NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 1 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

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Struggling actor 'killed University of New Hampshire student then plotted with his then-girlfriend to claim she was strangled during consensual sex act'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ia-charged-killing-student.html#ixzz2RNvSngvr
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From the above link:
"Mazzaglia faces two alternate theory first-degree murder charges. One alleges he strangled Marriott. The other alleges he used physical force to strangle her before, during or after an attempt to sexually assault her."

So this means he raped (or attempted to rape) and killed Lizzi using strangulation and then the girlfriend helped him cover the murder up. Was she scared he'd do the same to her or just plain stupid? Why would she help the man who was ready to cheat on her with her friend and in the attempt murdered her friend?

Poor Lizzi. May you Rest in Peace and be Happy.
They've released the police affidavit for SM. Here is the most comprehensive story I could find. Lots of details and potential answers to questions on this thread:


I can't find a link anywhere to the original documents-- does anyone know where to find it? (Usually they release these in pdf form along with the news story, correct? They released the indictment docs, for instance.)

So it really sounds to me like KM was centrally involved in the murder. I also suspect that the Rochester couple made some sort of deal with prosecutors (since it sounds like they were aware/involved to some extent, possibly criminally liable themselves), because of that detail about the conversation with KM being recorded by "Roberta" right before xmas-- and then a couple days later they arrested KM. They probably let the Rochester couple off the hook if they were willing to "wear a wire" so the prosecution could get KM. I'm thinking any future trials may come down to how much she was "under the influence" of SM based on her age and vulnerability being the female and "sub" in the relationship-- it just doesn't seem to be in question, IMO, that she was involved in at least the coverup and disposal of the body, if not the act itself.

Also, I wanted to share an odd experience I had. Synchronously and just by chance, I was face to face with KM at a local business here in NH just the day before they released the police affidavit. It was surreal and quite creepy because she seems to be an utterly normal young woman, polite etc. just working a typical retail job. I recognized her but obviously did not say anything (she rang us up).

I also went to high school with SM, and to UNH for college, so this whole thing has hit very close to home (my high school was very small and I had many classes with SM). He was definitely "different" and quite socially awkward-- very much into fantasy books and martial arts (he'd often do "demonstrations" for the whole school at assemblies)-- but other than that I found him to be rather intelligent and generally pretty nice. He did have a creepy vibe to him: it was a running joke of mine in fact that I was always nice to him because I didn't want to "end up on a kill list." Not that funny now considering the events, but nevertheless it's true that you could tell something "sinister" was going on with him.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I do seem to remember him making comments from time to time that seemed to suggest a) a break with reality, or rather an absorption into fantasy that was borderline delusional (I'm talking things like him speaking from the point of view of a fantasy character in otherwise normal conversation, and pretending that dragons or other fantastical beings/animals were real without really acknowledging he was joking-- i.e. he never "broke character") and b) a sort of "coldness" where he would talk about killing "ninjas" or "enemies" and various graphic ways in which you could do this using swords and such (for example in his martial arts demonstrations he would say things like "See what I did just there, that took out 4 enemies, decapitated one etc. etc." even though obviously there was nobody there... and usually he followed his comments with a peculiar inappropriate laughter). It was odd but I think most of us just found it kind of funny and maybe felt bad for him because he was socially inept with much of this stuff and didn't seem to perceive that others found it absurd. Also, I know it's not really a rational thought, but I can't help but wonder if we, as his classmates, could've done something different to make him feel more included or "normal" or something (not that he was actively outcast or bullied or anything, but it was a very small community and it was probably very easy to feel alienated). And who knows if it would've made any difference anyway, and it's obviously no excuse for him, but still it gives me pause for thought about the nature of socialization/fantasy/alienation.

Anyway, as for KM, I am actually surprised she was let out on bail considering the possibility that she was actively engaged in the murder and to such an extent-- and in the Fosters story it says she and Mazzaglia had sex the next morning because she was "excited" by the murder the night before (as well as the detail that she "finished the job" in terms of LM's body not sinking initially). Seems so creepily inhuman to me.
Welcome to WebSleuths JustGimmeSomeTruth! It's great to have you here...

