Have been contemplating the words of the children. And why something is not right. IMO.
And I might say I wish that someone with the necessary professional skills would analyse these words
Here is some of my foreboding:
IMO It appears there is too much gilded stuff.
The family situation is being painted as one of domestic bliss.
Happy normal family with nothing amiss.
The arguments are nothing really. All over in seconds.
Daddy and Mummy are really good friends.
Then this:
She said her Grand Poppa and aunty came to help look for her mother to see if she was still walking.
"Except there was no success and so then a police car came to talk to dad and when that happened Aunty Livy took us to school, she said.
These words "Except there was no success "
Does that sound like innocent normal the words of a ten year old?
The girl said things had been happy at home.
I have the distinct impression that they have been instructed in painting the scene of domestic bliss.
Subliminal or not, doesn't take much time to say, "You must say that Mummy loves Daddy and Daddy loves Mummy. Do NOT, talk anything about arguments. You must say that "Things have been happy at home." Come on now, lets try it. After me, say: "Things have been happy at home."
This is just between you and me. Not one word. OK? Good."
Reminds me of leaving a few too many Zoloft packets around in obvious places. That should secure the suicide and depression theory.
Another thing: The whole time frame stuff as described by the girls is completely out of whack.