Australia - Shey Webber, 35, found badly injured in her Warranwood home

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Hoping to hear how Shey's doing.. and that her coma is her body's way of healing her traumatic injuries. :( I get so upset, thinking about this young woman lying in the hospital and what she'll have to deal with when she wakes up. It seems her family have some financial issues (who doesn't, these days..) and are appealing for help:


Ms Webber's family is in the process of setting up a fund to help pay for bills while she fights for life.

The family hopes to be able to raise enough money to pay for Ms Webber's rehabilitation costs and to save her home.


According to this article there were literally 'dozens' of men who'd contacted Shey through her dating ads, and then there's the Gumtree ads, prior boyfriends and known violent randoms to wade through..

Here's hoping the filth who attacked her left behind something of himself that will help identify him soon, and convict him when they do find him.

Thank goodness for that delivery guy who spotted the blood and signs of struggle, and probably saved her life.
Just trying to get the timeline down … Shey was discovered on the morning of Wednesday 6th November, but her best friend tried to reach her on Monday 4th November – with no success.

However, the delivery man tried to deliver parcels there on Monday 4th, and did not see Shey laying in the hallway then. Though I guess she may have been injured in another room and was trying to get to her phone or the front door, before collapsing in the hall.

Shey was seen on Saturday 3rd – sunbathing during the day. So probably Saturday night/Sunday/Sunday night/early Monday morning for the attack. And possibly a personal motive as (just like Kylie) nothing was taken and there were no signs of forced entry.

Thank you so much for this. As I read, I could not help wondering -- how long was the attacker in that house?

It just seems Shey had quite a bit going on in her life, so it is a bit weird no-one heard from her or saw her from Sat. afternoon onward.. if the attack wasn't on Sat. night, that is.

What's got me thinking is -- dehydration. Three days is about what a healthy person can take without water, before they get into serious trouble health-wise. What hope would a seriously injured young woman have, after losing blood, being in shock, etc.. That she was alive at all on Wednesday suggests the attack itself happened not too long before, unless she's one extremely tough cookie.

And if this is the case, why was Shey so 'absent' in the days prior? Could she have been held prisoner in her own home, all that time?

Just - something seems odd, there..
Hoping to hear how Shey's doing.. and that her coma is her body's way of healing her traumatic injuries. :( I get so upset, thinking about this young woman lying in the hospital and what she'll have to deal with when she wakes up. It seems her family have some financial issues (who doesn't, these days..) and are appealing for help:


Ms Webber's family is in the process of setting up a fund to help pay for bills while she fights for life.

The family hopes to be able to raise enough money to pay for Ms Webber's rehabilitation costs and to save her home.


According to this article there were literally 'dozens' of men who'd contacted Shey through her dating ads, and then there's the Gumtree ads, prior boyfriends and known violent randoms to wade through..

Here's hoping the filth who attacked her left behind something of himself that will help identify him soon, and convict him when they do find him.

Thank goodness for that delivery guy who spotted the blood and signs of struggle, and probably saved her life.


I think it was on Shey's sister's FB page that someone has posted a very helpful comment informing the family that if they get a letter from the doctor, the bank should put her mortgage payments on hold for 3 months. Hopefully that all works out for her......the last thing that poor family needs is to be worrying about $$$.

And wow, that's a lot of men to have to sift through. Makes it tricky doesn't it? But hopefully, like you say Ausgirl, the attacker left something that gives a solid lead to police.:please:

I think it was on Shey's sister's FB page that someone has posted a very helpful comment informing the family that if they get a letter from the doctor, the bank should put her mortgage payments on hold for 3 months. Hopefully that all works out for her......the last thing that poor family needs is to be worrying about $$$.

And wow, that's a lot of men to have to sift through. Makes it tricky doesn't it? But hopefully, like you say Ausgirl, the attacker left something that gives a solid lead to police.:please:

Heck yes, I agree no-one needs the added stress of paperwork and $ issues at a time like this.. Good news about the possible suspension of payments.
what an awful case! (and this is an understatement...)
i really hope that she will recover and that whoever did this to her left enough of a trace behind so he can be found.
I, too, believe that this attack must have been personal, for them to target her face it seems they were trying to strip her of her identity or sense of self - not for identification purposes (as she was left in her home), but as a form of psychological torture for Shey. Someone mentioned upthread that I reminded them of the vicious acid attacks that sometimes happen - I totally agree. There seems to be a lot of anger behind this attack. I'm leaning more towards her attacker being someone she knew.

The poor girl. She reminds me so much of a friend of mine, they look almost identical, I did a double take when I saw Shey's picture. I hope she has a speedy recovery, and is surrounding by all the love and support she needs to heal from such a horrific attack. May justice be swift.
IIRC... Shey is a nurse...

I wonder if the attacker may have been someone she gave care and treatment to?

There seems to be a lot of anger behind this attack. I'm leaning more towards her attacker being someone she knew.

I agree with your post, but just to point out that it isn't unknown for violent and mentally disturbed offenders to mutilate victims they don't personally know, as a substitute for somebody else close to them and for whom they hold great rage, usually somebody they cannot access or don't feel confident attacking (Ed Kemper's a great example of this..IIRC the Yorkshire ripper was also venting like this, holding rage at his wife). It's not as common as personal attacks, for sure, but it does happen.

If this crime does end up being linked to Kylie Blackwood's at all, or to any other violent crime against women, I'd be very inclined to start thinking that way.

