2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies

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How can she not "get it", when JB said GA put his penis in ICA's mouth all bets were off...how can she even think CA could go along with this line of BS. Just shows the extent of the fantasy world ICA lives in.

Didn't her DT warn her that CA/GA weren't on board with this? I find it hard to believe.

LCoastMom, I hope you wanted an answer to the question I bolded. No, I do believe her defense team did not let her know in advance that mom and dad are sticking together and finally not standing up for Casey. Her attorneys allow it to be a surprise. Because if she knew in advance, I think ICA may have refused to be present in the court room or would have made even more of a fuss before Cindy ever uttered a word on the stand.
I do firmly believe the defense, each and every one of them, knows what kind of a sick person they are dealing with ICA for a client.

I find it rather scary.
Cindy and George are of relatively modest means but they appear to have made a very sweet, comfortable and well-tended home for Casey and Caylee. I have had the impression all along that they all tend to coddle her and attempt to appease her.
It is looking more and more like "the secret" they've been keeping is that her behaviour has always been very bizarre and self-serving, and that this is simply her nature. jmo

It really struck a chord with me when Linda circled the picture of the meticulously manicured shrubs, purposely and lovingly planted around Caylee's playhouse. She asked who did that and she answered "George and I" and began to silently weep. It spoke volumes.

You are so correct. They not only provided for that sweet child, but made sure everything that was provided had that extra dose of love and attention.
Wow, I didn't realize they were having court today. Catching up now. Holy Moly, ICA is really crying!

I've waited to see ICA really break down for three years. I know I will find delight in watching it all weekend. Yes, I know she's only crying for herself, but finally I get to see the angry, spoiled little spiteful brat coming out.

What is she saying? I'll be reading all your takes on this. Thanks.

Here it is! http://www.wftv.com/video/28058178/index.html
I don't think it was any big accident that LDB showed those pictures in that order, and left the Caylee picture up all that time....I think that just in case CA had any last minute change of heart, she wanted to make sure Caylee was in the courtroom as much as Casey was.

I agree and that what make LDB one of the best!
I think I caught a telling moment on this video as well. When Cindy first starts testifying (when they were moving the monitor around) It looks like she briefly glanced over at the defense table and then tightly closed her eyes and swallowed as if to block out the image of her daughter. It's on this video at about 15:50. It happens quickly, but to me she closes her eyes just a little too long and tightly to be just a "blink." What do you all think of this?

Oh, yes. Interesting find, thanks, I had not noticed this before. It looks like she looked over at Casey and braced herself.
She didn't look at me once the entire time she was there.

respectfully snipped...

I think this ticked her off quite a bit. She wanted to be the focus. Unfortunately for her, her lies were the focus of CA's testimony.

Thank you for trying to interpret her words.
I am so glad that CA and GA were allowed to stay in the court room for all the testimony of dates of ICA's social life. I think it helped her Mom finally believe her heart should be with defending Caylee. All the times ICA could not give her parents the satisfaction of a kind look in court these past 3 yrs after all they have done for her is going to be the demise of ICA. Finally she is facing the hurt herself of what she has done to others.
I am so very proud of CA today she suffered through detailing only 31 days of ICA's lies.
Can you Imagine what those parents life has been about for ICA's first 22 yrs.
No wonder their marriage has been rocky dealing with a daughter who probably played 2 ends to the middle. I have such a lump in my throat just imagining the Anthony's pain this past 3 yrs. And this isn't the worst it is yet to come.
I just had an AWFUL thought..Cindy will most likely hear about what ICA pulled..She may even watch the video..I'm AFRAID she will feel very GUILTY about it..Then what? My guess is we won't see the 'same' Cindy we saw today..That will truly stink if it happens :(

eta..This is probably the whole purpose behind it.

I hope not. If CA had a difficult time viewing Caylee's photo and asked for it to be removed, I'd like to think she will stay away from viewing any and all media surrounding this trial until it's complete.
I don't think it was any big accident that LDB showed those pictures in that order, and left the Caylee picture up all that time....I think that just in case CA had any last minute change of heart, she wanted to make sure Caylee was in the courtroom as much as Casey was.

But Cindy has Caylee's pictures on her bracelet... she isn't wearing a "Free Casey" Bracelet (if they exist.)

She is wearing a Caylee Memorial bracelet and a custom bracelet with pictures of Caylee. Caylee is in the courtroom with her...



I put this on the Side Bar thread, but it belongs better here. It is interesting. Dr. Glass says Casey says, "she didn't cry for three years and now look at her! Why is she crying?"

Casey asks the same thing about Cindy in the jailhouse tapes, "why is she crying?" Why does it bother Casey so much to see her mom crying? Oh, its because it is over Caylee.

Wow. It is becoming abundantly clear to me how jealous Casey was of Caylee and that she killed her with purpose and malice of forethought (is that right? it should be). Casey killed Caylee because she was mad at her for taking away her spotlight.

Casey tried to snuff out Caylee's sunshine but she has not be able to do so and never will.

Not to excuse Casey AT ALL, but today this made me think that maybe just maybe, they were terrible parents to Casey(violence, molestation, who knows what else) and that is what made her a nut job. Especially when someone posted CA's myspace quote where she says something about giving caylee a "safe" place to live. Was it unsafe for Casey when she was younger? That makes even more sense about ICA jealousy and hatred for her daughter. This also is a common theme in many killers lives. Shi**y parents, then they have a child or grandchild later in life that they try to do right by because they know they ruined their other childrens lives and this makes the other children NUTS and want to harm and kill the sibling or person loved by the parents.
Wonder what she's doing right now? If any of the attorneys are spending time with her this afternoon or if she is sitting there all alone in her jail cell realizing what is about to happen to her...................................

