2011.01.05 Hearing TES Volunteer Computer Subpoena

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Mrs G Norris

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May 20, 2010
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Wesh is reporting there will be another hearing tomorrow to hear a subpoena from the defense to look at TES volunteer Joe Jordan's computer files including photographs.

No Casey.

ORLANDO, Fla. --
A hearing has been set in the case against Casey Anthony for tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at the Orange County Courthouse

why no KC? and why are more people allowed to be wrongly accused by this defense? Who is next? "let's investigate the great grandpa...he was the las one seen photographed with Caylee?"
i just read JJ's reply to the motion for his photos ( just posted in the motions thread) and while the motion itself is interesting, I just love the lawyer's signature. All I could think of is how I used to have to make those 0's over and over when I was first learing how to write cursive. I am sure this comment tattles on my age, but that's ok, I am still grinning at the signature.
Huh, interesting! Too bad Casey isn't going to be there. I bet this will be a two second hearing by phone or something like that. lol.
Joe Jordan photos discussed on page 33 of the Stream of Motions thread

wth picture of Casey.jpg
Originally Posted by nums24
This entry from the docket today was filed by Joe Jordan per the link below:
01/03/2011 Motion to Strike Motion for Protective Order

In this video report: http://www.wftv.com/video/26357112/index.html

Originally Posted by Intermezzo
They want the pictures he took and in the motion they state he had posted them here on WS and on SM but have been since removed...nums I think you posted a link to this motion someplace...I know I read it tonight.

THANK YOU for finding that reference to the Motion to Strike Motion for Protective Order, filed Jan 3, 2011, by Joe Jordan, Nums!!!

Subpoena Duces Tecum: http://www.wftv.com/pdf/26331241/detail.html
for Joe Jordan photos posted on WS and Scared Monkeys
filed Dec 30, 2010
Defense wants court to issue Order for Defense to issue Subpoena for Joe Jordan records.
JJ said in deposition on Dec 8, 2010 that he was an active blogger on WWW.
He blogs on Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community Forum and Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum discussing this case
Both sites revealed photographs taken by JJ linked to his personal website
http://www.josephsjordan.com/caylee/ (no longer available)
Some of the photos showed areas searched near or on Suburban Dr
The State has listed JJ as a witness.
State and Defense consider JJ a crucial witness to this case
Defense is seeking any and all photos related to this case in JJ possession and the production of all content posted on the worldwidde web by JJ regarding this case
The items sought by this application cannot be obtained through normal discovery under Rule 3.220, Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Thank you so much Mrs. Norris and Think Tank!!
The defense sure does want to have it's cake and eat it too. You just can't make this stuff up! Why, why , why, what is so hard about asking what you need to know in the deposition Cheney Mason professed to the judge, over and over. Also, Jose argued the exact same thing about why he wanted the state to ask in the depos how much his experts were paid. Now here we have them calling for a full blown hearing on something they did not even ask in the deposition of Mr. Jordan. With or without ever having seen his postings on the web , wouldn't question number two, right after state your full name for the record, be did you take any photographs or video of the areas you searched if you are talking to a person about where they searched and what they saw. Come on!!!!!!

The fact that they did not ask this very fundamental question, tells me she absolutely has ineffective counsel, and in the words of my hero, Mark Nejame "I am being overly generous in my characterization!" This is outrageous!! In the words of my hero tim Miller, "I am pissed off about it!" I'll say!

You just can't make this stuff up!!!!!

Much like the Henry Lee fiasco, when the defense draws attention to something, they are SOOOOO miguided it is appauling, as far as them representing a defendant. Joe Jordan's lawyer is going to have a field day with them, and I don't even know the man. If the photos he has are from J Blanchard park, I will need to shut the door to my office, pull down the blinds and open the window!!!! Calling Joe Jordan to the stand, they may accidentially bring the little matter of Laura Buchanan, introducing herself as not only law enforcement, but working for the defense, and trying to talk him into talking to Jose , trying to convince him he searched at location A rather than location B where he damn straight knows he was. Rut row......
God help the defense if they prop the door wide open and alert the judge to the fact that the defense investigator was making Joe soooo uncomfotable, he questioned his ethics, etc. Good grief!!! I cannot stop laughing. This is 101....consider the worst case scenario of what a particular witness may do to harm your case, before you call them to the stand. They try their case ten minutes at a time, never thinking things all the way through. IMO, they are ineffective, alright! I wouldn't call Joe Jordan to the stand to save my life if I were them, he already set out in his depo that he was NEVER on Suburban with Laura Buchanan, and then some. They just are gluttons for punishment.

