NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#27

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Channel 9 News - Tomorrow's fund raising at Brookfield expects to raise $20,000 for the girls's fund. Organizers have requested people wear "yellow" in ABC's memory.

That's great. Hope all of you lovelies that are going tomorrow wear sunflowers in your hair. :sunshine: I'd love to be there but I'm geographically challenged so can someone have a sausage sanga for me with lots of sauce. Ta.
Channel 9 News - Tomorrow's fund raising at Brookfield expects to raise $20,000 for the girls's fund. Organizers have requested people wear "yellow" in ABC's memory.

How good is that? Just as well we replaced the sunflowers. They were busy mowing the cricket pitch when I went past the grounds today.
That's great. Hope all you of lovelies that are going tomorrow wear sunflowers in your hair. :sunshine: I'd love to be there but I'm geographically challenged so can someone have a sausage sanga for me with lots of sauce. Ta.

Ditto! Yeh...make mine a sausage sanga with onions!
Any other arrests yet? Have been out all day and haven't caught up yet.

I am very pleased he is now locked up and probably for a long time! I was one that thought this senseless death was the result of escalation of DV, but after what was revealed yesterday, this guy deserves the death penalty, if proven guilty. Pity we don't have that in this country!

I wonder if TM will continue his relationship with him whilst he is locked away. I know reports state that she is now prepared to testify in Court, but some silly women do have relationships with prisoners and even marry them. IMO her life is ruined too. No R/E business will employ her. Her photo has been plastered all over the press and internet and she deserves it for being a "mistress" and apparently putting pressure on him to leave his wife. IMO he had no intention to settle with her, or if he did, he would have continued to have other women on the side. What goes around, comes around!

I am really mad at this senseless murder and the destruction of 3 little girls' life!

I hope others will fall soon too!

Heyyy CC...yes it was all very horrific & sordid stuff that came out yesterday....way beyond anything any of us on here had ever dreamed it would be....

ps...singing my opinion for you...

You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "

Glad to see you back :)
In an earlier post Jillie I posed the question about whether funds were being spent on the 'other' activities - it makes you wonder where he found the time to be at home........such a busy social life.
It certainly demonstrates that Allison was the main carer for the 3 little girls. He would not have had the time. One could speculate that he was busy avoiding it all.My opinion, not fact.
Just this part:
If allisons parents were loaded and divorcing would cut him out of money, I think he was silly choosing murder, as that sure as eggs will cut him out of anything. MOO

I wasn't disputing anything you said, but was saying that he needed the money and "freedom" urgently....he wasn't thinking of the long-term, that's all.

Lol.. I still don't understand though.. as I wasn't saying anything about long term with regards to money or anything. The reason I said
'If allisons parents were loaded and divorcing would cut him out of money, I think he was silly choosing murder, as that sure as eggs will cut him out of anything.' was because the poster I was responding to had said "If Allisons parents were loaded, divorcing would cut them out of the money"
My point was that killing her wasn't going to get him any closer to their money. If he wouldn't get it if he divorced, he wasn't going to get it if he killed her thats for sure.

Thats why I couldn't understand your post in relation to what I I don't get the bit about him not thinking long-term as it relates to what I said, is all. (And I admit I may just be non functioning in the brain at the present time due to being overtired)
it says, that Gerard drew a plan of Toni's house in Allisons journal. I am assuming that ws part of the 'counselling'.. is this usual?? what bearing does it have?

I have never heard of anything like this before and it seems very very strange to me....all i can say is, the plot thickens....i am definately surprised by the recent findings as i thought it was just an argument gone bad but it really does look like it was pre meditated...
is 'marriage counselling' a professional qualification?? is it a paid profession? is it a hobby?? its it like being a tarot card reader? I ask, because I know nothing about it, what it consists of, or who does it..

And I am curious about the counselling Allison and Gerard were undergoing. And who it was with.

I just hope it wasnt Nige who was the counsellor.

God help us TROOPER if Nige was their counsellor! May be this is a demonstration case for regulation of the field.

We do not know the context of these drawings, but they are sus!
Unfortunately, IMO it is not a regulated field yet. Relationship Counselling is a specialist field...There are multiple levels of context and complexity which requires specialised skills...In a nutshell, lack of regulation presents many concerns for standards in the field...It concerns me that Church groups recruit people who want to do this work without proper assessment. My opinion.
Lol.. I still don't understand though.. as I wasn't saying anything about long term with regards to money or anything. The reason I said
'If allisons parents were loaded and divorcing would cut him out of money, I think he was silly choosing murder, as that sure as eggs will cut him out of anything.' was because the poster I was responding to had said "If Allisons parents were loaded, divorcing would cut them out of the money"
My point was that killing her wasn't going to get him any closer to their money. If he wouldn't get it if he divorced, he wasn't going to get it if he killed her thats for sure.

