NY NY - Sylvia Lwowski, 22, Staten Island, 6 Sept 1975 - #3

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Sylvia Alice Lwowski, 22, Missing since September 6, 1975 from Staten Island, NY

Sylvia Alice Lwowski
Missing since September 6, 1975 from Staten Island, Richmond County, New York
Classification: Missing

Vital Statistics

Date of Birth: April 28, 1953
Age at Time of Disappearance: 22 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'4-5'6"; 120-125 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Long, straight blonde hair; hazel eyes. Wears glasses.
Marks, Scars: Pierced ears.
Jewelry: Heart shaped engagement ring; a watch. She was carrying a handbag.
Dentals: Not available.
Fingerprints: Available

Circumstances of Disappearance

On September 6, 1975, Sylvia went out with her fiance to a movie. He returned stating that during an argument, she thew her glasses against the dashboard and ran from the car. Sylvia has not been seen since.

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:

New York City Police

Agency Case Number: 10074

Source Information:

The Doe Network: Case File 2928DFNY


Please see attached police report and newspaper article re Sylvia's engagement


  • 1975 Police Report.pdf
    72.2 KB · Views: 73
  • Newspaper - Artical re- engagement.jpg
    Newspaper - Artical re- engagement.jpg
    64.2 KB · Views: 91
Someone had to stay home JIC SL either called or showed. Remember no Cell Phones back then! He was very quiet. I saw him most times when I visited EL.

MMQC: I am asking these things bc I'm trying to get a picture of SL's father. Toward that end, I have been looking back at earlier posts. The following are partial quotes from several of your posts. Maybe thinking about them together will jog something else from your memory. For instance, how did he interact with you?

(1) It seems that he sometimes drank too much.
T1, Post 966: "... there were alway a collection of them on the corner of the table by where he sat. I can see him sliding beer tabs off the table like you would sweep crumbs into your palm only palm was coffee can and then not look and swipe then, put can on fridge."
T1, Post 1106: "As for SL and alcohol? Can't be sure. Father yes. Big factor."

(2) Drinking sometimes caused him to inadvertently disrespect/embarrass SL:
T1, Post 917: "During engagement SL misplaced ring. We looked and looked everywhere. As was her custom while doing the dishes she took ring off. She placed it on the kitchen table. SL's father used to save the pull tabs from beer cans and put in coffee can on top of fridge. Scooped off pull tabs after drinking beer that particular night and scooped up ring with it as it was white gold and put unknowingly in coffee can. We never thought to look there. Just by accident when putting more pull tabs in can noticed something shiny....SL says "OMG, it's my engagement ring. I'm never taking it off again for anything."
T1, Post 966 (again): "[SL] Never really spoke of any irritation toward father about ring. Now on the other hand about the incident at the party with him walking on his hands in front of classmates during party. VERY embarrassed. Argument insued and SL kicked father, very unlike her to do so."

(3) Considering the acrobatics at the pool party and his car, he may have had a wild side or macho streak.
T1, Post 920: "[JL] Drove a BIG LONG car with tail fins."

(4) Except for the two outbursts we know about, he was unimposing and seemed to keep his nose to the grindstone.
T1, Post 920 (again): "SL's father was a quiet man. Not a huggy kissy family, neither was mine. Worked hard for a living. .... Avg. height. Not a tyrant or rule by fist type. More talkative after swigging back a few cold ones."

(5) He and SL had a compatible enough relationship to commute together to Wagner.
T1, Post 1066: "Yes, [they] commuted to and from home daily."

(6) But sadly, when SL vanished, they may not have made up after the pool party fight, and he was understandably saddened by the loss.
T1, Post 973: "Summer for sure. Maybe EOA? Yes, not talking to father nor father to daughter. To my knowledge neither party apologised."
T2, Post 776: "He was quite saddened. I believe it bothered him greatly."
Thinking about SL's father again. I just remembered we also have his military history. Born in 1914, right? Which means he was almost 60 when SL disappeared? And so he had children relatively late in life. If I am looking at the right record, he enlisted in 1942, when he was about 28 YO, but acc. to ASWDH's posts, he didn't return to the U.S. with his new family until 1962. I guess that could make him career military (assuming he didn't stay to do other work in Germany)? SL would have been born after he had been in Germany about 11 years, and she would have been about 9 (3rd grade?) when they returned to the U.S. No wonder she was bilingual.