We have some amazing members here, check it out:
clip by Leila
Dec 31, 2010
"I remember that Joe Jordan was searching with a group of people and he found discarded clothing. He took pictures and posted them here at WS, which we then compared to pictures of Casey wearing similar clothing. I think it's these pictures, which Joe Jordan posted here at WS that are in question by the defense. But Jose Baez is wrong when he says that the items that Joe Jordan photographed were from the site on Suburban Drive. The pictures were taken of items found in or near J. Blanchard Park. Joe Jordan photographed the items and called LE who came and retrieved the items. Joe had pictures of LE putting several bags of things in the back of a police car.One of the items was shorts and top set that looked very similar to one Casey was wearing in one picture. There was a lengthy thread here at WS on this subject, but in the final analysis, we determined that the shorts and top set was not the same.....only similar. It would appear that JB is going after "evidence" which has no bearing on the case. What Joe Jordan photographed was discarded clothing in J. Blanchard Park, which is not related to this case."
clip from BondJamesBond:
"Here is the thread discussing the items found near the soccer field @ JBP discussed above.
2008.08.17 Items Found by Searchers in Wooded Area
· Many of the image links from the original posts are no longer valid
· Second to last page of thread shows you aerial view of the exact location where the items were found
· This is a great example of why we try to keep threads on-topic and available for reference even YEARS later."
clip from Joseph S. Jordan on WS:

The Search for Caylee-Possible Physical Locations - Page 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
The Search for Caylee-Possible Physical Locations - Page 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community 08-16-2008, 10:34 PM
"It was an extension of Blanchard Park... it was the soccer complex off the econ trail where deputies searched."
I think there were other pictures taken on Suburban Drive, one with an ATV in it but I don't believe the pictures were taken by Mr. Jordan. I believe they were taken by another searcher who would have been assigned to that area. jmo
"I'm an honest person. I'm not the one on trial here!" Joe Jordan

I know Mark Nejame, representing Eqqusearch will be happy to chimb in on the matter of Mr. Jordan, as a volunteer. The defense better wish for luck, pray to Jesus, and eat some wheaties if he shows up.

a classic from Mark:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4884639&postcount=1"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - All Texas Equusearch-Related Filings #1[/ame]
Mops, anyone?

In this next one, Mark is requesting the defense be fined attorney fees for their shenanighans.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4886515&postcount=38"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - All Texas Equusearch-Related Filings #1[/ame]
Posted: 9:34 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011
Casey Anthony hearing to focus on photos of lot where her daughter's remains were found
A new hearing has been set for Wednesday in the Casey Anthony case.

The hearing, set for 1:30 p.m., will deal with the defense team's motion to subpoena photos of Suburban Drive related to the murder case and supposedly taken by Joseph S. Jordan.

The document states that a Dec. 8, deposition of Jordan, a state witness, showed that he was an online blogger, who visited and blogged on various websites discussing the Casey Anthony case and the search for Caylee Anthony.

Two sites, "Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community Forum" and "Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum" both posted photos taken by Jordan and linked to his personal website, according to the motion.


Why isn't ICA going to be present for this hearing? She needs to be there, this is more than just a "status" hearing...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
One can get a preview of the photos in question by going to this link:

Joe Jordan Image Link

You can then see additional images by clicking the shown images and going to the websites currently hosting those images.

And yes, as noted above, the images in question were from Blanchard Park.
twenty four minute mark...Joe explains the Laura Buchanan attempt at manipulation or coersion, those are the politest words I can use

This is going to be a disaster of biblical proportions if the testimony turns to this. They better keep the questions very narrowly focused if they know what is good for them. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

God bless the hard working , tax paying members of the jury. In advance!
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5969881&postcount=11"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.01.05 Hearing Scheduled TES volunteer computer subpoena[/ame]
Great to see you, JWG, when you do drop by you have something substantial with you!!!! We need you here. You are one of the brightest people on the net, not just here, but on the world wide web, sir.

