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Uncut Version of Dylan's Dad on Disappearance

Transcript of Uncut Video Of Dylan's Dad

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #5

Reporter: OK. So, thank you so much for speaking with me on camera, Mark.

Mark: You're welcome.

R: What's it been like?

M: Well, it's been a tough time for all of us. I know it's been difficult on me and I can only imagine how it's been for his mom and his brother and his family over in the Colorado Springs area. And we're doing everything we can to try and find Dylan and keep the focus on finding Dylan. And you know, I've been working with the investigators and to make sure all the bases are being covered on that end. And that's pretty much where I'm at with that. I mean I'm doing everything I know how to do.

R: I want to get this subject out of the way first. There's a lot of suspicion out there, even when Elaine went on ABC news...

M: Right.

R: She was... can you address that?

M: Um, well I can only imagine being the mother and the frustration of hearing about your son going missing. And you know, I can only think that has to do with lashing out and trying to find who is accountable for this in this situation. I've been working closely with the investigators to do what needed to be done because you know, he was last seen at my house. And there's rumors going around that he's been spotted by people. You know, our concern is that something has happened to the point now where we just want to keep in the public's eye, you know Dylan's face, keep the focus on Dylan. And you know, don't worry about me and everything's going to be alright on my end. But I know this is a troubling time for Elaine and my son Cory, I spoke with him last night and I'm surprised we were able to hook up today because one of the things we're trying to do is unite together. And I have my oldest son from the Phoenix area here and of course my brother is here. And we're trying to unite as a family and stay focused on what's important here. And you know everybody wants to focus on me but the focus isn't me right now. The focus is finding Dylan and that's where I'm at.

R: Why do you think people want to focus on you?

M: Well, because I think that's a natural part of the process and because you know, he was last seen with me and he was with me the night before. And you know, I saw him in the morning before I left to go run my errands. You know, that's the logical place to start. And so, it doesn't at all surprise me, you know that they searched my home yesterday because quite frankly, I was expecting that to happen a week ago. So, you know my opinion is that we're all a week late and in where were at with this. So my focus is what do we need to be doing now to keep searching for Dylan and bring him home.

R: Do you have anything directly to say to Dylan?

M: Dylan, my prayers are with you and I love you very much. He was the light of my life and he meant everything to me. And I just want him home just like everybody else does. And that's why we've got to keep searching for him. Because somebody knows something. We've got to find him and we need to know he's okay.

R: This is you guys' platform today. You can use this to get out any message you want.

M: Well, I don't want the focus to be mainly on me. I want the focus to be mainly on Dylan because that's where, that's the most important thing right now. And you know, if the process of what's going on with the authorities and the people handling this is to search my home, all the had to do was ask. I would have willingly let them come in. I've given them, I've cooperated with them in every way. Anything they've asked me for, I've been willing to do. Anything they suggested I do, whether it be sitting at the house waiting for the phones to ring or Dylan to walk through the front door, I'm willing to do whatever I need to do. And that's what I want everyone to understand is that, you know my focus is on Dylan and what's going on with him and trying to keep the investigation moving forward in whatever necessary means that is. So, you know in cooperating with them and we can you know, keep the focus on the search for Dylan. And that's where I'm at with all of this.

R: So you went to run errands. Were you going to take him with you to run errands?

M: Well, there was some discussion he had with me the night before about leaving with me so I could drop him off in the Bayfield are with one of his friends that had been trying to text him or that he had been communicating with. As he had indicated to me he had been up until 4 o'clock in the morning the night before, he was tired from being in the airport most of the day in his travel from Colorado Springs to Durango. I laughed at him kind of jokingly because I know him. If he ain't got to get up, he's not likely to get up. And he's not the type of kid who's going to get up at 6:30 if he doesn't have to. But you know, his friends are important and I know they're important me. So there was a possibility but it doesn't surprise me he elected to not get up when I left. And when I left, he acknowledged everything I was saying to him and that I would be back. He knew when I came back that I would be working on getting him down to his friends. And that's part of the struggle we all have, you know, what happened to him between the time I left and when I got back. And that's what nobody seems to be able to answer.

R: Can you tell me about your plans for Thanksgiving?

M: Well, because he was with me for such a short period of time, we had touched on a few things. One of the things was we talked about going to my brother David's house in Castle Rock. Um, I know his friends were important to him so we were wanting to make sure he had adequate time with his friends. Um, you know basically the plan was Monday and Tuesday he would spend with his friends. Maybe Wednesday, you know we had talked a little bit about going bowling or doing something as an activity, not with just me and him, his friends included. Then we would have Thanksgiving day to ourselves. Or there was a possibility we would travel and get to my brother's house. So, you know, none of that ever got finalized. I mean, we were just focusing on the next day and what we were going to do and how that was going to take place. That's as far as we really ever got. You know, his friends are important to him and I certainly don't expect him to spend a whole week with me when he's got, he's grown up in this community and he's got tons of people who love and care about him.

R: So he was going to spend a whole week with you. When was the last time he saw you?

M: Um, I think probably sometime in early September, I had flown him over from Colorado Springs on a round trip ticket on that point so he came over here and probably spent three or four days with me and that. And then you know, we obviously got him back to the plane and got him back safely to his mom. And you know, in that case it was a transfer flight from the Durango airport or Denver airport leaving to Colorado Springs. And it was my goal to keep him on a direct flight or one that he never had to change planes on with because there was some controversy between mom and I about him being thirteen years old and being able to do those kinds of things. And so, you know, when I got the flight for him I made sure it was flight he could get on in Colorado...


I transcribed this almost verbatim. Any mistakes are my own. It is now after 3 am. LOL

Hope this helps!

And thanks to momrids6 for getting the transcripts posted so quickly!


CAPTION: Why Does Mark say he wasn’t too concerned about Dylan’s Disappearance when he first returned home?

(The mini clip – photo of MR alone video)

Dr. Phil: So you get back at 11:30 and he’s gone…

MR: Right

Dr. Phil: Umm… and so you just laid down to take a nap

MR: Well, no… that… when I got back at 11:30, I didn’t think much of Dylan not being there. I mean, he knows the area, he’s been up to my house MANY times, there’s a campground at the end of the road that’s not (?) right by the river which he tends to go up to every now and then. There’s a bridge right down the street where it crosses over the river which he’s been known to hang out before. There’s a rock wall that’s right directly behind my house that he’s been known to go stompin around in the woods back there. I mean.. it didn’t… I didn’t find it… odd.. that he wasn’t sittin’ there waitin’ for me.

ER: In November?? Mid November??

MR: And you sent him…you sent him without a coat???

ER: Why is it always my fault? Why can’t you take any of the responsibility?

Dr. Phil: At 1:30 you wake up, he’s still not there?

MR: Right

Dr. Phil: Did something go off in your head then?

MR: Absolutely. This is when I’m calling him on his cell phone. I’m sending him text messages. I’m trying to communicate to him… you know… at some point I start realizing that you know this is not like Dylan.

ER: You’re his father. How could you do this to him?

MR: Elaine, I don’t have… I don’t know where Dylan is. I haven’t had anything to do with this…

ER: I don’t believe you…I know that’s a lie. I know you had something to do with this.

MR: Really…

ER: Yes… Yes… Where’s the last….You were the last one to see him. Okay?

MR: I don’t believe that that’s true.

ER: I don’t care what you believe. I don’t have Dylan. I wish I had Dylan, because if I had Dylan we wouldn’t be on the Dr. Phil show, Okay?

MR: I wish I had Dylan, too, but that’s not…

ER: Did you hurt him?

MR: No, Elaine!! I wouldn’t hurt him… what kind of mother are you to even think that I was capable of doing something like that?

ER: I was your wife for 18 years. I brought you all the way to Dr. Phil to speak with you because you won’t speak with me.

Dr. Phil: What I care about is finding …this… child…

MR: Which is all I care about as well…

Dr. Phil: Did you take a polygraph in this matter. Did the police ask you to take a polygraph?

MR: I did. They did ask me...

Dr. Phil: And what were the results?

MR: Well,… there’s been some conflict as to what the actual reaser…(Stumbles on word) results are.

Dr. Phil: Well what did they tell you?

MR: Well they told me that I failed it. Then they told me it was inconclusive… and there was some question about the person giving the polygraph as to whether or not they were capable of performing that… polygraph test…


CAPTION: Map of Where Mark Traveled

(Photo of Dr. Phil in front of a map video – bottom of page)

MR: She never called me. She not one time ever called me.

Dr. Phil: Why would she lie about that?

MR: Well, that’s what… that’s a good question. She ever tried to call me. She has never picked up the phone and tried to call me.

Dr. Phil: So you’re telling me the truth. She did not call you?

MR: Absolutely! She did not call me. At any point. From…

ER: Why didn’t you call ME? You lost him.

MR: I lost him…

ER: Where is he??? He’s not here. You were the last one to see him. Why didn’t you call ME? Why do I have to call you when you lost our son? That doesn’t make sense.

MR: And this is exactly why I wouldn’t want to communicate to you because YOU can’t sit here and have a civil conversation with me ‘cos you wanna’ be … (interrupted)

ER: Because I’m angry with you.

MR: Because you want to be accusing me… (interrupted)…. and pointing …

ER: for losing our son… I’m angry with you…

MR: You’ve said that… several times…

ER: It’s true….

Dr. Phil: Well, I’m not angry with you…I’m just asking you questions to try to get information. You think he walked away from the house…

MR: One of his friends lives up at the lake where I live, and it’s right across from the marina, so it’s not a very far distance for him have…to try to reach out to his friend who lives up at the lake.

Dr. Phil: Okay…

ER: 6 miles

MR: It’s NOT six miles!

It is too far for Dylan, and there was no indica….

MR: It’s not 6 miles from my house to the end of the road.

ER: He would have texted somebody and had somebody come get him.

Dr. Phil: Okay…well, let me… help me out here. See if I have this uhhh correct. (Dr. Phile walks up to screen/map). This is your house, right here.

MR: That’s correct

Dr. Phil: And this is his friends house – uhhh… would this be Tristan’s house here?

MR: That would be T’s

Dr. Phil: This is his friend’s house…

MR: Right in front of the lake…

Dr. Phil: and… we did go to Google maps and that’s 5.9 miles.

ER: Yeaaaahhhhhh

(Sounds like audience laughter)

Dr. Phil: From here to here…

MR: Well, now she said to the end of the road….

Dr. Phil: Well, I don’t know where… about the end of the road
But this is 5.9 miles which Doesn’t seem like all that far to me I don’t know if that’ suphill or downhill, but…

MR: It’s pretty flat – it’s a little windy.

Dr. Phil: So you can walk from there to there. And So then we say Dylan’s friend, 2nd house, this is his grandmothers…

ER: His friend’s grandmother, yes…

Dr. Phil: And so…

MR: And that was the only place I knew to go…and when I …

Dr. Phil: Those are the only two that he could go…

MR: There was more than just the two, but those are the only two where I knew where they lived.

