Millard Properties: Locations and Ownership

DNA Solves
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I guess you didn't bother to look at the Manta page, which says

The Manta page is just a page set up by a business owner to advertise the business with "estimates" on what the business is projected to do based on past performance. That page was set up by Wayne Millard, obviously shortly after CM's death when the business was still being run out of the Derry Rd hangar. And I have no doubt that the 3 people who were helping CM with his hobby were also trying to help WM to continue on. But that does not tell me when it all stopped.

The Manta page is just a page set up by a business owner to advertise the business with "estimates" on what the business is projected to do based on past performance. That page was set up by Wayne Millard, obviously shortly after CM's death when the business was still being run out of the Derry Rd hangar. And I have no doubt that the 3 people who were helping CM with his hobby were also trying to help WM to continue on. But that does not tell me when it all stopped.


That's because it didn't stop. Millardair Incorporated is still an active business that owns a hangar and rents it to tenants.
At the time CW was in control at YYZ:

(OC = air operator certificate)

Yes, I posted that link earlier. What it tells me is that CM morphed the original airline business into an aircraft and parts "wholesaler" after the OC was retired. It gave him something to do and a place to go everyday to stay in touch with his love of aviation and to hang out at Pearson in his beloved hangar. Looks like he employed 2 or 3 people to help him out. Now while it's obvious that after his death WM inherited the business and became the president, for how long did the business continue to operate as an aircraft and parts distributor? What happened to the DC4's? Were they sold off? Before or after CM's death?
That's because it didn't stop. Millardair Incorporated is still an active business that owns a hangar and rents it to tenants.

Millard Air has not made any money as a business, employing staff and providing a service, since at least 2011 when one hangar was demolished and the other was sold. I think it was years prior to that but there doesn't seem to be any information when that might be. It was registered, and it had some holdings, but it was not an active business. WM was trying to resurrect it for his son in the year before his untimely death but DM put an end to that. necessity, it has morphed into what? A property management business? Leasing out one hangar? If DM had not been arrested, I wonder what it would be today?

Yes, I posted that link earlier. What it tells me is that CM morphed the original airline business into an aircraft and parts "wholesaler" after the OC was retired. It gave him something to do and a place to go everyday to stay in touch with his love of aviation and to hang out at Pearson in his beloved hangar. Looks like he employed 2 or 3 people to help him out. Now while it's obvious that after his death WM inherited the business and became the president, for how long did the business continue to operate as an aircraft and parts distributor? What happened to the DC4's? Were they sold off? Before or after CM's death?

Yes that is correct, Millardair Limited went from being an airline to a parts/maintenance business in 1990. At least one of the DC4's was sold for scrap metal and Millardair Incorporated still holds some of the other planes (piper navajos)

CW died in 2006 and the Tradekey ad was posted sometime after 2008. Seems they continued to sell parts from YYZ until they were evicted in 2011. They were operating under NAICS 488190:
Aircraft ferrying service
Aircraft inspection service
Aircraft maintenance service (except factory conversions and overhauls)
Aircraft servicing and repairing (except factory conversions and overhauls)
Aircraft servicing, at airports
Aircraft testing services
Aircraft upholstery repair

The YKF hangar was fit for occupancy in Feb 2012 so who knows where all their junk was during the span of time in which the hangar was being built.

Until the MRO was certified Nov 1, 2012, a lot of energy would have gone into building the hangar and setting up the MRO.
So it's unlikely DM had a flight instructor rating? So he and his friend were probably just goofing around up there and he showed him a few things and let him take the controls for a bit. Not a formal "lesson" from a trained flight instructor.


There is a flight school at YKF.

WM had an instructor rating, but obviously he wasn't instructing in 2013.
Millard Air has not made any money as a business, employing staff and providing a service, since at least 2011 when one hangar was demolished and the other was sold. I think it was years prior to that but there doesn't seem to be any information when that might be. It was registered, and it had some holdings, but it was not an active business. WM was trying to resurrect it for his son in the year before his untimely death but DM put an end to that. necessity, it has morphed into what? A property management business? Leasing out one hangar? If DM had not been arrested, I wonder what it would be today?


