CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #15

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They all act like Fontelle stole daddy from them ....
as well as betrayed their mother.

Even tho he asked them to stay away 6 months prior to reconnecting with Fontelle.
This, because, according to CA Exile, he got fed up with them hounding him and always wanting/needing money.
Heck, he PAID them to stay away.

Z, I have been picking at threads to unravel the family dynamics myself also.

Bourne, I believe Fontelle was to be added to the trust as well. It would give her ownership of the home (he could just put in a life estate but I doubt he would do that). She would need funds for bills and upkeep to go with the ownership.

That generation made commitments, not prenups.
Poison Pen Letter
Long time lurker and I believe it would be most appropriate to post this letter entered as exhibit #19 from the hearing of October 31st 2011. I would like to call your attention to what I see as a glaring venom filled letter. RB called Bobs attorney on a Friday nite because she was so concerned about the bypass trust. How many of us could or would call an attorney in the evening to rant and rave about a trust?

Then in January she was putting together a demand letter with both of her sisters. Bob got wind of it and immediately went after JM son-n-law. Why??? Just a guess, but maybe Bob thought JM was pushing the daughters to get their dues. In any case there appears to be no love loss between the two of them.

Next once the daughters got the information letter from Bob’s attorney. It becomes apparent to RB that the bypass trust is a tax shelter for Bob. This is why she wanted clarification of the wording “if he needs” and “standards set forth in the trust instrument”

It appears that she is approaching panic mode. Note the words and phrases. “the rights of beneficiaries”…”incompetent or suspected improper handling of our mothers bypass trust”…”as beneficiary, I am entitled to”… “speculation”…”suspicion very stressful for me to endure”…”speculation and suspicion”…”legal rights of beneficiaries”…” family strife suffering”

This letter was written and sent just ten days before Bob vanished from his home. There is no doubt in my mind that this letter set the tone of the meeting Sunday the 26th of July 2009 the day before JM came over to take care of some needs at Bobs home.