Dr. Phil: And that morning, you got up and you went here – first to the payroll office

MR: To my company’s office

Dr. Phil: Right, Then you went to the attorney’s office,

MR: Correct

Dr. Phil: Then you made this kind of circuit uhhh here, then this whole circuit that you went around was about – you were gone for about 4 hours

MR: I was gone for about 4 hours

Dr. Phil: So you saw him before you left.

MR: I did, yes…


CAPTION: Mark describes his actions after he returned home and Dylan wasn’t there. And, Elaine explains why she’s suspicious of Mark Video

When I got home, the TV was on and it was on to one of the Nickolodeon channels that he’s always watching. I didn’t notice his backpack not being there. There was a fishing pole at the house and it was Dylan’s fishing pole. That fishing pole was never found. I did lay down and take a nap for probably no more than an hour. I started looking for him at 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon. I contacted his friend that he had been texting the night before. They hadn’t heard from him all day, so that’s truly when it started to set in. Where’s Dylan?

I immediately went to the LE people. While I was at the Marshall’s Office I contacted Elaine and asked her specifically had she heard from him. That’s where the finger started getting pointed at me -- right then and there -- like I had some involvement. The next thing I know I’m getting a call from my divorce attorney who had been contacted by her attorney. Quite frankly, I find that just a little odd, that the first person you contact is your divorce attorney. This is before we even truly knew that Dylan was missing.

The Sheriff’s Office people showed up here. They were canvassing the area and checking out a few places he could possibly be. They took sweat pants, a Samsung cell phone, my iPod. People wanna’ say that I’m behind it. I absolutely had nothing to do with Dylan’s disappearance.

Dr. Phil:
Well, Dylan’s mother, Elaine, says nothing her ex-husband, Mark, says adds up and his explanations seem suspicious.

When I found out Dylan was missing, my first gut reaction was: Mark! Dylan texted me the night that he arrived where his dad lives and that was the last time I heard from him – 7:06 p.m. He didn’t like spending time up at his dad’s cabin because it was so isolated. Monday the 19th Mark texted me and asked me if I had heard from Dylan. It was very disconcerting that I was 6 hours away and he’s asking me that question. Apparently, when he got home at 11:30 and Dylan wasn’t there, he decided to take a nap. Mark’s facts are grossly incorrect about everything. I never spoke with a lawyer. I do believe Mark has something to do with Dylan’s disappearance. I do believe he knows more. He’s done everything other than look for Dylan, and that’s what makes me suspicious. I have more concern over my lost dog than he has over his lost child. He wanted control over all of us. The story that he’s providing is not consistent with who Dylan is. Dylan absolutely did not run away. He had nothing to run away from. Dylan was a texter. It doesn’t make sense that he stopped texting that night. If Dylan was just going out to see his friends that day, he wouldn’t have taken all of his belongings. None of his belongings have been found. Mark talks about his backpack and a fishing pole. Dylan is NOT a big fisherperson. He didn’t even know how to thread his own line. Dylan was not watching Nickolodeon. Dylan watched MTV. He doesn’t know his kid well enough to make up a good lie. I believe Mark was the last person to see Dylan.


CAPTION: “He goes missing and y’all trade text messages?”

Dr. Phil: He goes missing and y’all trade text messages? What’s up with that?

ER: Well, that’s how he let me know that Dylan was missing through a text…

Dr. Phil: And what did you do when you got that text?

ER: I…. tried to call him directly thereafter, and then… umm … I texted him back!

Dr. Phil: And… you didn’t talk on the phone?

ER: No…he is not… he’s been very evasive. He umm spoke with our older son, right after it happened.

Dr. Phil: Did you stay after him until you talked to him?

ER: No. I didn’t. I mean, I texted him, umm… but, I didn’t continuously call him, and then after texting he blocked me from his phone, so I can’t even text him anymore.

Dr. Phil: So your son has been missing for three months …

ER: Yes…

Dr. Phil: …and his mother and father have not talked?

ER: Right…and I’ve asked him on …

Dr. Phil: That is beyond bizarre to me, I’m sorry. That is just…. I don’t care if you two had beat each other to a pulp,

ER: I agree.

Dr. Phil:
...called each other everything but decent… it wouldn’t matter to me if my son was missing, all bets are off …all peccadilloes are gone. I can’t imagine the two of you wouldn’t talk.

ER: That’s why I’m here, Dr. Phil. I need a forum to be able to speak to him. I’ve asked on many occasions to meet with him, with a mediator, without a mediator. I don’t think we need a mediator, because I have no issues with my ex-husband. I just want to find my son.

Dr. Phil: So he went to visit… this was a scheduled visitation…

ER: Yes.

Dr. Phil: …with his father, and he’s going to be there for Thanksgiving?

ER: Yes.

Dr. Phil: He arrives, and you said he was not happy about being there because it was so isolated.

ER: And his dad didn’t really do stuff with him, so they just….

Dr. Phil: Well you didn’t say that. You said that you got a message from him that says I have arrived and he gave you an unhappy face…

ER: Yes.

Dr. Phil: and you said because it was so isolated you didn’t say because he didn’t like his dad, because he didn’t do anything with him, you said because it was so isolated out there.

ER: It was isolated, yes, and there was not a lot for Dylan to do.

Dr. Phil: Your son, like a lot of 14-year-olds, was a real techy type, right?

ER: Yes.

Dr. Phil: I mean they live on these smart phones, and they text a lot.

ER: He did text… all the time.

Dr. Phil: Right, and at 9:30 that night, all texting stopped?

ER: Yes.

Dr. Phil: Is that unusual?

ER: Absolutely! Especially when he’s up there!

Dr. Phil: ‘Cos he’s a text animal. He…

ER: Yes.

Dr. Phil: That was his lifeline to the world. He…

ER: Exactly.

Dr. Phil: He was texting. So right up ‘till 9:30 he’s texting and then just zip… zero… So he could of gone to sleep, right?

ER: 9:30 seems a little early for Dylan, but…ummm

Dr. Phil: Okay, what time would he usually go to sleep?

ER: Probably about 11, midnight, somewhere around there

Dr. Phil: So 9:30 would be early.

ER: 9:30 would be early, and it’s definitely early for him to stop texting, especially when he was so excited to see his friends.


CAPTION: “Emotions Run High When Elaine confronts her Ex. “You were the last one to see him, and now he’s just gone!” And Dr. Phil weighs in on the parents’ conduct.

MR: She has never picked up the phone and tried to call me personally. At any point.

Dr. Phil: Is that true or false?

ER: That’s false. But…. It’s par. Because you always… always…. lie. You … I don’t even think you know the truth about anything.

MR: And… and…and the point is that you know the truth?

ER: I know that I don’t have Dylan. Where is Dylan?

MR: I don’t have Dylan, Elaine.

ER: You know where Dylan is, Mark! You were the last one to see him! You were the last one to have any contact with him! It was on your watch! Where is the responsibility? When do you sit back and say, I Lost Dylan!

MR: I didn’t lose, Dylan, Elaine.

ER: Then why is he gone?

MR: Well, you know, that’s a question we all have to ask…but nobody’s got the answers…

ER: No!!! YOU have to ask that question! You had him! Where is he? He’s not here? No one can find him. You were the last one to see him and now he’s just gone. That doesn’t happen.

MR: Dr. Phil, that… for her to sit her and say that I’m the last person to see him is not accurate. The postal worker that delivers my mail to me saw him….

ER: That’s never been confirmed.

MR: By you?

Dr. Phil: I’ve been doing this for a long time and you’ve heard me say, I’ve got one agenda here and that’s to try to find this young boy. I have no preconceived judgments here at all.

(Looks at Mark) I don’t know you. I don’t know whether you had anything to do with this or not. I certainly don’t assume that you did, but I also don’t assume that you did not.

(Looks at Elaine) I don’t know that you did, I don’t assume that you did not.

I just don’t jump to those conclusions. But I’ll tell you what I do… is …I make informed decisions based on skilled observations. I’ve been doing this for 35 years. I was trained as a forensic psychologist -- that’s psychology and the law. Having worked as an officer of the court … in situations just such as these, I am accustomed to what typical conduct is and what is not. I gather information based on that, and I’m curious whether (looks at Mark) you’re interested in fighting with her and blaming her or if your interested in finding your son, because since you’ve been out here you haven’t said one word about your son? Are you interested in finding your son?

MR: Very much so, which is the whole point of me being here.


CAPTION: What Does Mark Think Happened to Dylan?

MR: I think…either he was taken by somebody that knew who he was goin’ with or he was abducted as he was walking down the street trying to make it to his friend, T’s, house. I personally have a lot of suspicions that Elaine could be involved in this, but I don’t have anything to back that up, and I don’t have anything to support that.

Dr. Phil: Do you honestly believe …that from 6 hours away… that she put him on an airplane and flew him to you, and then somehow or another trailed behind… and … abducted him …from your couch? Is that your theory?

MR: Well, I don’t believe that she did it alone? I believe that it’s possible that she had help to do that.

Dr. Phil: So you actually think that she and a team …trailed behind him… and do you think she would have taken him against his will…or do you think he cooperated in this?

MR: Well….

Dr. Phil: I just want to know.

MR: Those are questions …that I can’t answer, because I don’t know…I don’t know what happened here…

Dr. Phil: But what is your theory? You say you think she may be involved.

MR: I suspect that she may be involved. I believe that there are people in the community that we lived in for many years that she knows very well that are very likely to… maybe help her in this.

Dr. Phil: So these are criminal types.

MR: Well…she’s not been known to hang around the professional people that… in the industry that she works in

Dr. Phil: Well that’s what I’m asking…

MR: …so she very much …hangs around the criminal types. Yes.

Dr. Phil: Okay, so you think she may have some criminal types that helped her abduct him against his will? I just want to know your theory.

MR: Well… I don’t know the people that she knows very closely. It doesn’t matter what I think, because I have no way of being able to prove it, and it’s only speculative that I even feel that way.

Dr. Phil: But do you really, honestly believe that, or is that just something you’re saying? I mean do you… honestly, in your heart of hearts believe that this woman is involved in the disappearance of your son?

MR: I believe that it’s possible. Yes.

ER: You need to bring him home. And please, I hope you didn’t hurt him. I hope you did not hurt him… because I really don’t’ trust you and I really have a concern that you hurt him, and his bones are out there just laying, and you don’t even care. You don’t. Where’s your emotion? Where’s any of your feelings… again?

MR: What emotion is it that you’re trying to get out of me?

ER: I want you to do something to find Dylan!!!!
Here are all the MAIL / POSTAL sightings in any form of MSM media.