They've released the police affidavit for SM. Here is the most comprehensive story I could find. Lots of details and potential answers to questions on this thread:


I can't find a link anywhere to the original documents-- does anyone know where to find it? (Usually they release these in pdf form along with the news story, correct? They released the indictment docs, for instance.)

So it really sounds to me like KM was centrally involved in the murder. I also suspect that the Rochester couple made some sort of deal with prosecutors (since it sounds like they were aware/involved to some extent, possibly criminally liable themselves), because of that detail about the conversation with KM being recorded by "Roberta" right before xmas-- and then a couple days later they arrested KM. They probably let the Rochester couple off the hook if they were willing to "wear a wire" so the prosecution could get KM. I'm thinking any future trials may come down to how much she was "under the influence" of SM based on her age and vulnerability being the female and "sub" in the relationship-- it just doesn't seem to be in question, IMO, that she was involved in at least the coverup and disposal of the body, if not the act itself.

Also, I wanted to share an odd experience I had. Synchronously and just by chance, I was face to face with KM at a local business here in NH just the day before they released the police affidavit. It was surreal and quite creepy because she seems to be an utterly normal young woman, polite etc. just working a typical retail job. I recognized her but obviously did not say anything (she rang us up).

I also went to high school with SM, and to UNH for college, so this whole thing has hit very close to home (my high school was very small and I had many classes with SM). He was definitely "different" and quite socially awkward-- very much into fantasy books and martial arts (he'd often do "demonstrations" for the whole school at assemblies)-- but other than that I found him to be rather intelligent and generally pretty nice. He did have a creepy vibe to him: it was a running joke of mine in fact that I was always nice to him because I didn't want to "end up on a kill list." Not that funny now considering the events, but nevertheless it's true that you could tell something "sinister" was going on with him.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I do seem to remember him making comments from time to time that seemed to suggest a) a break with reality, or rather an absorption into fantasy that was borderline delusional (I'm talking things like him speaking from the point of view of a fantasy character in otherwise normal conversation, and pretending that dragons or other fantastical beings/animals were real without really acknowledging he was joking-- i.e. he never "broke character") and b) a sort of "coldness" where he would talk about killing "ninjas" or "enemies" and various graphic ways in which you could do this using swords and such (for example in his martial arts demonstrations he would say things like "See what I did just there, that took out 4 enemies, decapitated one etc. etc." even though obviously there was nobody there... and usually he followed his comments with a peculiar inappropriate laughter). It was odd but I think most of us just found it kind of funny and maybe felt bad for him because he was socially inept with much of this stuff and didn't seem to perceive that others found it absurd. Also, I know it's not really a rational thought, but I can't help but wonder if we, as his classmates, could've done something different to make him feel more included or "normal" or something (not that he was actively outcast or bullied or anything, but it was a very small community and it was probably very easy to feel alienated). And who knows if it would've made any difference anyway, and it's obviously no excuse for him, but still it gives me pause for thought about the nature of socialization/fantasy/alienation.

Anyway, as for KM, I am actually surprised she was let out on bail considering the possibility that she was actively engaged in the murder and to such an extent-- and in the Fosters story it says she and Mazzaglia had sex the next morning because she was "excited" by the murder the night before (as well as the detail that she "finished the job" in terms of LM's body not sinking initially). Seems so creepily inhuman to me.

Welcome from me too :) and thank you very much for your very interesting and insightful first post!

As you describe him it really sounds he has some long standing mental issues and should have been professionally evaluated and treated long ago. Maybe he is schizophrenic (just a guess, I'm by no means an expert)? It could be that he acted out a long "cherished" fantasy of his when he murdered Liz.

You couldn't know how deep this goes and how sick he really was and I'm convinced you would not have been able to help him integrate better at the time. But I understand that it makes you think and wonder, and look at people and situation differently in retrospect.

I can imagine it's quite unsettling to have known him.

And I agree that it's puzzling that they let KM out on bail. Maybe she is considered not a threat to anyone and not at flight risk. She does sound cold hearted and creepy though.


Thanks for joining and sharing! :seeya:

May 07. 2013 8:03PM
Union Leader Correspondent

State police affidavits unsealed on Tuesday include claims by Mazzaglia that McDonough tossed evidence into dumpsters and submerged Marriott's body in the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth.

