TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #4

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You also have to realize that reporting on this story has been confusing also. Reporters do not always vet their information and get the timeline and facts out of order. You can't always trust what is reported in the order they say it happened. But I do think at some point KL DID put gas in the truck.....

Also, a lot of the communication between KL, the girlfriend and BL was texting. As some point, BL's phone texting COULD have been from someone other than BL. JMO
You also have to realize that reporting on this story has been confusing also. Reporters do not always vet their information and get the timeline and facts out of order. You can't always trust what is reported in the order they say it happened. But I do think at some point KL DID put gas in the truck.....

Also, a lot of the communication between KL, the girlfriend and BL was texting. As some point, BL's phone texting COULD have been from someone other than BL. JMO

Great point but it nags me that he called 911 in distress. Sometine later, (after an officer responds to a different call) he is still texting and calling his brother /his brothers girlfriend but doesn't relay any information to tip them off he is in trouble? One acct says he was on the phone with KL's girlfriend when the officer was there. That is quite a while after the 911 call. Why would he not let them know a little about what is going on? Or did he let them know everything that was going on and they aren't saying? Texting while running for your life doesn't make sense, neither does not relaying your situation to your brother that would be coming to the rescue. Evidence and accts tell 2 different narratives I think.
Great point but it nags me that he called 911 in distress. Sometine later, (after an officer responds to a different call) he is still texting and calling his brother /his brothers girlfriend but doesn't relay any information to tip them off he is in trouble? One acct says he was on the phone with KL's girlfriend when the officer was there. That is quite a while after the 911 call. Why would he not let them know a little about what is going on? Or did he let them know everything that was going on and they aren't saying? Texting while running for your life doesn't make sense, neither does not relaying your situation to your brother that would be coming to the rescue. Evidence and accts tell 2 different narratives I think.

BBM - Exactly. And that's what bothers me. Texts can be verified with phone records. A verbal conversation cannot.
I can't believe much that comes out of some of their mouths. Too many inconsistencies

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This all leads me back to, KL and gf pretty much knowing, IMOO, who was chasing Brandon, why they were chasing him, and quite possibly what they did with him. I don't know that there has been a 'straight' story from the word go, sadly.
Quoted from the article above: "the Sheriff’s deputies asked Kyle Lawson if he was the one who had made the call, and Kyle stated that the vehicle was his brother’s and that he must have stepped away. "
This statement has always nagged at me, if a sherif deputy asks you if you are the one who made the call wouldn't you ask "what call?" or "what are you talking about?"? And next part of that statement that nags at me is the part where KL states "this is my brother’s truck HE MUST HAVE STEPPED AWAY", to where? You're in the middle of nowhere...nothing about certain accounts after these statements were believable imo.
I don't believe hogs got him, I think he was taken to another area after the 911 call was made, where I have no clue, but at the time of the 911 call I don't believe he was anywhere around his truck, his description of his surroundings don't correspond with that area.
Quoted from the article above: "the Sheriff’s deputies asked Kyle Lawson if he was the one who had made the call, and Kyle stated that the vehicle was his brother’s and that he must have stepped away. "
This statement has always nagged at me, if a sherif deputy asks you if you are the one who made the call wouldn't you ask "what call?" or "what are you talking about?"?
And next part of that statement that nags at me is the part where KL states "this is my brother’s truck HE MUST HAVE STEPPED AWAY", to where? You're in the middle of nowhere...nothing about certain accounts after these statements were believable imo.
I don't believe hogs got him, I think he was taken to another area after the 911 call was made, where I have no clue, but at the time of the 911 call I don't believe he was anywhere around his truck, his description of his surroundings don't correspond with that area.

BBM - I think at that point, the deputy was not aware of the 911 call. I believe the deputy was referring to the call about the abandoned truck being hazardous on the road.
BBM - I think at that point, the deputy was not aware of the 911 call. I believe the deputy was referring to the call about the abandoned truck being hazardous on the road.

Sorry I didn't explain that very well & I understand the deputy & KL were not aware of 911 call at that time, but the deputy asked "Are you the one who made the call?" Referring to the call about a truck parked haphazardly, which KL should have been unaware of this call also but never questions the deputy as to what call he's referring to.
If I pull up to my house & there is a LE officer there & her/his 1st question to me is "You the one who made the call?" I'd be like "Uh no, what call are you talking about? Why would someone be calling LE about my house? What was the call about? I just got home." KL never questions the deputy as to what call or why would someone call, nothing, just responds with "This is my brother's truck, he must have stepped away." It's almost like KL already knew about A call, whether it be the "trucker" call or the 911 call, to not question deputy about it. Which only leads my mind to wonder to think who was it that actually was chasing BL? Hmmmmm
Agreed!! And they have never spoke with LE?