Well in 2011 they got $2M for one of the YYZ hangars, and they had to pay $600k to demolish the other, so MA was + $1.4M at that point.

MROs do not design and build themselves: since at least June 2011, the Millardair MRO had employees paid to work on the project. The big hiring boom came in Sept-Oct 2012 though, when they picked up the staff required to run the thing in anticipation of the certification that was attained November 1 2012.

Prior to 2011 the company was making money selling its stock of aircraft parts. Once the new hangar was built they added a new computerized inventory system and someone would have to log all those parts into, of course, they could continue to get rid of them.
Well in 2011 they got $2M for one of the YYZ hangars, and they had to pay $600k to demolish the other, so MA was + $1.4M at that point.

MROs do not design and build themselves: since at least June 2011, the Millardair MRO had employees paid to work on the project. The big hiring boom came in Sept-Oct 2012 though, when they picked up the staff required to run the thing in anticipation of the certification that was attained November 1 2012.

Prior to 2011 the company was making money selling its stock of aircraft parts. Once the new hangar was built they added a new computerized inventory system and someone would have to log all those parts into, of course, they could continue to get rid of them.

What I'm trying to get at, or rather figure out, is that WM himself never appeared to showed an interest in Millard Air as a business. He let his father take care of that while he pursued his own interests, no doubt taking full advantage of the family money that CM acquired from the business to pursue his interests. So as a role model of loyalty and dedication to the family "dynasty", WM may have been a little lacking in that area for his own son DM.

Now after CM's death, what happened? Did WM try to step in and run the show? Did he let others do it for him? Or did he just let the business die a natural death and allow DM full access to the hangar for his own personal "hobbies"? It doesn't appear to me that it was even an issue until Pearson refused to renew the lease. Now if it was an active, viable business at that time, why would they do that? No doubt they were fully aware of some questionable activities going on within that hangar. Couldn't have been very good for security purposes at the airport either. The airport was growing and changing and having run down hangars just hanging around on the property without any real viable business being conducted in them probably didn't fit in with their vision. Millard Air must not have been living up to the expectations of the lease in order for them to not have been allowed to renew it.

So I see that as a wake up call for WM. The "empire" that his father had built with the family name and respect in the aviation world was pretty much gone. He had to feel some sense of guilt or remorse over that. He wanted to rebuild that "empire" and restore the family name in the aviation world but he needed his son to step up and take responsibility for it for the long term. A son who had never really had to take responsibility for anything prior to this. And who was probably not too happy with the idea that while his father had been pretty much allowed to do whatever he pleased for most of his life and still live off the profits of the family business, DM was now expected to help resurrect the business and actually work for his money. While WM may have been somewhat responsible for his son's lack of work ethic up to that point, he certainly did not deserve to be murdered over his decision to put a good chunk of the family money into resurrecting Millard Air in honour of his father who had built it from the ground up and to hope to leave that business to his son and possible future generations of Millard children to keep the legacy going that his father , CM, had worked so hard to build.

So just what was it in DM that made him decide to possibly murder his father, dismantle the business, even though it meant he would lose everything that had been put into it at a rate of 80 cents to the dollar, and refuse to go forward with the business in honour of his grandfather? I don't see this as being a "business" decision on his part. I see this as someone who had no real respect for the family name and aviation history and who just wanted to live his life his way, race cars, have drug fueled parties with his "friends" (hangers on really), flip real estate, travel and partake in any other criminal activity that suited his fancy.


I killed my dad because I wanna be a slacker?

Come on, DM was a busy guy, I think the only reason he would have stepped up and killed WM is if he perceived a problem with the business (MRO) and feared losing their fortune because of it.

He has semaphored this fact to us by stating his interest in Accounting on Facebook and by telling the TS, the thing on the top of his mind when LE came looking for him re: TB was the hangar's accounts

What kind of problem gets DM out of bed early? Financial problems due to the MRO.

Everybody calls him a do nothing but between the chop shop, the MRO, the real estate deals, whatever hangar based business they had in there taking deliveries, etc. he was a busy guy.

