VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

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I was so happy to see Amy's thread on Page 1. In most missing persons cases, I think my hopes that they are alive out there somewhere are just that...hopes. In Amy's case, though, I truly believe that she could come home someday. I live in Florida and travel to the Caribbean fairly regularly (just returned from St. Maarten, St. Thomas, and the Bahamas last week) and I find myself looking closely at the women I see when I am down there in the hopes that by some miracle it would be Amy. Praying that she comes home soon.
ITA. One of the things that bothers me is that we really only hear the parents' version of Amy. Very rarely do parents have the full picture, and that's not a criticism it's just reality.

rsbm - thanks. you managed to say what i was trying to say better than i would have. i think the family is being honest, it's just that we're talking about a young girl who might have been quite different than a family would realize.
Great post.

I think Amy was taken to be a white "mother" for child luring and trafficking. Perhaps she raises and "Americanizes" the abducted children for a while until they can be sold. But, this theory ignores the prostitute picture of her on the bed, IF it is her.

Interesting theory! It makes sense and I guess it's not really a job position you could advertise.

With regard to the photos, I think those were possibly used as a method of control. They forced her into those positions and had the photos put online so they could show her everyone thinks she is a prostitute and no-one will be looking for her.

In one of the older threads one of the members put together a photo overlay of one of the escort photos and a photo of Amy and it was fairly convincing.
ITA. One of the things that bothers me is that we really only hear the parents' version of Amy. Very rarely do parents have the full picture, and that's not a criticism it's just reality. Kids have private lives. But here's where the parents version falls down: On the one hand, she was just a happy all-American young woman who was good at basketball and took some computer courses, happy with her boyfriend, excited to move into her new apartment with her new dog, nothing to see here folks, move along. On the other hand, they think she is this high-value abductee for weapons traffickers and/or human traffickers. Why? This is why it's a shame not to have heard from the boyfriend.

It does make sense to me (in the awful "sense" of this underworld) that a pretty, athletic young American woman would be gold for human traffickers and other pervs. It doesn't make sense that they would pick Amy, given Amy's circumstances. Makes even less sense that they would continue to take her out in public when there is media attention, a family with resources, and an FBI investigation.

Either the sightings are hogwash and Amy hasn't been seen since she was on the ship, or there is way more to this story and the family and investigators are controlling information (for the greater good) so that it's impossible to know what's real and what's misdirection. And at the bottom of it all we have Amy, who just needs to come home safe, and a family who just want to see their daughter/sister again. What a mess.


ETA: dotr, I did think about proof of life as a motive for taking her out in public (the brother of someone who works for my husband was kidnapped in the Phillipines), but randomly taking Amy to the beach or Fisherman's Wharf or a store bathroom in hopes that someone recognizes her and comes forward, or putting her photo on an escort site in hopes that someone comes across it and sends it to the family.. doesn't make sense because they would have no way of ensuring the "proof" of Amy's life is ever received. And it went on for far too long, imo. just my thoughts

I concur with your second theory - I think there is more to this than we know and for whatever reason, Amy's family, the VI and the authorities have decided not to release any current information. The VI did say it's an open and active case.

I don't think she was taken out in the hope someone recognised her as it seems her handlers on both occasions hurried her out of there before the authorities could be notified. Assuming both sightings were really her, her handlers must have had a strong reason for taking her out in public. I've never been to Fisherman's wharf but if it's anything like the UK there must be security cameras all over the place.

The VI said many people had probably seen Amy but just not realised who they were seeing. There's just not enough solid fact for anything other than speculation at the moment but maybe that's a good thing.
I concur with your second theory - I think there is more to this than we know and for whatever reason, Amy's family, the VI and the authorities have decided not to release any current information. The VI did say it's an open and active case.

I really, really hope this means there could be a breakthrough any day now. I seem to remember the VI saying several times something like the reason Amy was taken was so simple, it would be unbelievable when we found out. I'm just so glad it's open and active. It's just a shame there is not more awareness about Amy. I know if I asked any of my friends or family what they thought happened to Amy Bradley...they would say "who?"
I really, really hope this means there could be a breakthrough any day now. I seem to remember the VI saying several times something like the reason Amy was taken was so simple, it would be unbelievable when we found out. I'm just so glad it's open and active. It's just a shame there is not more awareness about Amy. I know if I asked any of my friends or family what they thought happened to Amy Bradley...they would say "who?"

This case makes me want to take a vacation in the Carribean purely so I can keep my head on a swivel and my smartphone camera at the ready to send out an alert if I see Amy so kudos to you for keeping her in mind when you were down there. The VI seemed to think that was the best current hope.