Looked like they all went back with her with the deputy.
ICA looked angry to me when her Mother was crying. Any loving Daughter would also cry seeing their Mother cry like that. Not ICA... Stone face. I'm sure the jurors will notice.

Yep, but you have to remember that Casey also put the blame on her mother for Caylee drowning in the pool. JB's opening statement has Cindy maybe forgetting to take the ladder down so that Cayle couldn't get into the pool. Cindy stated that she put the ladder away so she would have realized as soon as she heard what the DT was going to say six weeks ago that Casey killed Caylee.
:floorlaugh:I just had this vision of Casey being carted into the courtroom strapped onto a hand cart in a strait jacket and face shield like Hannibal Lecter...........:floorlaugh:

WOW! Look at that snarl!

My. My. My. Look at the attn's face as she looks at KC. Gave me a giggle inside I hate to admit, I bet the defense gets to see snits like this a LOT. I am not going to go into the dysfunctional dynamics of this family on this thread but interesting that KC only responds this way to her Mom. I used to think that KC had the upper hand in that relationship, now I think that CA just let her think that. (the previous statement doesn't have to do directly with Caylee it has to do with the mother/daughter relationship.

But Cindy has Caylee's pictures on her bracelet... she isn't wearing a "Free Casey" Bracelet (if they exist.)

She is wearing a Caylee Memorial bracelet and a custom bracelet with pictures of Caylee. Caylee is in the courtroom with her...



I have wondered if the Teddy bear that CA has brought to court is the one that was speculated to contain the ashes of Caylee. If so, then Caylee really is there.

Not to excuse Casey AT ALL, but today this made me think that maybe just maybe, they were terrible parents to Casey(violence, molestation, who knows what else) and that is what made her a nut job. Especially when someone posted CA's myspace quote where she says something about giving caylee a "safe" place to live. Was it unsafe for Casey when she was younger? That makes even more sense about ICA jealousy and hatred for her daughter. This also is a common theme in many killers lives. Shi**y parents, then they have a child or grandchild later in life that they try to do right by because they know they ruined their other childrens lives and this makes the other children NUTS and want to harm and kill the sibling or person loved by the parents.

This is what the defense is hoping that the jury will think ^^^^. JMHO :)
I hope she has fun dreams tonight- about time someone told ICA that sometimes the world doesn't go along with your delusions. Especially when you try to take everyone down with you. Karma is a you know what.
Hate to disagree with you momtective but her committing suicide would take away the only thing she truly loves.....herself! She would never do that! She loves herself too much.

Too bad she couldn't have shown the same emotion for Caylee.


I do not necessarily agree with this.

My sister was very much like ICA--she lied, told lies upon lies upon lies upon lies incessantly. The only person that mattered in her life was HER--not her two lovely daughters, not her husband, not our mother, not our brother, not me, not ANYone--ONLY HER.

She would stand and argue about the color of the sky, the clouds, the grass, even when it was so very obvious that it was a different color. She would tell so many complex lies, in fascinating detail, and if you happened to catch her in a discrepancy her response was "What the f--- are you talking about? You're sick!! I know what I said, and I never said that!"

She destroyed family relationships, telling lies about one person to another and then turned around and told different lies to the second person. If you wanted to be a part of her life, you had to denounce any relationship with other members of our family, by pledging your allegiance to HER and to believing in her lies.

I stopped talking to her the year that she psychologically destroyed my mother because I could no longer handle the tremendous pain that she inflicted on everyone around her. I have enough of my own personal health problems that I just did not want any of that stress any more.

She committed suicide 3 years ago--when all of her lies caught up to her and she was backed into the last corner. There was no way out for her so she took the last SELFISH act of her life and swallowed 80 OxyContin pills, locked herself in the front seat of her car and went to sleep.

It would not surprise me in the least for ICA to find herself at the end of her hallway, dead-ended with nowhere else to go, and taking that last SELFISH way out.

She would, effectively, be telling the world "F--- you, I WILL get the last word," leaving the rest of her now-destroyed family to live with unwarranted guilt for the remainder of their lives.

ICA, just like my sister, is one evil, conniving, piece of human matter. She scares the hell out of me, and I worry about ANYONE else that ever comes into contact with her. She will destroy you, turn and walk away laughing and not give you another thought.


She is evil incarnate and diabolically clever.
ICA looked angry to me when her Mother was crying. Any loving Daughter would also cry seeing their Mother cry like that. Not ICA... Stone face. I'm sure the jurors will notice.

I HOPE they did! and , HEY, Patty G! or one of you other techno- whizzes, can you put a side by side of the icy stare while her mother was crying and her outburst for herself?
(Someone probably already has and I have missed it.)
The contrast was eye-widening and jaw dropping.
I hope she has fun dreams tonight- about time someone told ICA that sometimes the world doesn't go along with your delusions. Especially when you try to take everyone down with you. Karma is a you know what.

And she gets to bottle this anger and focus squarely on it for 2 whole days in her cage. There will be no vacation from that visual of her parents embracing for the rest of the long weekend.

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