DM bought construction materials like faucets on eBay and I think this shows he had an interest in sprucing places up in order to flip them, and wasn't just sitting around waiting for things to happen to him.

If the MRO had been left to run and gain clients, DM would not be running around in his Nazi SS suit in order to run it. I would say the MRO was dress code casual and DM had no fear of having to show up in a monkey suit every day.

Judging by all the crap he purchased that is now for sale, WM did not keep a tight leash on DM. That's why it is unbelievable that DM felt so controlled by WM that he would kill him just for that.

There had to be a financial problem at hand, where WM and DM differed in their concepts of how to solve it.

BBM - Semaphored? And Accounting on FB?

Yes DM was a busy guy alright but only when it benefited him or served his purpose. We have no idea what DM's definition of flipping houses meant. Some people gut house, and then there are those who do a bit of painting and decorating, change out a dripping faucet, change a counter top, replace carpeting...done. Then there are those who purchase a place cheap, hire a contractor to do the work for them, to turn around and sell them for a profit. Maybe DM was doing the latter and was purchasing items on line for the contractor to install for him because he was nickel and diming, not liking the prices of the contractor. DM claimed he was just breaking even and that would make sense if someone hired a contractor.

DM's or anyone for that matter, their definition of getting up early could differ greatly. Someone who sleeps in until noon, getting up at 10 or 11am could be early. Someone who normally gets up at 6am, but got up at 4 or 5am could be early to them. And don't forget, not everything would be scheduled around DM's desires, wants and needs. If the accountant said he only had morning appointments, well I guess DM wouldn't have much of an opinion then to get up early. For all we know, the issue surrounding seeing the accountant could have been due to annual taxes. Seeing as the deadline for annual taxes ends at the the end of April, was he late getting the information to the accountant, well over a month late. Maybe DM was too busy getting up late every day he missed the deadline for filing the taxes. Oh course that all depends on Millardair's fiscal year end, but what about his personal taxes...

IMHO I think yes, DM was a busy guy doing what interested him. When it came to Millardair; not so much, not so busy while WM was alive other then being a busy impediment. Once WM was removed from the picture DM was busy trying to tie up ends to get his hands on any money from his father's estate. While WM was still alive the only interest DM had in the business was tracking where his inheritance was going and maintaining his hobby hanger.

UBM - DM figured he could solve it with a gun. Too bad WM hadn't settled it with kicking DM's behind to the curb when he realized DM had no interest in the business. Not only did he not have any interest, but he had no financial investment in it either. So IMHO who the heck did DM think he was telling his father how to run his business or what to do with his money. DM could have gone out and started his own business with his own money had he been so inclined to do so. That tells me it all boiled down to greed and money on DM's part. I still question where DM got all his money from to make the purchases he made, i.e., farmland, condos and all his toys. If I had to guess, dear old dad who received thanks by being shot in the head. That or the proceeds of crime. It will be very interesting when all the finer details come out through the trial. But then again maybe once DM gets disclosure from his lawyer, he might just opt to plead guilty sparing him the embarrassment. Do psychopaths, sociopaths have pride or get embarrassed, or do they thrive on the attention a trial would bring? MOO.
There is a flight school at YKF.

WM had an instructor rating, but obviously he wasn't instructing in 2013.
There are helicopter instructors at Waterloo. The cost wouldn't be exorbitant if the training was being done in DM's helicopter. Just an hourly rate for the instructor and gas. Ground school could have easily been done at Great Lakes. MOO
Yes that is correct, Millardair Limited went from being an airline to a parts/maintenance business in 1990. At least one of the DC4's was sold for scrap metal and Millardair Incorporated still holds some of the other planes (piper navajos)

CW died in 2006 and the Tradekey ad was posted sometime after 2008. Seems they continued to sell parts from YYZ until they were evicted in 2011. They were operating under NAICS 488190:
Aircraft ferrying service
Aircraft inspection service
Aircraft maintenance service (except factory conversions and overhauls)
Aircraft servicing and repairing (except factory conversions and overhauls)
Aircraft servicing, at airports
Aircraft testing services
Aircraft upholstery repair

The YKF hangar was fit for occupancy in Feb 2012 so who knows where all their junk was during the span of time in which the hangar was being built.

