Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #10

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If he didn't do this, imo, he knows who did.
His behavior puts him in this up to his eyeballs, whether his hands got dirty or not.

I agree. Every single thing he's said and done (and not said, and not done) points to his guilt.
For those of you that want to request a human interest story of Jennifer to be printed in the Evening Sun (but you wish to do it anonymously), go to the following link for their online 30 seconds and enter a short request...something like 'Human Interest Story needed about Jennifer Ramsaran. Interview sister & parents. Keep in public eye!'

I would think if MANY of us make this request daily they will get the message. I did one yesterday and plan to do it everyday until I see a story printed. I believe they will get tired of seeing these clog up their 30 seconds inbox. It's worth a shot! Join me in this effort please.

I sent an email yesterday to the managing editor.
I agree that Jennifer's parents and sister may not be inclined at this time to give an interview (perhaps later).

But I still think a human interest story could go forward. Other people could be interviewed -- Jenn's pastor, ladies from her knitting class, etc.

The more awareness, the better.

The story could include a brief overview of the facts of the case.

(For instance, my mother-in-law said she didn't think GR could have done it because he was home with the kids that day -- so much for getting the news at the church or grocery store).
If we are thinking outside the box then what are everyones thoughts as to what could have happened if GR had nothing to do with this. How will we react if LE comes back and says JR died after she left the house and that there is no evidence GR was involved. Circumstantial and anecdotal evidence aside, can we even come up with any alternate scenarios? I think we would all be shocked, but what if the police make an arrest of a local who saw JR that morning and something happened and they dumped her? We have to entertain this and be prepared for a potential shocker from left field, IMO. Truth is usually stranger than fiction and things are not always as they seem. Thoughts?

Believe me, I lie in bed at night and try to think up alternate scenarios. But I keep getting stuck with motive, means, and logistics.
Jen said she was prescribed steroids for what she called her "leg twitch". They were the most powerful that were allowed as sometimes the twitch became uncontrollable, she said they did make her drowsy if she needed to take them. Sorry, I have no idea what they were called though.

Thanks for that heads up, POB.

On this topic, I'm just thinking...if there were really a change in Jenn (which Jenn's sister says there was not)...some of that could be attributed to the meds she was on. Steroids can sometimes make people a bit irritable.

But...any physical changes would have been more likely weight gain (since both Cymbalta and steroids can contribute to that), not weight loss.
Just a reminder...

We can only discuss theories based on what is known at this time. Poisoning, drug overdose, etc. is not something that is known and can not be discussed. That may change if and when the Tox reports come out, at this time though its off the table.

It's just my opinion, but I don't think tox reports are going to reveal any coma-inducing levels of medications at all. Or anything like that. The location of Jennifer's body, the fact it was unclothed, and her phone and car were in different her husband saying she left, fully-dressed, to go shopping; it looks like foul play to me, nothing more and nothing less. Had she been in any sort of distressed or disorientated state before she left, I'm sure her husband would have mentioned it. He mentioned many other things.

Am I allowed to mention that a reward fund was begun and cancelled on one of Jennifer's fb pages? This is kind of what was bothering me about pressuring for media interviews with family. Unless we know for certain they want that....

I wish we knew if Jennifer's death is being investigated as a homicide. I tried looking up the names of homicide detectives on the Sherrif's website, but I couldn't even find the homicide department. Does anyone know the names and department of the detectives leading the investigation into Jennifer's death? Or if anyone has asked them if they are investigating Jennifer's death as a possible homicide? Forensic searches really lead me to believe they are.

nanasbabes, please don't eat crow yet. I don't think you'll ever have the need.

I'm not sure if the Chenango Sherriff's department has a homicide department. There's some years go by with no murders at they are using that time to go back and investigate cold cases...a homicide department wouldn't have a whole lot to do a lot of the time.
Ah, found what I was looking for. Thanks for the officer's name Jennifer. Lt Cobb does deal with homicide cases it appears:

So would it be factual and fair to say that: 'Jennifer's case is being investigated by an officer from the Chenango Sherrif's department who deals with homicides?'
Sorry, I meant to thank Jillian in the post above, but I typed Jennifer's name instead - her name is on my mind. I think Jennifer is inspiring us all though, so maybe thanking her isn't too much of a mistake.
Been back to the old threads...and finally found that posting I'd been looking for (the one that got deleted off of Runner's World). Fortunately, sreshotime posted a direct quote from Jennifer, that she posted on 9/17/12

Anyway, it gives us details on dosages of the 2 meds she was on, and then "a ton of other supplements"...

snipped- "I have fibro and started jog/walking.............
I originally wanted to loose more wieght before running but I have been stuck at my current wieght for a while and recently got bored with the walking. I'm on cymbalta 30 mgs and 800 skelaxin & high dose topical steriod plus a ton of other supplements for other issues............."

