Zani Timeline- Other ZannyThoughts- Zanny Searches on Caseys computer

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Sep 2, 2008
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OK, I keep hearing people refer to this nanny as a known person and some are now believing this was a known name for years and in my honest opinion are confusing facts even more. The title nanny was used often in the past but NOT Zani or any likeness and here are the following transcripts which I just spent several hours skewering over from released document number 2. I will add docs one and 3 another evening. The following show the people interviewed by the police and their relationship to Casey, length of time known etc and their recollections of nanny versus zani!!!! Even Lee according to Amy never heard this name before this incident, when I get to his comments perhaps he has said more I do not recall from reading them originally.

Taped transcript from package two July 30, 2008 document page number 156-157

RP: And then I spoke to her at ten o’clock in the morning, uhm, and that’s when I got the, you know Zenaida Hernandez-Hernandez crap and then uhm, uh, you know John ****** and all that uh, which again I was telling you yesterday that doesn’t seem right to me.

YM: Yeah, Jeff (corrects name here). Well let’s…

RP: (inaudible)

YM: … let’s talk about this Zenaida. You said Zenaida and crap. That kind of, obviously that peaks my interest.

RP: Yeah, and she was just uh, it’s, I’ve never heard the name and it doesn’t, uh, (sighs), to me it doesn’t even sound like a real name. But I have never heard the name in my life suddenly case has known her for four years she said. I, because I asked her specifically. Because I was trying to get people up here…

Then he goes on to say some stuff about tracking her down and then says:
RP: …But I, I, I found it really odd that, that I’ve never heard the name of the nanny. In fact, I, I’ve heard of another name. I can’t think of it right now, but it was you know a, definitely a Caucasian woman’s name, uhm, was babysitting the child.

YM: When was the first time that you, that she ever mentioned Zenaida or Zani to you? Was it on the 15th, or was it before that?

RP: It, it would, it, it’s been, it was the morning that uh, she was getting arrested.

YM: Okay.

RP: Yeah.

YM: So, prior to that, ever since I guess the age of five, she’s never mentioned the name Zenaida?

RP: Never, ever, ever.

Speaks for itself, no Zany never ever.

Taped transcript from package two July 16, 2008 document page number 184-185

LE: Okay, so you met her at ah, at a party. And um, how do you guys hit it off? Um, you see her she likes you, sparks fly?

RM: Oh no as far as this like dating it wasn’t… we.. I had just met her that night. So no nothing happened from there. Um, I started… I moved up to Orlando in August.

LE: Uh-huh

RM: and we just hung out from there. That’s when I really actually got to know her. And then we started dating in the beginning of February.

LE: Alright so you, you met her would you say ah June, July, of ’07?

RM: June.

LE: June.

RM: Early June.

LE: You move to Orlando in August ’07. Um, you see each other?

RM: Yeah.

LE: Hang out a little bit.

RM: We have mutual friends and stuff. That’s how we got to know each other.

LE: Okay, so February comes and you guys make the leap of faith. You guys started kicking it.

RM: After my birthday on the 23rd or whatever we had a party here and that’s where things got serious I guess and that’s where we took it from there and actually started dating.

More general stuff and info on Caylee would sleep in bed with them “happy couple” etc.
Relationship ends mid April saw her up until the end of May. Saw her and Caylee on June 9th and 10th Both slept over. Saw Casey 3 weeks later while she was visiting Amy but no Caylee. Then saw Casey again on July 2nd. (pg 189-190)
(pg 192):
LE: Okay. On July 2nd um, where was… where do you think Caylee was?

RM: She would tell us she’s either with the nanny or their mom. And being that I hadn’t seem her in like three weeks every since I saw Caylee. I didn’t see her enough to think anything about it. Like I didn’t see her consistently without Caylee I saw her like two times after that and and she didn’t have Caylee and I didn’t really think much of it because well one of the times I was just going to work and she was here talking to Amy. And the other time she just didn’t have Caylee and I didn’t.. I don’t know I just didn’t think anything of it.

LE: Have you ever seen the nanny?

RM: No. Never seen her, never talked to her.

More date talk…..

LE: Did you ever go out on a date without Caylee?

RM: Yeah.

LE: Where was Caylee at if you guys went on a date?