It's actually harder to think of these two crimes NOT being connected - it would mean there's TWO men out there who felt free to bash a woman to near-death in her own home, in my home city. Wtf is wrong with these people. :(
I agree with your post, but just to point out that it isn't unknown for violent and mentally disturbed offenders to mutilate victims they don't personally know, as a substitute for somebody else close to them and for whom they hold great rage, usually somebody they cannot access or don't feel confident attacking (Ed Kemper's a great example of this..IIRC the Yorkshire ripper was also venting like this, holding rage at his wife). It's not as common as personal attacks, for sure, but it does happen.

If this crime does end up being linked to Kylie Blackwood's at all, or to any other violent crime against women, I'd be very inclined to start thinking that way.

It's actually harder to think of these two crimes NOT being connected - it would mean there's TWO men out there who felt free to bash a woman to near-death in her own home, in my home city. Wtf is wrong with these people. :(

Ausgirl, after reading your post re Kylie Blackwood I was taken back by the fact Kylie was a dental nurse & am wondering if there is someone there with a fixation with blonde women in uniform, a patient, far fetched but possible. A courier of medical supplies maybe. You are right there could be a connection there.
The mutilations? Were the mutilations done with the precision of a scalpel? Someone in the medical field?
You are right there could be a connection there.

It was South Aussie's idea, really. But yeah, the similarities are really mounting up -- and I didn't even consider Kylie being a dental nurse. Add that to the list!

Why are nurses so picked upon by psychos? It seems a pretty common profession for victims of violent crimes like this.

As for 'mutilations' - I was just using the word to cover ALL damage done to a victim above and beyond what would be necessary to simply kill them. AFAIK, both Kylie and Shey for sure were severely beaten, I'm not sure if a knife was used on Kylie or not, and there's no mention yet of any specific weapon in Shey's case.
A little bit off topic, seeing these reports are more about the workplace.. but doing some reading on attacks on nurses is just -- wow. A ghastly eye opener, for sure. Just a few articles on what our nurses have to endure in the course of their jobs..

They should get danger pay!!! As well as more support for their safety. :yes:
Ausgirl, after reading your post re Kylie Blackwood I was taken back by the fact Kylie was a dental nurse & am wondering if there is someone there with a fixation with blonde women in uniform, a patient, far fetched but possible. A courier of medical supplies maybe. You are right there could be a connection there.
The mutilations? Were the mutilations done with the precision of a scalpel? Someone in the medical field?

I had forgotten Kylie was a dental nurse....

More coincidences... or ?????

A little bit off topic, seeing these reports are more about the workplace.. but doing some reading on attacks on nurses is just -- wow. A ghastly eye opener, for sure. Just a few articles on what our nurses have to endure in the course of their jobs..

They should get danger pay!!! As well as more support for their safety. :yes:

I have had such incredible care given to family members and myself from nurses in many areas of the medical field...

I truly think of them as angels.. :angel:

And cannot comprehend the evil intent of those that would intentionally harm them...


Re Kylie being a dental nurse - wasn't that a long time ago, when she finished school? I think I read that was what she was doing when she met her husband, way before she had children. At the time of her death she was working part time in a ladies clothing boutique........
:thumb: Isis, I do believe you're right, there.

So maybe 'nurse' is off the similarity list after all.
It was South Aussie's idea, really. But yeah, the similarities are really mounting up -- and I didn't even consider Kylie being a dental nurse. Add that to the list!

Why are nurses so picked upon by psychos? It seems a pretty common profession for victims of violent crimes like this.

As for 'mutilations' - I was just using the word to cover ALL damage done to a victim above and beyond what would be necessary to simply kill them. AFAIK, both Kylie and Shey for sure were severely beaten, I'm not sure if a knife was used on Kylie or not, and there's no mention yet of any specific weapon in Shey's case.

Nurses are care givers, they show compassion & empathy, they have soft, gentle words.
We as normal minded people realise they are competent professionals who help us through a bad moment. Thank you to our angels.
To a mental case who might misconstrue the care as a sexual moment or come-on because the nurses have to come in close & touch.
All it takes is one mental case- problem is there are hundreds of drug fuelled crazies walking among us.
There was an item about a hospital in Sydney where the nurses were being attacked walking to their cars after their shifts. Go figure :banghead:
Just trying to get the timeline down … Shey was discovered on the morning of Wednesday 6th November, but her best friend tried to reach her on Monday 4th November – with no success.

However, the delivery man tried to deliver parcels there on Monday 4th, and did not see Shey laying in the hallway then. Though I guess she may have been injured in another room and was trying to get to her phone or the front door, before collapsing in the hall.

Shey was seen on Saturday 3rd – sunbathing during the day. So probably Saturday night/Sunday/Sunday night/early Monday morning for the attack. And possibly a personal motive as (just like Kylie) nothing was taken and there were no signs of forced entry.

So the potential time period of the attack covers typical 'date' times, as well as times when people may come and look at something for sale (Gumtree). At least I understand now how police have arrived at their conclusions!

Thanks for setting out the timeline SouthAussie.
Apparently, there will be a report about Shey on A Current Affair (Ch 9) tomorrow night. There was a little blurb about it tonight, saying Shey may have been attacked by an 'internet predator' (of course, they will sensationalise this as much as they can) and they'll follow with a bit about internet dating and how to stay safe etc.

But the interesting part is that Shey's brother (one of them - I think she has two older brothers, and a younger sister) was in the blurb saying 'we're going to find who did this, they have ruined Shey's life ....'.

Shey's siblings seem to be doing all they can to put Shey's attack first and foremost in people's minds and find her attacker. And with them keeping a bedside vigil with her too .... what a lovely, loving family she has.

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