Teen sues parents after being ‘kicked out,’ wants money

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Karmady, I really loved the way you phrased that. I think you could be right!

I really hope I'm wrong! That's the thing, though. I rarely get the total "bad seed" vibe. At least, I almost always think there's more to it. Here, not so sure.
I want to know if she is still barfing into trash bags (and saving it) at the Lawyer's house? Wonder what they think of that?
I want to know if she is still barfing into trash bags (and saving it) at the Lawyer's house? Wonder what they think of that?

Right. Isn't that bizarre even for a bulimic? I guess she started with the trash bags after mom started checking the bathroom. And her room was such a sty that Mom didn't go in unless she absolutely had to. Which is kind of the arrangement we have around here. I guess I'd better check dd's closet!
I wish Judge Judy was on this case. She would rip Miss Entitlement a new one.
I rarely jump on the "serious mental illness" bandwagon here since I'm not a mental health professional and it sometimes feels like those conclusions are jumped to way too freely. This girl, however, I really do believe could have a serious disorder of the disturbing variety. Like I said up thread, if she were mine, I'd have a hard time wanting her home -- especially with two younger sibs.


I just keep wondering why the parents put up with the "weekly" partying and getting drunk beyond the first or second occurrence, when she was still 17? Am I that completely old fashioned? I know PLENTY of high school kids (and some who are from very well to do families), and none of them engage in that kind of behavior.

I wonder why the parents didn't pursue some kind of other actions to break that cycle when it was happening? Take her out of private school, admit to 30 day inpatient rehab, etc. Enlist the help of her bulimia counselors to get her a bed somewhere, etc. I just can't believe the parents let that go on from Aug to October, without doing something really drastic to interrupt the cycle.

But that's just me, I guess. Why did things have to get to a SECOND school suspension, and loss of the cheer captaincy, etc. SMH. I don't get it.

I don't believe she was abused in any way, but I also am beginning to think the parents didn't grasp how seriously her behavior was deteriorating. They gave her WAY too many chances and "do overs", IMO.
I believe this family has been manipulated by her for years. At 18 she is old enough to vote and go fight in war. To say crap in her mother's face she needs to find her own way. Jmo there would be no going back after she pulled this stunt. I would also cut her out of my will and mean it. Jmo

This lawyer/friend's dad is off his rocker. I think most men would have jumped ship the moment she started going down the my daddy had an inappropriate feelings toward me path. Chances are if all this fails and she still is in need she will try to go back to her parents (or someone richer who believes her) blaming this guy for pushing her to file the suit among other things.
Let's see,
- drinking at school event............................................. check
- suspended from school............................................ ...check
- driving without a license........................................... ..check
- stopped multiple times for speeding...............................check
- multiple underage drinking occurences............................check
- defying curfew multiple times/habitually .........................check
- plans drinking party while parents out of town................check
- steals money from mother .........................................check
- refuses to follow parental rules on many issues...............check

What have I missed?
ETA: Refuses counseling or therapy..................................check
- won't take Rx................................................ ...........check
ETA-says she wants to defecte in mother's face................check (TYVM, gitana1)

A teen destined to become a model citizen and contrib'g member of society? Or ____?

In skimming parent's certifications, did I overlook allegation of Rachel's fibbing?

termination of her position at Campus Ministry

suspended from school twice (once for truancy, another for being drunk at the Homecoming Dance) (para 7 of Mom's Cert), placed on probation. Upon returning to school, she cut school and called the school purporting to be her mother.

ran away with Lucas to his house from her supervised punishment job with her dad after being suspended from school, stayed there 2 nights before going to MC claiming of emotional and mental abuse, thus moving in with the Inglesinos (that's when DCPP stepped in)

lying to DCPP

stealing from her sisters

threatened to file a lawsuit against MC for making her miss Homecoming Dance

stripped of her Cheerleading Captaincy for wandering around another high school during a football game, as well as lying to the other cheerleaders stating that practice had been cancelled.

attempted to open a online dating profile under her dad's name in order to cause divorce between her parents (para 24 of dad's cert)
Education For Rachel / Facebook

I don't do Facebook, so I wonder if anyone can tell if this is a legitimate page done by RC. If so, I don't think she is going to get many supportive responses from the few comments so far. Who is advising this girl on what she should or should not be doing if she sincerely wants her college education?