12/31 – post 375, p. 15, thread 1
I know in his case you can't hold a shotgun above your own head and pull the trigger and blood all threw the house when he was outside? Many questions that my brother never got answered. And CCS never went to hospital to even See him or his condition! Thats why i'm so hoping this case gets solved soon!!! J4J

nanasbabes. i lived in otselic area when that happend, my doughter was in school with his son at the time.ccs never called your brother back to awnser questions about your nephews shooting? that hole thing from start to finsih was terrible, including the party prior were he was threatend. i felt they prematuraly ruled it a suscide. as did most community members i spoke with. i wasnt awear that ccs never went to see him when he in the hospital for 3 mothns after a supossed attemted suicide,did they return your brothers calls?
i am so so sorry for your familys loss of your nephew
this, unfortanilty is a realistic depiction of ccs , and among many other reasons i and other are so concernd about jennifers family reciving justice.
Help me understand this? You are a community with a murderer(s) living among you!

To stifle yourself is a choice that you make. So help me understand WHY you and other locals would choose to be quiet about a murder?

are you local?
im kinda at my apex of comfort her on w/s. as much as i would like to go and picket for an officail releas from le, or a update from ,the one and only paper in the hole county, im just gonna lay low instead.
i work outside every day, i was 20 miles away on the week of dec11th. i drove on rt 23 that day. there was a few small 1 or 2 inch snow falls between the 11th and the 27 , nothing that stuck around acumlation of anything prior to the 27th

Do you think there could have been some accumulation up on Center Road, as it's a little higher? I noticed in ORR's video that there was a lot more snow up there.
nanasbabes. i lived in otselic area when that happend, my doughter was in school with his son at the time.ccs never called your brother back to awnser questions about your nephews shooting? that hole thing from start to finsih was terrible, including the party prior were he was threatend. i felt they prematuraly ruled it a suscide. as did most community members i spoke with. i wasnt awear that ccs never went to see him when he in the hospital for 3 mothns after a supossed attemted suicide,did they return your brothers calls?
i am so so sorry for your familys loss of your nephew
this, unfortanilty is a realistic depiction of ccs , and among many other reasons i and other are so concernd about jennifers family reciving justice.

Thank you for your concern about this, and no they did finally put on his DC undetermined. It took months to get that changed ,it was put as suicide first do to CCS said they were told by the people there that he did it but like i said it was impossible for him to pull the trigger! They have not called my brother at all and he calls and leaves messages. We were told the only way the FBI can take the case is if CCS closes it on there end, but they haven't done that yet either. That is why i am also concerned with Jenns case.
Still here reading and thinking of our Jennifer! I'm only quiet because I'm relying heavily on karma. Maybe the calm before the storm?

Not giving up on Jennifer or justice. Stronger than ever and my patience has built.

Tick tock.
Thank you for your concern about this, and no they did finally put on his DC undetermined. It took months to get that changed ,it was put as suicide first do to CCS said they were told by the people there that he did it but like i said it was impossible for him to pull the trigger! They have not called my brother at all and he calls and leaves messages. We were told the only way the FBI can take the case is if CCS closes it on there end, but they haven't done that yet either. That is why i am also concerned with Jenns case.

I'm quite sure that the FBI can and does assist local law enforcement agencies with open cases -- especially if the family has requested this. I going to check to make sure.

So sorry to hear about this tragedy in your family, and hope that the truth will come out and your nephew will receive justice.
i work outside every day, i was 20 miles away on the week of dec11th. i drove on rt 23 that day. there was a few small 1 or 2 inch snow falls between the 11th and the 27 , nothing that stuck around acumlation of anything prior to the 27th

I'm quite sure there was some accumulation before this, because my two older kids flew into the Binghamton airport the week before Christmas -- and I recall we were concerned about the snow possibly closing the airport (it's up on a small mountain).

Check out the JFJR page ... great to see local people are still getting Jen's name out there when they can.

This unassembled race car is going to have a JFJ bumper.
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