Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #5

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One of the more puzzling aspects for me (ditto those with whom I've discussed it) is why two business partners would hand over $300,000 -- and then exit the business? Why? They'd been partners in the business since 2008. More than anyone, they'd know the shape that business was in by the time they parted with $300,000. They would have known the calibre and acumen of the individual to whom they were lending such a large sum of money and presumably would have known reasonably well the chances they had of retrieving that money. They clearly didn't want to stick around to safeguard their investment, surely? So why would they hand over the money and head for the door (same day, according to the media reports)?

I read that as a sell-out. Partners say to GBC this is not going well, buy us out. He says the bank won't lend. OK, we transfer the whole business to you and you owe us $300k. They leave.
Ok I am going to try this again. Hopefully it won't be removed.

Just wondering if perhaps we have a member who is steering us in wrong direction of alleged mistress,perhaps covering for them?
To those who remember me mentioning THAT twitter account, was I incorrect in assuming that this person is not involved? I am trying to clarify so that I am not assuming something about this person.
Will leave it there.

That person I believe is NOT involved. Just someone who used to work for C21.
gobsmacked with them names.........

Hi guys and brizzychick loved your earlier post great choice of words w****r!
Can I just say that the the business partner named (female) is not the same as the suspected mistress IMO as she is still yet to be named in the media
did digger re the business there is a word for it "trading whilst insolvent" IMO
It is fact. When I get more time I will lay it out for you with the msm links and other relevant info allowable within this sites TOS's to show you.

IMO the two women are not the same be patient...........
IMO the two women are not the same be patient...........

and tiff unless you saw them actually........................ you can really only speculate be patient you will see that there is more than one female involved IMO.....................
Hi Paradox - not ignoring you. Yours is a valid question

You might find confirmation in the last several pages of Thread #4 -- in posts which comment on the media's use of the term (paraphrased) ' a female colleague who worked under him'

If not, members from the Day Shift will doubtless be along soon and they might be able to point you in the right direction :)

Speculation. Her name has not been mentioned in the media.
Agreed !

From April 27, we have this, from a Courier Mail article, complete with photo of GBC shaking then-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's hand

Obviously, many will have seen it weeks ago, but there may be newbies who haven't

Then there's this link which provides an overview and links pertaining to GBC's career projectory (which seems to have experienced as many ups, downs and tail-spins as the recent, failed Korean rocket)

(again, many who've been with the case from the outset will be familiar with it, but at the same time, others may not have seen it)

I'm remembering now a comment in another forum, where a poster alleged they had found nothing to substantiate GBC's alleged accounting credentials

From the timeline on it appears he moved from accounting to a job as a travel agent. Seems an odd career side-swerve, doesn't it?

And below, from the Courier Mail article linked above:

His career seems to have see-sawed as much as his weight (winner of the quadrangle-run, 1988-1990)

One of the more puzzling aspects for me (ditto those with whom I've discussed it) is why two business partners would hand over $300,000 -- and then exit the business? Why? They'd been partners in the business since 2008. More than anyone, they'd know the shape that business was in by the time they parted with $300,000. They would have known the calibre and acumen of the individual to whom they were lending such a large sum of money and presumably would have known reasonably well the chances they had of retrieving that money. They clearly didn't want to stick around to safeguard their investment, surely? So why would they hand over the money and head for the door (same day, according to the media reports)?

Can't help but wonder if the $300,000 (loaned just days before Christmas) went out in one further transaction; or whether it dribbled out.
Just wanted to point out something with the photos of the car in the previous thread (not sure how to copy them here); but the marks on the bonnet appear to be paint. There was a photo of the other car on the driveway (will try and find it; it's the one where the word "SHE" is marked out on the driveway, by what appears to be a high pressure spray) and there appears to be more paint on the driveway.
Not sure it's relevant to this matter, but could be a good excuse to be washing the car when the police arrived.,r:14,s:52,i:291
Well, I said I wouldn't :fence: but, having read the entire thread from the start, finally have taken the leap. Great to see so many concerned with justice for Allison and the welfare of her children. As someone who grew up in the area and being same age (but no longer resident of Qld), Allison's murder has hit home very hard.

Now, many threads ago there was discussion as to how closely affiliated the family really are with scouting. Available through Google+ (on public view) is the following interesting account and pictures.

Note the era appropriate (!) pic of Nigel, gun and children... further on you'll see lots of the family, including GBC and siblings. Interesting to see both younger siblings obviously in military garb; GBC has an earlier what looks like army or army cadets photo but that's it. Lots of copies of diaries and pics of Baden-Powell - keeping up the family ties methinks.

' Not always comprehending why or what for ' ?

Kernels of truth surrounded by spin?

' World spinning faster than ever before' ?

Guess there are a lot of men who try to live up to parents' expectations and ambitions, marrying and producing children because it's expected of them. Living a lie. Finding no personal satisfaction. Always pretending, gabbling away, covering-up, scared and dead inside, terrified of slipping and of being found out to be other than their polished, practised exterior?

The last bit, about his own father, sounds tacked-on to me. Dutiful son? Upholding the perfect extended family image? Or 'suggested' by someone who did his proof-reading, as in, ' Don't forget to include your father and say what a perfect example of fatherhood he is for you' ?