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Sorry I didn't explain that very well & I understand the deputy & KL were not aware of 911 call at that time, but the deputy asked "Are you the one who made the call?" Referring to the call about a truck parked haphazardly, which KL should have been unaware of this call also but never questions the deputy as to what call he's referring to.
If I pull up to my house & there is a LE officer there & her/his 1st question to me is "You the one who made the call?" I'd be like "Uh no, what call are you talking about? Why would someone be calling LE about my house? What was the call about? I just got home." KL never questions the deputy as to what call or why would someone call, nothing, just responds with "This is my brother's truck, he must have stepped away." It's almost like KL already knew about A call, whether it be the "trucker" call or the 911 call, to not question deputy about it. Which only leads my mind to wonder to think who was it that actually was chasing BL? Hmmmmm


The "this is my brother's truck, he must have stepped away" quote is very weird. Must have stepped away, where? In the middle of nowhere? He wasn't in an office and stepped away from his desk. Wouldn't the deputy then say that's odd, he'd have to be around here somewhere". UGH this whole thing from the get go makes no sense, and it's frustrating because it's missing the TRUTH!
"According to Lori Norris, Lawson and Lofton’s neighbor, the Sheriff’s deputies asked Kyle Lawson" (clipped from news quote above)
Why is anyone basing an acct off of Lofton's neighbor? Was there a 3rd party with KL and his girlfriend that night (the neighbor)? Or is this just sloppy reporting? He did stop by to get the gas can before he left for BL. Did he take the neighbor too?
Too Curious if you can go back and look at hfbl page, you will see that Lori was always stepping up and defending LL. It seemed like she knew more than she was letting on

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"However at this time, investigation has revealed that Brandon Lawson was hiding in the brush (due to an outstanding felony warrant) WATCHING Neal while speaking to his brother, Kyle Lawson, on his cell phone."
I am linking the CNN story that reported this. Not 10 minutes down the road, not running from anyone at the moment, but within view of the truck and watching the police officer. Now that doesn't make sense either because Kyle was talking to the officer. So he was watching and talking to KL's girlfriend?

Too Curious if you can go back and look at hfbl page, you will see that Lori was always stepping up and defending LL. It seemed like she knew more than she was letting on

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But in the quote Lori Norris is not the neighbor being referenced.

"According to Lori Norris, Lawson and Lofton’s neighbor"
Just found this from the local paper 8 weeks after he disappeared. An attempt to get misinformation corrected. I like how they addressed the glow of the cell phone that I knew I remembered reading somewhere. Anyway here is the copy and paste version.

October 2, 2013 at 6:51pm ·
There have been many misunderstandings, misinterpretations and blatant lies shared on Facebook over the last almost 8 weeks regarding the missing man Brandon Lawson. I have gone to the sources to be able to set the record straight. Let’s take a look at each one.
The Coke County Sheriff’s Office was not informed by 911 that Brandon Lawson had said “I hit someone” in his 911 call. That information was only realized later when the recordings were gone over in detail.
Upon Coke County Chief Deputy Neal arriving at the abandoned vehicle, Kyle Lawson did not tell the Deputy that he was speaking with his brother on the phone and that his brother was hiding in the brush. This important bit of information came out over the weekend.
Deputy Neal did not see a light from a cell phone in the brush while he was inspecting and securing the abandoned vehicle.
The tow truck was not contacted by the Sheriff’s Office until the next morning (Friday, August 9) and the vehicle was picked up at approximately 8:30 am because it was considered a traffic hazard. Before leaving the vehicle that night, Deputy Neal inspected the vehicle for damage or signs of a struggle (blood, broken glass, etc.), turned on the vehicle's flashers and locked the vehicle. Since Deputy Neal had arrived at the scene from Bronte and had not seen anyone walking, he proceeded to drive south on Highway 277 to the Coke/Tom Green County line to see if the man was walking in that direction. He then turned around and looked for the man all the way back to Bronte and at Stripes, the only place in Bronte to buy fuel.
When Brandon Lawson told Audrey (Kyle Lawson’s girlfriend) that he was bleeding shortly after 1 am that Friday morning, neither Audrey nor Kyle made the effort to inform law enforcement of his statement. This also came out during later questioning.
A “Welfare Concern” on Brandon Lawson was issued by the Coke County Sheriff’s Office and went out to law enforcement agencies statewide Friday, August 9. The missing persons form is several pages long and requires information the Coke County Sheriff's Office wouldn't know about Lawson. It was submitted the next week, as soon as Ladessa Lofton provided the Coke County Sheriff's Office with the necessary information needed to complete and submit the form.
In addition to smaller searches and the DPS helicopter search on Tuesday afternoon, August 13, members of many law enforcement agencies participated in a grid search of 2,500 acres on August 29. The search was extended to “likely lines of travel” leading away from the main search.
Landowners showed no reluctance for law enforcement officials to enter and search their properties. They had nothing to hide.
Missing posters were not removed by anyone from businesses in Coke County.
In conclusion, there were many poor decisions made that night and during the next few days. However, they weren't made by the Coke County Sheriff's Office.
"According to Lori Norris, Lawson and Lofton’s neighbor, the Sheriff’s deputies asked Kyle Lawson" (clipped from news quote above)
Why is anyone basing an acct off of Lofton's neighbor? Was there a 3rd party with KL and his girlfriend that night (the neighbor)? Or is this just sloppy reporting? He did stop by to get the gas can before he left for BL. Did he take the neighbor too?