Until the MRO was certified Nov 1, 2012, a lot of energy would have gone into building the hangar and setting up the MRO.

Don't forget the patents that WM & CM have (had) that may be part of the income.

Not really important, but the items for sale seem very over priced to me. Checked a few similar items for price - much lower. Good luck with that.
Not really important, but the items for sale seem very over priced to me. Checked a few similar items for price - much lower. Good luck with that.

I agree. Not priced for quick sale. I wonder if they kept all the receipts for the car kits and parts they bought over the years to build all of those cars? :rolleyes:
I'm gonna guess that a car parts supplier used to build the cars was Auto Metal Direct (as in AMDninja) and there are a few agents in southern Ontario. JMO
Charities in the obits: Waynes obit makes mention of the Canadian Flora and Fauna Society-WM,DM & MB are all Directors of this "Society" and MB's home address is the one on file :

Not to be confused with the following Fund that does not seem to be registered and does not have a public record of people associated with it.

EG's obit (2011) mentions "
"Her Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Foundation was established to offer help to injured or abandoned urban wildlife."

And in 2013, WM's obit mentions the same charity:

"His last, still unlaunched, animal welfare mission is accepting donations to the 'Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund', - See more at:

What I'm trying to get at, or rather figure out, is that WM himself never appeared to showed an interest in Millard Air as a business. He let his father take care of that while he pursued his own interests, no doubt taking full advantage of the family money that CM acquired from the business to pursue his interests. So as a role model of loyalty and dedication to the family "dynasty", WM may have been a little lacking in that area for his own son DM.

And you didn't go to French immersion private school, but you expect me to?

I can't provide you with a role model of how to do it, but I expect you to do it anyway?

Now after CM's death, what happened? Did WM try to step in and run the show? Did he let others do it for him? Or did he just let the business die a natural death and allow DM full access to the hangar for his own personal "hobbies"?

At that time Millardair was running itself, with just tech and an admin. CW showed up for a few hours a day. Once CW died, I doubt WM had to check in much at all. How many controversies per day are you going to have in a parts order shop? CW's knowledge of old times and old planes and therefore old parts would be missed, but how much would WM be able to add once CM was gone? CM was an old guy.

It doesn't appear to me that it was even an issue until Pearson refused to renew the lease. Now if it was an active, viable business at that time, why would they do that? No doubt they were fully aware of some questionable activities going on within that hangar. Couldn't have been very good for security purposes at the airport either. The airport was growing and changing and having run down hangars just hanging around on the property without any real viable business being conducted in them probably didn't fit in with their vision. Millard Air must not have been living up to the expectations of the lease in order for them to not have been allowed to renew it.

The hangar Millardair was in was THE oldest, crappiest hangar at the airport. They were selling old planes for scrap metal and parts off of archaic small aircraft. The Airport Authority thought they were a total waste of space. And, as you pointed out, a security problem too.

So I see that as a wake up call for WM. The "empire" that his father had built with the family name and respect in the aviation world was pretty much gone. He had to feel some sense of guilt or remorse over that. He wanted to rebuild that "empire" and restore the family name in the aviation world but he needed his son to step up and take responsibility for it for the long term. A son who had never really had to take responsibility for anything prior to this. And who was probably not too happy with the idea that while his father had been pretty much allowed to do whatever he pleased for most of his life and still live off the profits of the family business, DM was now expected to help resurrect the business and actually work for his money.

For WM the MRO was a vision. It was an opportunity go get in on the ground floor, under favourable conditions (recently came into money from the other hangars, the economy was improving, that airport and government made generous offers to support the business), for the long term. He wasn't sure about getting clients, but you know, if you build it, and you can hang in there, they will come. (At the time he died, the MRO had been ready to go and without a client for only 21 business days.) And, you're right, he would have rebuilt the empire and restored the family name.

