Found Deceased AR - Cerilla Doyle, 51, Bentonville, 27 Oct 2008

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Name: Cerilla Doyle

Alias: Cerilla Ann Bolton
Date of Birth: 09/02/1957
Date Missing: 10/27/2008
Age at time of disappearance: 51
City Missing From: Bentonville
State Missing From: Arkansas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 197 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Hair (other): Naturally curly hair
Eye Color: Blue

Identifying Characteristics: Cerilla wears glasses and both ears are pierced. She normally wears her hair short.

Circumstances of Disappearance: She was last seen at her Bentonville residence that morning by her daughter who said she told her she had some errands to run. When her daughter returned home from her job later in the evening, she found her mother's identification, cell phone, vehicle and all other personal property had been left behind.

Police previously said Doyle's internet usage indicated she may have taken a bus to Tulsa, Okla. That was investigated, and a clerk at the bus station was shown a picture of Cerilla and said that she may have been there. A piece of paper was found in a waste can in the bus station that was identified as possibly belonging to Cerilla.

She has a concealed carry permit and was a former police officer, and was second in command for The Pea Ridge Arkansas Police. Her husband passed away in February 2008 after a lengthy illness. Cerilla's step-father passed away in July of this year, and her father was in an accident. The family feels certain Cerilla would want to know what has transpired since her disappearance. They stated that to their knowledge, Cerilla is not depressed or suicidal as was reported in media accounts of the story.

Investigative Agency: Benton County Police Department
Agency Phone: (479) 271-3175
Facebook info:
from sister in law's fb page:
Featured Missing Adult Cerilla Doyle Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 197 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue Cerilla, then age 51, was last seen on 10/27/2008. When her daughter returned home from her job later in the evening, she found her mother's identification, cell phone, vehicle and all other personal property had been left behind. Police previously said Doyle's internet usage indicated she may have taken a bus to Tulsa, Okla. That was investigated, and a clerk at the bus station was shown a picture of Cerilla and said that she may have been there. A piece of paper was found in a waste can in the bus station that was identified as possibly belonging to Cerilla. If you have any information about Cerilla, please call the Bentonville County Police Department at (479) 271-3175.

From the album:
"Wall Photos" by Lori Hall Bolton
I have been emailing with Cerilla D's sister in law. She started the FB page for Cerilla.
She has given me more details about Cerilla and her disappearance.
I have her permission to list those details.
The sil says anything that can be done to find Cerilla Doyle is okayed.

Cerilla's husband died in early 2008. He had been ill for years with diabetes.
Cerilla was a sergeant in the police dept., number two in the department.
She was fired.
She was fired due to a boyfriend who had problems and caused problems, per sil.
The night before she left, she was arrested.
This due to the boy friend's inaccurate statements about Cerilla.
Cerilla's daughter got her out of jail.
Cerilla had a concealed license permit, but her gun was taken from her.
According to the sil, Cerilla was embarrased and ashamed.
The daughter works as a 911 dispatcher.
She left for work that evening and when she got off work the next morning,
Cerilla was gone.
Cerilla left her car, her clothing, her personals.
Police say that from Cerilla's internet usage, they felt she may
have taken a bus to Tulsa.
Police have noted that Cerilla has a police background and knows how
to disappear.
The local bus depot was checked and the person there thought
maybe Cerilla had been there. Trash bins showed something that
could have belonged to Cerilla.
Security cameras were either broken or not working that day.
There are one or two news articles from Tulsa.
But sil says that no police agency talked with Tulsa bus station personnel.

No one has heard from Cerilla at all.

What does the sil think happened?
She doesn't know. She just wants to find her.
But she now says that anything is possible.
Just a thought -- but thinking of some of the other women recently who have been killed by violent boyfriends -- she may have felt the only way to get away from this troublesome boyfriend was to disappear so he couldn't follow her?
It must be very difficult for the daughter to lose both parents in one year. I hope she is coping okay.
I have been emailing with Cerilla D's sister in law. She started the FB page for Cerilla.
She has given me more details about Cerilla and her disappearance.
I have her permission to list those details.
The sil says anything that can be done to find Cerilla Doyle is okayed.