RM: I don’t know specifics, I, I would assume was with the mother or with Zani, who is the nanny of Caylee. Which is what Casey had told me the whole time I knew her. If she’s not here she’s with one of those two so.

Known 9 months dated 6 claims to have heard the nanny’s name but never saw Casey consistently without Caylee except for two times? And FOOD was pretty much the only date they went on (pg 192). He has been to the parents home, when they were not there, Caylee had her own room (pg 193). He goes into more background before and after then:

(pg 195):

When asked what would he do/think if he were in the cops shoes:

RM: So, I feel like the person we’re talking about now and the person I knew before are two different people. I don’t really feel like I know her. Apparently where she worked wasn’t true. Her nanny no one ever knew her. I really don’t know what to think.

Personally I feel he is confused by the new nanny name rhyme. Plus to boot he hardly EVER saw Casey without Caylee and only really dated since Feb.

Taped transcript from package two August 12, 2008 document page numbers 200-225

Kiomarie friend of Casey since 6th grade. Her inistals btw are KC
When asked if she new the baby sitter (Pg 220) “…This Zenaida person do you know a Zenaida?” she responds she heard the name in the news but the only Gonzales lady she knows “lives right down the street from us and she doesn’t baby sit children."

She also go on to mention how Casey’s mother does not like Hispanic people says “ Yeah in spite of her mother because her mother she won’t admit it but my mother will tell you this. Most of the people that live there. Will tell you this. Her mother does not like Hispanic people. And most of the guys she was with were either Hispanic or a different race.” (pg 223)

Taped transcript from package two July 21, 2008 document page number 226-263

Friend Amy:
Apparently met Casey at the same party RM met her in July 2007 but does not recall. She was on a ship after that for 6 months came back and she was dating RM and she saw her every couple of weeks but since Feb they text messaged several times at least daily but when she started dating her new boyfriend “she dropped off the face of the planet for a few weeks”
(page 229):
LE: Okay. Okay, so from there um February and would you say May or would you say June?

AH: I would say early June.

LE: Okay so early June she gets a new boyfriend?

AH: Yeah.

LE: Alright and then you stop hearing from her?

AH: I only hear from her pretty much when I’m calling her about our housing situation.

LE: Okay.

AH: Um, she spins tales, which I didn’t know at the time. Or tale but all these crazy stories about all this stuff. She also made up a story about her parents, her dad cheating on her mom.

LE: Right.

AH: And this huge thing which isn’t true at all ‘cause I asked her mom. Um, but made up this huge story and all this happening within the time frame of when Caylee’s been gone.

(This is the story about Casey and Amy getting her Mom and Dad’s house and how its because the dad is cheating and they are divorcing etc – part of this appears based in some kind of truth though from other court documents of the dad filing for divorce)
(page 281)

She gives her timeline of where Casey was after the 16th of June and reasoning why she was gone for a month was the “divorce” issue from the implications it sounds like Casey was giving Amy

AH: Um, and so she’s… this is the whole tale and this is why she hasn’t been at home for a month. Um, she.. the three weeks where she disappeared she was at the boyfriend’s. Um, and then the week of the 4th of July I think from that Tuesday to that Saturday she was actually was with me almost the whole time. Um, she slept at the place that I’m sleeping at every night in that period ‘cause her boyfriend was in New York for the Full Sail Break.

More talk about her and job etc then (page 232) referencing when she was staying with Amy:

LE: Was um, Caylee with her?

AH: I’ve not seen Caylee in a month at least. Um, she said that there was a part of the time when they were supposedly at the beach with the nanny and her mom, which isn’t true. ‘Cause her mom hasn’t seen her in a month either. Um, and then I guess she said that they were going to Sea World on the 4th of July ‘cause she came to the 4th of July party that I was hosting with a friend at a different place.

More discussions on the timeline in between then (page 233):

AH: Um, but I’ve.. I always hear about Caylee. Like she talks about her a lot. I hear this is what she’s doing at the nanny’s. She’s with my mom, my mom’s doing this. Like her mom, in this world that she makes up, we’re having lots of issues and whatnot. I don’t have any idea what’s true and what’s not.

LE: Uh-huh.

AH: Um, but there were times that she was with her mom, but mostly with the nanny honestly for the past month is what I was hearing.

LE: Have you ever met this nanny?

AH: No one has. I.. to my knowledge everyone I’ve talked to, no one has ever met her or spoke to her. Her mom hasn’t met her, her brother hasn’t met her, no one’s met this nanny.