A postal worker possibly saw the boy Monday on County Road 501, near Vallecito, and two rescue workers may have seen the boy Tuesday afternoon, said Dan Bender, spokesman with the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office. Both sightings are unconfirmed, and, in both cases, the boy ran from rescue workers up a hill in the Vallecito area, Bender said. “We’re assuming at this point – it may be Dylan – eluded searchers,” he said. “We’re leaning toward his being a runaway.”

At the same time, authorities are looking to talk to two boys who were spotted by a female postal worker northbound about 2 p.m. Nov. 19, in the 18000 block of County Road 501, at the Vallecito Lake Country Market, according to La Plata County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Dan Bender.

FACEBOOK – Find Missing Dylan Redwine – (TIMELINE)
People reported seeing him walking but all of those reports turned out to be unsubstantiated. (There is another older boy at the lake who looks similar to Dylan)

The mail lady reported seeing a kid that looked like Dylan walking but that again was unsubstantiated. She could not positively identify the kid she saw walking as being Dylan.

Dr. Phil

From Dr. Phil Show – 1st Day
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

1st mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

MR Clip:
My mail carrier saw Dylan the afternoon he went missing.

2nd mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

Mail Carrier (Angie) - Clip:
On the day Dylan went missing, I saw 2 boys walking down the road not too far from where Dylan lives. It was around 1:30 in the afternoon. When I saw the boys, I thought to myself, Hey, there’s Mark’s son, Dylan. The next day I talked to Mark, and he said Dylan hadn’t come home all night, and he was really worried about him. I really don’t think Mark was the last person to see Dylan that day.

3rd mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady
No!!! YOU have to ask that question! You had him! Where is he? He’s not here! No one can find him. You were the last one to see him and now he’s just gone. That doesn’t happen.

Dr. Phil, that… for her to sit her and say that I’m the last person to see him is not accurate. The postal worker that delivers my mail to me had saw him….

That’s never been confirmed.

By you?

4th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

Dr. Phil:
If he left and walked to this friend’s house, uhh… it would have taken him a couple hours…so you might have run into him on the road if he left halfway through, but that would account for maybe half of it.

Well… right… but it’s in between those two points that the postal worker that delivers the mail in my area spotted him.

Dr. Phil:
Yeah. This is your house.

That is.

5th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

You should be doing backflips now to take this polygraph test. You were the last person to have seen your son before he disappeared.

Well, and I don’t believe that.

What do you believe?

I believe that the postal worker that saw Dylan later that afternoon before I went looking for him… about 2:30.
No doubt in your mind?

No, there’s no doubt in my mind.

From Dr. Phil Show – 2nd Day
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

6th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

MR Clip:
My mail carrier saw Dylan the afternoon he went missing.

7th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

Mail Carrier Angie Clip:
On the day Dylan went missing I saw two boys walking down the road not too far from where Dylan lives. I really don’t think Mark was the last person to see Dylan that day.

8th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

Dr. Phil:
You know yesterday he said that he was upset with you, he was upset with Cory, he was upset with everyone but me. He said, “The show was just a soapbox for Elaine and Cory to attack me. I can’t believe that Dr. Phil let Cory disrespect me. I’ll never forgive Cory for saying that he hated me. Everyone keeps saying that I was the last one to see Dylan, but that just isn’t true. How come no one spoke to the mail woman? She knows the area better than anyone else and she saw him.” He said, “I still feel like I am the only one working to try and find Dylan.”

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Tricia Griffith

Mark Redwine, Guest


Beginning at 41:54

Tricia Griffith (TG):
Okay, we’re going to change direction now. He was on here last week He took the hard questions. He didn’t back down from them. I am talking about Mark Redwine (MR). His son, Dylan, has been missing since November of 2012. Dylan came out to visit his father, Mark, for Thanksgiving. It was a Thanksgiving arranged visit, and he disappeared, and that is all we really know. Now there has been suspicion on Mark, quite a bit of suspicion on Mark, and Mark has taken to the air waves and is now answering those critics and telling us that his focus is finding Dylan. Mark Redwine, thank you again for joining us tonight.

Mark Redwine (MR):
Tricia, you’re welcome, and I’d like to thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this show.

Well, thank you, and I want you to know that you will always have a place on the show if you would like. I’ve offered the same thing to your former wife, Elaine, that’s Dylan’s mother. I just feel that not talking about it is wrong; talking about it is the right thing to do. I want to start out with something. I just got a text from Elaine a little bit ago, Mark, and I’m not trying to ambush you here. I just didn’t have a chance here. It just happened a bit ago, and it’s something that she told me. Okay?

That’s fine.

So hold on. Let me get to it here. Okay. We’re almost… there we go. I asked her how it went in mediation, and she said that…and I asked if she wanted to come on, and she said that she asked you questions and that your answers, you didn’t…she didn’t get the answers that she wanted, and when I asked her what those questions were, she said they were questions that were based on information that law enforcement (LE) told her, okay, and she doesn’t want to reveal those right now. So, I don’t know if you know what she’s talking about, what she’s saying as far as those questions, but based on something that LE told her, she asked you some questions and she feels that you did not respond and she didn’t get the answers that she wanted. Anything like that sound familiar? Would you like to respond to that, please?

Well…I don’t know specifically what she is referring to. I can tell you that part of …um…and it’s not really mediation. It’s more of a conflict resolution and people are taking more of a facilitator role in that but one of the things that was brought up and I think was valuable and it’s not something that I don’t know… it’s not… it’s just something I don’t know how to do very well probably is to ask better questions and…and…get more understanding. If…if I’m not getting an answer that I understand, it’s import to clarify that, and, you know, I would think that the same thing would be true for my former wife,

Mmm hmm.

…that if she got an answer from me that was unclear that we would want to make that more specific or…or…you know, ask it in a way where, you know, we’re getting the answer that we’re looking for from her. So, to get… with you…I don’t know what she’s referring to necessarily, but you know there was a lot of things (unintelligible few words)

Well, if you would like to talk about it, what did you call it, conflict resolution? Just kind of a little background in case people are just joining us. Mark Redwine and his former wife, Elaine, do have trouble communicating. I don’t think they would say that that is …they wouldn’t deny that, and since Dylan has been missing, uh… both sides have wanted to communicate and is has been failing, so Mark arranged to have a conflict resolution meeting and I believe the person you are working with is from Law Enforcement. Is that correct, Mark?

Well….no, not really, uh…


There was a Law Enforcement person involved in the meeting but it’s a group of people uh…out of the Boulder, Colorado area whose primary purpose is mediation and conflict resolution and that can vary from, you know, people like Dylan’s mother and I in our situation; it can, you know, be between businesses out there. It could even be uh…other countries that are

Mmm hmm.

…involved in conflict resolution, so they are very widespread and they’re very educated and they’re very knowledgeable about things and, you know, I think that it was a very positive step in the right direction. Umm…you know, not a lot was accomplished necessarily in one day but it was a starting point.

What was accomplished that you can talk about?

Well…the…the…the two things that weren’t accomplished were, obviously neither one of us received an invitation from the other for dinner to sit around and talk about old times,

Mmm hmmm..

…but, more importantly, I don’t think that either one of us has changed our opinion of the other or what we…what we have in the way of a theory that implicates each other. That being said…I…I…I think that it’s impossible for both of us to be right, but it’s not impossible, by any means, for both of us to be wrong,

Mmm hmm.

…and that being said, um…you know, these people have 2,000 eyes that are now involved in this. They are…they stand on eight separate countries, so obviously, you know, we’re taking this to an international level, which is a good start. Umm… you know we…we did the best we could with what we had to work with. Unfortunately, for me and …and my former wife, you know, we don’t see eye to eye now. We’ve never seen eye to eye on many things during course of our 18 year marriage and certainly, certainly we don’t see eye to eye as we’ve going through a very bitter divorce.

When you say you’re taking it international, uh…it’s…you had stated before that you do not believe Dylan is …is to be found anywhere close by the home. You feel that he’s outside maybe even the state of Colorado, but when you say internationally, what’s going to happen? How are you going to take this to an international level?

Well, you know, that’s…that’s my perspective, and obviously it’s a gut feeling that I have that I don’t believe that Dylan is anywhere near my home or anywhere in the area that in which I live. That being said, I do know from Elaine, and she can correct if I’m wrong in this, that…that her mother, being German, before she passed away was uh…uh…assisting in putting out a flyer in search of Dylan that was done in German,

Mmm hmm…

and I know that based on what Elaine said that there are flyers being done in multiple different languages that can be distributed throughout the world.

Okay, so just…the thing is… as we know, Mark, over the years we’ve had several shocking cases where we assumed that a kidnapped child was dead and they turned out not to be, and now, I think our eyes are open as a country that anything is possible, and I…that’s the feeling I’m getting from you is, you’re saying, anything is possible, let’s get Dylan’s fliers out to wherever we can get them because you never know? Am I correct? I don’t mean to put words in your mouth, but…

--to be continued--

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Tricia Griffith

Mark Redwine, Guest


Well, and that’s exactly right. That’s exactly how I feel. This isn’t…this is all about Dylan and this is all about finding Dylan and doing everything that we possibly can not only as residents of the area in which I live but residents of the state of Colorado, residents of the country as a whole, and…and even farther than that in terms of the people in various different countries. I mean, there’s…nobody knows where Dylan is. He can be anywhere. He could be in Mexico, he could be in Germany, he could be in Australia. You know, there’s been uh…people calling in tips from as far away as Australia and various other countries, so, you know, for us to not be turning over every stone, looking in every stump and turning over every log, it is unacceptable to me. And…and whether that needs to start at my front door and work it’s way out, I don’t know the answer to that. I support anybody that is willing to do anything in the efforts to find Dylan and search wherever we need to look. I…I wanna’ believe that Dylan is out there, and that he’s not anywhere in this area, and that’s the direction I’m going, but that doesn’t mean that, you know, everybody has to follow my lead on that.

Uh…Mark, I think you would agree that at the beginning, uh…there was some misconceptions. You feel there were some misconceptions about you, and you kind of stayed quiet, and then you went on the Dr. Phil show and so there are people out there that have a very uh…sigh…how can I put this, not a very good opinion of you. I think you will admit to that, correct?

Well, and I do…and I…I understand where that comes from. I mean, I don’t think being a parent of a missing child is ever easy, and…and obviously it’s important to understand that, you know, Dylan went missing from my house, and you know whether that is coined, you know, being on my watch or however we want to look at that, you know, obviously that puts me at the top of the list, specifically as it relates to law enforcement, and I embrace that. You know, at every opportunity I’ve spoken with law enforcement. I’ve cooperated with them at every turn. I’ve done everything that they have asked me to do, and, you know, I can’t…I can’t change what people’s perception is. What I can tell you that it’s very difficult for any parent, and I certainly empathize with Elaine and all that she’s had going for her in the last little bit, given the fact that not only are we dealing with, you know, Dylan being missing but recently her mother has passed away and I know that a very close friend of hers has been diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer, I mean that’s gotta’ be a lot for any one person to bear…

Yes, absolutely.