Cerilla's husband died in early 2008. He had been ill for years with diabetes.
Cerilla was a sergeant in the police dept., number two in the department.
She was fired.
She was fired due to a boyfriend who had problems and caused problems, per sil.
The night before she left, she was arrested.
This due to the boy friend's inaccurate statements about Cerilla.
Cerilla's daughter got her out of jail.
Cerilla had a concealed license permit, but her gun was taken from her.
According to the sil, Cerilla was embarrased and ashamed.
The daughter works as a 911 dispatcher.
She left for work that evening and when she got off work the next morning,
Cerilla was gone.
Cerilla left her car, her clothing, her personals.
Police say that from Cerilla's internet usage, they felt she may
have taken a bus to Tulsa.
Police have noted that Cerilla has a police background and knows how
to disappear.
The local bus depot was checked and the person there thought
maybe Cerilla had been there. Trash bins showed something that
could have belonged to Cerilla.
Security cameras were either broken or not working that day.
There are one or two news articles from Tulsa.
But sil says that no police agency talked with Tulsa bus station personnel.

No one has heard from Cerilla at all.

What does the sil think happened?
She doesn't know. She just wants to find her.
But she now says that anything is possible.

Hmmm. . . lots of questions. Has anyone seen Cerilla again after her daughter picked her up from the jail? It says that when the daughter got off work the next day, Cerilla was gone. Did the daughter and Cerilla live in the same house then? Did the boyfriend live there, too? Is that the same boyfriend who got Cerilla arrested? What was she arrested for? What on te computer made LE think she may have gone to Tulsa? Are they sure Cerilla was the one who wrote it, considering others lived in the house? Also, if she was arrested, why is she not considered a fugitive? Is there a warrant for her arrest?

If Cerilla's car was not at the bus station, who drove her there? (I guarantee she didn't walk -- the station (really a FastTrak Citgo convenience store) is across HWY 540 in what most people around here would consider Rogers. For those of you not from around here, Bentonville has a population of around 30,000, so it's not some little one-street town where people walk to the bus stop.)

The one bus that leaves Bentonville to go to Tulsa leaves at 1:50 am, and it doesn't go directly to Tulsa. In fact, you'd have to take a Jefferson Line bus in the opposite direction, north/east, to Joplin and then change to a Greyhound bus to go back down southwest to Tulsa. I wonder if anyone has questioned the people at the Joplin bus depot.
Bentonville police want your help finding a former officer. Cerilla Doyle was a Pea Ridge Police Officer. She was last seen at her home on October 27th. She may be armed. According to a news release she is suffering from depression symptoms and may be suicidal. Police think she may have taken a bus to Tulsa and may be using a different name. If you have any information please contact Bentonville Police.
Friday, Nov 21, 2008 @03:13pm CST

I found out a few days ago that my significant other's mom was friends with her. I'll post any thoughts from her, when we get to talk. The Facebook page on her disappearance is gone. Was she found? I'll do some more research.
I have been emailing with Cerilla D's sister in law. She started the FB page for Cerilla.
She has given me more details about Cerilla and her disappearance.
I have her permission to list those details.
The sil says anything that can be done to find Cerilla Doyle is okayed.

Cerilla's husband died in early 2008. He had been ill for years with diabetes.
Cerilla was a sergeant in the police dept., number two in the department.
She was fired.
She was fired due to a boyfriend who had problems and caused problems, per sil.
The night before she left, she was arrested.
This due to the boy friend's inaccurate statements about Cerilla.
Cerilla's daughter got her out of jail.
Cerilla had a concealed license permit, but her gun was taken from her.
According to the sil, Cerilla was embarrased and ashamed.
The daughter works as a 911 dispatcher.
She left for work that evening and when she got off work the next morning,
Cerilla was gone.
Cerilla left her car, her clothing, her personals.
Police say that from Cerilla's internet usage, they felt she may
have taken a bus to Tulsa.
Police have noted that Cerilla has a police background and knows how
to disappear.
The local bus depot was checked and the person there thought
maybe Cerilla had been there. Trash bins showed something that
could have belonged to Cerilla.
Security cameras were either broken or not working that day.
There are one or two news articles from Tulsa.
But sil says that no police agency talked with Tulsa bus station personnel.