WS, post752, Aug 2010 by JamacainMeCrzy

this post contains an attachment with the poison pen letter.
July 17,2009
Dear EIt
This is to confirm our telephone convsrsdion the eveniag of July l*,?fi09, I suggested &at you taay
wish to protect your client our father Robe* M. Harro{ by reminding him of the Califomia Probarc
Code, and advising &at he is in violation of the code in his failurc as trustee ofthe eshte of our
Mother, Georgia M. Harrcd, to produce copies of dwuments requested by a beneficiary.
ryqqry !919,_&!roglspelli,rggt!Ey_les nemqis- i B X
On September 30, 2008, I received a copy of yourAugust 16,2008 *Informatioa l.etter to Trust
Beneficiarie*' (Worm*ion Letter), via an ernail from my sister. Since I never r€ceivsd an original
letter, t can only assume the emailed copy to be an authentic version of the Inform*ion Letter. \n
August you had anticipated *rat the work to conclude administration ofthe esrats would take
approximately two months and that Se trusttr, would be 'lroviding reports of these matters as
requir€d by lavf', yet nothing has been provided. Eleven months later, I have received no reports or
documentation in connectioa wi& the estete of my Mothor, Georgia M. I{arro4 who pssed away
March 15, 2008, 16 months ago- I suryt your client never read or mailed tb Infarmation ktter.
As a beneficiary, I am kyirg to ebtain copies of all documents related to the estate, living tnrst, will,
bypass trust, aad reports concerning the b1ryass tust of our mother, Georgia M. Harrod.
My earlier January attempt to coordinaie preparation of a le,tter rcquesting these docurnents on behalf
of all three sisters in agreemen! resulted in our father contacting my brother-in-law and launehiag
into a lengthy aud totally uncalled-for angry timde! Needles to say, his phone call has been ttre
primary cause of a sizeable rift amongst the sisters ever since Janrmry. My sister Paula ended up
aking most ofthe blame for his inappropriate overreaction. All she did was fy to give him a
[trad ]dr. ]Iarrod been pryerly advised by legal cormse,l, or if son remembred the advice, or even
sought legal advice ahutfu$se requirements, he couldhaveeasilymderstood&e rights of
beneficiaries to r€qrrst and receive copies of docurnents. The entirc family could have avoided a lot
of unneessary anger and qpeculation abox possible ineompetent or suspected improper handling of
our Mo&er's blpass trust I e4plained fiis sitrnatioa to laou rrlren I requested fu
at the tinae I
contact€d you, as kis legal counse! on February 1, 2009. You sta&d you would ctr{tact and advis
your client
During a face to face visit with Mr. Harrod on Febnrary 28, I again requested copies of the
documents,assmingthatyouhadlythr"contactedhim. ItotdhimttathestrouUhavealready
been contacted by his attorney to which he insisted tlrat he had not heard anydring Aom you andhad
m idea ofufiat docunents I was talking aboul I mggested tlat he should conta& you, ior tegat
advice and errylanation ofthe legal requireme,nts as the tu$te€.
Attorney atLaw
Roberta D. (IIaEod) BradY,
July 17,2009 UOII'
Attonreyat Law
Contary to trustce speculation, I am only requestirg copics of those documents that, as hmficiary, I
am entitled ta. I have no interost in your client's olvn petmnal fiflansee uuless our Mother's wishss
are beingpl*ced in jeoparrily. The lack of documentation has caused much specul*ion fu other
family members along these lineq while I have aied to remain optimistic that all has been handled in
accordance with the laws.
ln yow lr{ormation le#er, it sates &at,'R,obert M.Ilarod -.- is entitled to additional dis*ibr*ions
&om the Bpass Trus* if he needs trem and if the invasions of principal are in accrydance with the
standards set forth in the trust instrunenf', Clarification of what is meant by, 5f he teeds" and,
"stan&ds5*&& in &e tmst instnuuenf', is aeeded to insfill confidence that each of tkse
- staqpents and standgds houor oJr mptheds-yrrshes. lrlced to hav-elopi6-ofrhahrsldosrments--
defining tlrc *standardd' ard *needt''.
Continrrcd family speculation of what the documents contain and some zuryicion that changes were
madeto documents afterdre passedhas ben verystrsssful forme toendue, asyou oan imagine.
The documene are needed in orderto be fullyand fasttrally informed, to dispel the speculation and
suryiciorq and be able to protect the legal dghts ofthe beneficiaries of our Mo&er's uust, if
necessary- In these documents, I medy wish to find rre,assuftrnce and ptoofthat our mother's wishss
are totally being honored and that it will coatinue in that manoer-
It was the recollection of my sisters that &e living tust included the will in rrytich our mother stated
her persorel wishes, i,e.: named executods), and &rcribed spific pereonal items tlrat she wishd to
be diskibut€d to each ofher dauglrters upon lrer deaft, While my sisters remember &i$ docunent
well, I neyer saw it and have not y€t rereived aoy of the items they rwalled and described as Morn's
personal wiS forme to rccsive.
I hope it will not h rccessary to rstain legal counsel to assist in obAiningthese documents. Sixteen
months is long enough to wait to see what my Mother's wishes were. If the documents are not
provided wi nr 30 dafa of receipt oft&is lelter without reasonable explanation, I will have no choice
but to seek my own legal advise, at the personal exlr€nse of the tru$ee, 1rcr Proba@a Code.
The lack of factual documentd inforrnati$r has already caused more additional undue stness and
frmily seife than you could imagine, espocially after srffering the loss of our Mother.
Thenks in advance for your Essistaocs in this matter, aod if pu have any questioos, please fecl free
tocoo$ctme, atmyhome
Roberta D. (Harod) Brady
Cc: Robe*M- Harrod
What in the world??? I tried to copy the document which is clearly readable and that is what I got when I pasted it???
When my daughter met "her man"....

I bought her a pale green silk comforter with purple embroidery on it, everything from a very light lavender to a deep purple. I got the bed skirt to match, the pillow shams and coordinating linens.