It's always been the talk that there was a 3rd person in the vehicle with KL & AK when they 1st arrived at the truck, but it has never been confirmed nor denied (to my knowledge) or even a possible name of who the 3rd person could possibly be.
Has anything ever been said, anywhere, about the supposed fight Brandon had PRIOR to going home that night,(seems like I read he had been 'partying') which then, supposedly, started another fight between Brandon and LL? I know there was some skinny about a fight/argument at Walmart AFTER he left?
I started a timeline from several MSM pages awhile back. Maybe this will help to make things a little clearer. I just took anything that related to times and who said/did what when. I have always wondered about the text communication between KL's gf and BL AFTER the 911 call. Did anyone SPEAK to BL personally after the 911 call or was it just texting? If texting we cannot be positive it was BL texting. Remember, KL thought BL was hiding. (at least that is what he states in public).

I travel that area frequently and cell reception is sporadic at times. The sheriff's wife is also the one who wrote the article for the Observer. She used to post some on this thread. I don't think she was covering anything up, but I do feel she was somewhat biased in favor of LE in regards to her reporting. I probably would be too if my husband was spending days looking for a family member and I find out they didn't tell all they knew because of their distrust of LE. If LE had known some things earlier, they might have taken a different view instead of BL's family not telling them the whole truth just because they thought he was hiding out!

Remember, LE was pretty sure he was running from his warrant, so that was how they were reporting it. (Just like LE thinks some young girls later found murdered are really runaways). There are exceptions to the rule and I really feel like BL was harmed that night. I also think KL and his gf know more than what they are letting on to the public.....which is their right. I don't judge them at all.

BTW, glad to see some new faces stirring this thread up some more. Thank you!

From The Observer FB Page:
1. Just before 1 am Saturday morning, a call came into 911 about a stranded motorist near Bronte on Highway 277. (Truckers call? Not Brandon’s?)
2. The original call from 911 came to Coke County Sheriff’s Office at 12:58 am Friday, August 9, 2013, reporting a stranded motorist. Just after 1 am, Chief Deputy Brandon Neal arrived at disabled vehicle south of Bronte on Highway 277.
3. Phone records revealed the missing man, Brandon Lawson, was speaking to his brother, Kyle Lawson, just after 1 am.
4. The last contact with Brandon Lawson’s phone was a text message at 1:19 am warning him about police sent from a phone belonging to Kyle Lawson’s girlfriend.
5. At approximately 8:30 am Friday morning, Best Connection arrived at the abandoned vehicle on Highway 277 and towed it to their facility.
6. Sometime after 7 am Friday morning, Kyle Lawson purchased gas in a gas can from Stripes. The empty gas can was found in the back of the abandoned vehicle.
From The Help Find Brandon Lawson Facebook Page:
1. Ladessa called Brandon’s parents concerned. (unknown time, assuming after the fight)
2. Brandon called his dad and left the house at 11:54 PM.
3 08/09/2013 Approx 12:10 AM Kyle, Brandon’s brother, came over to check on Ladessa then he left.
4. Approx 12:30 AM Kyle called Ladessa and said that Brandon ran out of gas and Ladessa asked Kyle to take the gas can, get it filled, and bring it to Brandon. Kyle took the gas can and left.
5. 08/09/2013 Approx 12:34 AM, 12:36 AM, and 12:48 AM Ladessa’s phone was charging and she missed 3 phone calls from Brandon; he did not leave a message.
6. 08/09/2013 Approx 12:53 AM Brandon Lawson called 911 and Coke County Sheriff’s Office responded to a stranded motorist.
7. 08/09/2013 1:18 AM Kyle and Audrey (Kyle’s girlfriend) went to Brandon’s truck and called Brandon on the way to find his exact location. Kyle spoke with Brandon and states it sounded like Brandon was running through brush, and “scuffling around out in the brush.” He told Kyle to “just hurry up and get here” then he hung up. Audrey called Brandon and he stated, “Audg (her nickname) I’m ****ing bleeding.” Kyle and Audrey found Brandon’s truck on the road and saw that law enforcement was arriving at the truck at the same time, Coke Co Sheriff’s Officer. They had bad signal but called Brandon again and Kyle asked Brandon where he was and Brandon told Kyle he was “10 minutes up the road”. Kyle and Audrey were at the truck south of 277 with Coke County Chief Deputy Brandon Neal as Deputy Chris Fox was checking north on 277. Kyle and Audrey had a bad connection with Brandon and tried to text him. Kyle and Audrey went up the road, parked, and waited. After no response, they had text him and said, “The police are at your truck.” My opinion: This is where I believe information is misunderstood as a “warning” to Brandon to not go to his truck when in fact, the message was sent to Brandon to question him as to where he was and inform him that they were all there to help and waiting for him.