This case is getting more bizarre by the minute (but a relief from the horrendous murder cases I usually follow)
I haven't seen Lucas' mother's Certification, but found this:

Lisa Kitzmiller filed a certification with the court that states Rachel Canning is a "mature young girl." Lisa Kitzmiller contended that she has had unpleasant verbal encounters with both [parents].

Lisa Kitzmiller swore in her certification that before the fallout, she and her son were on Facetime with Rachel Canning when her father entered her room.

"My recollection was he said, 'Congratulations. You are turning 18 and there are two things you have yet to do: Get pregnant or do drugs to the best of my knowledge. You will not be able to see the or the 's family anymore.' " Lisa Kitzmiller wrote that she believes Sean Canning was referring to her son.

Maybe I am not understanding the parents' claims, but I do believe they are willing to pay for college --- just not the uber-expensive choices of applications sent out AFTER RC left their home. I get the impression that they want her to attend a place within the means of what they have set aside, or for her to get loans/scholarships to cover costs above that, and several of the colleges she is applying to now are way beyond what that saved amount will cover. I certainly don't have the impression they have completely refused to pay for college.

I have a gut feeling the Inglesino (sp?) family is behind most of this. Too bad the parents can't sue them! Personal or political grudges?
I haven't seen Lucas' mother's Certification, but found this:

Lisa Kitzmiller filed a certification with the court that states Rachel Canning is a "mature young girl." Lisa Kitzmiller contended that she has had unpleasant verbal encounters with both [parents].

Lisa Kitzmiller swore in her certification that before the fallout, she and her son were on Facetime with Rachel Canning when her father entered her room.

"My recollection was he said, 'Congratulations. You are turning 18 and there are two things you have yet to do: Get pregnant or do drugs to the best of my knowledge. You will not be able to see the or the 's family anymore.' " Lisa Kitzmiller wrote that she believes Sean Canning was referring to her son.


If RC was mine she (Kitzmiller) would not be able to count the number of times she and I had a verbal smack down. Not sure of the situation about RC going over to this boys house to drink ( did parents let her go or did she sneak) but bring my child home drunk without being really ticked off yourself, you will get words. I want to see the flames coming out your head especially if they did that under your watch.
I'm sure RC's parents know him enough to judge his character so I will say if they dislike him and his family then what was said was pretty mild. I have said way worse to the face of the person that I felt was wrong and not doing right.
If RC was mine she (Kitzmiller) would not be able to count the number of times she and I had a verbal smack down. Not sure of the situation about RC going over to this boys house to drink ( did parents let her go or did she sneak) but bring my child home drunk without being really ticked off yourself, you will get words. I want to see the flames coming out your head especially if they did that under your watch.

I'm sure RC's parents know him enough to judge his character so I will say if they dislike him and his family then what was said was pretty mild. I have said way worse to the face of the person that I felt was wrong and not doing right.

I've actually said worse to the parents of a child my son was friends with a few years ago....and they didn't do anything that reached the level of bringing my kid home drunk @ 3:30am.

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Rachel posted a self-righteous Facebook rant (today) Friday slamming her parents’ generation — ironically enough — as greedy and entitled:

“Suburban baby boomer types are the spoiled lot, they make massive amount of money a year, they are used to flying to luxury destinations when they want, and buy things that they don't need, people should be inclined to see things my way,” Canning wrote in an early morning outburst on Friday.

The now-middle-aged parents prefer “retiring into some fantasy world rather than provide for their children's college and young adult years,” she said in the unexpected commentary, which expanded to making sweeping statements about the current state of the job market.

“In today's economy there are no more meaningful jobs and without family help it's usually military or bust,” read the rant.

“I see parents like this every day, children were always an accessory to them and nothing more, once that accessory grew up and went out of fashion, much like a marriage that people allegedly commit to, the child becomes a throwaway, that's just how it is,” Canning wrote on Friday.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...facebook-rant-article-1.1714105#ixzz2vIVOJ9JQ
Rachel posted a self-righteous Facebook rant (today) Friday slamming her parents’ generation — ironically enough — as greedy and entitled:

“Suburban baby boomer types are the spoiled lot, they make massive amount of money a year, they are used to flying to luxury destinations when they want, and buy things that they don't need, people should be inclined to see things my way,” Canning wrote in an early morning outburst on Friday.