…and so I empathize with that, but what I don’t understand is the constant need to, you know, put her needs specifically above all others, and I say that because I feel like in many ways the efforts that she’s making don’t address specifically what is important here, which in my opinion, is finding Dylan.

Okay. Let’s back up here. Now this is…this is a touchy subject, because you and I have talked about this, and I think it’s important that um… that you don’t say negative things about Elaine, because then it makes it like, you know, you’re not putting Dylan #1. So, tell me what you mean by that. I need a little bit more explanation, because I don’t understand what you’re saying.

Well, and it’s not that I’m trying to be negative in terms of Elaine in any way, shape or form but I think that, you know, some of the things that she says directly to me via some of her text messages and some of her e-mails is in stark contrast to the things that she says, you know, to the media and…and…and people as she wants people to understand it and, you know, I understand, and again I empathize with all that she’s been going through, but this is not about her and this is not about me. This is about our son. This is about Dylan and the fact that he’s been missing for almost 7 months now and what are we doing to find him?

Mmm hmm. So, what is it, if you don’t mind? Can you be more specific or would you rather not?

Well, being more specific with you as it relates to…?

As to what Elaine, what you say Elaine is saying to the public and then says to you.

Well, uh….that’s a touchy subject for me to talk to…about because I certainly don’t want to come across as…as a father who is um…not um….any way concerned about how this has affected Dylan’s mother. Again, I understand what she’s going through. I’m going through the same kind of things. This isn’t about her and I. This is about Dylan, and before I go out there and start, you know, blaming her or pointing fingers at her or doing anything along those lines, I think that the most important thing that her and I could be doing and everybody that’s involved in this is finding Dylan, and that’s where I’m trying to keep the focus, and I’ve been getting so many


…ways that’s not been the case over the last several months.

Well, let’s talk about Dylan. What I’d like to do tonight so we can refresh our memories is let’s just talk about the night that you picked up Dylan, what you were doing. I want to talk about the text messages. I have some questions about that. Let’s just go through what Dylan…what you think Dylan was feeling. Was he feeling happy, was he stressed out? Tell us about picking up from the airport, what you did, what happened when you got home, and let’s go from there. So you pick him up at the airport. Is he happy? Is he sullen? What’s he doing?

Mmmm…I…I won’t say that he’s happy. I think that there was uh…there was something on his mind, and, in many ways he was a little more distant with me than he might otherwise be. I mean, I don’t know how to explain it, and obviously I’ve had this conversation with law enforcement, and it was clear to me, and it’s clear to a lot of people that…that there was something going on with him, and I have no knowledge of what that is, and so, you know, I’m trying to make the most of that, and so, I picked him up from the airport. His flight was late coming in. There was some issues with that. Um…you know we left the airport. We went directly to Wal-Mart.

What do you mean? Wait, let me stop you, Mark. What do you mean by there’s issues with that? What did you mean?

Issues with ?

With the plane being late. When you say there was issues.

Well………his light was…. his flight was about an hour late getting in, and as far as I know, there was some delay in the departure from the Colorado Springs area, and knowing what I went through in his previous flight where he actually went to Denver first and made a transfer to a flight to uh...Durango, I specifically made arrangements so that we could eliminate that…that flight out of Denver and make it so that he had a direct flight from Colorado Springs to Durango.

Mmm hmm.

--to be continued--

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Tricia Griffith

Mark Redwine, Guest


I don’t know exactly what the issues were. It could have been a slight mechanical problem. All I know is that…

Oh, okay. I see what you’re saying.

…his flight was late coming in.

Okay. Got it. Okay, so you pick him up and then you go to McDonald’s first or Wal-Mart?

No, we went directly to Wal-Mart. You know, we got out of the truck. We talked about what we always talk about when we go to Wal-Mart. He’s going to go to the video section and check out the toys, and … and music and that kind of thing, and I’m going to go do what I went there to do which would be to gather the items that I had on a short list of things that we would need to tide us over for a few days while we got closer to figuring out what we were going to do for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Mmm hmm, okay, and when you were figuring out what you were going to do, how was he responding to you? Was he sullen? What? What was the deal?

Umm…he was perfectly fine, I mean he wasn’t necessarily acting abnormal by any means. You know, we…when we walked in the door he was ahead of me. Apparently, I have a tendency to walk slow, and, you know, he went off in the direction that he went off in and I went off in the direction I went in and…um…you know…that’s what we always do. I mean, it’s always like that so that was nothing that was out of ordinary – in my mind. Now, you know, obviously at some point I got done doing what I needed to do and I tracked him down and he had gathered a couple of, you know, movies out of the dollar bin, and um…we were in line getting our stuff and….and from there we had a conversation about getting something to eat. I wanted to go sit down at a restaurant and eat and he wanted to go to McDonald’s. So as it turned out, he got what he wanted. We went to McDonald’s. We got it through the drive through and we ate it on the way back to the house here.

When you say he got what he wanted, I sense maybe a bit of like irritation; you really didn’t want to go to McDonalds or…No, it didn’t matter to you?

No, I didn’t really want to go to McDonalds, No, but you know it wasn’t something that was worth fighting with him over by any means.

Mmm hmm.

So, it was easier for me to get him what he wants which is typically what I do the majority of the time because it’s very difficult for me to tell him, No, given the fact that I travel as much as I do, and I don’t spend as much time with him as I would like to be able to do,

Mmm hmm.

and so, you know, something I’ve learned over time is you kinda’ gotta’ pick your battles, and that’s certainly not a battle I’m willing to pick.

Okay, and uh… so you go home, and you’re watching movies. What else are you doing?

Well, I think it’s important to understand that the drive between Durango and the drive to the area in which I live is about a 45 minute ride, and the majority of that time we don’t have cell phone coverage, so it’s very difficult, if possible at all, to have any kind of cell phone communication. Now obviously we were eating our dinner that we had purchased at McDonalds for a portion of that particular ride, but it wasn’t until we got to the lake area that Dylan was able to start communicating with his friends via the texting. So he’s busy texting his friends um…making arrangements, because obviously we weren’t conversing with each other and you know one of the things he had asked me was could he go to his friends house. Well, it’s Sunday night, you know it’s 7:30 8:00 by that time. I personally don’t feel like it’s appropriate to spend time at your friend’s house given the fact that it’s Sunday night and it’s getting later in the evening, and so I told him that I didn’t think that that was necessary. So, I’m assuming, based on the things that have come out, that the conversation with Dylan and his friends had everything to do with Dylan making plans to be able to get with his friends as early as possible the next day

Mmm hmm

which included getting up with me when I left to go take care of my business in Durango, that he would be up and at ‘em and ready to go with me, to be able to have me drop him off at his friend’s house.

Okay. So you were going to drop him off at his friend’s house was the plan in the morning.

Absolutely! Absolutely! Well, I was supposed to drop him off.

And…and what time was that?

Well, I got up…I’m gonna’ say somewhere around 5:30 or so,

Mmm hmm.

made coffee, sat around, you know, tried to make as much noise as I can to kind of gently stir Dylan and wake him up and get movin’ in the right direction, and you know, as 6:30 rolled around which was the target time for me to leave to go take care of my business,

Mmm hmm.

you know, Dylan isn’t responding to any of that, so, you know, I’m hollering his name, I’m, you know, whistling, doing all the things that I would normally do when I’m trying

Mmm hmm.

to get him awake. You know, again, and you know I do it in a gentle manner, and I’m not gonna’ go startle him by any means and…and have him wake up and be all alarmed. So, I spent probably 35-45 minutes maybe even close to an hour trying to get his attention and I couldn’t get through to him, and I wasn’t too surprised by that necessarily, because part of the conversation that we had was that he had been up to 4:00 a.m. with his friends the night before, and then he had spent the majority of the day in the airports traveling to get to Durango,

Mmm hmm.

so I didn’t find it at all odd that he was so tired that it was difficult for him to want to wake up at 6:30 in the a.m.

Did that irritate you at all? Did that make you frustrated were you just, Hey, it’s just typical kid type stuff?

No! It’s typical kid type stuff. This is the same thing that he and I go through every time he spends time with me, and, you know, where he’s…he’s hard to get to sleep and hard to get up, I tend to be the opposite. I go to bed earlier, I get up earlier.

Mmm hmm.

and I’ll pace around the floor, I’ll turn the music on, you know, I’ll holler his name, I’ll get something cooking on the stove, and, you know, he wakes up when he’s ready to wake up, because this is the way he has always been with he and I.

So… so you’re saying that you weren’t angry there because, let me just tell you…play devil’s advocate, Mark, okay? I’m going to say what other people are telling me and what they’re thinking here. Are you ready?




Okay. Issues with the plane landing: I thought you meant that you were annoyed for some reason with Dylan, okay? He’s…he’s kind of sullen. Hold on! I’m not saying that’s true. That just was what I first thought. That’s why I asked the question, and then he’s, you know, you can tell there’s something wrong he’s really kind of just into himself and not very talkative. He wants to go to McDonalds and you want to go to a restaurant, uh… he wants to go visit his friends, you don’t want him to. It sounds like there’s a lot of conflict there, and I think that’s the problem, Mark, is…there’s conflict, it’s just minor conflict, but I think that’s why people are going, “Wow, maybe he got really angry,” and I need you to clear that up for us.

Well, and it is minor conflict. I mean it’s not …you know the majority of the time that me and Dylan spend time together has always been where he was already in the area in which I live and it would just be a matter of

Mmm hmm.

picking up the phone and say, “Hey, Dylan, I’m in town.” He’d be like, “Great! Come get me!” It was as simple as that, you know, given the fact he had recently relocated to Colorado Springs and we’re getting him on flights and airplanes, and I’m sure there was some stress involved with that for him. There was stress involved with me

Mmm hmm.

but, you know, obviously I’m not…I’m in no position to make a big deal out of any of this because I certainly can sympathize with where he is coming from.


at that age.


You know, my only goal is to give him space, give him time, let him come around. This is how he is. This is how he and I interact all the time whenever there’s any kind of conflict, and, you know, going to McDonalds and giving him the opportunity to do what he wants was just one step closer to eliminating that “conflict.”

Got it! Okay! So…I want to take you… I want to… and I don’t mean to skip around. We’re talking with Mark Dylan, excuse me, Mark Redwine, Dylan Redwine’s father, and Dylan went missing uh…at Mark’s house sometime in November, that November morning we believe, and there has been no trace of him since November 2012. Okay, Mark, let’s back up just a bit. So, you come home. I want to hear about the movies and what happened that night because you guys weren’t really interested in the movie, right, but you saw him texting, is that correct?