I am not much of a drinker but I have a bottle of wine standing by to raise a glass when we get the good news of a breakthrough on this case.
I remember this case on unsolved mysteries! I was browsing the parking lot and ventured in.

I work in the sex industry, am an advocate for sex workers and know how much bs there is about trafficking.

There is literally no desire for an American woman in foreign waters, none - it's a lot of hype. EU women, Brazilian, Asian, Mexican, African are the largest at risk and they come to the states under lies/manipulation by whatever cartel or mafia that convinced them they could go to school or work here. Then they spend their nights working in strip clubs, working with a specific agency during the day hours *best clients* to pay an debt they are told they owe.

The escort photos of Amy look like Amy, but for the amount of hair growth to have happened would be years from the time she's missing. Also the hair is either permed or naturally that way, we've never seen a single photo of Amy with naturally curly hair.

The style of the hair is more early 90's not late 90's. The makeup etc same thing.

I do recall when this tourism thing was being advertised on (do not click, it's not safe for work). I actually thought about doing it but chose to go somewhere else instead.

With that being mentioned, they advertised there and on Ero's a lot. Basically you flew there and did a stint/tour. I don't know much else because it's a brothel and there's only so much they'll tell you via phone. You always have to send photos first.

I pegged Amy as being gay - not straight, so the entire idea that she was into this character named yellow was rather odd to me. There was never a mention of any boyfriends, or ex lovers etc .. which further just pointed to being gay and maybe struggling to come out (hence a reason to avoid going on a cruise with your parents when you are happily living your OUT life away from them).

The only only way I see her being alive and doing anything like this is if she's some sorta drug mule (a lot of upper class white girls get into this business for the sense of defiance and liberation/rush) for a cartel. But again.. god that's such a stretch and no way would she still be alive at this point.

Keep in mind that often us sex workers have our images lifted without our consent and placed on various websites as a bait and switch operation. I had it happen to me and dealt with one pizzed off pimp who didn't want to remove my images at all! I never knew the guy and he was in LA!

The photos of her, if it's her, look way dated and the pixelation appear to be a picture of a picture (meaning it wasn't scanned).
I remember this case on unsolved mysteries! I was browsing the parking lot and ventured in.

I work in the sex industry, am an advocate for sex workers and know how much bs there is about trafficking.

There is literally no desire for an American woman in foreign waters, none - it's a lot of hype. EU women, Brazilian, Asian, Mexican, African are the largest at risk and they come to the states under lies/manipulation by whatever cartel or mafia that convinced them they could go to school or work here. Then they spend their nights working in strip clubs, working with a specific agency during the day hours *best clients* to pay an debt they are told they owe.

The escort photos of Amy look like Amy, but for the amount of hair growth to have happened would be years from the time she's missing. Also the hair is either permed or naturally that way, we've never seen a single photo of Amy with naturally curly hair.

The style of the hair is more early 90's not late 90's. The makeup etc same thing.

I do recall when this tourism thing was being advertised on (do not click, it's not safe for work). I actually thought about doing it but chose to go somewhere else instead.

With that being mentioned, they advertised there and on Ero's a lot. Basically you flew there and did a stint/tour. I don't know much else because it's a brothel and there's only so much they'll tell you via phone. You always have to send photos first.

I pegged Amy as being gay - not straight, so the entire idea that she was into this character named yellow was rather odd to me. There was never a mention of any boyfriends, or ex lovers etc .. which further just pointed to being gay and maybe struggling to come out (hence a reason to avoid going on a cruise with your parents when you are happily living your OUT life away from them).

The only only way I see her being alive and doing anything like this is if she's some sorta drug mule (a lot of upper class white girls get into this business for the sense of defiance and liberation/rush) for a cartel. But again.. god that's such a stretch and no way would she still be alive at this point.

Keep in mind that often us sex workers have our images lifted without our consent and placed on various websites as a bait and switch operation. I had it happen to me and dealt with one pizzed off pimp who didn't want to remove my images at all! I never knew the guy and he was in LA!

The photos of her, if it's her, look way dated and the pixelation appear to be a picture of a picture (meaning it wasn't scanned).