Further to the boat theory mentioned earlier: That particular creek opens up to the Brisbane River about another 50m maximum to the right of where Allison was found. The Mt Crosby Road runs up and along the top of some fairly high hills and there is no boat ramp/access in the immediate area unless you cross into Karana Downs and launch from the other side. Having spent a childhood going up and down this road on the school bus, I've had lots of experience with the hills! You can, however, see cars coming for some distance due to the angling of lights at night...

Further to the business partner theory: Weren't both of his parents also involved in the business? They both left at the same time... is it too far fetched to consider that the female business partner could also be his mother? Food for thought and let's be honest; who is the person who enables their little Emperors in the family first? Mum. The proximity in location to his parents, the quite strange snogging display initiated by his mother... protect and enable the golden child at all costs?

Just wanted to point out something with the photos of the car in the previous thread (not sure how to copy them here); but the marks on the bonnet appear to be paint. There was another photo of the same car out on the driveway (will try and find it; it's the one where the word "SHE" is marked out on the driveway, by what appears to be a high pressure spray) and there was more paint on the driveway.
Not sure it's relevant to this matter, but could be a good excuse to be washing the car when the police arrived.

Wow! I wonder if what the police saw was in fact graffitti paint with the words
" Shes D**d" I know its crazy but something the police saw to set up a crime scene!! IMO
Hi guys and brizzychick loved your earlier post great choice of words w****r!
Can I just say that the the business partner named (female) is not the same as the suspected mistress IMO as she is still yet to be named in the media

Thank you, I was actually coming back to say that I should have said that this lady named JF is in no way being implied as the mistress. Barossa I was worried about posting that link due to you, I am sorry I dragged her name in but I do thinks she is a clue(NOT A SUSPECT). I did not suspect that she was the mistress. It was the other one I thought but now people are saying it is neither of these women so now I have no idea who the mistress could be.
IMO the two women are not the same be patient...........

This is getting confusing.

So there is:

1. A woman that has been interviewed by police several times, once for 4 hours, who is an ex-employee of C21 (un-named by the media)
2. A woman who is an ex-business partner of GBC (named on the previous page).
3. A mistress (rumoured)

Barossa, are you saying you think these three are all different women?
Although it is very interesting to read all the speculation about his business dealings, I am still convinced this case is much simpler than that: Argument (about divorce?) gone wrong, cover-up. Because the children were not at the home that night, it was probably a good opportunity for her to bring up the fact that she probably had had enough and wanted out for good. He had a lot to loose! IMO.
Wow! I wonder if what the police saw was in fact graffitti paint with the words
" Shes D**d" I know its crazy but something the police saw to set up a crime scene!! IMO

To me it does not look like paint, but marks from a pressure washer, perhaps just the kids playing with it.
Wow! I wonder if what the police saw was in fact graffitti paint with the words
" Shes D**d" I know its crazy but something the police saw to set up a crime scene!! IMO

I'm thinking the word 'she' is at the end of whatever was written. eg. "turn u on does she"

Perhaps the gurney message was written by ABC before a fatal fight errupted (without the kids home, he would be more inclined to let it get out of control).

The Dickie's went to clean up the house before the girls came home - and maybe this message on the path was the first thing to fix.
Although it is very interesting to read all the speculation about his business dealings, I am still convinced this case is much simpler than that: Argument (about divorce?) gone wrong, cover-up. Because the children were not at the home that night, it was probably a good opportunity for her to bring up the fact that she probably had had enough and wanted out for good. He had a lot to loose! IMO.

I agree. It's just the way the investigation is unfolding that makes it seem like there might be more to it.

I just hope the QPS get whatever evidence they need to solve the case.
I think what Brissiechickinthe USA is saying makes a lot of sense I think Allison would have been seen as a source of income and an inconvenience, both problems could be solved by having her out of the way. No matter what the government says, times are tough in Australia, money is tight and it is tight for people who have never had that worry before. I think the $300000 loan was not actual money but share of the business that was not paid out when the partners left. The female partner must now need the money, pressure on GBC daily to do something about it. It is a lot of money, particularly if a loan originally to get the money. Promises will have been made, he is a very flowery character and my experience of most real estate agents is they will say anything to get what they want (usually a sale).

So the pressure is on, Allison makes a move away from the Real Estate business thus increasing the costs to GBC (having to employ another property manager, and those jobs are usual a waged position, rather than commissions). Joining Pathways (which incidental to those in Brisbane, is owned by the women who was in that farcical dog court case about 9 months, pinched the neighbours dog because she thought it wasn't being looked after well enough) to have some independence and perhaps the first step to leaving him. When Allison left GBC the beneficeries of the life insurance would change, so they had to act quickly. The kids were away for the night, perhaps that was arranged by Gerald and it was a great opportunity to do the deed.
Thank you, I was actually coming back to say that I should have said that this lady named JF is in no way being implied as the mistress. Barossa I was worried about posting that link due to you, I am sorry I dragged her name in but I do thinks she is a clue(NOT A SUSPECT). I did not suspect that she was the mistress. It was the other one I thought but now people are saying it is neither of these women so now I have no idea who the mistress could be.

Just for your info: Mods said earlier not to discuss the alleged existence of a mistress because it has not been indicated in mainstream media and is just rumour.
Someone mentioned it was something 'odd' the children were told in the morning that made QPS suspicious.. obviously this was total rumour if the children were in fact staying somewhere else Thursday night. Would anyone know if the children did spend Friday at school?
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