Well…….you know, obviously we drive by the lake, he’s texting his friends. We get to the house, and one of the first things that we did was, Dylan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get the DVD player so that we could watch the movie that he had just purchased from Wal-Mart while I put away what few groceries or things that I had purchased from Wal-Mart so that we could get by for next several days until we could better decide what we were going to do for the holiday. So, it was probably somewhere around 8:30 time frame by the time we actually had the DVD hooked up, and Dylan did all of that…um…put the DVD in the player, started it, and obviously we’re going through, you know, the…the…the… I don’t know what you call them, the advertisements and the upcoming different movies that they might do…

Yes. Uh huh.

and, you know, at some pint we started watching the movie. So, you know, I got to be honest with you. It wasn’t a movie that I would normally watch. I’m not a big movie person to begin with, but again, it was one of those things that I could do with Dylan because that’s what Dylan wanted to do and…

What was the movie?

Oh….I forget exactly what it was now. It was about a teenage kid and a rollercoaster theme park and um… he was involved with some girl that worked there, and they became close, and I forget the name of the movie to be honest with you.

Okay, that’s okay. It was a kid thing. It was a teenage thing.

It was a teenage movie, I would agree.

Okay. So anyway, you’re not liking the movie, and is Dylan watching it or what’s going on?

Well, there was a lot of things going on at that particular time, I mean Dylan had grabbed his computer. He was interacting with uh…Facebook, um… I know that he also has a lot of games that he plays on the computer and that, so he could have been doing that for some period of time, um… Obviously at some point he was texting, communicating with his friends, there were times when we were talking and trying to better get am idea again of what we were gonna’ be doing for Thanksgiving. We had talked about going to my brother’s house. Um….you know, just…just little things like that. You know there would be times when we would start getting back into the movie and nothing was being said.

Mmm hmm.

You know, this is a point I argued with law enforcement over and over again because originally, when this all was happening, that they said that Dylan’s phone stopped being used at 8:00 p.m., and I said, “That’s not right! I’m telling you that Dylan was sitting on the end of the couch texting somebody. Now I didn’t pay attention to what kind of device he was using, and quite frankly, I don’t even know to this day what he was using.


But I can tell you that, you know, later on it came out that he was texting ‘till the 9:30 time frame.

And we don’t know what the last text is. That is something that law enforcement has not shared with you. Is that correct?

Well, I don’t know if any… if any information pertaining to any of the text messages that were sent other than the conversations that Dylan and I were having as it relates to him trying to make arrangements with his friend, so that if he was getting up with me at 6:30 as he had indicated that night that he would have the ability to get to his friend’s house and his friends would be aware that he was coming at such an early time in the morning.

Okay. So now we go to the morning. You’re trying to wake him up and he won’t wake up. This is typical. This is nothing unusual, uh…my teenage son is the exact same way. If he’s dead asleep, it is really hard to wake him up, and you’re saying, “C’mon, Dylan, do you want to go to your friend’s house? Let’s go! Let’s Go! Let’s Go!” He didn’t wake up, so you leave. Correct?

I did leave. And again, I mean, the whole point in me getting up early and doing that from the very beginning was so that I could get my needs out of the way and I could be back here to fulfill Dylan’s needs

Mmm hmm

Again, this is the same thing that Dylan and I have gone through for years in trying to get him up when he doesn’t have to get up to go to school. He doesn’t want to get up. He doesn’t want to go to bed. That’s how Dylan is. He’s always been that way. I can’t speak to, you know, how Dylan is when he’s not with me. I can only talk about what I know Dylan is when he is with me, and this is the same thing that we’ve gone through with him for years and years and years and years.
Sun, June 9, 2013




Sunday, June 9, 2013
Tricia Griffith

Mark Redwine, Guest


Does that irritate you that he’s that way?

No! Not at all! Not at all!

Oh, okay!

It’s part of who he is, and I’ve accepted that, and I’m not looking to change that.


I accept that that’s who he is. My point being is that I didn’t find it at all odd that as much as he … people want to believe that he wanted to go be with his friends at 6:30 in the morning, I don’t at all find it odd that he was not waking up

Mmm hmm.

given the fact that he was as tired as he was.

Right! Yeah. That…you know, honestly, just standing back and looking at it, Mark, that doesn’t seem unusual at all….uh…to have a kid get up at 6:30 when he’s been up so late the night before and the night before that probably.
To me that doesn’t seem strange at all. So you…you leave and run and do your errands. At…but at this point you don’t know really know what the plan is. Is that correct? You’re not sure. You’re just assuming when you get home Dylan will be there, or what? What’s going on in your head now? What are you thinking?

Well…the plan as far as I know at that point was that Dylan getting over here, he obviously wanted to spend time with his friends, so the plan that was in place was for me to go take care of my errands, get back here as quickly as I could and get him down to Bayfield to spend time with his friends, understanding, that it doing that, it would be Monday night, you know and probably all day Tuesday. Wednesday we were kinda’ having an up in the air because that is a day that we could have done something as a…

Mmm hmm.

Dylan and I and included his friends, or we could have made that a travel day to get to my brother’s house who is about 6-7 hours away,

Mmm hmm.

Specifically, so that we could have spent Thanksgiving Day with my brother and his family,


which is something Dylan had acknowledged that he would be interested in doing.

Mmm hmm. Exactly! Okay? That sounds good. That’s all…all of this sounds pretty much normal. So, you get your errands done. What time do you get home?

Oh, it was probably about 11:30 or so.

Okay, you get home … (Mark starts speaking at the same time – both stop speaking).

MR & TG: (Both at the same time say)
Go ahead…

No, no, you tell me. You tell me what happened.

Well, I walk in the front door. The TV’s on, you know, so…uh…at this point I know Dylan is up and at ‘em doing something, you know. I noticed there was a cereal bowl on the counter, and a box of cereal and, you know, and I’m hollerin’ out for him. He doesn’t respond.

Mmm hmm.

I didn’t think much of it because it’s not unlike Dylan to wander off given the fact of where I live. I mean there’s creeks in the front yard. There’s rivers across the street. There’s all kinds of open areas up the road or behind me or various places Dylan could go off and wander

Mmm hmm.

and so I…I didn’t find that particularly odd. What

Yeah, I see…
(Both MR & TG are speaking over one another)

I’ll get to what you found odd in just a moment, but, um…you say you didn’t find it…you wouldn’t think it odd if he’d go out and walk around. Had he done that before in the past? Just left and you can home and he wasn’t there and then came back?

Absolutely! Not so much when I would necessarily be gone away running errands. You know I could be sitting in the house doing something and he would go outside and, you know, I…sometimes I’ll find him playing with cars and little army men and various different things in the front yard, and it’s not uncommon for him to take off and… You know, I’ve seen him come home with his friends in the neighborhood who come up here in the summer months and he’d find somebody his age, and the next thing you know he’s hanging out with them for periods of time or whatever the case may be so, you know, it’s not uncommon for him to leave the house for short periods of time which is what I found uncommon was that


he was gone for as long as he was.

So you come home

after I started…

Okay, you come home and you’re thinking he’ll be home any time soon. He doesn’t come home and that’s what you found to be uh…very uh…surprising to you. That’s when your concern started to grow. Am I correct?

Well, yeah. I mean it was a couple hours of him not showing his face that I started to become concerned and a little bit alerted, I mean I’m not pushing the panic button by any means but, you know, I’m… I’m…at this point, I want to know where the boy is and I want to know that he’s okay, and I want to know, you know, that he’s in a safe environment, so that’s when

This is after a couple hours, right?

It was a couple of hours, yeah,


and so at some point I lay down and took a brief nap. I mean it’s not like I fell asleep for three hours and… or anything like that. I lay down for a little while and thinking that he’d still walk in the door. To be honest with you, it probably wasn’t much of a nap at all.

Mmm hmm.

It was just an opportunity for me to lie down.

For what? Say 10, 15, 30 minutes? Do you have any idea?

Uh….I would say probably about 30…45 minutes maybe.

Okay. Did you notice anything missing right away when you walked in and saw Dylan wasn’t home? Did you notice anything else missing right away?

Well, I didn’t notice anything right away, I mean, you know, when Dylan didn’t return in what I thought would be a reasonable amount of time for him to have done so, I started notice…er… I started looking for his fishing pole thinking, well maybe he wandered off to his friend that lives by the marina and they went fishing, because that’s something that he’s done the last 3 or 4 times that he’s been up here, you know, and so… I didn’t …at that point I couldn’t find his fishing pole and…and…you know it’s not like it wouldn’t be in the last place that it was left or in a place that it is normally kept. Again, I travel a lot, so, you know, something that he left in a particular area in August would still be there by November if I’m out of town for a few months

Mmm hmm.

and nobody’s there to disturb it, so, you know I’m looking in the most obvious location. You know, when I look in his bedroom and it’s not there. The most obvious place would have been next to the TV downstairs next to a chair. It wasn’t there. I looked in the garage in between the two garage doors which is the third most obvious place that it would be in. It wasn’t there. That’s why I’ve always assumed that he had his fishing pole.

Mmm hmm…and so…now you think he’s gone fishing. When did you start…uh…? First of all, did Dylan have…Dylan had a… you assume Dylan had his phone with him because it wasn’t home… he didn’t… it wasn’t anywhere, correct?

Well, absolutely, and I had been trying to communicate with him, you know

You had been trying to call him?

I tried to call and text message him while I was in the Durango area before I came home to see if there was anything that he needed or….you know, maybe talk to him and get some more concrete idea of what we might be doing being I was in town and I’m 45 minutes away, that it’s…you know, if we’re going to have Thanksgiving at the house here, then I want to be able to get a turkey a couple of days in advance and that kind of thing so, you know, there was a need for me to try to communicate to him while I was…before I came home from returning my errands

Did it go straight to voice mail or did…were you able to hear it ring and then leave a message?

No. It always…it always says, and he has Verizon cell phone service, and it always says

TG: (interrupts)
Mmm hmm.

something like, “Please listen to the music while your party

TG: (interrupts)

is trying to be

TG: (interrupts)
is being reached…

reached. Or something along…yeah.


and it was like that for days.

Okay. So now…um…you’ve looked…you can’t find his fishing pole. You notice the backpack’s gone. That’s all he brought with him, right, was a backpack? He didn’t have any other luggage?

Well, I’ll honest with you. Even at that point, I didn’t notice the backpack

TG: (interrupts)
Oh, you didn’t, oh…

because I wasn’t looking for it.

TG: (interrupts)
Oh, okay.

I was looking for … I was…I was more concerned about Dylan and, you know the…and…and trying to figure out where he might have been, and so, at some point, and this was probably about three hours after I had originally gotten home that I’m getting in my truck and I’m gonna’ go… I’m on a mission now. I’m going to find out where this boy of mine is at.

