OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #1

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Several links have stated that his teacher DID mark him as absent at the beginning of the school day. There was also a quote that the school does not ever contact parents of absent students because they do not have an issue there with absences. While I do not agree with that policy, the parents there must have been just fine with the process, since they had not insisted that it be changed. I am sure that it will be done differently from now on, however.


The process of calling parents when kids are not at school is there for a reason, regardless of whether parents like it or not.

It's to keep children safe. I bet that this school will be implementing a new policy for the rest of this year.
Totally inappropriate all the joking around that is going on prior to the press conference, imo.

The application won't run for me, so I hope someone will recap. Thanks in advance. This situation makes me ill.
He's still not found, and the search will continue through the night.
Regardless of what happened, whether Kyron wandered off or was taken, the parents with children at this school need to be at Skyline Monday morning demanding that school personnel do their jobs of protecting the children who attend there.

I am just flabberghasted that the teacher didn't report him as absent to the office, that the office didn't call the parents, that he was allowed to slip through the cracks until his stepmom reported him missing.

If this were my child, I'd be having some people fired over this. I know Kyron's folks' number-one priority right now is finding Kyron, but dear god when the dust settles, I hope they raise forty kinds of hell with this school.

I was getting ready to go on a rant..... but you said what I was thinking.

Even during special events during school hours you must buzz to get in and sign in. And if it really a big thing all the doors has a teacher standing at the door greeting you and we are very small community very little crime......stories like this I am so grateful for our schools.
It won't run for me either. I thought it would be on local tv, but I guess just on the internet..
Yes a recap would be nice TIA =)
The process of calling parents when kids are not at school is there for a reason, regardless of whether parents like it or not.

It's to keep children safe. I bet that this school will be implementing a new policy for the rest of this year.

That is exactly what I said in the post that you quoted, that they will do things differently in the future. So, obviously, I totally agree with you.

My kids schools have always done this, in fact they over-do it! They once called me about my son being absent when I had already called them AND they had a athletic department release for him for the whole day because he was participating in a state championship swim meet. They felt quite ridiculous for calling me when I reminded them, but I would prefer them to err by an unnecessary call than to miss one that was needed.

From bing maps:

Front view of school:

The forest behind the school that goes on and on and on.

A better view of the depth of the forest, but it just continues on to the left. It is so large it cannot be captured in one shot.

Back of the school and back parking lot.
That one building with the multiple skylights is probably an undercover play area since it rains so much in Oregon. It looks like it's fenced.
There are very limited exits to the school that I can see, but I don't see any fencing around the school property, which imo, is unusual.
I don't see any cameras either.

great pics, thanks.
Next presser will be 8PM unless a big development, and then that that news will be released immediately.
Recap of the press conference:

Kyron has not been found. His parents are cooperating fully with the investigation. Many police and sheriff's departments have volunteered people to help with the search. FBI is providing whatever support is needed. Police are asking that anyone who lives near the area to search everything on their property, from old freezers to dog kennels to outbuildings. Police cannot release details about the boy's possible health issues or other facts because they are of investigative importance. The weather last night was not bad and he could easily survive if he hunkered down somewhere. The search will continue through the night... there are two parts of this going on right now: 1) search and rescue and 2) investigation. All parents of children who attend the school should be receiving messages by phone telling them when to come to the school tomorrow to be interviewed. The interviews will be staggered, and if you can't come for your scheduled time, then come whenever you can. Over 100 searchers are working today, and will continue through the night.
Fox 12 has a 5pm broadcast tonight (PST), it looks like it may be online also.
I would like to see more picture of the Science Fair pictures. I sure parents were snapping pictures like crazy even videos. I think LE need to put out a message for parents to bring in their pictures.

Maybe they have????
I would like to see more picture of the Science Fair pictures. I sure parents were snapping pictures like crazy even videos. I think LE need to put out a message for parents to bring in their pictures.

Maybe they have????

Good idea, hope they have. I just hope he went looking for a frog and is lost because any other scenario is not good.
No security cameras anyhere?? wondering if those were checked
Totally inappropriate all the joking around that is going on prior to the press conference, imo.

O/T but along the same lines: Same exact thing happened before the infamous Shaniya presser where they handed out the packets with the photos of MAM carrying Shaniya to the elevator at the hotel.

The joking and laughing before the pressor made me sick.
As much as I hate to think this it's beginning to look like Kyron was abducted by someone roaming around the school. I am appalled at the lack of security at that school. I can only hope that if someone has him they will drop him off somewhere. I wonder why LE is not really addressing this and asking that if someone has him to let him go?
I wonder if they've checked the septic system? According to the school's website the septic system had to undergo extensive repairs in 2007 (it looked for a time like they'd need a new one, but they were able to repair it in the end). Although it's usually children under five who are small enough to disappear into faulty or uncapped systems, I hope they check anyway.
Kids on FB are discussing this case. They claim that there was a "creepy" man at the school walking around by himself. They also said that the school was open for people to come and go.

Kids are very perceptive to "creepy men/woman" IMO they should be being listened to, as I am sure they are. They would know prob more then the adults about this man as kids pay more attention by far, this of course is moo....
Kids are very perceptive to "creepy men/woman" IMO they should be being listened to, as I am sure they are. They would know prob more then the adults about this man as kids pay more attention by far, this of course is moo....

I and others here on WS refer to it as the 'creep' factor - and you are so right, children are very perceptive to it.

Where are you little guy? So many are looking for you.
I read about this last night and hoped so badly that when I was able to check in next he'd have been found :(

I, too, hope he went frog-hunting and will be found soon safe. But for some reason, I keep wondering about older students at the school...I mean, on the one hand, this is a small school with a good teacher to student ratio, but on the other hand, older children have been known to harm younger children...I'm choosing to assume that since we haven't heard anything about older students acting suspiciously that I'm completely off-base. I sure hope he's all right!
Anyone know if there are both, cadaver and scent dogs out? TIA
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