Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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And yes, Travis lost his cool and said some really rough stuff to her in roughly 2 or 3 texts/email/iM of over 82,000 in 18 months. While he said things he should not have it seems obvious it was out of character and a fit of anger and given Jodi's demeanor on the stand...probably provoked by exasperation with dealing with her.

Not directed at you TexMex but it seems some misunderstand my post to clarify the juror did not say TA was physically abusive...

I do NOT believe Travis was abusive in any way.
Yes, the one email was very harsh but for reasons Tex lists above, I don't judge him as abusive based on one email.

If something is not crystal clear in a post (esp when boards are flying) there are often misunderstandings and the boards are taken off on tangents. I was trying to avoid a big cluster&*(k that may occur when someone logs on, sees only that the juror said TA was abusive and lead us down a wormhole defending TA against physical abuse allegations.

So - the juror said the belief that TA was verbally/emotionally abusive was something he had to take into account when deciding a verdict.
But... But... But.... I'll miss you!! :tears:

This trial isn't over yet. I promised myself that I'd stay till the end for the sake of Travis' family and you guys. Guess I shouldn't put away the slow-cooker and throw away the take-out menus for another couple of months. :scared: :seeya:
I was too upset about the verdict to post any more yesterday and stayed off the computer for the rest of the night. DH picked up a pizza, and we watched the Red Wings game (they're up 3-1 in the series with Chicago), but we switched back to HLN between periods.

I am frustrated beyond belief with the outcome of the penalty phase of the trial but was glad to hear that the hung jury was 8-4 in favor of death. I hope this frightened the @#$% out off of Jodi even though she and her DT are gloating over their mistrial. I saw the video clip of her returning to the jail several times and noticed that she kept her face covered with a manila envelope. By that time, she knew the outcome but might not have known when court was dismissed.

HLN reported that KN and JW plan to remain on the case, but I'm not sure that this is true. Jodi might opt to fire both of them and hope that she can manipulate new attorneys. I'm not confident in the outcome of a retrial of the penalty phase with a jury that won't have seen/heard all of the evidence first-hand or watched Jodi's courtroom antics and the unprofessional machinations of her current DT.

Personally, I would prefer that the DA and/or JM take the death penalty out of the equation and that Jodi is sentenced to life in prison without parole so that she never has an opportunity to inflict emotional or physical harm on another human being. :moo:

I noticed that a bunch of the regular folks on here were absent yesterday so now I know why! It was probably a good idea to "decompress." I, however, remained on, so am still boiling over yesterday.

I do disagree with you though that DA should settle...I think if the family is willing and wants to, they should do it b/c I see it like this...that JSS will most probably give her LWOP, so then what do they have to lose? The jury might come back with life...which would be LWOP by JSS...they might come back hung again...which is again LWOP, or they might come back death, which is a win. So I see it as, they have nothing to lose. And the family has already been through so much, I have a feeling they would be willing to endure some more for the chance at the death penatly. MOO.

I do think CMJA was very surprised that there were some for death, and I think for that reason she will come out with all guns blazing for the next trial. But that will make her seem all the more fake and stubborn and basically inauthentic. So I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. The harder she tries, the more fake she comes across.
I don't understand the juror's comments about Jodi being abused. What does that have to do with the penalty phase? I thought the jurors were only supposed to be weighing the mitigating factors against the crime she committed? Am I missing something?
Me too.

I don't get it.

Sounds like the foreman had sympathy for the murderer for testifying for 18 days and being subjected to Juan's courtroom style. Did it not occur to him that her lawyers kept her up there for that long? On purpose?

This is exactly why her best shot was with this jury. The strategy backfired, and they hung. The next one will put her down -- precisely because they wil not be near the contagion long enough to become infected.
I haven't been able to read many of yesterdays post but is there rumors of the 8-4 split being 8 men vs 4 women and if the Foreperson was a female? TIA
Keep this handy while we continue to hear from jurors.


