Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #5

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Terms of Service - Short, Plain Language Version

We have a detailed, formal Terms of Service (TOS) posted separately, and that TOS is what you will be held to as a member here. It's long and detailed because it has to be in the world we live in, and you are expected to read it, understand it and abide by it. However, we can sum it up as follows:

1) Be a decent human being;
2) Treat your fellow posters as the decent human beings they are;
3) Keep in mind that whatever you post will likely live on forever, so think before you press "Submit Reply".
4) It's a big world. People will disagree with you. You will disagree with them. This can be done with respect, and that's what we expect.

Terms of Service Long Detailed Version

One Example...

It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to tell someone what they think is ridiculous!

Also: it is AGAINST TOS to post direct quotes from social networking sites and/or blogs!
1. Please confirm, was Morgan's car the auto the group drove in
to the arena ?
a. yes
b. no


2. If yes, why did she not take possession of her keys upon arrival?
a. wasn't a big deal, not an issue
b. she suggested she may be staying in Charlottesville
and was OK letting friends take the car back home


3. Do the girlfriends know WHY she left their group prior to Metallica
and what TIME was it?
a. bathroom break
b. feeling ill
c. smoke a cigarette
d. was going to look for a friend she thought might be at the concert?
e. girls were not aware she had walked away from group


4. Law Enforcement reported one of the girls initiated
a call to Morgan @8:48pm.
Was this a conversation or texting back and forth?


5. What was the tone & nature of that 8:48 communication?
a. upset she could not get back in
b. wasn't a big deal she couldn't get in
c. was? or was not? interested in getting the car keys
d. she had already contacted someone in Charlottesville or met up
with someone
e. she was or had been hassled by some strange guy(s)

5)d but could also be a

6. Did she mention she had an injury to her face, chin?
a. if yes, did she say when-(time) and how it happen?
b. no, she never mentioned an injury, that she fell or slipped?
c. she fell, tripped, slipped? while with the girlfriends?


7. Did she mention a male person she was hoping or planning to run into
at the concert? (discuss w/ girl pals days before, or on the drive down?)

7)could not tell because it was "confidental info for the police only"

8. Were there plans for the group of friends to party in Charlottesville after
the concert or was the original plan, everyone would go back home?

8)plans were to go back to JMU where the gf and bf lived but plans were altered

9. VERY important, Did the girls ever communicate with her again
after the 8:48pm call?
Could the girls please provide us with the TIME of their
earliest call to her
when they didn't get a response following the 8:48pm communication?

9)did not call before battery taken out, but not a specific time when the next call took place

10. Were any of the girl pals aware of some new male interest, perhaps
someone she never met in person but had been communicating
w/on Facebook?

10)they do not know if the friends knew who she was with, but they feel that the group did know who she was supposed to be with since they would not leave her alone. but again, the girls would not admit if they didnt because they would be ashamed.

and guys i dont think i can get much more info out of the friends, they kind of want to be left alone so hopefully this helps, but tarheelplaya06 is going to be signing out on info giving out because i dont want it to seem like im invesigating them since they already have enough of that going on. hope you respect that.

i appreciate all of your help and maybe we can now give them an update astrology since i told them you guys would.

Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA
There was quite a bit of discussion in the MH #4 thread about a body found in the northern SC woods a few days ago and about the clothes found with the body--and whether that body and those clothes belonged to Morgan Harrington.

I noticed only a brief post on #4 saying "It's not Morgan. Heather Marie Catteron. R.I.P." If you want any further information, read here:

I just thought 17-year-old Heather deserved a bit more attention than we gave her.
There was quite a bit of discussion in the MH #4 thread about a body found in the northern SC woods a few days ago and about the clothes found with the body--and whether that body and those clothes belonged to Morgan Harrington.

I noticed only a brief post on #4 saying "It's not Morgan. Heather Marie Catteron. R.I.P." If you want any further information, read here:

I just thought 17-year-old Heather deserved a bit more attention than we gave her.

I agree and I should have done better!
Chili Fries I have thought this for a long time. If we can walk on the moon surely we can find people that have been placed on roadsides and in shallow graves. We just aren't spending enough money on this kind of research.
I agree and I should have done better!

I just meant my remarks as a proactive move toward honoring the death of a rather messed-up 17-year-old girl. Someone needed to acknowledge her.

Please don't take this as anything against you, MB--you're terrific!
Dear Posters:

It is against TOS to cut and paste direct quotes from social networking sites and/or blogs.


I just meant my remarks as a proactive move toward honoring the death of a rather messed-up 17-year-old girl. Someone needed to acknowledge her.

Please don't take this as anything against you, MB--you're terrific!

Oh no...I didn't take it that way! I knew what you meant...and truth is...I should have done better!
Does anybody know how to search Virginia or Albemarle county criminal records online? I can't find a way. I'd like to sleuth this NK guy who posted the incredibly creepy fantasies on the find Morgan Facebook page.
Does anybody know how to search Virginia or Albemarle county criminal records online? I can't find a way. I'd like to sleuth this NK guy who posted the incredibly creepy fantasies on the find Morgan Facebook page.

Yeah...I do...and unfortunately I've got some kind of glitch going on with my server... I can't copy and paste nor can I get to my favorite places...despite restarting my computer...
Does anybody know how to search Virginia or Albemarle county criminal records online? I can't find a way. I'd like to sleuth this NK guy who posted the incredibly creepy fantasies on the find Morgan Facebook page.

I must have been too late to view any of this on the FB page, and now it appears to be deleted. What was his name?
Dear Posters:

It is against TOS to cut and paste direct quotes from social networking sites and/or blogs.



I am not sure about this. I posted a link and then from that I cut and pasted a comment under the link to show what I was getting at. Is that something I should not be doing? Please let me know so I get it time. Thank you.
I must have been too late to view any of this on the FB page, and now it appears to be deleted. What was his name?

It's still there. His last name is Kane. Go to the Help Find Morgan Dana Harrington Facebook page. Make sure you are on the wall. Keep clicking "Older Posts" at the bottom until you get to 21 hours ago (which would be about 2:30 AM Nov. 2nd for those reading this later).
anyone care to state generally or parafrase what the nk/fb guy wrote? just curious but i wonder what u mean by details...thanks
It's still there. His last name is Kane. Go to the Help Find Morgan Dana Harrington Facebook page. Make sure you are on the wall. Keep clicking "Older Posts" at the bottom until you get to 21 hours ago (which would be about 2:30 AM Nov. 2nd for those reading this later).

Thank you, I read it, I must agree with you all that it is quite creepy. None of his friends on there are in Charlottesville either, which is pretty interesting.
anyone care to state generally or parafrase what the nk/fb guy wrote? just curious but i wonder what u mean by details...thanks

Sure. His scenario.

- Morgan is very intoxicated. An older fatherly or safe looking guy stops to see if she is OK. She tells him what's going on and he decides to give her a ride. He thinks she's hot and wants to be alone with her. He tells her jokes and asks her about himself. He talks about his divorce and Metallica. They stop to get coffee. He tells her they should get some ice cream. They go to the ice cream place but he parks far away from it in the parking lot. He's making her laugh and he hits her playfully on the shoulder a few times. He touches her leg and her mood changes, she doesn't like it. There is a struggle and punches are thrown. Eventually she is unconscious and he's on top of her. She's in a coma. He takes her home, finds out she is dead and thinks about what he should do with her now.

anyone care to state generally or parafrase what the nk/fb guy wrote? just curious but i wonder what u mean by details...thanks
Me three. I cant get into it.


ETA: Thanks just saw Chili Fries post

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