State of Florida subpoenaed interview with Mr. Jordan
Like JWG said, those images were taken at B. Park. Will the defense have to cough up atty's fees for this (frivolous imo) hearing?

I would think and hope the defense was preparing their expert testimony instead of wasting the Court's time on something so irrelevant. I know..I know..
Like JWG said, those images were taken at B. Park. Will the defense have to cough up atty's fees for this (frivolous imo) hearing?

I would think and hope the defense was preparing their expert testimony instead of wasting the Court's time on something so irrelevant. I know..I know..

That is a briliant question Reagan, and TES has asked for just that, attorney fees, in the past due to the defense nonsense.
03-05-2010, 10:21 AM
The World According
You just can't make this stuff up!

I hope the court does award attorney fees to send a message that this is getting old.
four minute mark



The lawyer for TES expected that the defense would retract their accusation that he released the TES documents to the press. When they did not, he filed a motion with the court, responding to that and their requests for all of the documents. The very experienced Mr. Nejame, sets out the defense is out of line, and has their facts wrong. Again.Nejame asks the court to award TES attorney fees.

"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.

Baaaaam! Now this is a motion.http://www.wftv.com/pdf/22534497/detail.html


[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4886611&postcount=42"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - All Texas Equusearch-Related Filings #1[/ame]
Watch Mr. Nejame in the second video here, classic! He agrees with you, the defense is grasping a straws, indeed he used a term we would come to hear over and over again, "It is a fishing expedition"!


"Counsel for the defense was overly broad as it relates to materiality. You have already denied their request once because it was done inappropriately. Now they have come in and done a new motion. It is still done inappropriately.

The request made by counsel is absurd.
I am being overly generous in my characterization of that.": Mark Nejame to the judge.

My favorite line here: "I am being OVERLY GENEROUS IN MY CHARACTERIZATION" , Mr. Nejame argued to the judge regarding the defense.
When Mr. Jordon felt compelled to record a conversation with the defense investigator, in the words of our beloved Valhall....the hinky meter broke.

Florida defense expert Richard Hornsby: " The state is preparing their rebuttal case. "

After the defense has put on their case..the searchers that may claim they searched and the remains were not there..."The prosecution is going to come back with their rebuttal and just destroy them....demonstrate that their witnesses with showing that they are misleading, were dishonest or just plain wrong about what they remember, " Mr. Hornsby said.


Thank you, much love and respect to all of our members that helped in the search and all of you who donated to help. You are angels, all of you.
I hope none of you get pulled into this by the defense and asked for your photos or your computer. Just remember, unless you receive a subpoena, you do not have to talk to J Lyons and co. if they show up on your doorstep, imo.

This judge was spared all the TES wranglings at the hearings over the volunteers, but they were ...how shall I say...colorful.
Was MN ever awarded his attorney fees?
Did the defense do a thorough check through the discovery to see if any of Joe's photos they may already have? Remember this doc dump? "Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery".From what I can make out: discovery documents pages 12420 -13078; interviews, photos, transcripts (2-1-10 - Cpl. Melich); John Bardley (Cacheback); Globe Photos - Ricardo Morales; Best Buy Surveillance 11-21-09 Re: Joy Wray (1 of 2); Best Buy Surveillance 10-30-09 Re: Joy Wray (2 of 2); Wray; FBI Enhanced Trunk Photos; Joe Jordan Phone recording - recorded on 10/28/09; Carol Conway & Jennifer Conway interviews 9-16-09; Tim Miller 12-12-09, Lisa Hoffman 12-12-09, Linda Tine??? 12-14-09; Daniel Ibison, Doug Reilly, Richard Creque, Tony Rovinsky (12-1?-09); Brett Churchill (8-21-09); Lori Cree 8-20-09 (digital recorded interview); Lori Cree 8-20-09; Joseph Jordan 11-5-09.

Would the state have asked these folks if they had any photos or videos? I assume YES. If the state has them, the defense may have them and not realize it, right?
IMVHO...this is getting absurd. The defense, their client, the family did ABSOLUTELY nothing to find Caylee. They should be kissing the volunteers' very feet for their time and excruciatingly hard work to bring this child home to rest.

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