More talk about other things, Caylee, the mom, drinking then Amy brings Cindy to Casey (page 244):

LE: What does Casey say to the mom?

AH: She was like, what are you doing here?

LE: Uh-huh.

AH: And she was like, you’re taking me to see Caylee. And Casey was like, she’s fine she’s with the nanny, she’s fine. Pretty much with that inflection. Actually a little angrier but I can’t do it as well. Um, and that’s pretty much the extent of what she kept saying.

LE: Uh-huh.

AH: She’s like.. pretty much kept being like, you don’t need to see her, we need our space, blah.. blah.. blah. Even though she’s been apparently with the nanny for the past month.

LE: Right.

AH: Um, and just pretty.. she honestly I imagined myself at 16 getting caught doing something bad. That’s the way she was acting.

Then there are discussions of concern for Caylee from Cindy and how she was telling Casey she was going to take her to see Caylee etc. And they dropped Amy off back at her residence.
Then there was more talk about different things including the money Casey apparently stole from Amy. She also discusses how she feels something accidentally happened to Caylee and Casey freaked out about it and created this whole story in her head. About how she likest o push buttons and can talk until there is no end in sight. Then (page 256) LE asks about the Caylee liking to go to parks etc:
LE: Have you ever heard that Caylee likes to go to the park or the pool or have you ever heard what.. you know has she ever talked about..

AH: Yeah I mean…

LE: (inaudible)

AH: … I know, I know she... they have a little pool at their house. And I know she likes going in. Um, I don’t.. I can’t recall her ever talking about parks. It makes sense that she would like parks ‘cause kids like parks. I know she talked about the fake, real… I don’t know nanny um, name Zani. U’m that she.. they had been going to a lot of theme parks in the past like two, three weeks.

LE: Uh-huh.

AH: But then again that’s completely bogus ‘cause…

LE: Well, since you knew her have you ever known her to work, Casey?

AH: She.. I.. Up until today really I thought she worked at Universal. I mean except for the past maybe the past three or four weeks. It hasn’t been seeming like she was working. Maybe the past two weeks hasn’t been like she was working at all. But she sais she had all this vacation time taken.. that she had to use it before she lost it.

Then there is more talk of various thing including that how Casey mentioned going to where Caylee’s father was killed in his car accident and how she and her friend who were discussing this were considering that if Casey was going to stash something it might be there.

Then (page 260-261) LE asks:

LE: Can you think of any other information that you think we need to know?

AH: I’ve honestly been racking my brain and the only thing that I’ve even come up with and um, Lee actually agreed that he don’t.. I don’t remember ever hearing the name Zani come up. I remember her talking about a nanny, but I don’t remember the nam Zani coming up until about a month ago.

LE: Uh-huh.

AH: And lee said he was pretty sure that he didn’t actually remember that name. And I was like there’s no way you’re gonna forget Zani the nanny? And I’m pretty sure it was about three or four weeks ago that I, I heard her say Zani a few times. And I was just thinking she was saying nanny, but it was like it really sounds like she’s saying Zani. (talking low) But I guess she’s saying nanny. And I finally asked and she was like, no that’s the nanny’s name. And I was like that’s funny. I think I would giggle every time I said it.

LE: Uh-huh. I want to see Zani the nanny.

AH: Exactly. And I would just have to say Zani the nanny.

LE: Sounds like something from the Muppets or something.

AH: Exactly O couldn’t just call her Zani I’d have to call her Zani the nanny. But regardless like I don’t remember ever hearing that name come up until about a month ago.

LE: Okay.

AH: I know she talked about a nanny um, that she went to sometimes when her mom was at work and she had to work. Um, but I don’t remember ever hearing the name until about a month ago.

And LE brings up that parents and nanny again and she said from what she understands Caylee is mostly with the grandparent and how “… from what I heard the nanny at that point in life, that nanny wasn’t used often.”

