2009.03.11 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

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2009.03.11 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

Video Shows Anthony, Baez In Jail Crying Together
22-Year-Old Jailed On Murder Charges In Daughter's Death
POSTED: Tuesday, March 10, 2009
UPDATED: 10:33 pm EDT March 10, 2009
Casey Anthony and her attorney cried together in the Orange County Jail when he visited his client on the day her daughter's remains were discovered, and the sobbing was captured on videotape, Local 6News reporter Jessica D'Onofrio has learned.

In a court document filed by Baez on Tuesday, he acknowledged the video, mentioning what he called an "unauthorized videotaping of the defendant's counsel while meeting with the defendant," Local 6 News reported.

Prominent local defense attorney Mark Nejame, who once represented Anthony's parents, said it is not illegal for the jail to record visits.

"It might be bothersome, but it's surely not anything unordinary to the extent that routinely all that I can remember in 28 years of jail visits, we're always watched and there's no expectation of privacy in the jail," NeJame said.

Docket Date--Defendant----------Docket Entry

For those of us having trouble remembering what is going to be heard when:

13 Orlando posted today, 2 Defense motions will be heard tomorrow & defendant will be present.

...Meanwhile, Casey is scheduled to be back in court Thursday in the murder case of her daughter, regarding two motions filed by her lawyer.

Baez said he wants a copy of all forensic evidence collected and reports involving the case, including evidence from Casey's car and the computer of her ex-boyfriend, Ricardo Morales.


Baez's defense team also wants to stop the release of a suicide note Casey's father, George Anthony, started in January, along with other documents set to become public in a few weeks.
UPDATED: Source Says Videotape Shows Casey, Baez Crying
Source Says Videotape Shows Casey, Baez Crying
POSTED: 12:05 pm EDT March 11, 2009
UPDATED: 7:30 pm EDT March 11, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez filed a motion Wednesday to compel Lee Anthony, brother of Casey Anthony, to answer some tough questions he dodged during his deposition 10 days ago.

Baez said he has seen the tape and it may compromise the attorney-client privilege. Late Thursday, he filed an emergency motion seeking to prevent the tape's release and stop any future taping of him and Anthony together.

Meanwhile, Jose Baez, Casey Anthony's attorney, said Wednesday that he has seen the videotape of Casey Anthony in jail when she found out a child's remains were found near her home.
According to a source who has also seen the tape, it shows Baez sitting with Casey Anthony and he appears to be crying.
In new court papers, Baez acknowledged he has seen the tape and calls it an unauthorized violation of the attorney-client privilege. He's fighting to keep it from being made public.

VIDEO: Baez Files Motion Over Casey Anthony Video

VIDEO Source: Anthony's Reaction To Remains Taped

Emergency Motion For Protective Order And Other Relief:

DOCUMENT: Read Motion to Compel


The lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez want a judge to force Casey Anthony's brother to address two questions he didn't answer during an interview last month, according to documents filed in court this morning.

- Does he know the father of Caylee?
- Is one of the possibilities that has gone through Lee Anthony's mind is his sister was one responsible for Caylee's disappearance?
Gonzalez's lawyers say the questions are proper and no type of privilege applies. No hearing has been set yet.

UPDATED INFO: Video shows Casey Anthony, attorney meeting the day remains were found
Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
12:44 PM EDT, March 11, 2009
The Orlando Sentinel has learned Casey Anthony's attorney appeared to cry and wipe his eyes while meeting with her on Dec. 11 at the jail - the day the remains of a small child were found near the Anthony home.

Casey Anthony, however, appeared angry and had her arms crossed and looked away during the meeting, a source told the Sentinel.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office acknowledged a videotape exists.
"There is a video," spokesman Deputy Carlos Padilla said. "Baez has referenced that video in his motions."

Investigators and prosecutors have copies of the video, but it's unclear whether the state will use it against her at trial.
Moore said the surveillance is visual only and no audio is collected in order to respect attorney-client privilege.

Baez Files Motion Asking Judge Not To Hold Hearing
Posted: 3:26 pm EDT March 11, 2009
Updated: 3:55 pm EDT March 11, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's Attorney Jose Baez filed an objection and motion to strike the state&#8217;s motion to determine potential conflict of interest, which means he's asking the judge not to hold a hearing on the state's motion.
Baez' motion was filed with the clerk Tuesday.

Casey Anthony will be back in court on Thursday for another hearing scheduled at 3:30pm. Her lawyer, Jose Baez wants access to all notes and reports on any DNA testing, along with evidence taken from the computer of Casey's ex-boyfriend, Ricardo Morales.

Eyewitness News has learned that the attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez has filed a new motion Wednesday in the civil case against Casey Anthony.
On February 27 Casey's brother Lee Anthony gave a deposition for the defamation lawsuit filed by Zeneida Gonzalez. However, during the deposition, Lee did not answer two questions.