Thats why I couldn't understand your post in relation to what I I don't get the bit about him not thinking long-term as it relates to what I said, is all. (And I admit I may just be non functioning in the brain at the present time due to being overtired) probs
The cogs of justice are very interesting. I have a feeling that friendship will only go so far with Gerard and his lawyer. Darren Mahony will minimise his losses way before he sees the case thru. He would have taken a sting with the result yesterday and can't afford to have his name associated with losing a case. He defends crims! But their case can't be mickey mouse GBC has made himself pretty indefensible. MOO JMHO
God help us TROOPER if Nige was their counsellor! May be this is a demonstration case for regulation of the field.

We do not know the context of these drawings, but they are sus!
Unfortunately, IMO it is not a regulated field yet. Relationship Counselling is a specialist field. It requires great skill on the part of the Counsellor to assess each individuals past and how that impacts on the present, to assess the 'relationship' they have created, their different 'values', separation/enmeshment from/with family of origin, wishes, different desires for offspring, transitition from couple to parents capable of executive decision making, being on the same page as co-joint 'parents' etc....on....on and on....There are multiple levels of context and complexity which requires specialised skills. The Counsellors own self and past needs to be discussed in supervision to prevent impact upon the couple presenting to counselling. In a nutshell, the complexity of this counselling is not appreciated, lack of regulation presents many concerns for standards in the field. In my retrosp[ective opinion, each candidate for relationship counselling training should be subjected to psychiatric assessment before they are admitted to training internships, and during their training internships if deemed necessary. This would weed out inappropriate people. It concerns me that Church groups recruit people who want to do this work without proper assessment. My opinion.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if NBC had something to do with the counselling....the now defunct marriage enhancement thing was run by Anglican Church's Marriage Encounter...found a link for it weeks back, with his name in amongst it all but can't locate it at the moment. They may have removed it considering what's happened.
Sorry if any of this has been mentioned already, there have been so many posts since the bail refusal, a lot to skim thru
Not much came out (though there were some interesting revelations) but really, the onus was on the defence rather than the prosecution, to justify bail, since it would be standard for someone remanded for MURDER to be held in custody. It's a serious charge, and would have been difficult to overturn the risks vs the inconvenience to the accused.
I believe GBC could re-apply for bail, but due to the additional legal costs, unless he had more convincing evidence to dispute the CP arguments, I suspect his lawyers will recommend he wait until the committal procedures start, to assess their prospects.
That may well take weeks or months, the July mention will just be the start, to moniter how things are going.
I expect the CP has, or will have, a lot more information than they have put out so far.
I still wonder about the reported sleep-over vs whether the children were at the house, it makes the whole thing more difficult to imagine.
As regards TM, I wondered whether she may have had some involvement in GBC's financial situation. If so - I mean to the extent that me may have borrowed money from her as well - based on a promise of a future together - then regardless of how things went with his family, he would have had to keep stringing her along - hence the 1st July deadline?
As regards a flight-risk, as it was reported his defence lawyers said he had no valid passport, where would he have gone?
But someone earlier commented, and I remembered, his lawyer said (of his arrest) that he was ... words to the effect... devastated and not expecting it as he had made plans for later in the week.
And the same night of his arrest, the BC seniors were reported driving back to their home and refusing to answer questions, but rushing into the house while some neighbours "carried their bags from their car"?
Thought that odd at the time - did bags mean suitcases or shopping - if bags, where had they been going or helping someone else to go - otherwise they had toughed out weeks at home under media scrutiny.
That made me wonder why the children were taken out of school that day, and why some people suggested the arrest was a little sooner than expected - perhaps it wasn't the police arriving for the children but prompted by someone else trying to take them out of school early?
I know, I know, all a bit of a ramble of imagining.
I still cannot believe a pre-meditated aspect though, what idiot would imagine that you could claim insurance on someone merely reported lost, or if dead, imagine an insurance company would pay out - except in extreme circumstances - before the cause of death was known.
It's a legal fact that a murderer cannot inherit as beneficiary under the will of the person they killed. But most insurance or super funds do ask for nominated beneficaries to avoid the probate issues- still with all the publicity at the time if GBC were the nominated recipient of proceeds, alarm bells would have rung and nothing would have happened with those funds for ages.
Also regarding the phone calls (and that was amazing to me that the time of recharges etc can be logged????) anyway I wondered if perhaps GBC had another phone. I know some folk in busy positions who do keep a 2nd mobile, one just for personal use so that their whole home-time is not dominated by work-calls.
If he had a secret name and e-mail account to pursue his affair, then possibly he had another line of personal communication rather than phone booth calls?
There remain, the issues of the roundabout, the cars, the screams, the barking dogs, all maybe un-related but I am hoping more will come out sooner than later.
So hard for those little girls, what could you possibly tell them :-(
Heyyy CC...yes it was all very horrific & sordid stuff that came out yesterday....way beyond anything any of us on here had ever dreamed it would be....

ps...singing my opinion for you...

You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "

Glad to see you back :)

Thanks Marly!! :)
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