed perhaps and clothed with a pair of shorts left at someones house from awhile ago? More likely than the pool theory

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