IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #19

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I want to begin on a positive note here by thanking Peeples for the great news link posted yesterday and thank our "Busy Bee Mod" for the fantastic map posted today! Well done. Me too! :rocker:

I now think the 12:30 p.m. time on Gilbert St. is the sighting reported by RC who was out watering his yard July 13. [Per ABC reporter on July 17, RC who lives only blocks from the lake said he was watering his yard and saw the girls riding their bikes betw 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. I now fear that LE may have split the difference in the time range to 12:30.]

My thought is that it has taken LE from July 17th until September 14th to basically verify RC's reported sighting. I think they are now working on what the other witness reported. I believe it is highly likely the girls left their bikes on the trail to walk back up to the skate park to meet a cute boy... if only to say hi or see if they could get the boys to notice them. If they had their bikes GMA could have recognized them. GMA could have specifically been looking for the girls riding their bikes. If she did not see the bikes she passed by. I don't think she would have turned south off of Gilbert onto Frans, Lake, Evans/Arbitus. She most likely, if traveling east, she would have turned left onto Grand Blvd. She did not think the girls would go to the lake, but she might have thought they would have gone to the skate park even though they were not supposed to ride that far. Maybe LE is getting ready to release information of where exactly the bikes were spotted (if it was the girls' bikes) and where they were eventually found.
So, I'm probably as sick of the <censored> "white van" as everyone else, but I looked from different angles on one of the Bing maps. I remember a black truck being mentioned earlier too. Circled in red... yikes. What kind of vehicles are these? I wish these maps/overhead views were dated, or if they are I wish I knew out to find the date.

Well, there's a boat ramp.
They are reported to have been on Brovan (near Collins' residence?) at 12:23.
So even turbo fuel would not do it-- they'd need a time machine or stunt doubles???????


I think you hit the nail on the head Jax.
Had to be a time machine or stunt doubles. :)

Seriously do you think the latest news about the time the girls were seen makes the timeline
you posted doable?
that is what I would like to know, where did Gma exactly look at that time?
I'm thinking Not the Lake, she said they never went that far...TB was the one who said to go to the Lake.
Probably was too late by then when TB suggested to look there.

I think grandma is a true love bug but I think her time may be a wee bit off.
Did they say at one point there was a report of a "stolen" paddleboat? Was it ever located or was it just "borrowed" while the people were away? Sorry to dredge up stuff I should remember but...

Anyway, if that yellow paddleboat or any other boat (row boat), for example was used to ferry the girls from the far side (where the bikes were found) back to the boat ramp at Elmer Ave., then the boat (with girls in it somehow covered up or just in it) could have been removed by hauling it out and onto a flatbed or boat trailer...MOO Just more brainstorming that has probably been said umpteen times already..
This is sort of what I think of how the girls' trail might have been that Friday the 13th at the lake.

So, I'm probably as sick of the <censored> "white van" as everyone else, but I looked from different angles on one of the Bing maps. I remember a black truck being mentioned earlier too. Circled in red... yikes. What kind of vehicles are these? I wish these maps/overhead views were dated, or if they are I wish I knew out to find the date.


I'm believe that's an old army tank on the right for kids to play on.
Did they say at one point there was a report of a "stolen" paddleboat? Was it ever located or was it just "borrowed" while the people were away? Sorry to dredge up stuff I should remember but...

Anyway, if that yellow paddleboat or any other boat (row boat), for example was used to ferry the girls from the far side (where the bikes were found) back to the boat ramp at Elmer Ave., then the boat (with girls in it somehow covered up or just in it) could have been removed by hauling it out and onto a flatbed or boat trailer...MOO Just more brainstorming that has probably been said umpteen times already..

I believe a paddleboat had been missing, but then it was someone had borrowed it. The idea of ferrying the girls from the far side back to boat ramp at Elmer makes sense too. It certainly would fit with what the FBI/Sandy Breault said about the scent leading right to the water where the bikes were found.
I think you hit the nail on the head Jax.
Had to be a time machine or stunt doubles. :)

Seriously do you think the latest news about the time the girls were seen makes the timeline
you posted doable?

Timeline is from the lastest info (which doesn't include TG--MOO).
Did they say at one point there was a report of a "stolen" paddleboat? Was it ever located or was it just "borrowed" while the people were away? Sorry to dredge up stuff I should remember but...

Anyway, if that yellow paddleboat or any other boat (row boat), for example was used to ferry the girls from the far side (where the bikes were found) back to the boat ramp at Elmer Ave., then the boat (with girls in it somehow covered up or just in it) could have been removed by hauling it out and onto a flatbed or boat trailer...MOO Just more brainstorming that has probably been said umpteen times already..

LE wanted to interview someone who was reportedly on a paddleboat the day the girls disappeared. The rest of the paddleboat story was a rumor.

LE wanted to interview someone who was reportedly on a paddleboat the day the girls disappeared. The rest of the paddleboat story was a rumor.


yes... exactly

same with the guy in the van

The way it most likely happened (moo) is LE is out doing a canvas with interviews... They maybe say: so, did you see anyone out and about. What did you notice in the area... and say the person says: yeah.. I was jogging and didn't see anything but there was a guy out on the lake in a peddleboat or... yeah I saw this white van pulled over at such and such a place

then of course since it is a different day they need to find these people so they can see if THEY saw anything so they go to the media: we want to talk to the guy that was in a white van at such and such a place or we want to talk to the person that was out in a peddle boat on meyers lake on such and such a date.

this was just a hypothetical... but I am thinking that is why they were facts given to the media: to get the people to come forward so they could be interviewed.


I furthermore think that is what they are doing with releasing the exact times and specific areas. They want to flush out the info.

Why does LE keep mentioning a boat? That keeps stumping me.