Mmm hmm. So you get in the truck

So the first place… I get in my truck. The first place I go is to his friend’s house that lives across from the marina. I knocked on the door, and I get no answer. So, I started to think, well maybe, you know this was obviously a time when all kids are out of school and there’s no reason for him not to be here unless maybe, by chance, he’s with Dylan and they did go fishing, so I’m driving by the lake looking for any signs of a couple boys being out on the shoreline fishing. I didn’t notice anything, but again, I’m trying to figure out where Dylan is and I want to make contact with him,

Mmm hmm.

so I proceeded on to the Bayfield area. I was able to go to another one of his friend’s house who lives in Bayfield and there was two of them that came to the door, and the first words out of my mouth were, “Have you seen or heard from Dylan today?” and their response was, “No, we’ve been trying to get a hold of him all day. We haven’t seen or heard from him either.”


That’s when a panic button started to be applied, and I immediately went to the Bayfield Marshall’s Office to express my concerns about Dylan with them, and, in doing so, you know, they were obviously inputting whatever information they could into a computer database, and my understanding is it was linked to the…the various Police Departments in the county and the Sheriff’s Department and everybody was all on the same page at the click of a button, but as it turns out,

TG (interrupts):
Mmm hmm

that wasn’t necessarily the case.

Exactly, so you…you’re at this point thinking, Okay, they’re going to notify the Sheriff. You probably didn’t even really occur to you, you just assumed, law enforcement and everybody is going to be notified and everyone’s gonna’ go and…and start looking. What time was this? Approximately what time? You got home at 11:30. You’re at the Marshall’s Office, what time is that?

I’m guessing somewhere between 4:30 maybe 5:00 the latest.

Okay. So then, you…you tell the Marshall this. Then what happens?

Well…um…at that point they’re advising me that the best thing I can do is get back to the house in the event that Dylan’s up at the house -- he’s returned from wherever he may be, and so I proceed back up to where I live. In doing that, I again stopped by his friend’s house who lives up at the lake and knocked on the door again, and finally he came to the door. I told him that I had stopped by earlier, knocked on the door. He indicated that he had never heard the door…me knocking at the door, that he might have been up in a back bedroom and never heard it, and, you know, I expressed my concerns to him, and I… again, you know, he hadn’t seen or heard from Dylan and during that…all of that time, I received um…a message from my former wife indicating that she called the Sheriff’s Department. They had no record of me being at the Marshall’s Office. Shortly thereafter I got a phone call from my divorce attorney who had received a call from her divorce attorney and I’m…I’m trying to figure out…Who in the Hell calls their divorce attorney when we’re looking for a child here, but, you know, again, I was back to the house waiting for the Deputies to come…um…making sure that Dylan wasn’t back at the house and, you know, it was a false alarm, and all those kind of things.

Mmm hmm. When you asked…when you stopped at the friend’s house…I’m just getting kind of a feeling here, maybe I’m wrong…Do you think that – perhaps a friend of Dylan’s is not being as truthful as they should be? Are you having any suspicions in that area?

Um….Well….I….obviously that thought had crossed my mind at some point but based on the conversations that I’ve had with law enforcement that they’ve had multiple interviews with this friend of Dylan’s and have included his parents as well, so, you know, I’m led to believe by law enforcement that all of those avenues have been thoroughly checked out, and there’s no reason to be concerned. You know, that doesn’t mean that, you know, it’s not possible that something could have happened or something could have gone awry, and, you know, something somehow this is trying to be covered up… I don’t know. I can’t address that. I would like to believe that law enforcement is good enough in their job that had they had any suspicions about anything like that, that they would have pursued that, and, to my knowledge, they have no interest in um…Dylan’s friend or anything else as it relates to that particular friend.

Do you think they’re still interested in you?

Well, I think they’re always going to be interested in me. I mean, obviously the starting point for anything in a situation like this is, you know, knowing and understanding Dylan’s whereabouts as they are known to be last, and, you know, I embrace that. I have no issues with, you know, being under the microscope for lack of a better way of saying it, because I think that it’s very important in cooperating with authorities and that’s what exactly what I’ve done all along. I’ve done everything that they’ve ever asked me to do,


and I’ve talked to them over and over again. You know, I’m at a point now where if they’re in the area, they’ll stop by. If I got something I need to address with them, and I think they even are in the area, that I’ll let them know to either stop by, and if they’re not in the area to give me a call.

Mmm hmm.

I mean…you know, I…I talk to them as much as I possibly think is necessary to…to…to do. I don’t talk to them every day, but, you know, one of the agreements that we had in this conflict resolution meeting was to communicate once a week, so, I made it…I marked it on my calendar that one day every week I’m gonna’ touch base with law enforcement. I’m going to let them know anything that I got going on. I’m going to ask them what they might have going on, and if there’s anything that maybe Elaine has going on that can be…um…communicated to me so that we are all on the same page doing the same exact things in the benefit of finding our son.

Uh…I just want to…and I’m jumping around here a bit because I’m looking at the chat room, and I’m just…uh…going to give you some questions. Last week in our interview you talked about the Nerf football being thrown around. I assume that’s when you were watching the movie – you were just kind of tossing that Nerf football back and forth, is that correct?

Exactly! Exactly! And that’s something that Dylan and I do quite a bit of. I mean, we don’t do it all the time, but, you know, the majority of the time that that’s going on we’re obviously outside.

TG: (interrupts)
Right, but this time you were inside

He’ll be on one side of road…He’ll be on one side of the road. I’ll be on the other side, and we’ll pass the football back and forth to each other. You know, that’s always a great way to um…open up…open him up, and so, you know, as we’re passing around the football goofing around, you know, that…the whole point of that was for whatever tension was in the air, not that there was anything in that way of tension in terms of my position, but I think that that’s been perceived, and that’s what I’m trying to clear up, but anyway, I mean, it’s something that we do. I mean it’s something that we do when we’re sitting around, you know, on opposite ends of the furniture passing the football back.

Football…Uh… let me just address what you just said. So, you’re…you’re watching the movie and tossing the Nerf football. It’s a Nerf football, people. It’s not a real football. It can’t hurt anything. You said there was tension? Were you feeling tension? I need you to elaborate on that for me.

Well, obviously I think that it was a stressful time for Dylan because, you know, in September we were in a court hearing. His mom had filed a motion for him to speak directly to the judge in judge’s chambers. You know that all took place. Um….for whatever reason from that point until the time that he got on the plane there was nnnnn…..little or no contact at all between the two of us, although I tried many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times to

TG: (interrupts)
Mmm hmm.

text message him or communicate with him and open up to him about, you know, making plans for the holiday, whatever the case may be. So, I don’t know what was going on with him at that time frame, and, you know, again, I could sense that there was some…some…something going on there, but again, I’m not looking to make a big deal out of any of it. You know the bottom line is he and I never, you know, exchange words with each other or ever in any way had any kind or argument or any of that. All I was doing is was doing everything in my power to give him space to open up at his own…in his own terms,

TG: (interrupts)
Mmm hmm.

so that he and I were on the same page about what we were going to do during the time that he was here with me.

Okay. And I’m…I’m glad you’re…you’re clearing this up. This is…helping a lot. Let’s talk a little bit about what uh…
your former wife, Elaine, said last week on this show. She said that you and Brandon, that is…is uh…Dylan’s half brother, correct?

That’s correct.

And uh…you were looking for Dylan. You went to go to a particular area, and according to Elaine, you told Brandon searching here is stupid. He’s not here, and Brandon was very taken aback by that. You had chance to call Brandon and clear this up, correct?

Well, I did, because I’m not gonna’ take Elaine’s word for it based on the way she said it so I went right to the horse’s mouth, so to speak. So, the next day I got hold of Brandon, and as I suspected, it involved a particular day when, um… we were being directed to an area to be handing out flyers and communicating with residents that was on the east side of the town of Bayfield.

Mmm hmm.

Now that… understanding that you need to also understand that the road traveling up in that area is on east side of the mountain range that sits in front of my house.

Mmm hmm.

So the road that I live in is on the west side, and the road that we are on traveling to do this, and I’ll be honest with you, there were very few houses that we came across.

Mmm hmm.

We were almost to the point where we were out of cell phone reach when I got a call from um…Elaine’s friend who had indicated that there was an Albuquerque news reporter there and wanted to do an interview, so we kind of turned around and… I… I…I probably did… and…and this is what Brandon and I talked about…made a comment that it was kind of stupid to be going up in the middle of nowhere on the mountain range
across from the one on my house when there’s no direct route there. You would have had to go to Bayfield and then go all the way around. There’s no direct route over there.

Mmm hmm.

and so, you know, to clarify that, you know, I thought it was probably a little bit on the ridiculous side at that point to be wasting time in an area that I can’t possibly concede Dylan to go. You know when there’s so many other areas that were, in my opinion, more important in that, but I …I…I guess to clarify that, I…I….I think that it’s one of the many things that Dylan’s mother tends to exaggerate more than anything else.

She tends to exaggerate what…so what did Brandon say to you? Tell me exactly what he said when you said, “Did I …” Were you taken aback by what I said? Did that shock you?” What did he say?

Well…again, he and I were talking about the specific location of where we are and what we were doing at that time and, as I suspected, we were…we were in an area that would have been nearly impossible at that point

TG: (interrupts)

for Dylan to have been in, and I felt like it was a waste of our time to be up in this area because there’s few, if any, houses up there at all, and…

TG: (interrupts)
But, what did you…I’m talking…

(MR & TG talking over one another)


I’m just talking about when you, last week, when you got a hold of Brandon, what did he say to you?

He downplayed the exaggeration that Elaine made it sound like when she was on your show, and…

TG: (interrupts)

you know, I arguing that I said that it was…it was ridiculous to be looking for Dylan in this location

TG: (interrupts)
Mmm hmm.

because it was so far gone it would have been nearly impossible for Dylan to be in that area and then he didn’t at all take it as…as…as…being uh… you know, an alarm bell going off in his head by any means, but, you know, I can certainly appreciate the fact that he might have been a bit stricken by the fact that I would insinuate at any point that any place is…is not important enough to be looking for our son.

Right! I…and I see what you’re saying. Okay. That’s one thing I wanted to clear up. Uh…we’ve had a lot of people in chat ask about this and we’ve talked about it, but I’m gonna’ have to bring it up one more time because, Mark, this is really important to clear this up, and I…and I hope you can continue to stay with us. You’ve been with us for quite awhile. Can we continue on?

Yes, absolutely!

Okay. A lot of people are talking about the polygraph again, and uh… let’s…let’s get on to that. Have you taken a poly, another polygraph with the police? Would you take one if they asked you? And, if you have taken one…

MR: (interrupts)
I have taken…

Go ahead.

I have taken…I have taken a polygraph test when I was asked to do so.

Mmm hmm.

I am…I am not a person that necessarily believes that a polygraph is going to be the difference maker in what it’s going to take to find our son. Now, I believe that this is a debate that can be held for days and days and days with absolutely no resolution. The bottom line is I… I… I don’t think a polygraph test is any more than a… a form of junk science.

Mmm hmm.

The fact that I was willing to take a polygraph test …which… from the very beginning…. and never wavered from, never did said anything. I was actually sitting in the office waiting for this person to come back from lunch, so, I immediately left… immediately left my home to go take this polygraph test, and…I’ll be honest with you, law enforcement has never shared the results of those polygraph tests.


