Zani Timeline- Other ZannyThoughts- Zanny Searches on Caseys computer

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I couldn't find where and if this subject had already been discussed. Last night on NG, they showed a clip of the ZG that is suing KC, and I noticed a heart tattoo on her hand. Then it occured to me that in a picture, or maybe more than one, Caylee had a heart tattoo or sticker on her hand. I just thought this was an extremely weird coincidence. Also, the heart sticker found on the duck tape. I'm sure it's nothing more than a coincidence, but did anyone else notice those similarities???

But according to KC, the ZG that is suing her is NOT the ZFG that took Caylee. ;)
I find it strange that anyone would tattoo a heart on their hand. Then to top it off with their own initials is beyond me.
Casey also stated to LE that the woman that kidnapped her daughter had no tatoos.
I was just wondering if....:waitasec:
KC possibly saw the ZFG with the Heart TATTOO at the
Tattoo parlor ? ? ?

It's a thought ! ?:waitasec:
+Sick... thought...
* Sick CRIME !!:mad:
Does anyone know how long the ZGF , the one suing, has lived in Florida??
Does anyone know how long the ZGF , the one suing, has lived in Florida??

Thank you for asking this question. I'm curious too. She did still have New York plates on her car...And she was living in a motel (pay-by-the-week), right?
Casey also stated to LE that the woman that kidnapped her daughter had no tatoos.

You're missing my whole big point!! Oh, sorry, not your fault. I haven't yet shared my entire whole big point.

Again, still a work in progress, but continuing...KC kills Caylee late 6/15-early6/16. In haste and anger to silence her. Thus the duct tape across the mouth....

then KC tries to find a REAL ZG to pin the murder on. Sets out to follow one she finds via the internet, on June 17...

Picking up where I left off on a more lengthy post, so again, KC relizes that her "less than thought out plan" to frame THIS ZG just isn't going to work. She backtracks. She is AFRAID of having to confront a/this REAL ZG, cause she knows how LAME her partial story is. No, she says. ZG has NO tattoos. ZG is Young, like herself, etc...Backtracking away from THE REAL ZG she initially set out to frame "after the fact" on June 17th. Did she try to give Lee clues so that Lee could remove her pre-posted "eviedence" left to frame THIS ZG?
Anyone else hear me? Feel me? Get what I'm saying?
You're missing my whole big point!! Oh, sorry, not your fault. I haven't yet shared my entire whole big point.

Again, still a work in progress, but continuing...KC kills Caylee late 6/15-early6/16. In haste and anger to silence her. Thus the duct tape across the mouth....

then KC tries to find a REAL ZG to pin the murder on. Sets out to follow one she finds via the internet, on June 17...

Picking up where I left off on a more lengthy post, so again, KC relizes that her "less than thought out plan" to frame THIS ZG just isn't going to work. She backtracks. She is AFRAID of having to confront a/this REAL ZG, cause she knows how LAME her partial story is. No, she says. ZG has NO tattoos. ZG is Young, like herself, etc...Backtracking away from THE REAL ZG she initially set out to frame "after the fact" on June 17th. Did she try to give Lee clues so that Lee could remove her pre-posted "eviedence" left to frame THIS ZG?
Anyone else hear me? Feel me? Get what I'm saying?

KC is too lazy to get a job, do a lick of real work, provide for herself or her child, or even to carry the decaying corpse of her child more than 10 feet off the road... No way did she devise a plan where she actually had to "do" something, like pre-post evidence or track a ZFG she found on the net. The only truth I've ever heard out of KC's mouth is "I'll steal, I'll lie..." Any plan she had for covering up the crime involved stealing and lying, but no work. Usually the rule is to not underestimate your opponent, but in this case, if we aim any higher than zero, loser, we aim too high. If there's any fact to the contrary, please tell me. I think she saw the ZFG name somewhere... that wierd dialect with LA is freakoid-ville, for sure, and I am unsure if she's code-talking to him or if they're both just babbling... But if there's one instance out there where KC did productive work, (stealing AH checkbook and grocery shopping using stolen checks doesn't count, not really...) I've yet to see it. She borrowed the shovel to dig up a bamboo in the yard, right.... did she ever in the entire time she lived in that house dig up one other bamboo?