My guess?
Somebody told LE they saw a boat that day around the very time
the girls went missing. IMOO the boat riding person never came forward.

only a guess/////
I wonder if anyone who lived on those roads was having any construction done on their house such as a new roof or house being painted or remodeling going on. Some of those companies will hire anybody off the street and when we had a lot of roofers here a few years ago some of the workers would try to have a conversation with anyone who passed by. A lot of the workers came in their own vehicles. Just a thought.

!! And that worker may have driven a van.....or panel truck. :what:
Well, there's a boat ramp.

You're right, I thought about that after posting. Thanks. :) Is there any way we could find out (locals? stats?) how many boats get launched/taken out at the time of year when the girls disappeared? It strikes me as a lake that isn't used all that heavily by boats, but the trail's used more by fisherman, runners, cyclists, etc. IMO and I could be wrong of course. The white truck/van like vehicle parked near the ramp makes complete sense they'd be there with a boat.

The "whatever it is" off to the right behind the trees caught my attention the more I looked at it. Looks like a truck to me but where it's sitting doesn't look like a normal parking area IMO. It does look like there are tire tracks leading there from Elmer unless that's something like overhead power lines playing tricks on my eyes.

Assuming it's tire tracks there aren't many, so it doesn't look heavily traveled, but it made me wonder what's there? Would park maintenance people go back there? People who happened to know the spot was there and wanted to park in the shade? Although it's a very small area the trees look pretty thick next to that one building with the really dark roof. What is that building? Is it abandoned? (it looks run down if you zoom in but of course gets so blurry it's hard to say). Is this an area someone local might know about?

Reposting the pic so anyone who's interested doesn't have to go back a page. To clarify I don't think this picture in and of itself has anything directly related to the girls' disappearance. I just appreciated seeing what the area looks like.

ETA: thanks to everyone who explained that the "mystery vehicle" off to the right is an old tank for kids to play on. We cross posted. :) I appreciate the insight!


  • Elmerpic.jpg
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I'm thinking that a camera at the firehouse may have caught the vehicle heading down Arbutus and later heading out, i.e., "arriving" "departing" the "area". MOO

ETA: They may have the girls biking with a vehicle entering Arbutus going toward the lake following them and only the vehicle exiting. MOO

OR the cctv caught a vehicle pulling in right before the girls and their bikes entered. :waitasec:
You're right, I thought about that after posting. Thanks. :) Is there any way we could find out (locals? stats?) how many boats get launched/taken out at the time of year when the girls disappeared? It strikes me as a lake that isn't used all that heavily by boats, but the trail's used more by fisherman, runners, cyclists, etc. IMO and I could be wrong of course. The white truck/van like vehicle parked near the ramp makes complete sense they'd be there with a boat.

The "whatever it is" off to the right behind the trees caught my attention the more I looked at it. Looks like a truck to me but where it's sitting doesn't look like a normal parking area IMO. It does look like there are tire tracks leading there from Elmer unless that's something like overhead power lines playing tricks on my eyes.

Assuming it's tire tracks there aren't many, so it doesn't look heavily traveled, but it made me wonder what's there? Would park maintenance people go back there? People who happened to know the spot was there and wanted to park in the shade? Although it's a very small area the trees look pretty thick next to that one building with the really dark roof. What is that building? Is it abandoned? (it looks run down if you zoom in but of course gets so blurry it's hard to say). Is this an area someone local might know about?

Reposting the pic so anyone who's interested doesn't have to go back a page. To clarify I don't think this picture in and of itself has anything directly related to the girls' disappearance. I just appreciated seeing what the area looks like.

I believe I read somewhere else on the net that there is a tank in E'Dale that has been there for eons and kids play on it. I think that is it. Someone above mentioned tank also. MOO
I wonder if the girls could have ridden their bikes at the skate park. My son was not into skateboards, but he had a BMX bike and we often took him to a skate park to ride his bike there. The local church also would take groups of kids, some had skateboards, others had their bikes. In fact, Lyric is about the same age as he when he took an interest in BMX. Little daredevil!

I'm a little behind on the thread so apologies if this has already been answered.

Bikes were banned from the skate park because the "pegs" on some bikes were damaging the ramps.

The Evansdale Park and Recreation Commission established a zero tolerance policy last month for graffiti, litter and damage to ramps at the park. Bikes, which poked holes in ramps from pegs and handle bars, were banned.


IMHO, I think the bikes were either staged or they went willingly. I find it so puzzling that they would be (out of character) riding their bikes toward the lake between 12:30 and 1:00, knowing GMA would not approve..knowing it was wrong..unless they thought it was okay to do so. Whether they entered a vehicle on Arbutus or at the actual trail, I think it may very well have been willingly. MOO
b b m
I'm leaning towards that. After reading that some here think the girls went willingly with a trusted person.....the girls could have said "yes ok, we're coming!" laid their bikes down and that was it! :(

Who did the girls talk with either personally, while on the computer or while on their cell phones maybe a day or 2 before they were abducted? :moo:
I'm believe that's an old army tank on the right for kids to play on.

Ohhh! Thank you! That makes sense. I could tell it was a vehicle of some sort but it seemed to be an odd shape for a truck.
All I can say is:

Who ever did this is

VERY, Very familiar with the way LE works,

such as an ex-police officer, ex-Fire fighter, or Career criminal that has done this before.


They were VERY, VERY, VERY Lucky


It was a "Perfect Storm"
Perfect storm.....No kidding CN2. I agree, especially seeing it's
2 months later and the girls are still missing.
AsFar as we know there isn't a poi.
And no evidence not even a clue leaked to the public.

Now how can 2 little girls be kidnapped in the middle of the day and no body see anything??? :banghead::moo:
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