Light bulb moments

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One lightbulb moment that I knew she did it, even after knowing all the damning evidence, was the day she strutted outside to her lawyers office and her previously loose find caylee t-shirt was knotted up at her side to make it tighter and form-fitting. That just did it for me.
My lightbulb moment(s) are every time she walks into the courtroom, that nose goes up in the air as she flips her hair to the side. I hope she keeps it up because her body language speaks volumes to the judge. "You can't prove a thing" is what it says and shows the arrogance that is so much a part of her.
My light bulb moment concerns the baby doll that was left in the carseat when the Pontiac was towed ~ the doll Caylee called "Mama."

I am not sure if it was ever established whether or not the "mama" doll found in the carseat inside the Pontiac was the same doll in the Caylee carseat photo... this would be the photo below that shows Caylee in her carseat with the doll wearing the pink jammies. But let's suppose it is.

For months, that doll had been bothering me.... there was just something about her and the clothes that I couldn't quite put my finger on... and then it hit me. Having a daughter that is two years younger than Casey, that doll's face looks like an older doll from the early 1990s. After a bit of research, that is just about how old that doll is.

So then I got to thinking... I bet the doll in Caylee's carseat photo was actually Casey's childhood doll, not a new doll for Caylee. Still having childhood dolls around the house is particularly common when the mother is very young, like Casey was. The doll could have also come from a garage sale, thus making the doll not easily replaced, but then I found this eery photo of Casey as a child:

The photo is very blurry, but Casey is holding a doll that looks to be the same size (11-12") as the one in Caylee's photo, AND, like Caylee's doll, Casey's doll also has molded hair, not rooted hair. Casey looks to be about six or seven years old and this would be the perfect age for Casey to have this doll that was made in the early to mid 1990s.

After realizing how old that doll is, I started thinking about Casey leaving the doll behind in the car. From what I have read about Casey, my impression is that she is cheap, she is stingy, and she is spiteful. I suppose, either she left the doll behind because she could care less about it and that Caylee loved it... But could it have been more of a 'this is my doll and I'm keeping it' on Casey's part?

I also wondered if the reason Caylee called the doll "mama" is because Casey referred to the doll as Mama's doll.

The doll in the carseat photo has a vinyl head, arms, and legs, with a cloth body. While I am not certain if the doll in the carseat photo is the same doll found in the car that wreaked with death, LE called that doll, a cloth doll (or did they say cloth body doll?) and this one would definitely be categorized as a cloth body doll. I believe the doll was found unclothed, which would be more obvious to LE that she was a cloth body doll. If the doll had been found in the Pontiac wearing the pink clothing, as seen in the Caylee carseat photo, LE might assume it was an all vinyl doll (not cloth bodied), unless they picked it up and felt the soft body.

I remember in Lee's testimony, he says something like, "That doll was Caylee's since the day she was born."

I wonder if Casey removed the doll's clothing because it stunk, but she couldn't part with her childhood doll (her child? yeah. the doll? no).

Realizing this could be Casey's doll, makes it seem more plausible that she would keep it, rather than dispose of it with her daughter. Yep, that's what I think.

The dolls look similar but I can't tell if they are one in the same. But the theory makes lots of sense to me. I wondered why she would call the doll "mom mom".
That theory makes sense to me, too.

I agree that Caylee might have started calling the doll "mama" if she had heard the doll called "mama's doll".
Light bulb!

I can't find the text where KC told someone to call her at the " brotha! "

Did she mean Brothers house or Brothal? I would love to find the date of this text.


I think that was slang for brother hit me up brotha!!
I just had a thought about the script. I was posting in the other thread about the jogger Nicole and I thought KC got her description of ZG from the paper. Then it hit me. That's the script she talked about, it was a list of things she had to get in order to tell people, like a name for the nanny, a description, where she was taken from. The murder of the jogger was June 9th, Caylee died June 16th, the park would have still been crawling with cops at that park because there is a YMCA with lots of kids and moms there. So she never put Caylee in Econ river is was too risky with a murderer on the loose, and cops probably staking out the park, but she remembered or read stuff in the paper about it. She started taking notes and making a script. She had lots of time to do it. I wish to God, we could find it, I would think it would be on paper, not on the computer hard drive. She didn't have time to get rid of stuff as she was arrested on the same day as CA found her, and she needed one more day to clean stuff up. I could figure out how she had some many lies lined up and remembered them. All the names at Universal and dates they worked and titles.... She had a script but not from ZG.
June 9th bothers me too. I think that CA and KC just got confused because, CA went back to work on June 9th after having Caylee all week, so that would stand out, she would miss her. The jogger was killed June 9th so that date may have been on the new, in the papers, just on your mind. Father's day was not celebrated for GA; KC wasn't there, LA was out of town, just another day. So a month later, you ask when was the last time you saw her, and maybe the end of Vacation date pops up for CA. Maybe CA and KC had a another big fight when CA went back to work and we don't know about it and KC just remembers that date. Who said the date first? The other just didn't question it until the FBI see the video and then CA remembers it was Father's day. I know KC was self absorbed, so much so, I don't think she thought of the "date" she last saw Caylee, it was a month later. JMT
I thought about this because December 2nd was the day my dad died. I remember it each year as I did yesterday and it has been 10 yrs now, but I still remember the day. KC just didn't take notice of the date, she was too busy figuring out a script and hiding evidence and go out to party.
The June 9th day is quite strange.

I re-read KC's written statment and she used that date, too, as the date she last dropped off Caylee with Zanny at Sawgrass.