So, I get you, I feel you, but since KC exhibits an almost militaristic refusal to do work, I have to say I don't see any evidence of it. Besides, KC hasn't backtracked away from OSC, FBI, GA/CA, LE, LA, thru all their questions and interrogation; why on earth would she be afraid to confront a real ZFG? She purports to be terrified of CA, but doesn't seem to care about confrontations with her. So, an unknown ZFG? In the possible unforseen future? Future? What's that? That's the least of her worries. KC doesn't seem to comprehend the "future" either...

ZFG has to be young and hip and cool or why would KC hang with her so much, and even go up to Tampa? If ZFG was old and motherly, KC could have hung out with CA instead. ZFG is almost KC shorthand for going off the radar.

We all want the perp to get what's coming to (him or) her. Hopefully.
since this thread is about ZG I am wondering why the not really accused one has a tat that says ZG in the heart on her hand? Who does that to get a tat of their own initials? Maybe a gma or mother? with the same initials? That has been bugging me, because they show it over and over on tv. I know for one side its to show that she has a tat in plain view but at the same time its strange that it is those initials on her own hand in a heart? maybe a reminder to love yourself first?
The thread I was answering with this got closed but I was about to explore that "reasonable doubt" idea for any that might think KC's innocent of MURDER. I do think the defense still plans to point to another ZG

story #1: Zanny is an illegal alien, with a criminal demeanor, using an assumed name. KC did not know her as well as she believed but, not wanting to be stuck out on the street with Caylee (and having no intention of staying w/ CA after the fight) hands her over to this "Caylee admirer" with a promise to retrieve her before her B-day. KC loses the only phone with the contact number saved in it and Z and the baby disappear. Knowing how CA will react, KC really does go looking for ZG in the places she has run into her before.....

story #2: KC is involved in something big and illegal. She made a mistake that lost $$ for the bad guys. They sent ZFG to punish KC by taking the one thing that they thought would matter. They took away the only phone that had contact info in it and gave her the 31 day script....

story #3: KC knows who had the child. It was not ZFG, but someone she loved/trusted. She will blame them on the stand but not before. They will in turn blame someone else. The A family members will each take a turn confessing in some bizarre manner and the whole case will be thrown out.

story #4: KC gave the child away but, when the media got involved, the unsavory "new parent" disposed of the child out of fear and put her back "home"

OK...none of it brings doubt to mind...but with the right jury???
I find it strange that anyone would tattoo a heart on their hand. Then to top it off with their own initials is beyond me.

You know that has been bugging the heck out of me. I wonder if Casey picked out the heart tattoo since ZFG has one on her hand..kind of saying ZFG left her mark? Just very odd is all.
The thread I was answering with this got closed but I was about to explore that "reasonable doubt" idea for any that might think KC's innocent of MURDER. I do think the defense still plans to point to another ZG

story #1: Zanny is an illegal alien, with a criminal demeanor, using an assumed name. KC did not know her as well as she believed but, not wanting to be stuck out on the street with Caylee (and having no intention of staying w/ CA after the fight) hands her over to this "Caylee admirer" with a promise to retrieve her before her B-day. KC loses the only phone with the contact number saved in it and Z and the baby disappear. Knowing how CA will react, KC really does go looking for ZG in the places she has run into her before.....

story #2: KC is involved in something big and illegal. She made a mistake that lost $$ for the bad guys. They sent ZFG to punish KC by taking the one thing that they thought would matter. They took away the only phone that had contact info in it and gave her the 31 day script....

story #3: KC knows who had the child. It was not ZFG, but someone she loved/trusted. She will blame them on the stand but not before. They will in turn blame someone else. The A family members will each take a turn confessing in some bizarre manner and the whole case will be thrown out.

story #4: KC gave the child away but, when the media got involved, the unsavory "new parent" disposed of the child out of fear and put her back "home"

OK...none of it brings doubt to mind...but with the right jury???