Transcripts are separated by blue, the brown items are parts I put into my own words and or my own comments about an issue.
I checked Net Detective. It lists 2 in Florida. 21 in Texas. 1 in Arizona. 1 in New Mexico. Those are the only states I checked. I have wondered if LE has checked every Zenaida Gonzales in the country. It would also be interesting to check out Puerto Rico since that comes up so often. This isn't even comprehensive. There may be many more out there. Do I believe Casey's story? Not necessarily, but I am curious if they have all been checked out. It would make sense that IF this mysterious person took Caylee she wouldn't be sticking around Orlando.
IMO...There is a Zenaida involved...but, her last name is not Gonzales.
Don't you think that if there really were a Zenaida Fernandes Gonzales with a sister named Sam that was 1/2 african american and 1/2 p.r. that someone in the state of Florida would have run across them? With all the publicity this case has generated someone would have come forward with the information. Especially with the $225,000.00 being offered.
On a whim, I just checked ZG on Veromi and there are over 100 listed.
Unless of course it is Xanax
I checked Net Detective. It lists 2 in Florida. 21 in Texas. 1 in Arizona. 1 in New Mexico. Those are the only states I checked. I have wondered if LE has checked every Zenaida Gonzales in the country. It would also be interesting to check out Puerto Rico since that comes up so often. This isn't even comprehensive. There may be many more out there. Do I believe Casey's story? Not necessarily, but I am curious if they have all been checked out. It would make sense that IF this mysterious person took Caylee she wouldn't be sticking around Orlando.
Well while all of this ounds great we stil got some major problems beginning with 2 dogs hitting on the trunk of the car , followed by the air farm test, and add to that decomp on hair in trunk so , Now if Zanny has Caylee who is the dead body???
Believe me, I know there is no Zany the Nanny...I just thought I'd check to see how many ZG's there were in FL. KC got the name from somewhere...

someone said a while back that in FL you can look up license plates and get the drivers name (or at least who it is registered to) I am going with the theory that came from that discussion that kc was at sawgrass the day zg was there looking at an apt, she was writing down lp#s to look up and went with zg. also, if you get a VIN from just looking through the windshield (my car has my vin on the driver's and passenger side window) people can get a "carmax" vehichle report for under 20$ and see the entire history of a car title, which would give out any previous addresses, such as hmmmm ny or nc to name a few. JMO of ocurse!
wow suspicious that is a great theory... I love all these ideas

people, there is no zanny the nanny!

The point of this thread is to flesh out the details of when the name was used and how it relates to the stories Casey has told. Who knew of the "nanny" who knew the "nickname" of the nanny and for how long they knew of the "nanny" and how long they knew of the "knickname" etc. And how they are associated with Casey and for how long etc.

She continues to state the Nanny has her, allthough there is the one story as reported by L. Padilla on how she supposedly gave her to a friend for safe keeping and "got" her out of the state away from the parents.

I am not sure though what the currently held tale she is clinging to at the moment.
someone said a while back that in FL you can look up license plates and get the drivers name (or at least who it is registered to) I am going with the theory that came from that discussion that kc was at sawgrass the day zg was there looking at an apt, she was writing down lp#s to look up and went with zg. also, if you get a VIN from just looking through the windshield (my car has my vin on the driver's and passenger side window) people can get a "carmax" vehichle report for under 20$ and see the entire history of a car title, which would give out any previous addresses, such as hmmmm ny or nc to name a few. JMO of ocurse!

This is what I've been saying all along:

1- There is no "Zani the Nanny"
2- Casey needed to find a Zenaida to blame things on
3- She mentions "databases"...I bet she had access to certain ones because of ex-cop George
4- IMO She found a local Zenaida & tracked her to her home
5- She followed her to get more info....One was that ZG went to Sawgrass to look at an apt. Apt. 210 is the model apartment.
i have been lurking on here for a while. this girl is out there. i just hope she doesn't get away with an insanity defense.

anyhow my thoughts are maybe she made Caylee (being 3 pretend is fun) think they were playing pretend, and told to call her (casey) Zanny. if this is the case when cindy asked caylee about her day with zanny she would be talking about what she had been doing with casey all day. this could also ring true as zanny took her. Casey doesn't know where Caylee is, but i bet $1.5 mil Zanny does! I know it's a stretch :woohoo:, but hey look what we are working with here.

this website is awesome!!

Just my 2 cents
Casey said Jesus O. was Caylee's father. Jesus' mother's first name is Zenaida. Hmmmmm....