DOCUMENT: Objection, Motion To Strike

DOCUMENT: State's Motion

Casey Anthony's attorney wants jail to stop monitoring meetings with client
Jose Beaz has learned a corrections officer told investigators about a conversation Baez had with Casey
Sarah Lundy and Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
6:20 PM EDT, March 11, 2009
Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez wants the Orange County Jail to stop monitoring meetings between himself and Anthony. And he wants those who observe these meeting to stop talking about them.

He's asking a judge to bar the state from releasing any videos, audio tapes and interviews with correctional officers who may have heard any conversations.
He also wants the judge to find out who ordered the monitoring at the Orange County Jail.
Baez said this violates his client's Constitutional rights.

Spokesman Allen Moore said there are security cameras - without audio - set up throughout the jail.
Security cameras do record meetings between attorneys and inmates - for the protection of the attorney and to ensure jail policies are followed, he said.
The jail has no duty to visitors to inform them they are being recorded on security cameras, Moore said.


*NOTE: Baez's Emergency Motion on this is in post #3! Thanks
Casey Anthony case: Are questions for Lee relevant to Zenaida?
posted by halboedeker on Mar 11, 2009 6:01:56 PM
The questions aren't relevant to the defamation suit and what Zenaida Gonzalez is trying to prove, NeJame said. Gonzalez is suing Casey Anthony and accusing the young mother of destroying her life by linking her to Caylee's disappearance. Casey is charged with her daughter's murder.

The judge in the civil suit will decide whether Lee Anthony will be forced to answer.
WESH reported that Baez has filed a six-page emergency motion to block the tape's release. Kealing said that Baez cited "the unauthorized videotaping of the defendant's counsel while meeting the defendant." Baez has called the situation a conspiracy.

Attorney NeJame told WESH that he could understand Baez's frustration and called the taping inappropriate. But NeJame said the taping wasn't illegal and predicted that Baez would lose his fight to block the tape's release.

WKMG reported that Baez wants an investigation into the matter and says his conversation with his client was illegally monitored. Baez says "a member of the jail staff was able to relay to detectives a conversation between him and Casey," WKMG's Mike DeForest reported. "How could this jail person know about this conversation?"

Expect extensive coverage when Casey Anthony returns to court for a hearing at 3:30 p.m. Thursday. The issue: Will George Anthony's suicide note will be released? Her parents are trying to block the release.

UPDATED: Lee's attorney says it's all a publicity stunt
Last Edited: Wednesday, 11 Mar 2009, 11:00 PM EDT
Created On: Wednesday, 11 Mar 2009, 9:40 PM EDT
Being Lee Anthony is not easy these days. The brother of accused murderer Casey Anthony has shared the spotlight with his sister throughout the drama surrounding the disappearance and death of his niece, Caylee Marie.
Lee is not accused of any wrong-doing, but lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez have filed a motion to compel, in hopes of getting answers to two questions.

"It has absolutely no relavence in the defamation case," said Luka. "What Mr. Anthony's opinion is, in facts of the murder case, have no real bearing on the defamation suit."
Attorneys represeenting Gonzalez were not available for comment on Wednesday. Luka still objects to such questions, claiming there is another agenda.
Luka has ten days to file a response to this motion. No hearing date has been set for this issue.

Baez files motion to keep videos private
Baez wants a judge to find out who ordered video to be captured and saved on that day. He claims attorney-client priviledge and contends that his client's right to keep her jail medical record private was violated.
A spokesperson for the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Allen Moore, admits that the video does exist but that there is no audio to accompany the video.
Should the video be released, Baez has stated that would file a federal civil rights lawsuit on Casey's behalf. A hearing date for this motion has not yet been scheduled.

Casey back in court on Thursday
The hearing is scheduled for to begin at 3:20 p.m. before Judge Stan Strickland in the Orange County Courthouse. The event will be streamed live on MyFoxOrlando.com.

Live MyFoxOrlando Link For The Hearing:

Baez Threatens To Sue Over Jail Video
Casey Anthony Remains Jailed In Death Of Daughter
POSTED: Tuesday, March 10, 2009
UPDATED: 9:22 pm EDT March 11, 2009
Casey Anthony's attorney has threatened to sue anyone involved with videotaping a conversation that took place between him and his client inside the Orange County Jail.
Baez on Wednesday said that it is "100 percent untrue" that he cried with his client inside the jail. He also said that reports about the "secret" video are a violation of an order from the judge, who has yet to rule on whether the video should be made public.

According to documents released by the state in the discovery process, Anthony hyperventilated upon hearing the news that remains of a child had been discovered, and she requested medication.
In newly filed court documents, Baez asks the judge to launch an investigation into the video. He also claims a high-ranking jail official monitored a conversation between himself and Anthony and then relayed the details of that conversation to detectives.

VIDEO: Emergency Motion Filed
http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer...20090944&cat=CAC&title=Emergency Motion Filed


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