Very good scenarios. The only one I could add to these:

#5: Casey & ZFG have known each other all this time and have this whole thing all planned out, and JB is part of the plan. They've been in on it from day 1 and made sure that everyone is as confused as we are. They know it isn't that hard to do, especially with all the experts they have.

In the end, Casey will be still pointing the finger at an unknown ZFG but be found not guilty because there will be reasonable doubt, she will make millions off of movie & book deals. ZFG will win her lawsuit and make millions off of Casey, and JB will become rich and the big shot attorney he's wanting to be. The case itself will remain unsolved even though we all know Casey is guilty, the state just won't be able to prove it.

All funnies aside, is it possible that Casey & ZFG did get together & plan this out :confused:
I can't find the link right now, but at one point Casey described Zanny--making a point of saying that she had no visible tats. Now, the normal thing when describing someone would be not to mention tattoos unless a person had them. For instance, you don't say "well, she didn't have black hair."

This has always set my hinky meter off, because Casey has a way of mentioning things for a reason. She seeds. When I saw the Sawgrass Zanny I was shocked to see that she did, indeed, have tats. Now I'm especially shocked because of the heart. The only reason I can see for this "seed" is that Casey somehow found out about the Sawgrass Zanny because of her tats.

Am I making any sense? It's the inside out thinking that I believe Casey is capable of.
I was just wondering if....:waitasec:
KC possibly saw the ZFG with the Heart TATTOO at the
Tattoo parlor ? ? ?

It's a thought ! ?:waitasec:
+Sick... thought...
* Sick CRIME !!:mad:

Sorry, jjgram, I just posted about this before I saw your post.
I can't find the link right now, but at one point Casey described Zanny--making a point of saying that she had no visible tats. The only reason I can see for this "seed" is that Casey somehow found out about the Sawgrass Zanny because of her tats.

Am I making any sense? It's the inside out thinking that I believe Casey is capable of.

yes you are making sense. (I added the bold).
One thing I've never heard is where this person used to work as a cleaning person (she said she is a cleaner). Could KC ever have encountered her through any of the establishments or locations known in this case, could she have ever left Caylee with this person or another ZFG while either person was working (maybe only once), could KC have mistakenly thought either ZFG was the last person around Caylee, could KC have been told that by anyone else? Was this person just selected randomly to frame, because KC didn't want to admit she'd lost or harmed Caylee, or didn't want to rat out a friend or paramour, or because someone else didn't admit the truth to KC?
No accusation toward this person in any way, I assume that she is uninvolved and not the ZFG mentioned by KC. Where are the old ZFG threads anyway with all the info about the various ZFG's, the hearts on the hands, etc, there were a couple other ones that might have more closely matched the description, one in PR (also assumed to be uninvolved). Now my turn to say sorry if this post isn't making sense :) I may have jumbled it up while editing it
KC is too lazy to get a job, do a lick of real work, provide for herself or her child, or even to carry the decaying corpse of her child more than 10 feet off the road... No way did she devise a plan where she actually had to "do" something, like pre-post evidence or track a ZFG she found on the net. The only truth I've ever heard out of KC's mouth is "I'll steal, I'll lie..." Any plan she had for covering up the crime involved stealing and lying, but no work. Usually the rule is to not underestimate your opponent, but in this case, if we aim any higher than zero, loser, we aim too high. If there's any fact to the contrary, please tell me. I think she saw the ZFG name somewhere... that wierd dialect with LA is freakoid-ville, for sure, and I am unsure if she's code-talking to him or if they're both just babbling... But if there's one instance out there where KC did productive work, (stealing AH checkbook and grocery shopping using stolen checks doesn't count, not really...) I've yet to see it. She borrowed the shovel to dig up a bamboo in the yard, right.... did she ever in the entire time she lived in that house dig up one other bamboo?