No one has heard from Cerilla at all.

What does the sil think happened?
She doesn't know. She just wants to find her.
But she now says that anything is possible.

Do we know why Cerilla was fired, exactly, and why she was arrested that night? Was it because of the prescription drugs?
It maybe sounds like she went to Tulsa to disappear.
And it's so frustrating that LE didn't contact the Tulsa bus station... LE in this area is questionable sometimes.

I'm really thinking Cerilla is still alive. I really hope so.
Hmmm. . . lots of questions. Has anyone seen Cerilla again after her daughter picked her up from the jail? It says that when the daughter got off work the next day, Cerilla was gone. Did the daughter and Cerilla live in the same house then? Did the boyfriend live there, too? Is that the same boyfriend who got Cerilla arrested? What was she arrested for? What on te computer made LE think she may have gone to Tulsa? Are they sure Cerilla was the one who wrote it, considering others lived in the house? Also, if she was arrested, why is she not considered a fugitive? Is there a warrant for her arrest?

If Cerilla's car was not at the bus station, who drove her there? (I guarantee she didn't walk -- the station (really a FastTrak Citgo convenience store) is across HWY 540 in what most people around here would consider Rogers. For those of you not from around here, Bentonville has a population of around 30,000, so it's not some little one-street town where people walk to the bus stop.)

The one bus that leaves Bentonville to go to Tulsa leaves at 1:50 am, and it doesn't go directly to Tulsa. In fact, you'd have to take a Jefferson Line bus in the opposite direction, north/east, to Joplin and then change to a Greyhound bus to go back down southwest to Tulsa. I wonder if anyone has questioned the people at the Joplin bus depot.

