Trial Discussion Thread #45 - 14.07.3, Day 36

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I have just realised that second video, which is longer and shows bits of interviews with Reeva's parents and clips of Reeva was right next to the one on channel 7's website, that I have been watching.
They also show how they built the bedroom and I presume bathroom to re enact the crime scene.
Can't wait for 8.30 pm tonight to see it all.
Thanks, no problem seeing that (and it includes more detail). :)

Me too, I can see that one here in the UK too.

And from this much more comprehensive clip with the extra material including, re-construction of the scene, OP's utterances, etc., IMBW, and I hesitate to say lest I be... well, I'm sure quite a few here know what I mean, I think it may be a reconstruction video for the final submissions when the defence sums up its case. So it maybe that all this hullabaloo about the defence trying to stop it airing is not because there is no intention of showing it, but because due to this added delay to the trial it is going to be aired on TV before Masipa and the court have seen it which would not be very correct for want of a stronger word.

OTOH it could also be that the defence had it made but have since decided against it for whatever reasons, and they are now trying to stop it being divulged.

I would think it goes without saying but just in case, obviously I am not including in my theory of if having been made for the final submissions, the parts of the video consisting of interviews, commentaries and other extraneous and what have you parts focussed on the documentary to be aired tonight which would be extraneous and clearly most inappropriate for a final submission, merely the re-enactment parts.

Wow, did I read this wrong.

I read it as Obviously I'm giving him the benfit of the doubt that he too IS a liar like Roux and Co. and Oscar.

He was a last week, I'll grant that. But he may have been fooled by an act that OP put on and he cared personally about OP too much. Not to mention that it was his first courtroom expert testimony and he did not know what was expected of him under cross examination. So I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt until Monday morning.

But if he does not crucify Osca come Monday I will withdraw my previous opinion!
Doesn't work for me in Canada :(

Here's what I get Oops, we made a programming error as this is not a valid video format.Feel free to check out one of these related videos:
I can still get it... try again?
<Respectfully snipped>
Startle #2 - Toilet door slams shut

– OP proceeded into the bathroom entrance pressing against the wall on the left-hand side

This confrontational act of moving towards a perceived threat is certainly consistent with a fight response.

Surprisingly and contrary to his response to the 1st startle, OP did NOT freeze at all.

The following actions seem to indicate the abatement of the primal response and the return of the cognitive mind.

– OP noticed that the bathroom window was indeed open
– OP peered around the corner to where the shower is and saw nobody
– OP retreated a step or two
– OP screamed for RS to phone the police
– OP kept pointing the firearm at the toilet door whilst keeping an eye on the window
– OP stood there for some time

These actions must come from a thinking mind : we find precise actions, awareness of possible threat scenarios, self-preservation tactics, etc.

This indicates that the fight response had indeed abated.

One important thing omitted from this excellent post: When Nel asked him why he never fired a warning shot in the bathroom, OP said it might ricochet and hit him.
Just belatedly realised it is channel 7 and not ABC. Makes more sense as the latter is much more of a sensationalist channel. Does anyone know what the pro-OP posters are making of this?

The video is a fake. Computer graphics blah, blah, blah...
I can still get it... try again?

Still doesn't work me with 3 different browsers (IE, FF, Chrome), but....

Here's something interesting. When I saw the video this morning before it was blocked, I seem to recall that the people standing around OP were blurred.

If you go to the channel 7 website, there in an image where the person's faces are not blurred out. Anyone recognize him?

Just belatedly realised it is channel 7 and not ABC. Makes more sense as the latter is much more of a sensationalist channel. Does anyone know what the pro-OP posters are making of this?

Basically labeling it as delusional, fake, making excuses because the lights are on(kinda like how he could see down the passageway...), saying it was a "practice" DT video based on the PT's initial case and they don't see why it has any bearing, hoping the full clip exonerates OP... the usual.
Still doesn't work me with 3 different browsers (IE, FF, Chrome), but....

Here's something interesting. When I saw the video this morning before it was blocked, the people standing around OP were blurred.