So, I get you, I feel you, but since KC exhibits an almost militaristic refusal to do work, I have to say I don't see any evidence of it. Besides, KC hasn't backtracked away from OSC, FBI, GA/CA, LE, LA, thru all their questions and interrogation; why on earth would she be afraid to confront a real ZFG? She purports to be terrified of CA, but doesn't seem to care about confrontations with her. So, an unknown ZFG? In the possible unforseen future? Future? What's that? That's the least of her worries. KC doesn't seem to comprehend the "future" either...

ZFG has to be young and hip and cool or why would KC hang with her so much, and even go up to Tampa? If ZFG was old and motherly, KC could have hung out with CA instead. ZFG is almost KC shorthand for going off the radar.

We all want the perp to get what's coming to (him or) her. Hopefully.

I didn't explain my theory well enough perhaps. ITA with you about her laziness and lack of a work ethic, etc. What I was saying is SOMEHOW, on the fly, she came up with the name ZG. Back when Caylee was an infant and the Grunds did lots of "free" babysitting while KC was suppossed to be at work, Jesse's younger brother got stuck with alot of these babysitting duties. He spoke to his Dad about it who in turn confronted KC about it. He intended to give her a timeline to find a new sitter, but by shear "coincedence" the same day he confronted her, KC claimed to have (all on her own) found an alternative. ZG. Zanny the Nanny.
AFTER killing Caylee, my theory points to KC spending just 1 day "working" on her alibi. Found "a" ZG, followed her, got some info. She "intended" to reseach more to find a way to pin the crime on this complete stranger. But, she gave up after a day. True to her nature...

I believe she was afraid to confront a real ZG. That's why she changed her story to ZG being around her own age, with no children and no tattoos. She couldn't actually face, and accuse this women, especially given the fact that she barely did a lick of research.
Ripley, did KC really mention this name to Rev.Grund back then? I thought she only mentioned the actual name Zani from mid-June onward. That is very interesting if that's the case. Though I've always thought that the "nanny" term just meant whatever friend or acquaintance KC left Caylee with here and there, just a generic term. (Even wondered if it was conceivable that KC ever left Caylee with hotel or resort babysitters maybe using a fake room number or her old Universal ID or something.) If that's true that KC would leave the baby with JG's younger brother, that makes me wonder again how much she left Caylee with roommates or whoever was around, even just acquaintances, during those last weeks when she was living with so many people, maybe even with people from the club or any establishment she frequented. MK described how when there was a group at TL's apartment, Caylee greeted them at the door when they arrived and Caylee was just there with them in the front room, while KC and TL were not present but were in a back room, then they were with Caylee on the balcony, MK was holding Caylee as they were looking to see how many alligators they could see in the pond, etc, entertaining Caylee. MK told LE she had been somewhat concerned about KC just entrusting them with this, what if they left, what if Caylee would manage to open the door to the balcony on her own when no one was there, something along those lines. Later, TL said on another site that CH (isn't that MK's boyfriend) wasn't even his actual roomate but was just "a guy who was sleeping on the couch" at TL's apartment rent free, TL also described him as "a big liar". So if KC would leave Caylee out there with just "the guy on the couch" who TL even describes as a big liar (TL's description, not mine, TL said this on SMswebsite, I don't follow that site, just linked to that once from here, TL also said in that discussion that CH had never been his business partner), anyway, that may give us some idea that maybe KC did this sometimes, just thinking other people were watching Caylee or that there wasn't any risk, maybe a bit naiive or overtrusting in this regard. I mean, if Caylee could greet friends at the door, she could potentially greet anyone who came to the door in the same way.
I remember it being discussed once about KC having had Caylee along at Fusian during one party/event, or maybe it was at one of the LakeVaj parties, does anyone know, was it confirmed that Caylee was ever at one of these places for one function, or was it only rumor? thanks for any info (I know "Exit" says Caylee was never at his house, LakeVaj.)
I find it strange that anyone would tattoo a heart on their hand. Then to top it off with their own initials is beyond me.