Mazzaglia told investigators that he dragged Marriott's body from his car to an overlook on Peirce Island, where he pushed it into the water, state police Detective Sgt. Sara Hennessey said in a sworn affidavit."When Ms. Marriott's entire body did not enter the water, McDonough completed the task, entirely submerging the victim's body," Hennessey said, summarizing Mazzaglia's account. "Afterwards, McDonough made a joking reference to 'Davey Jones's locker.'"
Thank you for all the MSM updates, Summer Breeze! :seeya:

I am so glad that more information is being revealed regarding the murder of poor Lizzi!

They've released the police affidavit for SM. Here is the most comprehensive story I could find. Lots of details and potential answers to questions on this thread:


I can't find a link anywhere to the original documents-- does anyone know where to find it? (Usually they release these in pdf form along with the news story, correct? They released the indictment docs, for instance.)

So it really sounds to me like KM was centrally involved in the murder. I also suspect that the Rochester couple made some sort of deal with prosecutors (since it sounds like they were aware/involved to some extent, possibly criminally liable themselves), because of that detail about the conversation with KM being recorded by "Roberta" right before xmas-- and then a couple days later they arrested KM. They probably let the Rochester couple off the hook if they were willing to "wear a wire" so the prosecution could get KM. I'm thinking any future trials may come down to how much she was "under the influence" of SM based on her age and vulnerability being the female and "sub" in the relationship-- it just doesn't seem to be in question, IMO, that she was involved in at least the coverup and disposal of the body, if not the act itself.

Also, I wanted to share an odd experience I had. Synchronously and just by chance, I was face to face with KM at a local business here in NH just the day before they released the police affidavit. It was surreal and quite creepy because she seems to be an utterly normal young woman, polite etc. just working a typical retail job. I recognized her but obviously did not say anything (she rang us up).

I also went to high school with SM, and to UNH for college, so this whole thing has hit very close to home (my high school was very small and I had many classes with SM). He was definitely "different" and quite socially awkward-- very much into fantasy books and martial arts (he'd often do "demonstrations" for the whole school at assemblies)-- but other than that I found him to be rather intelligent and generally pretty nice. He did have a creepy vibe to him: it was a running joke of mine in fact that I was always nice to him because I didn't want to "end up on a kill list." Not that funny now considering the events, but nevertheless it's true that you could tell something "sinister" was going on with him.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I do seem to remember him making comments from time to time that seemed to suggest a) a break with reality, or rather an absorption into fantasy that was borderline delusional (I'm talking things like him speaking from the point of view of a fantasy character in otherwise normal conversation, and pretending that dragons or other fantastical beings/animals were real without really acknowledging he was joking-- i.e. he never "broke character") and b) a sort of "coldness" where he would talk about killing "ninjas" or "enemies" and various graphic ways in which you could do this using swords and such (for example in his martial arts demonstrations he would say things like "See what I did just there, that took out 4 enemies, decapitated one etc. etc." even though obviously there was nobody there... and usually he followed his comments with a peculiar inappropriate laughter). It was odd but I think most of us just found it kind of funny and maybe felt bad for him because he was socially inept with much of this stuff and didn't seem to perceive that others found it absurd. Also, I know it's not really a rational thought, but I can't help but wonder if we, as his classmates, could've done something different to make him feel more included or "normal" or something (not that he was actively outcast or bullied or anything, but it was a very small community and it was probably very easy to feel alienated). And who knows if it would've made any difference anyway, and it's obviously no excuse for him, but still it gives me pause for thought about the nature of socialization/fantasy/alienation.

Anyway, as for KM, I am actually surprised she was let out on bail considering the possibility that she was actively engaged in the murder and to such an extent-- and in the Fosters story it says she and Mazzaglia had sex the next morning because she was "excited" by the murder the night before (as well as the detail that she "finished the job" in terms of LM's body not sinking initially). Seems so creepily inhuman to me.

Thanks for your story and insights. I find it very interesting that you found SM to be a tad odd back in school. Your instincts were correct!
Welcome from me too :) and thank you very much for your very interesting and insightful first post!

As you describe him it really sounds he has some long standing mental issues and should have been professionally evaluated and treated long ago. Maybe he is schizophrenic (just a guess, I'm by no means an expert)? It could be that he acted out a long "cherished" fantasy of his when he murdered Liz.