I wanted to buy her an aubergine gown and robe to go with, as well.
Couldn't find anything I liked, so bought her the aubergine set of luggage.

(This was before I was disabled and could afford some extravagances.)

My sister bought her a copy of Van Gogh's Irises.

She did not have a clue we were doing any of this and we did not ask her what colors she wanted.

It was simply a beautiful surprise.

I was working over 1000 miles away or you betcha I would have gone into her home and made up the bed on the same principles of a surprise party.
I so wish I could have seen her response! (and his just as much)

Also...anytime someone changes partners, it seems almost instinctive to get rid of the bedding and replace it.

So, in my mind...changing linens may or may not be indicative of any type of cover-up.

And it depends upon the family culture whether putting on a gift of bedding would be appropriate or not.

What is decidedly inappropriate it taking the gift back.

If Bob were wrapped in a blanket or sheet, would it not be much smarter to get one out of the linen closet?????????????
Fontelle – sounds like a straight-shooter, very blunt and witty, matter-of-fact person. She appears sharp mentally. I trust most of her statements though I think she exaggerated about Bob considering including her in the trust as the police says there's no evidence of that. LE says Bob did write down that he wanted to add her to his checking accounts, but that was it. Checking accounts only, not the trust.
bourne, double check on the Disappeared episode and look at the yellow legal pad showing Bob's to do list. It is in his own handwriting. It is a list of accounts he was going to add Fontelle to. It is very clear he is adding her to his estate planning and financial accounts. Additionally, LE said he hadnt added Fontelle to any accounts yet. There is no question he intended to.

Hard to do that, however, when you disappear on the morning of the first business day following a heated family meeting. Just sayin.
When my daughter met "her man"....

I bought her a pale green silk comforter with purple embroidery on it, everything from a very light lavender to a deep purple. I got the bed skirt to match, the pillow shams and coordinating linens.

I wanted to buy her an aubergine gown and robe to go with, as well.
Couldn't find anything I liked, so bought her the aubergine set of luggage.

(This was before I was disabled and could afford some extravagances.)

My sister bought her a copy of Van Gogh's Irises.

She did not have a clue we were doing any of this and we did not ask her what colors she wanted.

It was simply a beautiful surprise.

I was working over 1000 miles away or you betcha I would have gone into her home and made up the bed on the same principles of a surprise party.
I so wish I could have seen her response! (and his just as much)

Also...anytime someone changes partners, it seems almost instinctive to get rid of the bedding and replace it.

So, in my mind...changing linens may or may not be indicative of any type of cover-up.

And it depends upon the family culture whether putting on a gift of bedding would be appropriate or not.

What is decidedly inappropriate it taking the gift back.

If Bob were wrapped in a blanket or sheet, would it not be much smarter to get one out of the linen closet?????????????

Of course it would. I guess it depends on whether or not you were in a blind panic regarding what you did.

Fontelle said it was Julie who called Fontelle Monday night around 8pm to say “Bob’s missing” right when Fontelle was about to call Julie to ask where Bob was. It seems to me that if those were the very first words that came out of Julie's mouth, then Julie called "on cue", like she knew Fontelle would start to suspect something, so Julie called Fontelle to head her off. I say this because when you can't reach someone, the first words you usually say are question words of inquiry, such as "Have you seen or heard from [Bob]?" You don't make a positive assertion as Julie did that "Bob's missing."

very good point! Thank you!

LE was let in for the welfare check by the grandson who lives very nearby.

Using this post as a spring board..... It would be really interesting to know if Julie called Fontelle before or after Roberta called for the well being check.

I suspect Julie called Fontelle, because they were probably both dialing her dad's at the same time and Julie caught several busy signals, prompting her to know Fontelle must be calling.....

OR, AH was still in the house from the well being check and let his mom know Fontelle's number kept calling and that perhaps she should call Fontelle to let her know grandpa is missing.
Using this post as a spring board..... It would be really interesting to know if Julie called Fontelle before or after Roberta called for the well being check.