I know a guy with a heart tattoo on his hand. Tattoo's are very personal things, not meant for others to understand. IMO
I can't find the link right now, but at one point Casey described Zanny--making a point of saying that she had no visible tats. Now, the normal thing when describing someone would be not to mention tattoos unless a person had them. For instance, you don't say "well, she didn't have black hair."

This has always set my hinky meter off, because Casey has a way of mentioning things for a reason. She seeds. When I saw the Sawgrass Zanny I was shocked to see that she did, indeed, have tats. Now I'm especially shocked because of the heart. The only reason I can see for this "seed" is that Casey somehow found out about the Sawgrass Zanny because of her tats.

Am I making any sense? It's the inside out thinking that I believe Casey is capable of.

That makes perfect sense.

Isn't ZFG related to the tattoo parlor somehow - boyfriend/husband?:waitasec:
Ripley, did KC really mention this name to Rev.Grund back then? I thought she only mentioned the actual name Zani from mid-June onward. That is very interesting if that's the case. Though I've always thought that the "nanny" term just meant whatever friend or acquaintance KC left Caylee with here and there, just a generic term. If that's true that KC would leave the baby with JG's younger brother, that makes me wonder again how much she left Caylee with roommates or whoever was around, even just acquaintances, during those last weeks when she was living with so many people, or maybe with acquaintances from the club or any establishment she frequented. MK described how when there was a group at TL's apartment, Caylee greeted them at the door when they arrived and Caylee was just there with them in the front room, while KC and TL were not present but were in a back room, then they were with Caylee on the balcony, MK was holding Caylee as they were looking to see how many alligators they could see in the pond, etc, entertaining Caylee. MK told LE she had been somewhat concerned about KC just entrusting them with this, what if they left, what if Caylee would manage to open the door to the balcony on her own when no one was there, something along those lines. Later, TL said on another site that CH (isn't that MK's boyfriend) wasn't even his actual roomate but was just "a guy who was sleeping on the couch" at TL's apartment rent free, TL also described him as "a big liar". So if KC would leave Caylee out there with just "the guy who slept on the couch" who TL even describes as a big liar (TL's description, not mine, TL said this on SMswebsite, I don't follow that site, just linked to that once from here), that may give us some idea that maybe KC did this sometimes, just thinking other people were watching Caylee or that there wasn't any risk, maybe a bit naiive or overtrusting in this regard. I mean, if Caylee could greet friends at the door, she could potentially greet anyone who came to the door in the same way.
I remember it being discussed once about KC having had Caylee along at Fusian during one party/event, or maybe it was at one of the LakeVaj parties, does anyone know, was it confirmed that Caylee was ever at one of these places for one function, or was it only rumor? thanks for any info (I know "Exit" says Caylee was never at his house, LakeVaj.)

Yes, Rev Grund stated this quite emphatically on NG months ago. At the time, I was sucipious of this statement. At this point in time, I wonder what would this man have to gain by telling a lie? It won't happen tonight, but I promise to find a link to back this post up. If anyone else reading can help, go for it.
It was early in the case. He described in great detail how KC was taking advantage of his younger son by having him babysit. He complain to his Dad and Dad confronted KC and SO conviently, she annouced that "just this very day" she had obtained a Nanny named ZG. The Grunds never babysat again. ZG took care of that problem.

Re: Tony's house and roomates etc watching Caylee while KC was in T's bedroom...that just shows where her priorities lay...

All friends associated with the Lake Vaj house state that Caylee was never there during a party.
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