1.Church Lady- Mid 50's, short hair, no make-up, glasses.
This lady looks absolutely disgusted the whole time. I never once saw her look in the direction of JA. Not ONCE. She either stares straight forward or looks at JM.

2.Trump-Guy in 40's, lots of hair, car salesman look.
I called this guy "Comb Over" he had his head resting on his hand almost the whole time. He also never looks at JA. He seemed to be paying attention, but also seemed bored.

3.Housewife-She is a big lady (tall and heavy set, not obese) with a very sweet face, no make-up.
Interesting different view today. I called her the "Angry Neighbor Lady" Lol. I wrote that she follows along, but has a constant "sour puss". I don't know if it's just "her look" or what, but she seemed to be frowning every time I looked at her.

4.Grandpa-Bald, sweet faced older man that looks like my grandpa.
I also named this man Grandpa. He does have a sweet face and seems the "calm" type.

5.excusedTricolor-Early 30's, short, stylish haircut with three colors, reminds me of one of my hairstylists.
This is the only one I remembered Anita's name for because her hair stood out, Lol. She reminded me of my best friend. She probably gave more facial expressions than any of the others. She is very engaged and took a fair amount of notes.

6.Nancy-Lady in her 50's, lovely face, reminds me of Nancy Reagan with glasses, short sassy haircut.
I called her Spikey Hair. Anita's description is better. She was the only one I saw look at Jodi when the jury first walked in. She took a lot of notes.

7.Paul Rudd-Younger guy, mid-late 20's with spiky hair, sweat jacket, looks like the actor Paul Rudd.
He does look like Paul Rudd, but with shorter hair. He's a good looking young man.

8.The CEO-Good looking man, mid 50's with goatee. Can see him being the jury foreman.
I called this guy "The Dad". He looks nothing like my dad, Lol, but for whatever reason... I got a fatherly feel from him.

9.Willy-Old hippy with long white ponytail, thin, small build.
This guy looked PIZZED the whole time. He seemed to be staring towards the media lady or just into the corner. I only saw him look at JM or JA maybe once.

10.Barb-Female, 40's ALTERNATE, has the "sexy librarian" look, wearing a form fitting sweater, slender build and voluptuous. If ANYONE on the jury is offended by disparaging comments regarding breast augmentation, my guess is it would be her. She is the only juror I couldn't see very clearly; just when she entered and exited the courtroom and when I stretched up out of my seat to gawk at her.
I called this lady "Plain Jane" She was very hard to see from where I was, but I could tell she was taking notes quite a bit.

11 Excused for duration of the trial due to illness.Poquito-Little Mexican guy (maybe 5'3) with long graduated pony tail, lots of facial hair and piercings.
I called him "Paco" He was hard to see too, but mostly because he was slouched down in his seat I thought he'd fall off Lol. At one point he was bent over instead of slouching, but still very hard to see.

12.Neil-Early 50's high forehead, glasses, looks very nervous and turns red easily. This is the guy that makes KCL nervous.
I called this guy "Jim" I wrote "very hard to read".

13.The Wrestler-Younger good looking guy, large build.
I called this guy "The Jock" He reminded me a little of Oz on American Pie (Chris Klein).

14.Old potsmoking CPA (I have no idea why I wrote this, i have ZERO recollection of this juror. He did not make any impression on me, other than when I was going down the rows naming them.)
I called this guy Sleepy. He swiveled in his chair a lot and fell asleep at least twice. He was also slouched down in his chair.

15.Elderly Man ALTERNATE-This man is definitely the oldest juror, he occasionally uses the headphones to listen to the proceedings that Jodie's Auntie uses.
I called him "Captain" He has a very intense gaze. It's hard to describe but he gives off a stubborn and no bs vibe. Maybe ex military or something?