How did they all get stuck on June 9th???
The June 9th day is quite strange.

I re-read KC's written statment and she used that date, too, as the date she last dropped off Caylee with Zanny at Sawgrass.

How did they all get stuck on June 9th???

I think CA said the 9th and KC just went with it because of it....and later changed her story when CA discovered Father's Day was actually on the 15th. Hmmm....they ALL adjusted their dates, including GA.
I think CA said the 9th and KC just went with it because of it....and later changed her story when CA discovered Father's Day was actually on the 15th. Hmmm....they ALL adjusted their dates, including GA.

The point I am trying to make is that people remember dates associtated with Holidays, birthdays, deaths, that's why the FBI went over the calander with Cindy and asked about birthdays, holidays. I think some thing happened that day, like another big fight. If you asked me what I did or did not see 31 days ago, I wouldn't be able to just flip out a date.
Here is my lightbulb moment for today: KC told Danny at Cast Iron Tatoos that she was driving her friends car to pick them up at the airport because the luggage wouldnt fit in her trunk. KC said she was supposed to go on the trip to Puerto Rico but couldnt due to financial reasons. -- Lightbulb -- she couldnt go on the trip because she would have to have someone watch Caylee and how would she explain that one since Caylee wasn't around? Im sure GA and CA wouldve been the ones to watch Caylee if she was going on a trip.
I think CA said the 9th and KC just went with it because of it....and later changed her story when CA discovered Father's Day was actually on the 15th. Hmmm....they ALL adjusted their dates, including GA.

Did KC ever change the date from the 9th to the 16th? IIRC, the date was changed from the 9th to the 16th the day before the bond hearing. CA states at the bond hearing that the night before is when LE brought it to her attention. The perp had already been arrested and stopped talking.

Is it anywhere in the documents that the perp changes the date from the 9th to the 16?

It has always confused me that the perp said "she has not seen her daughter in 31 days", because the 31 days comes back to June 15th or 16th......but then gives LE the date of June 9th?

LA told LE he thinks that the perp used that date b/c CA used that date.

Why would the perp run with CA's date? Why didn't CA go with the perps date? Only answer I can come up with (and CA never thinking that the video from Father's Day would undo her) was to send LE on a wild goose chase.

More proof to me that a cover-up was start by the A-Team from day one.
More proof to me that a cover-up was start by the A-Team from day one.[snipped]

I totally agree with that....but let's say, day 31!
I thought about this because December 2nd was the day my dad died. I remember it each year as I did yesterday and it has been 10 yrs now, but I still remember the day. KC just didn't take notice of the date, she was too busy figuring out a script and hiding evidence and go out to party.

My dad died 7 years ago on June this date has significance to me. Sorry about your dad, Bern. I know how you feel.:blowkiss:
Casey, herself was my light bulb moment. Being the mother of sociopath, making up outrageous lies, stories so strange, when telling the truth would be easier. I've been down that same road, stolen credit cards etc...he once told me he had to have $1,000 because the Mexican Mafia was chasing him for money. Did I believe him? Did I give him the money? No. We have to keep in mind that THEY do not think like we do. They mimick people around them to give the perception they are like we are. When she was interviewed by LE the first time...I had her number...sad but true
I agree with another poster who said too many to count, though I guess two really stand out for me - the lime GA used in the backyard and Cindy not giving Caylee's hairbrush to LE.
OK ...I just finsihes reading and posting on the "Questions for Websleuths" Thread, and began browsing the "Headlines" here at WS when I thought out loud to myself.

Holy Batsh*t Robin!!! This is HER STORY ... only in my mind though, just my oppionion based on the fllowing

She is telling JB that she asked a friend to care for Caylee so that her mother couldn't take custody of her. But when the below mentioned happens ... said friend is very afraid because the heat is on and wants no part of it! and KC retrieves the child ... I think we know the rest ... sadly :( And she certainly didn't tell JB that part IMO

Originally Posted by Anais
I would love to know this also. I have pondered this question for some time now and haven't been able to find the answer!

Originally Posted by PotatoHead
I will have to go back and look, but I believe Shirley P. told LE that Cindy had begun to see the counsellor after KC stole the $354.00 from Shirley in the spring. I'm pretty sure that the most credible statements I've read through the months were from Shirely and were in the docs released this past week.

Originally Posted by sadyjade
I'd also like to add that as a person who is often in a courtroom, specifically child custody hearings. It is often the case that when one is seeking "custody" thet are given a plan to follow. This is the case whether its to be placed in foster care, or with a father or mother seeking custody of thier children after seperation/divorce.

I cindy's 3rd 911 call you hear her say "I gave you thirty days" in a loud, anxious, panicked, and ANGRY way ... like I might if I felt my child was not being taken care of properly and speaking to my spouse.A counselor would likely tell her to take notes, keep a journal, set clear boudries, etc.

This is the process and a counselor as well as a lawyer would give the same advice. When 90 days pass ... time for court ... and it can be *immediate* they don't mess around once you can show the child is danger. Court ordered, child removed.

If it was the end of march, that would be a little over a 90 day *plus* timeframe.

April, May June, June 15th .... July 15th

"I gave you thirty days"

IMO ... this scenereo, Casey is soooo smart *right* she knows who the father is and thinks she's gonna outwit mom and HE will take custody ... that'll show her!

What .... No? .... You don't want to be with ME and our baby? Now what am I gonna do!? Think fast, I cant't let her (CA) win!?

Someone once said that life must be lived forward but can only be understood looking backward
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