I can tell you…I can only tell you what I was told by law enforcement.

Mmm hmm.

So, you know, for whatever reason they’ve found that they… they don’t want to release that information for whatever reason, I don’t know. But, you know when…

What did they tell you?

They told me I failed miserably. Now … I’m trying to understand what that actually means. I mean

Mmm hmm.

…there’s only 4 or 5 questions that they’re asking you on. Is it possible that I failed my name? Is it possible I failed my birth date? Did I fail…you know, all I mean…there’s only five questions and you failed it miserably, that pretty much tells me that I would have had to fail all 5 questions.

Mmm hmm. So,

MR: (interrupts)
Again, I think this is a debate that we can have for days and days and days on end and at the end it’s only going to be a debate. Some people believe in them; some people don’t believe in them.

Would you take another one if they asked you?

Well, uh…I’ll tell you that kind of came up in this last thing that Elaine and I participated in… in the conflict resolution. In my opinion and law enforcement official that was there and I’m not sure that Elaine didn’t agree, that that ship has sailed.

Mmm hmm. Okay, so it uh… so it wouldn’t be useful at this point, is what you’re feeling?

I don’t… I don’t think so. I…I think that a polygraph is only a tool that is used by law enforcement. This is what they’ve reiterated to me over and over and over and over again. It’s only a tool. That being said, it’s no different than a carpenter building a house. I mean obviously you gotta’ have a hammer to do that. It’s only one of many tools that is…is important to utilize from whether it be law enforcement’s perspective or a carpenter building a home. It’s not the only tool available, and it’s not the only tool that we should be utilizing here.

What other tools do you think you should be utilizing?

Well, I think that the media is a great source

TG: (interrupts)
Mmm hmm. That’s very good. Absolutely! Yes!

And, unfortunately, I think that the…the media has been kind of pushed aside in all of this because, you know, they see what I call the circus or freak show going on on the sidelines, and I’ll be honest with you, I…I think that the media is kind of distancing themselves in…in many ways, and that has harmed Dylan in our search for him than it has helped.

And so, I…if I understand your goal is to get out there and get the media interested in Dylan again, and they should be interested, uh…especially coming from the father of the missing child. Uh…I can’t imagine that you couldn’t get a lot of the much needed publicity to get Dylan’s face out there.
Do you have a specific idea of what your next move is going to be to try to find Dylan?

Well, my move is, because I obviously don’t think that he’s in the area or in the county or necessarily even in the state of Colorado, I wanted to take his story to a national level, and that means if I got to travel personally all 48 states and talk to every newspaper reporter and TV reporter that I can get five minutes of their time, then by God then that’s what I’ll do!

And when are you going to start that?

That’s what I’m working on.

Okay, working on it now?

I’m…I’m in the process of making that arrangement, and it’s something I’ve been working on for some time. I was hopeful that I could have already been in the process of that, but, you know, I was delayed in that because of the mediation or conflict resolution hearing that we’ve had, and so, you know, that’s something that I was hoping to have more concrete finalization on it as the end of this past week or the very beginning of this upcoming week.

So, uh…you’re just…you’re just wanting…not just wanting but…what you want to do is to contact, starting with newspapers, and perhaps maybe even locally, and kind of work your way out. Go to Utah, go to Arizona, kind of work your way out to the United States. Uh…I’d be glad to help you uh…you know, with some names and numbers, Mark, if you want them. I’ve got some. I’d be glad to pass them along to you. Just people you can call and talk to.

Well…and I…I think that the…the most local newspaper here pretty much has a handle on, you know, the situation with Dylan. I’ll be honest with you though, there’s very little being reported about Dylan’s case, and…and…and very little attention by the media, and I find that a bit bothersome, the fact that, you know, I believe that this is a…a…big human rights kind of story that people would be interested in, yet there’s little or nothing going on. You know, there are media people that I’ve become acquainted with over the last six and seven months that, you know, I’ve been working with and I try to keep them informed, but even they seem to not have a whole lot of interest…

Mmm hmm.

and where things are, and I certainly thought that this meeting with Elaine in Boulder was a big thing that would have covered by the media because for the first time in all these months, was the opportunity for Elaine and I to sit down in a controlled environment in a civil way, and sit down and address this,

Mmm hmm, and you…the media didn’t cover it at all, did they?

Well…I…they didn’t, you know, I mean, I obviously let ‘em know that the meeting was going to occur, when it was going to occur, and, you know, they made it sound like that it was a possibility that they would have, you know, somebody to report that as we were maybe coming out of the meeting or whatever the case may be, but it never happened. So, I’m losing faith in fact that the media is…is at all…out there trying to, you know, keep Dylan’s story alive, so, I have to figure out some way to be able to do that, and I can’t think of a better way than to be on a…on a mission and…and make every effort that I can to talk to uh….newspaper people or TV people and share this story, and sooner or later, people are gonna’ see me out there talking to ‘em and…and say, “Hey, look man, this guy (giggles) is doing everything he can…he’s out there on a national campaign to bring Dylan’s story to a national level, and…you know, I’m only doing what I can do.

Exactly, and as…as sad as this is, Mark, what I’m about to tell you is true, it’s all about in the repackaging and the delivering of it. If the media thinks there is a new twist to the story, then they’ll cover it. I’m not saying it’s right; I think it’s wrong, but that’s just how it is. So, your twist, and you’re adding to that twist in the way you present the twist in the case will have a lot to do with who responds, and I think that’s really important for you to work on. I know you’re working on it, but uh…you know, there’s all kinds of ideas that I…we can help you come up with that you can get national media attention by doing these things. So, we’ll talk off the air about that, but just know that that’s how you work with the media is if you have the same information, you repackage it a different way and send it out to catch their attention. I just have a couple more questions here from the chat room, Mark, if I may? This is really helping a lot. Uh…you hired…did you hire a private detective?

I have, and I have been in communication with a private detective uh…firm who has been looking into Dylan’s case, and I just recently at the end of this last week on Friday was notified by them they don’t have the resources in place to get involved at the level that I’m asking them to be involved in. So, I’m asking them to refer me to people that might be in a better position for that kind of thing or whatever the case may be.

- To be continued -

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Tricia Griffith

Mark Redwine, Guest


Would you go on Nancy Grace?

Umm…I’ll be honest with you. I’m not a huge fan of hers, and I don’t know that that’s the kind of avenue that’s gonna’ best get out…I…it’s not that I’m opposed by any means to going on Nancy Grace and that, but...I thought…

TG: (interrupts)
She would be hard you on, Mark, but if…you know, if you just go on and tell your story, that will get Dylan’s face out there. That’s as… that’s a great start, to be honest. I have no idea if…if she’d invite you. I have no clue. I don’t have any connection to Nancy Grace, or even Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew is a little…uh…more calm. Would you consider going on one of those shows? Maybe Dr. Drew?

I would… it’s…well, I would, and that’s why I…that’s why I went on the Dr. Phil show because I firmly believed that we were gonna’ dedicate time to keeping the focus on finding Dylan, and, as it turns out, none of that ever happened, so I…I’ll be honest with you, I’m a little bit shy…gun shy when it comes to who I go to and who I don’t go to. It’s something that I have to feel comfortable with because the message that I want people to understand is that regardless of all the things that have gone on over the last 6-7 months, nothing has brought Dylan home, and…and the fact that we still have a 14-year-old boy out there that’s missing, our focus needs to be strictly on…on what we can do to find him and bring him home, which is why in mediation meeting…or conflict resolution meeting that I had with Elaine, I specifically add…addressed that with Elaine, and basically what I said to her was that I was asking her to take the “War” out of being a “Warrior” as is implied and becoming an “Army of Soldiers” whose only interest was to seek the truth, to find justice, and most of all, find Dylan.

How would taking the…the Warrior name off of “Dylan’s Warriors,” I’m assuming that’s what you’re referring to, how would that … how would that help? I’m…I’m a little confused.

Because I think that being a warrior implies that you’re at war, and…and…and the no unce…uh…circum…certainstances, Elaine has made it quite clear that, in her mind, that’s exactly what this is…is a war!

Mmm hmm.

That’s not what Dylan needs. What Dylan needs is a people... of…Army…an Army of people who are only…whose only interest is seeking the truth, on both sides, not just one sided, justice so that we can hold the person or persons responsible accountable, and most of all, that we find Dylan and bring him home…and it doesn’t mean that you have to change your view or it has to change how you feel, it only means that we are uniting everybody who wants to be out there and be involved in any way that they possibly can, and, you know, keeping the attention on what is important to me and maybe I’m wrong. Maybe there’s something I’m missing here, but the only thing that I think is important is Dylan and what we can be doing to keep his name out there and…in the media by whatever means necessary, which isn’t happening at this point, and doing everything we can to search under every rock, look in every tree stump, turn over every log in…whether it be in Vallecito, the roads leading in and out of Vallecito, whether it be in the town of Bayfield, in LaPlata County, in the state of Colorado, or any state in the country, and…at this point, it’s not unthinkable that he could possibly even be out of the U.S. and he’s in a foreign country.

So tomorrow…what are you…what’s the first thing you’re going to do to start this international search? I’ll help you any way I can, Mark. Like I said, I’ll give you names of…of uh…news people all over country that I have…their contacts.

Well…I…I can tell you that that is already in progress. Mediation without Borders people have 2,000 eyes, camped out in 80 different countries around the world who are now aware of Dylan, and, like I said earlier, that there are fliers that have been or are in the process of being printed up in different languages to address, you know, the various countries that these people operate in, and, so, those things are to some degree are underway. You know, um…anybody in your listening audience who has anything that they feel they can contribute to, whether it be on a personal level, in a foot search or, you know, anything that local law enforcement has in the works in terms of planning for a massive search, which is what they’re telling me that they are working on, or whether it be at a professional level who has resources, you know, whether it be private investigation side of things or whatever -- anybody out there that has any…thing that feel that they can offer that will help find Dylan, I am more than open to sit down and talk with them, because I think that everybody that can help should be allowed the opportunity to do so.

And…what about maybe just starting a web site where you can put up a phone number, uh…if people want to help. No, not if people have clues. If they have clues they got to go to the cops, you know. You don’t…you don’t want to get into that, believe me, but maybe…or an e-mail address if you want to help in the search for Dylan, here’s an e-mail. You can set those up for free. That might be a good suggestion. Just, you know, help

MR: (interrupts)

Dylan’s dad’s find Dylan

and again, that’s one of the things that has…that has been set up…there’s a…a Facebook page, it’s Find Dylan First that anybody can go to and, you know, get the most updated information about any searches that are being planned or any information at all that will assist people in becoming involved in our search for Dylan. Umm…

And what’s the name of the Facebook page again? I apologize. What was that name?

Find Dylan First.