16.Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.
I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a "polished" look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

17.Pony Tail-Young girl, ALTERNATE pony tail, plain, pony tail and sweats.
I called her frumpy lady. Not in a rude way... it's just the word that came to mind. Very plain. She took a lot of notes.

18.The Artist-Bald, attractive, glasses, 50's-60's, large build, holds his notebook on a binder as if he's going to sketch. He looks around the gallery a lot. I thought we met eyes a couple of times, but who knows, that room is so huge!
This guy also had a very intense gaze. He took some notes. He rubbed his face and tapped his fingers to his lips a lot. He wasn't the only one doing stuff like that, but I'll get into that in my notes.
As difficult as it will be to have a new trial all over again I think Travis' family needs it for closure. If they don't have a new trial then they will be haunted by the what-ifs. They'll forever guess about the possible outcome.

If they have another hung jury or a life sentence then I think it will be easier to accept knowing they gave it their all.

Yes and you have to be there with us!!
Foreman said he could not believe A YOUNG WOMAN.had done this...................REALLY???
wont say what i really feel on here my opinions of him an the rest are not allowed.

OMG I missed that...darn me changing the channel! I have it back on HLN now.

Oy vey...if the Foreman was thinking that way...then they were really stuck.

Does anyone have a link for the foreman's interview this morning ?

Thanks !
Respectfully snipped

I hope the jury now sees everything and realizes what a horrible mistake they made by not giving her death. She will torture the Alexander family forever if she isn't put to death.

There was a case .. perhaps the case that Shall Not Be Named... after the jury verdict ,a rich successful restauranteur placed a full page ad to tell the jury what he thought. It would be very interesting if somebody posted a full page ad to show the jury what they did not hear! But that is only in my dreams. that could never happen. as that could be used against the jury selection for the next trial.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
R u finding this juror comments on HLN?

Keep this handy while we continue to hear from jurors.


1.Church Lady- Mid 50's, short hair, no make-up, glasses.
This lady looks absolutely disgusted the whole time. I never once saw her look in the direction of JA. Not ONCE. She either stares straight forward or looks at JM.

2.Trump-Guy in 40's, lots of hair, car salesman look.
I called this guy "Comb Over" he had his head resting on his hand almost the whole time. He also never looks at JA. He seemed to be paying attention, but also seemed bored.

3.Housewife-She is a big lady (tall and heavy set, not obese) with a very sweet face, no make-up.
Interesting different view today. I called her the "Angry Neighbor Lady" Lol. I wrote that she follows along, but has a constant "sour puss". I don't know if it's just "her look" or what, but she seemed to be frowning every time I looked at her.

4.Grandpa-Bald, sweet faced older man that looks like my grandpa.
I also named this man Grandpa. He does have a sweet face and seems the "calm" type.

5.excusedTricolor-Early 30's, short, stylish haircut with three colors, reminds me of one of my hairstylists.
This is the only one I remembered Anita's name for because her hair stood out, Lol. She reminded me of my best friend. She probably gave more facial expressions than any of the others. She is very engaged and took a fair amount of notes.

6.Nancy-Lady in her 50's, lovely face, reminds me of Nancy Reagan with glasses, short sassy haircut.
I called her Spikey Hair. Anita's description is better. She was the only one I saw look at Jodi when the jury first walked in. She took a lot of notes.

7.Paul Rudd-Younger guy, mid-late 20's with spiky hair, sweat jacket, looks like the actor Paul Rudd.
He does look like Paul Rudd, but with shorter hair. He's a good looking young man.

8.The CEO-Good looking man, mid 50's with goatee. Can see him being the jury foreman.
I called this guy "The Dad". He looks nothing like my dad, Lol, but for whatever reason... I got a fatherly feel from him.

9.Willy-Old hippy with long white ponytail, thin, small build.
This guy looked PIZZED the whole time. He seemed to be staring towards the media lady or just into the corner. I only saw him look at JM or JA maybe once.

