GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #4

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Hi everyone!

I've been reading since the start when poor Willow first went missing but haven't posted anything yet because my opinions have changed at nearly every new development. At the beginning I guess I really thought she would be found alive having just wandered off somewhere. Then I believed it could have been an accident (probably because I wanted it to be), and now.....well, let's just say my opinion has changed. I'm grateful for all your intelligent and caring posts - I think this case has touched us all, and horrified us all too :(

Now that we're waiting for new information, I was thinking about JD working at SB and attending University and I wondered if he'd have to do any mandatory First Aid training for either of these? I know I had to do a compulsory First Aid course as part of my Diploma and it really had nothing to do with First Aid. I don't know what it's like in the US, but with a lot of businesses and courses you have to have done a basic First Aid course. I certainly remember the parts about impalement - in fact, it's pretty hard to forget them! If he'd done a First Aid course he would have KNOWN not to remove anything impaled and how to act accordingly in an emergency. That's just ONE reason I'm not buying his story. Nowhere do they teach you to "put someone out of their misery".
Hi guys, I am still getting caught up, but just wanted to post how much I appreciate everyone's insight, thoughts and ideas here. I keep getting booted off and have to relog in every minute and am having trouble thanking posts, but I just wanted to say the caliber of the posts here is really impressive...I'm frustrated that I'm unable to thank all these great posts! (I pm'd a mod.)

I agree with many posts, so much has already been mentioned, so I don't have much to add, but I do want to say that the similarities I see to Sigg are mindblowing. They could be the same person, imo. This J creep is sooooo Sigg, I just can't express this enough. JMO.

One more thing I wanted to mention...I thought this was really when I walked into my class, an old student of mine was there to stop by and say hello. I hadn't seen her for a long time. Her name is Willow, and she is fiery redhead in high school (bright bright bright red hair just like Little Willow). It was the strangest thing, because I had Little Willow on the forefront of my mind, and I walk in, and there's Willow, the only person named "Willow" I've ever known in my life. I thought this was a cool coincidence, or whatever you want to call it. :)

Ok, going back to thread 3 to finish reading.
One more thing I wanted to mention...I thought this was really when I walked into my class, an old student of mine was there to stop by and say hello. I hadn't seen her for a long time. Her name is Willow, and she is fiery redhead in high school (bright bright bright red hair just like Little Willow). It was the strangest thing, because I had Little Willow on the forefront of my mind, and I walk in, and there's Willow, the only person named "Willow" I've ever known in my life. I thought this was a cool coincidence, or whatever you want to call it. :)

How excellent!
Bringing this forward (Article and Probable Cause Statement Released by LE at Press Conference via fox2now):





I just want to say that the kitty litter in the brush dump, we put our used kitty litter there as well. Its the clumpable sort and can't be flushed so it goes into the woody brush. Not so unusual.
In my experience, the police are not required to state the facts to the public. And in fact, may even lie to the public, if information could impede an investigation.

Absolutely. I heard a few things in the presser today I thought were a little, uh, maybe not 100% true. JMO.
I read the probable cause statement, still waking up. But I had to reread the part about him going to work a hour early, while people were searching for Willow. What?? Did I read that wrong.
I think it might very well be possible, he took her to an abandon house, like a previous poster mention. I can't remember who either, but right on top of it, great thinking!
I just can't figure out how he clean up a crime scene so well at his own home.
I think it might very well be possible, he took her to an abandon house, like a previous poster mention. I can't remember who either, but right on top of it, great thinking!
I just can't figure out how he clean up a crime scene so well at his own home.

I had not considered that scenario, but it would answer some of the questions floating around in my head...#1 being blood at the wood pile.
The kitty litter thing is an odd thing to throw into the story. Even him mentioning it is bizarre. It makes me think that he expects police to find kitty litter on her body. I don't even want to imagine how it would get on her.
Ok, after 3 hours stuck in work (such an inconvenience) and 45 minutes frantic skim-reading.. I'm caught up.

I really believe that yes initially she did lie to the Police about seeing the kids that morning as she didn't want to be seen as an unfit Mother.

I think that when she woke up to find Willow gone she would have spoken to the brother to see if he knew where she was and then he has most likely told her that he gave them breakfast and put a dvd on at such and such a time so she has adopted that story.

I think when she spoke to the Police initially she clearly thought that Willow would be found wandering somewhere.

I also think that it's probable that when she did realise it may not be the case of Willow wandering off she probably admitted to the Police fairly early on that she had in fact not seen the kids in the morning at which point I would imagine that she may have been told to keep that to herself.

I don't think that it was a case of her maintaining that she saw those kids in the morning throughout this whole ordeal.

I think this is likely.