8. 08/09/2013 Approx 4:30 AM Ladessa spoke with Kyle and was told he had found the truck but no sight of Brandon. Kyle said in panic, “I can’t find my brother. I can’t find my brother. He called me, and I can’t find him.” Kyle told Ladessa the doors were unlocked. Kyle added the gas in hopes Brandon would return. Kyle and Audrey returned home after. Coke County locked the truck doors and turned on the flashers.
9. 08/09/2013 Approx 5:00 AM Ladessa called police station to report the truck had been found in Bronte, TX 4 ½ miles N of Bronte, ¼ of a block from the rest stop (not a truck stop, no fuel stations, no restrooms, just picnic tables.) Ladessa told dispatch that a family member ran out of gas and gave location. She was calling to see if there was an update.
10. 08/10/2013 Ladessa was told by Misty, sheriff’s dispatcher, that there were two 911 calls made the night before by Brandon. She indicated that the call was in-and-out due to bad reception.
11. 08/12/2013 Texas Rangers got involved but never interviewed Ladessa
12. 08/13/2013 Misty, Coke Co dispatch, told Ladessa information regarding the 911 call and stated Brandon said, “I ran out of gas. I hit somebody.” It was told to be a bad connection due to lack of reception. Dispatch asked if Brandon needed an ambulance and he declined and said, “No, I need a cop” then he hung up.

From sanangelolive.com news article:
1. Lawson was last seen leaving his residence following a fight with Lofton between 11:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. on August 9. Family members assume he was heading to Fort Worth, citing a lack of family and friends in the San Angelo area. (But his brother Kyle was in San Angelo)
2. Nearing Bronte on highway 277, Brandon reportedly dialed 911 at 12:50 a.m. because he had had an apparent accident and had run out of gas, however the phone call was hardly intelligible.
3. At 12:58 the Coke County Sherriff’s office received a call that a vehicle was parked haphazard on the side of the road out on highway 277, thus posing a risk to oncoming traffic.
4. Deputies responded to the call and arrived on the scene where Lawson’s truck stood abandoned. At the same time, Kyle Lawson, Brandon’s brother, appeared with a gas can and filled his brother’s truck.
5. According to Lori Norris, Brandon Lawson and Ladessa Lofton’s neighbor, the Sherriff’s Deputies asked Kyle Lawson if he was the one who had made the call, and Kyle stated that the vehicle was his brother’s and that he must have stepped away. Kyle Lawson would gas it up and his brother would return to retrieve it.
Has anything ever been said, anywhere, about the supposed fight Brandon had PRIOR to going home that night,(seems like I read he had been 'partying') which then, supposedly, started another fight between Brandon and LL? I know there was some skinny about a fight/argument at Walmart AFTER he left?

Someone posted during one of these threads that LL was "looking for BL" on a website earlier in the day/evening. Asking if anyone had seen him. IIRC it was a garage sale/buy/sell facebook page????? Not sure of all the details but I do remember some talk about it at some point.
I won't quote your post nannymo, thank you! But reading it as it is simplified, the times don't mesh, inconsistent, half truths, misinformation, lies. Sorry, but, there is just to much missing in the whole thing.
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