10.Barb-Female, 40's ALTERNATE, has the "sexy librarian" look, wearing a form fitting sweater, slender build and voluptuous. If ANYONE on the jury is offended by disparaging comments regarding breast augmentation, my guess is it would be her. She is the only juror I couldn't see very clearly; just when she entered and exited the courtroom and when I stretched up out of my seat to gawk at her.
I called this lady "Plain Jane" She was very hard to see from where I was, but I could tell she was taking notes quite a bit.

11 Excused for duration of the trial due to illness.Poquito-Little Mexican guy (maybe 5'3) with long graduated pony tail, lots of facial hair and piercings.
I called him "Paco" He was hard to see too, but mostly because he was slouched down in his seat I thought he'd fall off Lol. At one point he was bent over instead of slouching, but still very hard to see.

12.Neil-Early 50's high forehead, glasses, looks very nervous and turns red easily. This is the guy that makes KCL nervous.
I called this guy "Jim" I wrote "very hard to read".

13.The Wrestler-Younger good looking guy, large build.
I called this guy "The Jock" He reminded me a little of Oz on American Pie (Chris Klein).

14.Old potsmoking CPA (I have no idea why I wrote this, i have ZERO recollection of this juror. He did not make any impression on me, other than when I was going down the rows naming them.)
I called this guy Sleepy. He swiveled in his chair a lot and fell asleep at least twice. He was also slouched down in his chair.

15.Elderly Man ALTERNATE-This man is definitely the oldest juror, he occasionally uses the headphones to listen to the proceedings that Jodie's Auntie uses.
I called him "Captain" He has a very intense gaze. It's hard to describe but he gives off a stubborn and no bs vibe. Maybe ex military or something?

16.Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.
I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a "polished" look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

17.Pony Tail-Young girl, ALTERNATE pony tail, plain, pony tail and sweats.
I called her frumpy lady. Not in a rude way... it's just the word that came to mind. Very plain. She took a lot of notes.

18.The Artist-Bald, attractive, glasses, 50's-60's, large build, holds his notebook on a binder as if he's going to sketch. He looks around the gallery a lot. I thought we met eyes a couple of times, but who knows, that room is so huge!
This guy also had a very intense gaze. He took some notes. He rubbed his face and tapped his fingers to his lips a lot. He wasn't the only one doing stuff like that, but I'll get into that in my notes.
this jury is a joke. Simple. How does this jury sit on one of the longest trials in history, agree on m1 and cruelty which essentially opens up the doors for dp - and they can't agree? 8 to 4?

Don't come in here saying that we should respect the jury and that they've done a great job. They didn't. What they did was extend this trial another 8 weeks and not give closure to the alexander's.

Don't say you are dp qualified then second guess sentencing jodi to death if you feel bad that she's too young or it's her first crime, or whatever lame and insufficient excuse those 4 juror's made. Travis' life was taken in the most brutal way.. And you come back hung jury?

I'm done with this trial. I'm glad it'll be off for 8 weeks or however long. This is exactly what is disgusting with our justice system. The dp/lwop should be majority vote, because if the juror's decision comes down to personal beliefs on sentencing someone to death.. You're pretty much sol.

And, the fact that they were divided when they just got started was not an indicator that it would be a hung jury. How many jurors begin their sentencing deliberations where all jurors agree right from the start that death is the way to go? It's usually split halfway or even less. In the Andriano case they had a long weekend off to think things through. The foreman gave a speech outlining his reasons for the death penalty. In this case, I don't know whether the foreman was just not that effective or whether there were a few jurors who were stubborn from the start.

If there were jurors who were unwilling to consider death in this case then that certainly means that they lean more towards life in general.

I saw the snippet this morning where the foreman talks about believing that she was mentally and verbally abused. That had to have an effect on how he presented things to the jurors.

I'm reeling from the fact that the lies worked. Abuse will be the number 1 excuse for every murder. It was all lies and it worked. Ye gods.

I believe he voted for life.
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