The other parts of her story really bother me. The whole "we got in an argument" and implying Willow left angry and had ran away. If Willow were older, or if this police department were not so AWESOME (Kudos to LE in this case!), listing her as a runaway, could have really hindered her being found, ever. So why was mom's "white lie" embellished upon the make it look like Willow ran away? Unless she just took his story of an argument and made it her own and ran with it? If that were the case and she came clean with LE quickly when they realized Willow was not just wandering around, LE could be more lenient about her white lies. I've seen it happen.

I'd totally forgotten about the "argument". I don't suppose it matters much now though. :(

Some other (brief) thoughts:

- A stick? Oh, puhh-lease. :rolleyes:
- Welcome to our new members :D
- A LOT of you sleep with weapons nearby. I know which homes not to break into...
Does anyone else cringe and feel their stomach flip flop when they read in the probable cause report "he believed he had to end her suffering" and when the grandfather said in a media interview "put her out of her misery"?

I do not understand that statement at all. This was not an injured animal. Why no calls to 911? All this makes my hinky meter red flag.

Probable Cause:

Sorry I could not find a link for the grandfather, but I remember watching on local news. He was sobbing when he explained how she fell and JD felt he had to put her out of her misery.

ETA: While looking for the grandfather's interview, I ran across a video that shows the 'stick pile' in the yard. LE appears to be searching it: :57
The kitty litter thing is an odd thing to throw into the story. Even him mentioning it is bizarre. It makes me think that he expects police to find kitty litter on her body. I don't even want to imagine how it would get on her.

This has been posited before by other members, but IMO every odd detail he offered up was an attempt to explain what he knew LE would find.

Kitty litter- he attacked her in the bathroom and the cat pan was kept there.

Masturbating/Willow grabbing his forearm- to explain semen transfer onto Willow and also the scratches he gave her while fighting him off. :(

Stick in the neck-IMO, there was no stick and he maybe made that up thinking he has caused enough damage to he throat/neck area it would be impossible to disprove the stick story (as his "reason" for killing her) ; what a loser.

Again, this has been said before but I share these opinions.

snipped: The Effingham County Sheriff's Department say they're searching for 7-year old Willow Long of Watson. Police tell us the girl walked away from her home on Circle Drive in Watson Sunday morning after an argument with her mother, and has not been seen since

I didn't mean to imply LE would urge the mom or anyone not to tell the truth, especially about when she last saw her missing daughter. All I meant to imply is that I've seen a mom lie about things in the initial interview when a child is missing, to cover up nefarious activities. But when it became obvious this child was not just missing temporarily, the parent immediately came clean and LE understood. No charges were ever filed.

edited to add

My thoughts on this argument are that it probably happened.... only it happened the night before, when Mom was going out, because Willow did NOT want to be left alone with her Uncle. jmo
It's absolutely disgraceful how they are carrying on over on the FB pages, mob mentality. Would probably been a good case study for someone studying Psychology or the like.

I really feel for the Mother, to have to deal with the brutal death of her daughter by a Family member coupled with the wrath of the public whilst trying to grieve as well must just be completely overwhelming (massive understatement).

I really believe that yes initially she did lie to the Police about seeing the kids that morning as she didn't want to be seen as an unfit Mother.

I think that when she woke up to find Willow gone she would have spoken to the brother to see if he knew where she was and then he has most likely told her that he gave them breakfast and put a dvd on at such and such a time so she has adopted that story.

I think when she spoke to the Police initially she clearly thought that Willow would be found wandering somewhere.

I also think that it's probable that when she did realise it may not be the case of Willow wandering off she probably admitted to the Police fairly early on that she had in fact not seen the kids in the morning at which point I would imagine that she may have been told to keep that to herself.

I don't think that it was a case of her maintaining that she saw those kids in the morning throughout this whole ordeal.

Anyway that's just my 2 cents worth and obviously my opinion only!!

My heart is just really breaking for her.


Your whole post mirrors my own thoughts. I don't think CD had any knowledge of what had already transpired. I think she admitted to LE the facts...we didn't know about it because it wasn't in the initial reports.
This case blows my mind. I'm sick reading about what the perp did to Willow. :(
She was a beautiful little girl whose innocence and life were viciously taken from her by a family member. I fear what we may hear in the future.....RIP WILLOW.
Where did the perp but the clothes he wore that night? They had to be covered in blood, IMOO.
ETA: While looking for the grandfather's interview, I ran across a video that shows the 'stick pile' in the yard. LE appears to be searching it: :57

Respetfully snipped. Could that really be the stick pile?! It's so small compared to what I was thinking of. Perhaps they'd removed a large part of it to search the lower levels.

Out of interest, what do people have wood piles for? Is it for firewood or cut trees on their land ready for recycling or something?
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