I am Cerilla's daughter. I'll gladly answer any questions about the issue you might have to the best of my ability.
Here's the real story....
In February 2008, my father died after having gone into a diabetic coma. My mom was the one who had to make the decision to pull the plug. The day he went into a coma was also the day my mom's lawyer had filed her paperwork for divorce. Due to this, his entire family said that she killed him for the insurance. My mother loved my dad, but they had their own issues with her job, his hobbies, and his mental problems. After he was gone, we found a stockpile of his medicine he had apparently been storing up and hiding. We also found a large pile of cash, we believe he might have been selling his medicine behind our backs. His brothers wanted the medications, but were told no. They got very upset over that, and I no longer hear from any of them to this day. We turned the medicine into Circle of Life to be destroyed.
A couple months later, my mom began to date another man. She hid this from me for a while, because she knew I would disapprove, and I did. He reminded her of my dad, in way too many ways. He lived in a hotel just up the road for a few months, and then my mother moved him into our house. I very much hated him. He threatened to kill me on multiple occasions.
It was due to him, that she had to quit her job as a police officer. He was the local town drunk and a felon, and she was advised to end it with him, quit, or she would be fired. She decided to quit.
About a month after losing her job, he bought a house down in Ozark, where he lives to this day, as far as I know. Myself and some family and friends and ex-coworkers of hers were doing our best to seperate her from him. He was verbally and physically abusive. He did his best to poison her against everybody that cared about her. He moved her to Ozark and would not let her communicate with us in any way. She finally decided she didn't like that and after they fought called me. I drove down to Ozark and took her and some of her possessions back to Bentonville with me.
A while later, they made up and she went back down there with him. When they fought again, he brought her back up, but refused to bring her home. I was at work this time, and was called by the Bentonville Police to pick her up from their station. They advised that she had put a gun to her head and threatened to kill herself if the boyfriend did not take her home, so he drove her there. They advised that she should be taken to see a psychologist.
My supervisor at the time, refused to let me take the rest of the night off, even tho I had made arrangements for the rest of my shift to be covered. I took my mother back to our house, made sure she had everything she needed and that she would be okay. I then went back to work, tho very upset.
After work my mom was still up, tho she was headed to bed. I then went to bed as well.
When I got up the next morning to head to my part time job, she was already up and dressed. She told me that she was going to run some errands and that she would see me later. I went to work.
My second job was at a gas station. My boss had given me a piece of strawberry bread and let me go home early. When I got home, all the vehicles were there and the bedroom door was closed. Normally, this would mean my mom was taking a nap. I decided that I wanted to share the bread with her and would wake her up.
When I opened the bedroom door, the bed was empty, except for a pile of credit cards, ids, her cell phone, her expensive watch, a power of attorney and a note telling me not to blame her boyfriend.
I called my grandmother first, to see if she had heard from my mother. She had not. I hung up with her and called the Bentonville PD. As I was waiting for them, I called the Pea Ridge PD, family and friends, to see if anybody had heard anything. Nobody had. My grandmother and her husband and some of the Pea Ridge officers came over. Bentonville PD went through everything she had left. They also went thru the files on my computer, which my mother had access to. They found in the history where she had made the power of attorney the night before and also where she had done a search for bus tickets to Tulsa.
One of our friends I had called stated that he had been over around noon to pick up a trailer my mom had been borrowing. He said she seemed happy and was dressed very nicely and had on perfume. She is not the type that typically wears perfume or makeup.
We found a reciept in the trash from walmart. On it was a hoodie, a bag, and some shoes. They have video from walmart from this, and also where she took some cash out of the bank. They verified, with a picture, that she did indeed buy a ticket to Tulsa at the Rogers depot, but unknown if she got on the bus or not. The Chief of Pea Ridge went personally on his own time and searched Tulsa as best he could trying to find her. He found at the Rogers bus depot a piece of paper that looked to be her writing, with the name Diedre on it. It matched her other writing that we had on hand.
Her boyfriend was taken into custody by the Ozark PD that night, on the off chance that he had done something.
For months he would call me and blame me for killing her, to the point I stopped answering. I have not heard from him in over a year now.
Nobody in the family has heard from her since that time. We do hope that she will eventually contact us if nothing else.
Please, if you have any other questions, let me know, and I will try to answer them.
I, myself, think she had a midlife crisis and possibly a mental breakdown. She was the responsible one of the family. She lost her husband and her job, which she loved, in less than a year. Her and I were fighting over her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was abusive. She had been blamed for my father's death. I believe this all contributed to what happened. I think she felt she was sick of it all and had to get away.
Since she left, many thing have happened, that I feel she would be sorry to have not been around for. She is sorely missed, and will be so until she returns.
I am Cerilla's daughter. I'll gladly answer any questions about the issue you might have to the best of my ability.
Here's the real story....