I think she followed the Zenaida who looked at the apt. She just didnt think it thru enough. Just like she didnt think using Amy's check through enough. A logical person would know that Amy would eventually figure out Casey stole her money and get caught. But Casey is so out there, she never thought she'd get caught.
Zanny the Nanny

is a character in a childrens book

Double Trouble Squared: A Starbuck Family Adventure, Book One by Kathryn Lasky Excerpt - page 34: "... Zanny the Nanny ….ZANNY DUGGAN had parked a block away and begun to ..." Shadows in the Water: A Starbuck Family Adventure, Book Two by Kathryn Lasky

also--6miles from the Anthony family home is the US Post Office- 2 long term employee's work is zanaida gonzales who 2 yrs ago got married to a po office worker and changed her name to his....they both work there and they both where interviewed by the police....also when the police went to sawgrass apt they gave each of the 3 office workers a look at a 12 person line up sheet- they all individually separately picked out the same person--but whats interesting is that all 12 where names zanaida gonzales......also this is in the 400 page documents....also note ZG interview she said she looked at every apt on that street that she lives at motel 6......

the first nanny name was.....
Holly Gagne babysat Caylee for one year- interview with her on NG
Beba is all I can say.
Want to overlook it fine ,but It's her!
i have been lurking on here for a while. This girl is out there. I just hope she doesn't get away with an insanity defense.

Anyhow my thoughts are maybe she made caylee (being 3 pretend is fun) think they were playing pretend, and told to call her (casey) zanny. If this is the case when cindy asked caylee about her day with zanny she would be talking about what she had been doing with casey all day. This could also ring true as zanny took her. Casey doesn't know where caylee is, but i bet $1.5 mil zanny does! I know it's a stretch :woohoo:, but hey look what we are working with here.

This website is awesome!!

Just my 2 cents

welcome ~
Here is the most logical reasoning I can think of about Zanny the Nanny or ZG.

It is very possible that the ZG who went to Sawgrass is who Casey was talking about.

Casey was apartment shopping for Tony about the same time span as when ZG was looking at Sawgrass. We don't know if that was the only apartment ZG went to.

Casey could have very easily seen the name on a card laying around or such and spun it from there.

Here's why:
We saw the ZG interview. There is no way we would have known that she sometimes wore her hair straight, sometimes curly, just as we would have not known she was african american/hispanic background. Casey couldn't have known either.

If Casey saw her name and decided to find ZG on myspace JUST like we did, then all the pictures there showed every detail she gave LE. The pictures showed ZG in many different looks. Casey HAD to have seen that.
Thanks for that link with the youtube, I have been wondering about somehting and listening to the 911 call AGAIn, it comes clear.

I spoke with a hispanic coworker as I have taken spanish in college for three semesters and even I did not know the proper way to pronounce Zenaida, but I knew that a Z sound did not sound proper. Listen AGAIN yourselves to Casey!!! lol She pronounces it Zuh-nine-uh the correct pronounciation is Suh-nye-dah. Casey pronoucnes the ZZZZZZ this name is pronounced with an S sound. Granted she is not a "spanish speaker" not sure if she knows spanish or not but after 4 years of her knowing this woman she does not know the correct way to pronounce her name?

If she kept calling Zenaida Zuh-nine-uh I would think after 4 years of it ZFG would have gotten her to correct it. And besides when you meet someone ussually you hear their name first not see it in writting ;-) I think she did see this name written down, most likely while hiding out 6/17 at Sawgrass but that is part of my theory so far not fact yet!!!

Also after speaking to my co-worker all of the Zenaida's she has known in the past have never used a nickname Zani, ZANNY or any other derivation esspecially when you consider that this ZFG uses the traditional hyphenated last name. For those who may not know the hyphen represents the person's moher's maiden and fathers name combined. Please do not ask me which is which. In other words the mothers maiden name is always attached when they marry someone So she is ZF-G her daughter will be ZG-some other new initial and so on down the line maternity follows suit ;-)

A person following traditional values such as these would not create an unfamiliar nickname such as this and according to my hispanic coworker all of the Zenaida's she has ever known have used their full name Zenaida no truncated knicknames whatsoever of any kind. They may have some other name such as what the actuall ZFG that visited Sawgrass has apparently done if the myspace account everyone thinks is hers is actually her - Babe.

But even if it were a truncated derivation it would most likely sounds like Sah-knee as the pronoucniation of the name is an SSSSS sound!!!! But that is my opinion based on some knowlege of the language/exposure and comments posed to by by my hispanic coworker for verification.
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