I suspect Julie called Fontelle, because they were probably both dialing her dad's at the same time and Julie caught several busy signals, prompting her to know Fontelle must be calling.....

OR, AH was still in the house from the well being check and let his mom know Fontelle's number kept calling and that perhaps she should call Fontelle to let her know grandpa is missing.

Genius, Cubby!!!

I was looking at documents this morning and saw both the reports on the welfare check and the initial entry for filing missing person, I did not think to check the times.
Poison Pen Letter
Long time lurker and I believe it would be most appropriate to post this letter entered as exhibit #19 from the hearing of October 31st 2011. I would like to call your attention to what I see as a glaring venom filled letter. RB called Bobs attorney on a Friday nite because she was so concerned about the bypass trust. How many of us could or would call an attorney in the evening to rant and rave about a trust?

Then in January she was putting together a demand letter with both of her sisters. Bob got wind of it and immediately went after JM son-n-law. Why??? Just a guess, but maybe Bob thought JM was pushing the daughters to get their dues. In any case there appears to be no love loss between the two of them.

Next once the daughters got the information letter from Bob’s attorney. It becomes apparent to RB that the bypass trust is a tax shelter for Bob. This is why she wanted clarification of the wording “if he needs” and “standards set forth in the trust instrument”

It appears that she is approaching panic mode. Note the words and phrases. “the rights of beneficiaries”…”incompetent or suspected improper handling of our mothers bypass trust”…”as beneficiary, I am entitled to”… “speculation”…”suspicion very stressful for me to endure”…”speculation and suspicion”…”legal rights of beneficiaries”…” family strife suffering”

This letter was written and sent just ten days before Bob vanished from his home. There is no doubt in my mind that this letter set the tone of the meeting Sunday the 26th of July 2009 the day before JM came over to take care of some needs at Bobs home.

WS, post752, Aug 2010 by JamacainMeCrzy

this post contains an attachment with the poison pen letter.

JuM's announcement (for that is what it was) to Fontelle that 'Daddy's missing' reveals a couple of things;

That JuM already knew Fontelle was not aware Bob had gone missing.
That JuM already knew no other family member had called Fontelle to tell her.

So as far as I can see, that means JuM must have contacted both her sisters, and her son and discussed Bob's missing status with them, before calling Fontelle. Hence she knew, none of them had let Fontelle know.

Leading me to conclude that JuM was so concerned by what her husband JeM had told her about Bob's disappearance she called all her family members, as well as (according to her own postings) hospitals, coroners offices etc.

But neither she nor JeM were concerned enough to go down to the house to check. Or report Bob missing. Or have any direct contact with LE. Instead they put their son in the middle, to stand outside on the driveway, waiting for LE to do the welfare check that night.

And JuM left Fontelle - the one we all know would have acted straight away - until last. Fontelle was the last person JuM informed, when she should have been the first. It shows a complete diregard of Fontelle's status as Mrs Harrod, imo.

Yet the very next morning, JuM was at the house, smiling for the tv cameras when she explained how she would 'be there to welcome' Dad's new wife. As though Dad's new wife was the most important person to her in the world. After her Dad, of course.
What in the world??? I tried to copy the document which is clearly readable and that is what I got when I pasted it???

Oh you poor thing! It's a complete pain, I know..........but your astounded response did make me laugh. That's exactly what I did the first time it happened to me. I also started smacking my computer though.

That got Mr Z to fix my problem in a hurry. :)
For those who have not read Roberta's letter.


  • Poison Pen Letter.pdf
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Roberta's letter. AKA The Poison Pen Letter. Part one.

July 17th, 2009.

Attorney at Law

This is to confirm our telephone conversation the evening of July 10th, 2009. I suggested that you may wish to protect your client, our father Robert M. Harrod, by reminding him of the California Probate Code, and advising that he is in violation of the code in his failure as trustee of the estate of our Mother, Georgia M. Harrod, to produce copies of documents requested by a benificiary.

Please note, the proper spelling of my last legal name is not B**** but is spelled *****.