You couldn't know how deep this goes and how sick he really was and I'm convinced you would not have been able to help him integrate better at the time. But I understand that it makes you think and wonder, and look at people and situation differently in retrospect.

I can imagine it's quite unsettling to have known him.

And I agree that it's puzzling that they let KM out on bail. Maybe she is considered not a threat to anyone and not at flight risk. She does sound cold hearted and creepy though.


Thanks for joining and sharing! :seeya:

Thank you Elainera and everyone for your warm welcome. I've been a long-time lurker on this thread and in general (my wife and I like to watch Disappeared/Cold Case Files and then go on websleuths and see if there are any new developments), but I felt compelled to post given my proximity to the case, history with Seth, and chance encounter with Kat the other day.

Interestingly, Elainera, I actually work in the mental health field and so I have more than 5 years professional experience working with schizophrenics (in addition to personal experience with a friend of mine). You're correct it is possible that he could be schizophrenic, but actually I wouldn't necessarily suspect that he genuinely has the disorder (plus, unlike other illnesses, there isn't really any physical test that can be given to determine a diagnosis-- it's all done by behavior profiles and as every case is unique, "schizophrenic" amounts to a catch-all to describe a wide range of issues). Usually to be officially diagnosed, one's symptoms have to be significantly disruptive to everyday life, ability to work, etc. It seems SM was pretty functional so he probably wouldn't meet that criteria.

I'm more inclined to see his fantasy stuff as escapist behavior or a defense mechanism that escalated over time (hence my wondering about socialization in high school, because he may have been naturally eccentric, but something has to drive someone to that degree of escapism. Granted I wasn't really close with him, so I don't know of his family history and home situation).

Also, I do very much appreciate your sentiment that we probably couldn't have done anything different to help him integrate better-- it has been very interesting to see our classmates' reactions on social media (I was friends with Seth on facebook actually until he or someone else shut down his account soon after being arrested... there were some especially creepy mundane/cheery posts from him during the period between the murder and his arrest, regarding him and Kat making plans to visit with friends the following weekend, etc), a lot of people were very quick to distance themselves and over-simplify his character, IMO. I suppose I'm a bit more introspective/reflective than most, and so my reaction was more along the lines of being deeply disturbed but also trying to understand how and why this could've happened.

I understand the need for people to distance themselves, but in a graduating class of only 52 people, it's just impossible to not have known him well and interacted with him frequently. Like it or not, we affected his development, and he ours. To be honest I always kind of felt bad for Seth because of how inept he seemed to be-- and myself being similarly "nerdy" (I'm more into hard sci-fi than fantasy/theater), I empathized with his "different" status, although I was more accepted by the mainstream at school. I think in a larger environment, he may have been more able to find like-minded people that shared his interests and personality. Again, not that this excuses the actions he is accused of whatsoever, but these things don't just happen out of the blue.

Ultimately it is just so tragic for everyone involved (but most of all for Lizzi and her family).

Weirdly, for me, this is the 2nd high-profile murder that I've been obliquely related to, the first being Kathleen Smith's murder up in Burlington VT (I lived up there for several years before moving back to Seacoast NH, and Kathleen was my coworker): http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/...spect-bound-stabbed-Kathleen-Smith-Burlington

So needless to say, my continued synchronous connections with these events have seriously creeped me out (I just now found out that my best friend from high school's mother used to employ KM's mother). It has forced me to consider the evil that human beings are capable of, but I remain hopeful that there is some deeper understanding that can be gleaned.

Thanks again everyone for welcoming me, I have appreciated your community from afar for some time now, so I look forward to contributing and participating further.

PS- Has anyone found a link to the original documents yet? Or will they likely not be released to the public? (I thought if they are "unsealed" that they are supposed to be directly accessible as a matter of public record?)
Respectfully snipped

PS- Has anyone found a link to the original documents yet? Or will they likely not be released to the public? (I thought if they are "unsealed" that they are supposed to be directly accessible as a matter of public record?)

Hi again and thank you. I cannot find a link to the actual documents, and I believe they were released just to the parties that filed the FOIA requests. (news outlets)
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