And how important is the family name? I can't find CM's FULL obit, but the version I have seen is 1,400 words and that's not even all of it! Whoever had it printed (WM?) spent $30k. Mention was made of it in a book on the newspaper industry as one of the larger paydays for a newspaper in 2006 (in obits). I think that the legend of CM, the Millard name, meant everything to WM. He was willing to spend exceptional amounts to uphold the family name.

I tried to see things from DM's side. To DM, the MRO is totally non viable. To DM, the MRO is WM's project and it dies when he does.

Was it a bad time or a bad place to build an MRO? Was their business manager legit? Was any consultant, employee, official trying to con or mislead WM or DM or both? Were WM and DM's finances so fragile that the MRO would bankrupt them? Was there any reason why DM had to stop the project at all costs? Was there any emergency?

It seems they did their market research, buying professional reports from Stratfor, which employs professional economists and analysts. The economy was improving but all levels of government were still dishing out millions in stimulus cash to improve infrastructure like airports. AS, their Business Development Manager, had done this all before. WM seemed aware of the opportunities and risk. They had enough money to give it a go, and the bank was not breathing down their neck. In other words there was nothing wrong with the MRO. Nothing at all. Well, they needed clients, but it had only been 21 business days since they were ready to go (contingent on the removal of DM's junk.)

It's possible when LE found DM fetching financial records for the accountant he was in fact digging for the invoice for the incinerator that he'd charged to the company. Why else would a guy known for showing up at the crack of noon drive all the way out there, first thing in the morning? Oh crap. Forgot about the invoice. I doubt that he was acting as the concerned CEO.

I had been haunted by DM's claims that he felt used and taken advantage of and it turns out those were DP's words:

@ 3:38

Reporter: And you also said that when you spoke a litle bit earlier today that you expect that more light will be shed on the case as to what your client's involvement was exactly, and I think the media - one of the members of the media - asked you whether you believe your client was framed?

DP: That was run by me as a theory, theoretically, I mean is what happens is different theories are put in terms of fitting the facts pattern or not. I'm not saying he was framed or not - we don't know, we're early days in this - certainly that's one of the theories that's been floating around, that he may have been framed, or at least, perhaps, taken advantage of or used. That's a theory that's out there.

While WM may have been somewhat responsible for his son's lack of work ethic up to that point, he certainly did not deserve to be murdered over his decision to put a good chunk of the family money into resurrecting Millard Air in honour of his father who had built it from the ground up and to hope to leave that business to his son and possible future generations of Millard children to keep the legacy going that his father , CM, had worked so hard to build.

I guess as far as the family legacy, DM wasn't feeling it.

So just what was it in DM that made him decide to possibly murder his father, dismantle the business, even though it meant he would lose everything that had been put into it at a rate of 80 cents to the dollar, and refuse to go forward with the business in honour of his grandfather? I don't see this as being a "business" decision on his part. I see this as someone who had no real respect for the family name and aviation history and who just wanted to live his life his way, race cars, have drug fueled parties with his "friends" (hangers on really), flip real estate, travel and partake in any other criminal activity that suited his fancy.


Well it is not as if he was so broken up about his father's death that he could not go on:

@ 5:35

Reporter: His father's death in December, that seems to have been a turning point according to what we've heard so far?

DP: I don't think it was a turning point, the only thing that happened is he takes over the company, he's CEO his mom is Vice President. In terms of any kind of depression or that sort of thing, I don't see any of that, he's a very well balanced young man, good head on his shoulders and from what I've seen, very humble and unassuming. I had no idea until getting involced in this case who he was and he never presented himself as being some heir or anything, but very humble.

Thank you, DP, for clarifying that.

Just a refresher on how DP and DM came to know each other:

@ 6:10

Reporter: And had you ever met him before this incident?

DP: No, I had a brief meeting with him on an unrelated matter through another client, but that's nothing to do with this case.

@ 5:39

Reporter: What do you know about him on a personal level? What kind of person is he?

DP: In terms of the, my, personal relationship with him I sort of can't get into that because of solicitor client issues. I simply can tell you the kind of person he is from, from, from what's been reported, a very unassuming fellow, into different things such as cars and, and, airplanes, and just a person of pretty decent character from what I can tell.
Thanks snoop! I forgot that DP had previously met DM.
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