So, to these details, which I posted about SL's Dad the other day:

(3) Considering the acrobatics at the pool party and his car, he may have had a wild side or macho streak.
T1, Post 920: "[JL] Drove a BIG LONG car with tail fins."​

I'd like to add: Able to walk on his hands at age 60! I am not sure what that means, but I am close-but-not-yet 60, and let me tell you, if I could walk on my hands, I would do it everywhere I went! He must have been super strong.

So, this leaves me wondering more about the pool party event that so angered SL. Was she just embarrassed? Do you think this is enough? IOW, was it just bc of the hand-walking or perhaps something he said or the context in which he did it?

I don't know ... I see the hand-walking warranting an eye-roll, but am less sure of the kick. Was he showing off for her female friends? flirting? What might the point of the hand-walking have been, in terms of a joke or point he was making?

Could her friends have laughed at him in a way that made her less proud of him, embarrassed of her connection with him? Could he have tried to get her to perform with him -- as perhaps they may have when she was younger?

Is it just me? I am not seeing how one thing leads to the other. How does this result in days of the two of them not speaking to one another?
Thinking about SL's father again. I just remembered we also have his military history. Born in 1914, right? Which means he was almost 60 when SL disappeared? And so he had children relatively late in life. If I am looking at the right record, he enlisted in 1942, when he was about 28 YO, but acc. to ASWDH's posts, he didn't return to the U.S. with his new family until 1962. I guess that could make him career military (assuming he didn't stay to do other work in Germany)? SL would have been born after he had been in Germany about 11 years, and she would have been about 9 (3rd grade?) when they returned to the U.S. No wonder she was bilingual.

So, to these details, which I posted about SL's Dad the other day:

I'd like to add: Able to walk on his hands at age 60! I am not sure what that means, but I am close-but-not-yet 60, and let me tell you, if I could walk on my hands, I would do it everywhere I went! He must have been super strong.

So, this leaves me wondering more about the pool party event that so angered SL. Was she just embarrassed? Do you think this is enough? IOW, was it just bc of the hand-walking or perhaps something he said or the context in which he did it?

I don't know ... I see the hand-walking warranting an eye-roll, but am less sure of the kick. Was he showing off for her female friends? flirting? What might the point of the hand-walking have been, in terms of a joke or point he was making?

Could her friends have laughed at him in a way that made her less proud of him, embarrassed of her connection with him? Could he have tried to get her to perform with him -- as perhaps they may have when she was younger?

Is it just me? I am not seeing how one thing leads to the other. How does this result in days of the two of them not speaking to one another?

i have always thought that the hand walking incident seemed to be an act disproportionate to Sylvia's anger-Her father must have really been intoxicated to elicit such a reaction from her-otherwise, an eyeroll would certainly have sufficed. I, too, wondered whether or not Sylvia may have been upset by her friends' reactions.
Yes it sounds like there was something more to be mad about in that situation, the flirting may be a possibility.

bbm: Yes, and the unpredictable, animated, louder, take the stage, loose canon, alcohol effect.
i have always thought that the hand walking incident seemed to be an act disproportionate to Sylvia's anger-Her father must have really been intoxicated to elicit such a reaction from her-otherwise, an eyeroll would certainly have sufficed. I, too, wondered whether or not Sylvia may have been upset by her friends' reactions.

bbm: MMQC do you recall her friend's reactions I guess to both SL & father? Did the incident between them happen in front of guests?
When Eva called that morning (2am -7am,) who answered the phone?
MMQC.. Were you asleep? Did someone else answer the phone and wake you?

Only one phone in the house then. My room was closest to the kitchen. I answered, could not sleep too much that night either.

EL said SL never came home last night. What do I know? I told her what I knew.
You would certainly think that they would quiz MMQC in this situation, right? And yet, they didn't-she was not, as you say, on their radar. I attribute that to the possibility of maybe a little laziness on the part of the police-for instance, thinking that if her friend knows where she is, Sylvia will either turn up on her own when she's ready, or the parents can get MMQC to tell them, so they didn't have to expend any energy on the case.