On September 30th, 2008, I received a copy of your August 16, 2008, "Information Letter to Trust Beneficiaries" (information letter), via an email from my sister. Since I never received an original letter, I can only assume the emailed copy to be an authentic version of the information letter. In August you had anticipated that the work to conclude administration of the estate would take approximately two months and that the trustee, would be "providing reports of these matters as required by law", yet nothing has been provided. Eleven moths later, I have received no reports or documentation in connection with the estate of my Mother, Georgia M. Harrod, who passed away March 15th, 2008, 16 months ago. I suspect your client never read or mailed the Information Letter.

As a beneficiary, I am trying to obtain copies of all documents related to the estate, living trust, will, bypass trust, and reports concerning the bypass trust of our mother, Georgia M. Harrod.

My earlier January attempt to coordinate preparation of a letter requesting these documents on behalf of all three sisters in agreement, resulted in our father contacting my brother-in-law and launching into a lengthy and totally uncalled-for angry tirade! Needless to say, his phone call has been the primary cause of a sizeable rift amongst the sisters ever since January, My sister Paula ended up taking most of the blame for his inappropriate overreaction. All she did was try to give him a "heads-up".

Had Mr Harrod been properly advised by legal cousel, or if so, remembered the advice, or even sought legal advice about trustee requirements, he could easily have understood the rights of beneficiaries to request and receive copies of documents. The entire family could have avoided a lot of unnecessary anger and speculation about possible incompetent or improper handling of our Mother's bypass trust. I explained this situation to you when I requested the copies, at the time I contacted you, as his legal counsel, on February 1, 2009. You stated you would contact and advise your client.

During a face to face visit with Mr Harrod on February 28th, I again requested copies of the documents, assuming you had by then contacted him. I told him that he should have already been contacted by his attorney to which he insisted that he had not heard anything from you and had no idea of what documents I was talking about. I suggested that he should contact you, for legal advice and explanation of the legal requirements as the trustee.

To be continued...
Roberta's letter. AKA The Poison Pen Letter. Part two.

July 17, 2009
Attorney at Law

Contrary to trustee speculation, I am only requesting copies of those documents that, as beneficiary, I am entitled to. I have no interest in your client's personal finances, unless our Mother's wishes are being placed in jeopardy. The lack of documentation has caused much speculation by other family members along these lines, while I have tried to remain optimistic that all has been handled in accordance with the laws.

In your Information Letter, it states that, "Robert M. entitled to additional distributions from the Bypass Trust if he needs them and if the invasions of principal are in accordance with the standards set forth in the trust instrument". Clarification of what is meant by, "if he needs" and, "standards set forth in the trust instrument", is needed to instill confidence that each of these statements and standards honor our mother's wishes. I need to have copies of the trust documents defining the "standards" and "needs".

Continued family speculation of what the documents contain and some suspicion that changes were made to the documents after she passed has been very stressful for me to endure, as you can imagine.

The documents are needed in order to be fully and factually informed, to dispel the speculation and suspicion, and be able to protect the legal rights of the beneficiaries of our Mother's trust, if necessary. In thses documents, I merely wish to find reassurance and proof that our mother's wishes are totally being honored and that it will continue in that manner.

It was the recollection of my sisters that the living trust included the will in which our mother stated her personal wishes, i.e: named executor(s) and described specific personal items that she wished to be distributed to each of her daughters upon her death. While my sisters remember this document well, I never saw it and have not yet received any of the items they recalled and described as Mom's personal wish for me to receive.

I hope it will not be necessary to retain legal counsel to assist in obtaining these documents. Sixteen months is long enough to wait to see what my Mother's wishes were. If the documents are not provided within 30 days of receipt of this letter without reasonable explanation, I will have no choice but to seek my own legal advise(sic), at the personal expense of the trustee, per ProbatXXX Code.

The lack of factual documented information has already caused more additional undue stress and family strife than you could imagine, especially after suffering the loss of our Mother.

Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, at my home *******


Roberta **********

Cc: Robert M Harrod.
Roberta's letter. AKA The Poison Pen Letter. Part one.

July 17th, 2009.

Attorney at Law

This is to confirm our telephone conversation the evening of July 10th, 2009. I suggested that you may wish to protect your client, our father Robert M. Harrod, by reminding him of the California Probate Code, and advising that he is in violation of the code in his failure as trustee of the estate of our Mother, Georgia M. Harrod, to produce copies of documents requested by a benificiary.

Please note, the proper spelling of my last legal name is not B**** but is spelled *****.

On September 30th, 2008, I received a copy of your August 16, 2008, "Information Letter to Trust Beneficiaries" (information letter), via an email from my sister. Since I never received an original letter, I can only assume the emailed copy to be an authentic version of the information letter. In August you had anticipated that the work to conclude administration of the estate would take approximately two months and that the trustee, would be "providing reports of these matters as required by law", yet nothing has been provided. Eleven moths later, I have received no reports or documentation in connection with the estate of my Mother, Georgia M. Harrod, who passed away March 15th, 2008, 16 months ago. I suspect your client never read or mailed the Information Letter.

As a beneficiary, I am trying to obtain copies of all documents related to the estate, living trust, will, bypass trust, and reports concerning the bypass trust of our mother, Georgia M. Harrod.

My earlier January attempt to coordinate preparation of a letter requesting these documents on behalf of all three sisters in agreement, resulted in our father contacting my brother-in-law and launching into a lengthy and totally uncalled-for angry tirade! Needless to say, his phone call has been the primary cause of a sizeable rift amongst the sisters ever since January, My sister Paula ended up taking most of the blame for his inappropriate overreaction. All she did was try to give him a "heads-up".

Had Mr Harrod been properly advised by legal cousel, or if so, remembered the advice, or even sought legal advice about trustee requirements, he could easily have understood the rights of beneficiaries to request and receive copies of documents. The entire family could have avoided a lot of unnecessary anger and speculation about possible incompetent or improper handling of our Mother's bypass trust. I explained this situation to you when I requested the copies, at the time I contacted you, as his legal counsel, on February 1, 2009. You stated you would contact and advise your client.

During a face to face visit with Mr Harrod on February 28th, I again requested copies of the documents, assuming you had by then contacted him. I told him that he should have already been contacted by his attorney to which he insisted that he had not heard anything from you and had no idea of what documents I was talking about. I suggested that he should contact you, for legal advice and explanation of the legal requirements as the trustee.

To be continued...


She writes like this is HER money. Unbelievable!!!!
Oh, snap Angelo. I didn't see your post there! Could have saved myself a lot of typing!

I like it better typed out for all to see. Thank you!
The other thing that immediately stuck out to me is that my 'Mother' invariably has a capital M, whereas my 'father' doesn't. Telling.

As for the story of the family strife, the stress, the speculation.......that tells a story in itself, imo. Panic with a capital P. And, at least according to RB, with most of it coming from other members of the family.

So if this is a letter from the family member who was trying to stay calm, trying to be optimistic......well, I hate to think what state the other two sisters must have been in.
Welcome back bourne. Thank you so much for summing up the entire case - it's very helpful to see all the circumstances through fresh eyes.

My thoughts about Bob being picked up on the street are that it is unlikely for a couple of reasons; if you look on the map, Carnation Drive ends in a cul de sac, as do many of the streets around it. It just doesn't look like a good place for a potential abductor to drive up and down, without having to turn their vehicle around and draw attention to themselves by passing back the way they had just come. A street abduction seems like a really risky strategy too.

The other thing that bothers me about that scenario is that Bob was reported to have not taken his glasses with him (at least originally. That too, has been 'subject to change'.) His friend said he wore them everywhere.

You're welcome! :)

Having very limited (and also some inconsistent) information to go on -- basically from only the Disappeared episode, some legal documents, and my skimming of insightful posts from this forum -- it's challenging to conclude with any certainty what exactly happened to sweet Bob.