Find Dylan First @ Facebook. Okay, and that is the page they can go to if they have something they want to offer you, because there are people out there like I said that you know, maybe somebody listening knows a reporter at…somewhere in Oregon, Washington, whatever, who would be willing to do a story about a man searching the world for his son. Something like that, that they could turn that information over to you. Would you welcome that, I’m assuming?

Absolutely! And…I’m…I’m sorry to say that, you know, I…that for whatever reason Elaine and I haven’t come to a point where we can better work together, because I certainly don’t see this as a competition, and I’m not gonna’ get involved in a competition with her as it relates to finding Dylan. You know, if I got to do what I got to do on my own, then so be it. I would welcome her to join in any efforts and combine the resources so that we’re not duplicating and wasting time with that, but, you know, that’s…that’s her choice and…and…I can’t put words in her mouth, and I would welcome the opportunity to be able to do that. That being said, you know, at this point, I’m…I’m in a position where, you know, we’ve…we’ve created the Find Dylan First page. You know, I’m closely working with as many reporters as I possibly can to share information with them, hoping that, you know, there will be a story that they will want to tell to keep Dylan in the media, and all of that. I certainly thought that, you know, this…this conflict resolution meeting would have been a twist in the story that would have grabbed their attention, but, you know, so far, that hasn’t necessarily hasn’t panned out, but, you know, I welcome the opportunity to be on shows like yours so that, you know, I can get the word out and explain, you know, that how important it is to focus on Dylan and…and doing everything in our power to be able to bring him home.

Uh… wait just a…I just got a text from Elaine, and before I read it, I want to… I want to clear something up because I’m a… I’m a little confused. The Find Dylan First Facebook page, is that yours or is that somebody that has set it up for you or is that somebody that set it up separate from you and you’ve just kind of joined them? Can you give us a bit of the background on that?

It’s not something that I’ve done with myself. I don’t have a Facebook account. I’ve never had a Facebook account, and quite frankly, I don’t really want a Facebook account, but I do recognize the fact that social media is a very valuable tool, and this is a group of people who I am in communication with who have taken it upon theirselves to help me get a page set up and devote it to only putting out there the information as we need to... to be able to have conversation, you know, and …and…and put out, you know, any efforts that are being made in terms of searching for Dylan and that kind of thing and…and to keep Dylan’s story out there the best way we can.

Okay, so these people run the page and you…they’re supporters of yours, basically, and you’ve hooked up with them. That’s not your page, but you’ve just kind of hooked up with them and said, “Hey, thanks for helping me out, and we’ll continue to communicate.” Is that what you’re saying?

Absolutely! I communicate with them almost on a daily basis. They…you know, I…I have my input in what I think that’s, you know, is helpful information to post on the Facebook page or what not, you know. Again, I’m…I’m sharing information as I know it to be with law enforcement conversations that I had that there is a massive search being planned. There’s no date that has been set specifically, but it does include, you know, law enforcement officials. It does include, you know, dogs. It does include volunteers

Mmm hmm

who want to participate in… in… searching for Dylan, and so, you know, it’s those people that this page is really designed for is to reach the people out there who aren’t interested in the side show but their only interest is, you know, the people that are out there that want to help find Dylan and want to bring him home and are interested in what’s going on.

Uh…Elaine just texted me and uh…asked me to mention this, and I’m glad to do it. The is the official web page, and uh…that is uh…where you can go to find information as well, and then, uh…the official Facebook page is uh…let’s see…Find Missing Dylan Redwine on Facebook is the official page. I…so, I’m gonna’ put that out there for you, Mark. I would still recommend a web site. It’s something very easy to do, and you can get a domain name set up, and that way you don’t have the Facebook fighting and all that drama that goes on with it, and you have a web site where people can e-mail you and you don’t have to wade through all the comments and everything. It’s easy to do. Um…I know there’s lots of people that would be glad to help you. Just a thought, if you want to…to go that way, but there’s…there’s lots of things you can do to get out into the media Dylan’s name, and it’s hard to know these things, Mark, because you didn’t know you were going to be in this position, and uh…I would, you know, let…I…I would advise you, if I may, to let the people help you do something like that. Is a web site a possibility, I hope?

Well, it is, and…and I guess, you know, looking back over the last seven months, I guess I put too much effort into trying to be involved or contributing in a positive way to what had already been in place, and, you know, that’s never worked out for me, and, you know, instead of trying to beat my head against the wall and trying to understand why, at this point I’m…I’m… I’m taking a different direction, and so, you know, if I gotta’ go out there and…and start over from scratch, and do all these kinds of things, but yes, I’m very open to anybody that can help assist me with that or somebody that might be knowledgeable of that or obviously, you know, take that advice that you’re giving and run with it and, you know, do those kinds of things. I just don’t…I’ve never thought it necessary to have two of everything out there

Mmm hmm.

because I think that just creates more confusion than is necessary.

Well…and I…

But that’s my personal opinion.

Right. Well, and it can. It can. Uh…the uh…you know Marc’s uh… former wife, Polly’s mom, has a different organization than Marc has and it’s just…it just works out better that way, and it’s… it’s important to concentrate on what you’re going to do to find Dylan, and you just kinda’ have to, you know, put on those…those glasses and focus on finding Dylan and…and do what you need to do personally, if I may offer this advice…setting up a web site

MR: (interrupts)
Well, I agree with that

Go ahead.

And I agree with that, and I think that that is slow coming for me. I’m…I’m not the smartest person that ever walked the planet (giggles), I’ll be honest with you in that, and, you know, again, I…I guess I held onto the thought that, you know, finding Dylan was the most important thing that any of us could be involved in, and that being said, you know, if this is the direction that I need to travel to keep Dylan’s story out there, then so be it. I’ve come to understand that that’s what I need to be doing.

Got it!

You know there’s no handbook that’s ever given out to a parent in a situation like this to guide you step by step from start to finish on how to do…how to do these kind of things,


and so it’s a learning process, and it’s a learning curve, and I’m… I am open to anybody out there who can help me and has something to contribute, because I know in my heart that there is a lot of people out there that are standing in the wings waiting for an opportunity to do something to help bring Dylan home.

And when you were out and about in your travels, um…you have…do you have posters of Dylan that you can hang, I mean, ‘cos …I’m sure they put them up in 7-11’s and…and you can put them on uh…you know, telephone poles, Do you do that?

Umm….well…I have ‘em, and I have been out. I mean I’ve been into, you know, neighboring towns and communities to the Durango and Bayfield area like Delores and Cortes and as far away as places like uh…Duck Creek, but, you know, I’m in a geographical oddity, so to speak, when I’m up here at the lake because I’m so far away from mainstream, you know, whether it be the small town of Bayfield or Durango, you know, there’s not a whole lot going on, and there’s very little communication, and there’s very little, you know, information out there that I have…I’ve been able to access that address that. I mean obviously there have been people up at my house recently, some of which have been um…people who are connected in trying to make all the tourists that we’re starting to get come in aware so they’ve reposted a lot of the fliers that have been out of date. There’s more and more of them out there. I think that’s great. If I was aware of those kinds of things going on I would be first one in line to be out there assisting them and

TG: (interrupts)

helping out in that…

But don’t you think that…that you can take posters and just…in your travels, you know, one day go to this town or that town or even send posters to people you know in different parts of the country, because I bet they would love to help. That’s what I’m saying. You can pick up and do things like that that I think would be very easy, or am I wrong?

Absolutely, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. I mean, if I can’t be, you know, communicating with umm...a newspaper reporter or a TV station, I can be hitting every truck stop in the country.

Sure! Exactly!

And that’s exactly what I have in mind, and yes, there are fliers out there that I am getting printed up, and I…I’m taking my…I’m taking my fight to the road.

When you get those printed up, let me know, because we have people all over the world I bet we could send those fliers out, even if it’s just a handful to people that they can put up just in their local area, and that way Dylan’s face can be all over the country, so when those fliers are done, contact me, Mark, and we’ll get it out there for you. Okay?

Sounds like a plan.

Okay. Listen…

MR: (interrupts)
That’s what I’m trying to get done here.

Well, good.

The best way I know how.

That…We’ll just keep in touch then, and…and when those fliers are done, hopefully it won’t take too long, we’ll…we’ll get them out for you, and, I’ll tell you what. Let’s…next week we’re uh…pretty booked on Tricia’s True Crime Radio, but the week after that, Mark Redwine, perhaps you can come on and talk to us and update us. By that time you might be able to uh… tell us where your travels have taken you and what you have found out and what’s in the future. Maybe by that time we will have found, please, God willing, your son, Dylan. That is the main goal is to bring him home safely, so, Mark Redwine, I know it’s tough, and you’ve been answering the tough questions. I do appreciate it, and I hope you’ll join us in a couple of weeks.

Absolutely! I’d be happy to.

Okay. Thank you, very much, Mark. You take care, and don’t forget to contact me as soon as those posters are done, and we’ll get them out there for you, okay?

All right, and thank you and thank your listening audience for allowing me the opportunity to share this story.

Okay. Thanks, Mark. Take care. Bye bye.

You, too! Bye bye.

Whoops! I didn’t mean to…I accidentally cut him off. Sorry, Mark! Um…Wow! Okay. Well, there you go. Uh…I noticed in the chat room that nobody’s mind was changed about Mark Redwine. You either believe him or you don’t, and no matter what he says will not sway one side or the other, so, uh…the invitation is out there. Uh…he said he would call me when the posters are done. I’ll let you know when that happens, and we’ll just keep on keeping on. That’s the best thing we can do. I’m Tricia on Tricia’s True Crime Radio, and don’t forget next Sunday, Sheryl McCollum will be here with her students from her Cold Case Research Institute, and remember, they were asked to sign up which side they wanted to be on in the George Zimmerman case, whether they believe George or they didn’t believe him and then the teacher switched them, so the people have to do just the opposite of what they believe in putting this case together. We’re going to let them argue the case, right here on Tricia’s True Crime Radio. That’s next week at 8:00 Eastern, and Tricia’s True Crime Radio is brought to you by the No Kill Animal Shelters in your area, our sponsor in honor of his wife, Nancy, asks all of us to support the No Kill Shelters right by your home. These shelters need everything basically, volunteers, money, food, anything you can think of, so look up your local No Kill Shelter today and offer to help. Please! Please! Everyone can do a small part to help our innocent animals, and do remember Tricia’s True Crime Radio is a different entity totally from, LLC and What we say here, it is on here and stays here, and the opinions expressed on this show do not necessarily represent my viewpoint or anybody else’s viewpoint, but it is the viewpoints on Tricia’s True Crime Radio. We’re not connected to LLC or Okay, I think I have all the legal to do out of the way. Everybody have a great night and we’ll see you here next week It’s Tricia’s True Crime Radio where we discuss True Crime and current events, and of course, we always do it with common sense. Good night, everybody!
I'm going to pull some of the transcripts that were done over to this thread for easier reference.


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