If you go to the channel 7 website, there in an image where the person's faces are not blurred out. Anyone recognize him?
<snip pic>

No... :/ Must be one of the team that was hired to make it, or maybe a relative of OP's?
Im trying to understand the need to change things now. The only explanation that I can come up with is that the DT is in full on desperation mode and the only thing that they have is to play the Sympathy Card for the fact that OP is a double amputee. They truly have gone from mobility and normalcy regarding OPs life to painting the picture that he is an invalid that should have had a wheelchair next to his bed. Dr. D testified that OP is not able to get a glass of water by himself, and yet OP claims to be the 16th fastest man in the world! The plot for the DT story has changed. Desperation. I hope that Nel uses Dr. D and exploits this to its fullest Monday!

Absolutely. So when Reeva called him to the bathroom to brush his teeth, how on earth did he manage that herculean feat?
Right, I've managed to convince my family I've urgent "work" to do for 30 minutes (not untrue, but I can have this site open at the same time). So, who did this and why?
Me too, I can see that one here in the UK too.

And from this much more comprehensive clip with the extra material including, re-construction of the scene, OP's utterances, etc., IMBW, and I hesitate to say lest I be... well, I'm sure quite a few here know what I mean, I think it may be a reconstruction video for the final submissions when the defence sums up its case. So it maybe that all this hullabaloo about the defence trying to stop it airing is not because there is no intention of showing it, but because due to this added delay to the trial it is going to be aired on TV before Masipa and the court have seen it which would not be very correct for want of a stronger word.

OTOH it could also be that the defence had it made but have since decided against it for whatever reasons, and they are now trying to stop it being divulged.

I would think it goes without saying but just in case, obviously I am not including in my theory of if having been made for the final submissions, the parts of the video consisting of interviews, commentaries and other extraneous and what have you parts focussed on the documentary to be aired tonight which would be extraneous and clearly most inappropriate for a final submission, merely the re-enactment parts.
BBM - I'd imagine that not wanting it divulged would be because OP's speed and balance on his stumps totally contradicts the DT's expert witnesses claim that he is barely able to walk on them, and can't balance unless he's holding onto something.
If nothing else, he's definitely got sufficient mobility to open the door promptly for the postman.
Ah OK, I missed some of this testimony: So running "to the passage" on his stumps is not a point of contention; it's in the record? And is Derman saying all running on stumps is impossible for OP?

Re toothbrushing, I don't think Derman ever said OP can't walk on his stumps.

I agree. From what I recall, and like you I missed a bit of his testimony too, Derman didn't say OP couldn't walk. He did note that it was easier for OP to balance if going faster rather than slower as slower. A no brainer, I think, as it's something to do with momentum. I also read someone say Dermon said OP couldn't carry a glass of water and after seeing the video clips to me not at all surprising since unless OP could "run" (and his running is not the same as a fully abled person) with a glass or mug of coffee, like the one Reeva took him that night, I can say from personal experience with one of my OH's disabled sons who has mobility issues, and he walks better than OP not least because he has both legs and feet, he is unable to carry any liquid, or for that matter a plate of food, anywhere since even his slight sway from side to side with a jerk here and there makes it that when he gets where he's going he has not much more than half a mug or a glass of whatever he's carrying left.
Didn't OP say his gun was by his side? It's not in that video. I don't know anything about guns but that looks like aiming to me.
Smoke and mirrors, IMO

The Broadcaster would not have purchased or would not broadcast something that was stolen or otherwise illegally obtained.

They may succeed in delaying the story being aired (due to air in 6 hrs from now). But the network will win against any injunction that the OP defence throws there way. This network has fought many court battles over exclusive stories & won.
Preview of secret video of OP re-enacting the shooting of RS..............

ETA: He moves a lot better on his stumps than the good professor has described

Thank you so much for this fantastic find. This is being telecast in Sydney on the Sunday Night show, which according to the program guide starts at 8.45, not 8.30. I just rang Channel 7 to confirm. They say it's due to start at 8.40pm, but I'll switch on at 8.30 to be safe. Since I haven't the faintest idea how to put things on You Tube, could someone PLEASE do this? People all over the world will want to see it IMO.
And the ABC is Australia's most reputable news broadcaster.

ETA : is just after 9am now - isn't it showing tonight?

ABC is a different network, government funded. It's on Network Seven, privately owned, but renouned for paying large amounts for exclusive controversial stories
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