I can say that immediately upon finishing watching the episode for the second time was that I felt:
a) Bob was still depressed when he was on the wedding interview (and I recall the narrator of the episode stating that their wedding was EXACTLY a month to the day he disappeared -- so it's possible Bob disappeared on his own);
b) Bob made a list of repairs for Jeff (so it didn't appear Jeff was lying about doing home improvements on Monday for Fontelle's impending arrival on Wed);
c) Daughter Paula was likely NOT in on Bob's disappearance. It's hard to imagine someone that heartbroken about witnessing her dad's emotional breakdown during and after her mom's illness and subsequent death being involved in harming Bob. JMO based on years of clinical work...

Re: Bob's eyeglasses. That was not mentioned at all in the episode. But I do recall earlier reading that his glasses were not found at the home but that in later days his daughters then claimed he had several pairs. I'm inclined to believe that Bob had more than one pair, because if he's as meticulous a person as I believe he is, he likely owns at least two pairs of eyeglasses -- for the just-in-case situations whereby one pair is broken, etc. So I think he did have at least two pairs of eyeglasses.

What I'd like to know is whether LE ascertained how many pairs he had, and whether his daughters were aware when he would switch glasses...I know in my family, some members wear glasses and I'm very observant so I always notice when they switch eyeglasses/sunglasses, etc. One would think Bob's daughters would know exactly how many pairs their own dad had/wore.

If indeed as you say, Bob only owned the one pair and that one went missing, then yes, I would speculate that he did not go off on his own that morning.

However, as I say, I think he owns more than one pair, and the fact that he left his slippers at home suggests that he wore his sneakers out. Did LE mention whether they found the sneakers he wore often? Even if he had more than one pair, most men I know don't rotate sneakers (as I do to keep them from stinking up, I wear a different pair each time I workout, lol but I'm aware that most men don't do that)...So if the typical ones Bob wore are missing, then I'd say he had them on and this would give credence to the fact that he might have been out on his daily walk.

Re: cul-de-sac street where Bob lived. It's possible that he didn't just walk a straight path. Perhaps he walks not just up and down the block as was suggested in the episode, but rather around the corners of blocks to enjoy different scenic routes. I know when we go hiking or even just to the parks, we take different routes so as to diversify the scenery and explore...It would be nice to know Bob's general walking pattern(s). Too bad he didn't seem to have a walk buddy...

If Bob walked a non-straight path, I could see someone who might have purposefully parked away from his home waiting for Bob in order to do him harm...Who would know he walks that certain path but someone close or who's been stalking him, I gather. I'm still thinking it HAS to be Jeff, or Jeff's son. Jeff already was scheduled to be at Bob's home for repairs on Monday, and apparently Jeff's son has no job so he has plenty of time to stalk/abduct Bob.

Re: Josie. I also did speculate in my mind's eye that Bob's abductor could have been the barber who got angry with Bob for getting married to Fontelle because she had fancied marrying him herself so she could get a hold of all his $money. That in a sudden fit of rage, whilest trying to express her emotions to him, killed him because she couldn't have him. But then cops say Josie had an alibi, so that eliminates that theory.

Re: Fontelle. It would appear that she might have been one of the very last people to speak with Bob that Monday morning. I'd like to know what was said between her and Bob so we can get a sense of his state of mind that morning. Perhaps she asked him to include her in the trust, etc. as it's bewildering why she told LE that Bob was arguing with his daughters over her being included in the trust when Bob did not write that down in his notes. He had only written down that he was adding her to his checking account, and for him not to jot something so important as adding Fontelle to his trust doesn't make sense to me. Anyhow, perhaps she asked Bob about adding her to the trust, and then he thought she might have only married him for his $money and along with his being fed up with his greedy, money-grubbing family, he decided to vanish/do away with himself...

Anyhow, my latest two theories are:
1) Foul play by Jeff and his son, with Julie's knowledge or planning, or
2) Bob, if he on a pair of eyeglasses, walked off on his own and did something to himself because of all the in-fighting over his $money.
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