In February 2008, my father died after having gone into a diabetic coma. My mom was the one who had to make the decision to pull the plug. The day he went into a coma was also the day my mom's lawyer had filed her paperwork for divorce. Due to this, his entire family said that she killed him for the insurance. My mother loved my dad, but they had their own issues with her job, his hobbies, and his mental problems. After he was gone, we found a stockpile of his medicine he had apparently been storing up and hiding. We also found a large pile of cash, we believe he might have been selling his medicine behind our backs. His brothers wanted the medications, but were told no. They got very upset over that, and I no longer hear from any of them to this day. We turned the medicine into Circle of Life to be destroyed.
A couple months later, my mom began to date another man. She hid this from me for a while, because she knew I would disapprove, and I did. He reminded her of my dad, in way too many ways. He lived in a hotel just up the road for a few months, and then my mother moved him into our house. I very much hated him. He threatened to kill me on multiple occasions.
It was due to him, that she had to quit her job as a police officer. He was the local town drunk and a felon, and she was advised to end it with him, quit, or she would be fired. She decided to quit.
About a month after losing her job, he bought a house down in Ozark, where he lives to this day, as far as I know. Myself and some family and friends and ex-coworkers of hers were doing our best to seperate her from him. He was verbally and physically abusive. He did his best to poison her against everybody that cared about her. He moved her to Ozark and would not let her communicate with us in any way. She finally decided she didn't like that and after they fought called me. I drove down to Ozark and took her and some of her possessions back to Bentonville with me.
A while later, they made up and she went back down there with him. When they fought again, he brought her back up, but refused to bring her home. I was at work this time, and was called by the Bentonville Police to pick her up from their station. They advised that she had put a gun to her head and threatened to kill herself if the boyfriend did not take her home, so he drove her there. They advised that she should be taken to see a psychologist.
My supervisor at the time, refused to let me take the rest of the night off, even tho I had made arrangements for the rest of my shift to be covered. I took my mother back to our house, made sure she had everything she needed and that she would be okay. I then went back to work, tho very upset.
After work my mom was still up, tho she was headed to bed. I then went to bed as well.
When I got up the next morning to head to my part time job, she was already up and dressed. She told me that she was going to run some errands and that she would see me later. I went to work.
My second job was at a gas station. My boss had given me a piece of strawberry bread and let me go home early. When I got home, all the vehicles were there and the bedroom door was closed. Normally, this would mean my mom was taking a nap. I decided that I wanted to share the bread with her and would wake her up.
When I opened the bedroom door, the bed was empty, except for a pile of credit cards, ids, her cell phone, her expensive watch, a power of attorney and a note telling me not to blame her boyfriend.
I called my grandmother first, to see if she had heard from my mother. She had not. I hung up with her and called the Bentonville PD. As I was waiting for them, I called the Pea Ridge PD, family and friends, to see if anybody had heard anything. Nobody had. My grandmother and her husband and some of the Pea Ridge officers came over. Bentonville PD went through everything she had left. They also went thru the files on my computer, which my mother had access to. They found in the history where she had made the power of attorney the night before and also where she had done a search for bus tickets to Tulsa.
One of our friends I had called stated that he had been over around noon to pick up a trailer my mom had been borrowing. He said she seemed happy and was dressed very nicely and had on perfume. She is not the type that typically wears perfume or makeup.
We found a reciept in the trash from walmart. On it was a hoodie, a bag, and some shoes. They have video from walmart from this, and also where she took some cash out of the bank. They verified, with a picture, that she did indeed buy a ticket to Tulsa at the Rogers depot, but unknown if she got on the bus or not. The Chief of Pea Ridge went personally on his own time and searched Tulsa as best he could trying to find her. He found at the Rogers bus depot a piece of paper that looked to be her writing, with the name Diedre on it. It matched her other writing that we had on hand.
Her boyfriend was taken into custody by the Ozark PD that night, on the off chance that he had done something.
For months he would call me and blame me for killing her, to the point I stopped answering. I have not heard from him in over a year now.
Nobody in the family has heard from her since that time. We do hope that she will eventually contact us if nothing else.
Please, if you have any other questions, let me know, and I will try to answer them.
I, myself, think she had a midlife crisis and possibly a mental breakdown. She was the responsible one of the family. She lost her husband and her job, which she loved, in less than a year. Her and I were fighting over her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was abusive. She had been blamed for my father's death. I believe this all contributed to what happened. I think she felt she was sick of it all and had to get away.
Since she left, many thing have happened, that I feel she would be sorry to have not been around for. She is sorely missed, and will be so until she returns.
I am so sorry you had to endure this and it had to be incredibly painful to write of us but thank you for sharing your Mom's story. She's simply a good woman who was overwhelmed by what life threw her way. You did all you could to protect her. Bless you.

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