[modsnip]. For one thing, Amy did have a boyfriend, not that it really matters. [modsnip]


And I have to disagree that it doesn't look like Amy. It's quite easy to grow one's hair long and tease it up to look like that in the photo. Even I know that , I don't have curly hair yet did it myself when I was younger. Made me look totally different than with the straight, bob hair style I adopted later on. And makeup can totally, completely change a person's looks. [modsnip]



Can someone refresh my memory as to how the pic of "Amy" was found? I seem to remember hearing on Dr. Phil that it was found by a guy who browses sex websites to search for missing women that may be victims of human trafficking - is that true?
Can someone refresh my memory as to how the pic of "Amy" was found? I seem to remember hearing on Dr. Phil that it was found by a guy who browses sex websites to search for missing women that may be victims of human trafficking - is that true?

that's pretty much how the story goes. would love more info too.

edited to avoid rehashing: a year or two ago a few of us used the "way back machine" web site to find an old copy of the web site where the pictures had been hosted. i looked through the source code of the web site and found some information regarding the person who set it up. i think a few wsers tried to find the person (who likely would have had nothing to do with her going missing but who could possibly have information regarding who had the pictures before they went on the site). i don't think there was any success on that front but one or more of the wsers got a malware notification on their pc (iirc probably from the web site as it's unsurprising that a *advertiser censored* site would be sketchy). at that point the thread got (imo) a bit ridiculous - where people started saying they thought the ws thread was being watched by bad guys, they were afraid someone was going to hack their computer, etc.

again, just bringing this up so we can avoid going down the same road again. the web site where it was hosted was pretty much a dead end and even if we had contacted the creator of the site it's likely he would have just said whoever paid him to make the site gave him a bunch of pictures to put up or alternately had a log on to the site to upload pictures themselves.
For one thing, Amy did have a boyfriend, not that it really matters.

To be fair, only Amy's family and the VI have asserted there was a boyfriend. No boyfriend was ever named or identified to the public. It's possible he wanted to be kept out of it, or it's possible Amy's family did a bit of spin doctoring for the sake of appearances (or because a lot of info is being withheld). And who could blame them? As someone else pointed out, the sad fact is that someone who is a perfect angel is more sympathetic to the public than someone who is a real live human, warts and all. All JMO, of course.

I can't figure out how to quote multiple posts (sorry!) but there seems to be a disconnect between the VI stating the reason for her abduction was so simple, versus the mother stating she believes it is gun trafficking with possible human trafficking. Unless the VI meant the reason they targeted Amy is so simple, but the purpose is trafficking. *sigh* I fear that unless more information is released this may never be solved. Or perhaps LE already knows what's going on and for whatever reason they haven't been able to bring about a resolution. This case is one that nags at me.
It's still on the wayback machine BUT you can google her name and it comes up in the image search. It does look like her (the bridge of the nose, the lips and even the brows / earrings too).

The resort I *think* is pretty defunct or at least is no longer advertising to import girls for "tours". As I mentioned up thread, they used to on an escort msging board that I posted about. You might be able to find what they are called now if you dig around on there or eros.

When I ran across the ad it was posted on bigdoggie in the NYC area of postings/discussions. No idea if it was advertised in any other area of the US. Their appeal to me wasn't much, I'm a pro-dominatrix not an escort, but I was looking to take my business on vacation. They wanted only experienced escorts and you had to send them a recent photo, head shot, nude photo and 4 for their website. They did phone interviews. I of course have no idea how it went after that because I didn't get the green light.

Adult tourism was huge up until 2002 (for that area). I swear they had another one that was way more popular and even had strippers... I'll dig around. Not that it had Amy on it but most brothel people tend to talk to one another. At least in NV they do, and that's factual and straight from my mouth as a domme that worked there with a license to do so.

I have a lot of reading to do on this case, I just remembered it from unsolved mysteries *weird how things like that stick out!* when Robert Stack hosted it. I never heard of the sex tourism angle till her and watching a few unsolved crimes shows.

I was absolutely disgusted to hear that her family had been preyed upon by a man extorting money from them :( Thankfully they were wise to investigate it before investing more money. That to me is a huge HUGE thing that I hope all missing persons parents or loved ones hear about. That guy went to great lengths to convince them (having someone get a stencil of Amy's tattoos!). But then again, if your kid goes missing .. all bets are off on how you'll handle things because your emotions will run first.

I don't buy into Amy leaving on her own, because that's really odd and weird to set up being an "escort" via a cruise ship that she didn't exactly have too much time ahead of her to know. That makes no sense to me at all.

When she's dancing with Yellow, I think she looks wobbly - very intoxicated but not in the drunk sense, more like roofied way. When you get slipped something everything gets way out of balance super quick, you fall down .. you are on auto pilot .. *it's like taking 2mg of xanax and slamming everclear or taking a ton of ambien*.

So here's some food for thought:
Ambien was in it's baby stages around the time she went missing. It's called stillnox overseas and the original formula is still in stillnox but no longer in ambien itself. They did this because the FDA considered it worrisome enough that it was used in date rape. That's why xanax has a bitter taste too, if you place xanax under your tongue you can taste it but ativan, k-pins etc they are sweet tasting .