Or, maybe Eva never expressed the notion that MMQC might know, and the police knew nothing of her (MMQC). I am struggling with the idea, as I think we all are, that these particular police officers just decided to leave Sylvia's disappearance alone, without putting any work into it-trying to find a logical explanation other than "she is an adult, with the right to leave and tell nobody where she's headed". They didn't do anything, it seems, and I think there is a reason-maybe a bad one, like they were too lazy, or the BF/F had associates in the right places, or a good one, like they knew she deliberately disappeared willingly and didn't want to look back. I don't know anything that everyone here doesn't know-just ruminating on why the cops never did anything with this case in 1975-why would Lennon write that note?

I was reading someplace on WS this that the Det. on the PR now is in LE in the exact city/town that BF/F lives. Is that where the ASSOCIATES in the right places is now? Could this just be a fluke? Or did they know each other? Family perhaps? Good family Friend? A GIANT COVERUP? Blue sticks like glue and he spread the word?
I know everyone handles things differently
But me? If I was making a life altering decision, like breaking my engagement, I would certainly talk it over with my closest friend
Likely my Mom , but certainly my BFForever

When BF/F spoke to El,did he say they had an argument or did he tell her that Sylvia broke the engagement? Wish I knew

I had no knowledge of any break up. For certain SL would have told me of her intentions. EL would have said something to me or to JL if that was the case years ago. EL did however come to my elopment and then go back to my parents and tell them to WAKE UP and not to disown me just because I married someone they did not approve of....She did think that day that she would see SL at the Justice of the Piece as she would have been the maid of honor. So many questions to this day....So, so sad.
BBM-I would tell my friend first before telling my mother, because it would be easier. I wonder if it's true that she wanted to break their engagement; it would explain why there could be a rift between Sylvia and her mother, if Mrs L didn't support her decision. But why wouldn't her mother support her decision? MMQC or ASWDH-any hint of Sylvia wanting to break her engagement that either of you know of?

No hint of a breakup at all.
I was reading someplace on WS this that the Det. on the PR now is in LE in the exact city/town that BF/F lives. Is that where the ASSOCIATES in the right places is now? Could this just be a fluke? Or did they know each other? Family perhaps? Good family Friend? A GIANT COVERUP? Blue sticks like glue and he spread the word?

I do wonder...
bbm: MMQC do you recall her friend's reactions I guess to both SL & father? Did the incident between them happen in front of guests?

a looking down their noses type of laughter if I recall!
MMQC - Did BF/F have a brother that also played in a band? Also, was his mother's name Dolores who had a brother named Robert?
MMQC - Did BF/F have a brother that also played in a band? Also, was his mother's name Dolores who had a brother named Robert?

I can't remember anything of his mother or family.
I do believe that I told Det. Savage about the conversation I had with the brother of the BF/F's band brother.

bbm: MMQC I think this may be what skeet is referring to: "Did BF/F have a brother that also played in a band?" - Could you clarify - unless I am not reading correctly, I am wondering as well.
a looking down their noses type of laughter if I recall!

Thanks MMQC: It sounds dreadful.

I would agree with jmoose - if her father was known for grand standing with the hand stands at parties and her friends rolled their eyes along with her - no big deal.

Instead, I gather SL feels humiliated at her party in front of her Wagner friends - some of whom she may not have known that well? Perhaps had never been to her house before?

The BF/F is not there, or a part of the party, and her father creates a scene that causes her to create a scene -

I wonder if there were mutual friends of SL and her BF/F at the party and if the "buzz" about the fight afterwards got back to her - made her feel embarrassed, inferior, mortified.

-Or, if feedback got back to her through her BF/F? "So and so told me what happened and you did what to your father?" So and so thinks your father has issues.. etc...

IMO -The party's significance is in its close date (EOA) preceding her disappearance along with the fact that she is characterized as depressed on the PR.
bbm: MMQC I think this may be what skeet is referring to: "Did BF/F have a brother that also played in a band?" - Could you clarify - unless I am not reading correctly, I am wondering as well.

Truly, I can't remember if he had any brother(s) at all. And back then when I was introduced to parents at engagement party, It was Mr. and Mrs. No first names were ever used.

Hope that clears that up.
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