The now-middle-aged parents prefer “retiring into some fantasy world rather than provide for their children's college and young adult years,” she said in the unexpected commentary, which expanded to making sweeping statements about the current state of the job market.

“In today's economy there are no more meaningful jobs and without family help it's usually military or bust,” read the rant.

“I see parents like this every day, children were always an accessory to them and nothing more, once that accessory grew up and went out of fashion, much like a marriage that people allegedly commit to, the child becomes a throwaway, that's just how it is,” Canning wrote on Friday.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...facebook-rant-article-1.1714105#ixzz2vIVOJ9JQ

Oh the irony and level of disrespect....

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Here's more:

“I have been stunned by the financial greed of modern parents who are more concerned with retiring into some fantasy world rather than provide for their children’s college and young adult years,” a poster — presumed to be Morris Catholic HS senior Rachel Canning or a supporter — wrote in the pre-dawn web screed.

“Suburban baby boomer types are the spoiled lot, they make massive amount of money a year, they are used to flying to luxury destinations when they want, and buy things that they don’t need, people should be inclined to see things my way.”

The post appeared on the “Education for Rachel” Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/educationforrachel, which Canning previously told The Post she set up to support her cause.

“In today’s economy there are no more meaningful jobs and without family help it’s usually military or bust,” the poster gripes.

“I see parents like this every day, children were always an accessory to them and nothing more, once that accessory grew up and went out of fashion, much like a marriage that people allegedly commit to, the child becomes a throwaway, that’s just how it is.”

The Facebook post went up just hours after a report that the man bankrolling her lawsuit allowed the teen to get boozed up and throw wild ragers in his home.

Rachel posted a self-righteous Facebook rant (today) Friday slamming her parents’ generation — ironically enough — as greedy and entitled:

“Suburban baby boomer types are the spoiled lot, they make massive amount of money a year, they are used to flying to luxury destinations when they want, and buy things that they don't need, people should be inclined to see things my way,” Canning wrote in an early morning outburst on Friday.

The now-middle-aged parents prefer “retiring into some fantasy world rather than provide for their children's college and young adult years,” she said in the unexpected commentary, which expanded to making sweeping statements about the current state of the job market.

“In today's economy there are no more meaningful jobs and without family help it's usually military or bust,” read the rant.

“I see parents like this every day, children were always an accessory to them and nothing more, once that accessory grew up and went out of fashion, much like a marriage that people allegedly commit to, the child becomes a throwaway, that's just how it is,” Canning wrote on Friday.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...facebook-rant-article-1.1714105#ixzz2vIVOJ9JQ

I have this up on my phone right now...

Have you read the comments?

I don't think she can delete them fast enough and more and more are being written! I haven't seen her respond to any of them though.

I can tell you this, my children are ready to smack her down!
Education for Rachel - Facebook page


Rachel Canning, 18, of New Jersey launched a fan page on Facebook yesterday (March 5) called “Education for Rachel,” with the slogan “Money for education, that’s all.”

“This page is dedicated to support my cause for legally requesting my education tuition to be fully paid by my parents,” the Morris Catholic HS senior wrote in the page description.

Here's more:

“I have been stunned by the financial greed of modern parents who are more concerned with retiring into some fantasy world rather than provide for their children’s college and young adult years,” a poster — presumed to be Morris Catholic HS senior Rachel Canning or a supporter — wrote in the pre-dawn web screed.

“Suburban baby boomer types are the spoiled lot, they make massive amount of money a year, they are used to flying to luxury destinations when they want, and buy things that they don’t need, people should be inclined to see things my way.”

The post appeared on the “Education for Rachel” Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/educationforrachel, which Canning previously told The Post she set up to support her cause.

“In today’s economy there are no more meaningful jobs and without family help it’s usually military or bust,” the poster gripes.

“I see parents like this every day, children were always an accessory to them and nothing more, once that accessory grew up and went out of fashion, much like a marriage that people allegedly commit to, the child becomes a throwaway, that’s just how it is.”

The Facebook post went up just hours after a report that the man bankrolling her lawsuit allowed the teen to get boozed up and throw wild ragers in his home.http://nypost.com/2014/03/07/teen-suing-parents-baby-boomers-are-the-spoiled-ones/


Ohhhhhhh, I missed that part!

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