Overseas you can step off on ports and get stillnox, triazolam, methadone, vicodin ..the list goes on. Back when Amy went missing GHB was on a deadly rise here and per my own experience with it (willingly) there is virtually NO taste nor odor. I took mine straight out of a water bottle cap. Just a small cap full was enough to erase 18 hours of my life. Imagine if someone has never done it themselves and known the potency so they add much more to their intended victim

GHB was also legally purchased until March of 2000, so while it's clandestine now - it wasn't when amy went missing. Meaning people could have Rx's for it (it is still used for narcolepsy in some places and used for training). Something to keep in mind when reading these older cases where being drugged with liquid x is possible.

I really hope her parents get some sort of closure, I cannot even begin to imagine their pain.
I don't really want to post the site/name because it's disgusting and I don't want this person to get more traffic to their site, but an author has written an X-rated novel about Amy's abduction and the navy officer who came across her in the brothel. How terrible for her family.
I don't really want to post the site/name because it's disgusting and I don't want this person to get more traffic to their site, but an author has written an X-rated novel about Amy's abduction and the navy officer who came across her in the brothel. How terrible for her family.

You've got to be kidding. Wouldn't that be considered a lead?
To be fair, only Amy's family and the VI have asserted there was a boyfriend. No boyfriend was ever named or identified to the public. It's possible he wanted to be kept out of it, or it's possible Amy's family did a bit of spin doctoring for the sake of appearances (or because a lot of info is being withheld). And who could blame them? As someone else pointed out, the sad fact is that someone who is a perfect angel is more sympathetic to the public than someone who is a real live human, warts and all. All JMO, of course.

I can't figure out how to quote multiple posts (sorry!) but there seems to be a disconnect between the VI stating the reason for her abduction was so simple, versus the mother stating she believes it is gun trafficking with possible human trafficking. Unless the VI meant the reason they targeted Amy is so simple, but the purpose is trafficking. *sigh* I fear that unless more information is released this may never be solved. Or perhaps LE already knows what's going on and for whatever reason they haven't been able to bring about a resolution. This case is one that nags at me.
To multi-quote :
When you see a post you want to include in a multi-quote instead of clicking on the blue "Quote" box(as you normally would), you click on the box next to the "Quote" box that is also blue, but smaller, and contains a quotation mark symbol (")
<included a pic of the actual multi-quote box below>

After you click on the multi-quote box(as seen above) it will turn from blue to red, indicating that it has been selected as a post that you want to include in your multi-quote.

From there you can continue to select as many posts as you'd like to include in your multi-quote. Each time repeating the same, first step of clicking on the blue "multi-quote" box.

On the last post that you want to add to your multi-quote you simply click on the blue "Quote" box(as you normally would do for a single quote post). When you click on the "Quote" box it will then take you to a New Reply post where all of the multiple quotes that you've chosen(by clicking the small, blue quotation mark (") box which turned to red).. All of the posts will be together, in order, on the "New Reply" page ready for you to type your reply and submit.

Hope That Helps :)
Thank you SmoothOperator!!! Will keep those instructions for future use... Many thanks. :)
I don't really want to post the site/name because it's disgusting and I don't want this person to get more traffic to their site, but an author has written an X-rated novel about Amy's abduction and the navy officer who came across her in the brothel. How terrible for her family.

Omg! [modsnip]. I'm more interested in the author's name. We had a lady who thrived in the "education of human trafficking" that tried to align herself with my outreach group. We always found her hinky and it turned out we were right. I think she was on the cover of Newsweek or Time very recently, her name escapes me. This is why it's so vital to speak to actual sex workers and understand how it all works.

and to clarify: Sex work is anything from street walking, escorting, stripping, phone sex, cam shows, Domination or submission or *advertiser censored*.
You've got to be kidding. Wouldn't that be considered a lead?

I would think and hope so! But at the same time, it really depends on this writers track record and his agenda in writing it. There's some snakes in the grass when it comes to distressed females.
and to clarify: Sex work is anything from street walking, escorting, stripping, phone sex, cam shows, Domination or submission or *advertiser censored*.

Not that I disagree, but there are a lot of other categories of sex work; e.g., seduction agents in espionage; some restaurant servers (e.g., a 'Hooters' server) and some bartenders/barmaids; go-go dancers (and their ilk); many types of models. It all depends on where you draw the line, but I'd argue where sexuality/sexual attractiveness is key, it is basically sex work.
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