OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, *MEDIA LINKS ONLY **NO DISCUSSION**

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MEDIA LINKS Stephanie Warner July 10 2013 - November 8 2013

'Flyers go up' VIDEO ONLY

'detectives served a search warrant at Warner’s residence in the 9000 block of Highway 238 and seized many items as evidence.'

November 8, 2013
'Search...may be focusing on Applegate lake'

Thurs October 10, 2013
'They were having a big party there.'

Wed October 9, 2013
'...Jackson County Sheriff's Office...say they've been in contact with Ames'

Thurs September 19, 2013
'Applegate Valley man, named as a 'person of interest'... has left the area, detectives said'

Tuesday September 17, 2013
'A person of interest in the case was named, Lennie Ames...'

Thurs August 29, 2013
'California Oregon Search and Rescue...searched a wooded area on BLM property near a camp site occupied by Ames'

Thurs August 29, 2013
'The boyfriend of a missing Ruch woman has been named a "person of interest" in her mysterious disappearance on July 4'

Sat August 24, 2013
'And just her general character, this is definitely out of the ordinary for her'

Thurs August 22, 2013
' There has been no activity with her bank account...'

Tues August 20, 2013
'Stephanie Warner disappeared July 4th, 2013 “under suspicious circumstances” according to officials.

Thurs August 1, 2013
'Police...are trying to find a group of young men who might have seen her that day... not considered suspects'

Tues July 23, 2013
'Her boyfriend, Lennie Ames, was last seen with Warner...“Well it’s been really tough on me to say the least"...

Wed July 17, 2013
' "I know her mom is very upset," comments her fiancee'

Wed July 17, 2013
'She met with her boyfriend at the Ruch Country Store at about 5pm and nobody has seen her since.'

Wed July 17, 2013
'baffled investigators hope the public can help find her'

Tues July 16, 2013
'searchers using dogs looked for signs of Warner on her property and surrounding areas.'

Tues July 16, 2013
'Jackson County Sheriff's deputies found Warner's truck in her driveway along Highway 238. There were no signs of forced entry or foul play in the vehicle or the home.'

Tues July 16, 2013
'...after celebrating the holiday in Ashland, 43-year-old Stephanie Anne Warner returned home..'

Wed July 10, 2013
'Investigators say they did not know Warner disappeared till her mother called them...'

Wed July 10, 2013
' Stephanie Warner, 43, spent part of the day in Ashland for Fourth of July celebrations, then returned to the Ruch area'
Investigators Review Warner Case
October 10, 2013

On Thursday, a good friend of Warner spoke to NewsWatch 12 about the investigation. She did not want to show her face on camera. She said after her friend’s disappearance, Ames has thrown parties at Warner’s home and trashed the place. The friend says she saw Ames’ interview with us and does not believe he is mourning or searching for Warner.

“I think honestly Lennie is responsible for it and I don’t think that she’s with us anymore. Honestly, because if she was she would have found a way out by now,” she told NewsWatch12.

The sheriff’s office has known Ames’ location for a while. He is currently in the northern part of Oregon and has been cooperative with investigators. Detectives are also in touch with Warner’s family members, talking to them daily about the case.

Jackson County Sheriff's Office
Press Release
Sgt. Nate Sickler
Criminal Investigations
Released July 29, 2013
Case number #13-12661

Missing Person Investigation


Jackson County Sheriff's Office
Press Release
Detective Eric Henderson
Criminal Investigations Division
Released August 20, 2013
Case number 13-12661

Public Asked for Help in Search For Woman Under Suspicious Circumstances

Jackson County Sheriff's Office Twitter
Jackson County SO @JCSO_Oregon


There are tweets that link to the following JCSO Facebook posts:

Jackson County Sheriff's Office Facebook

Public Asked For Help in Search for Missing Woman
July 10

Update on Stephanie Warner- Missing Woman from Ruch
July 17

Help requested in Missing Person case
July 29

Public Asked for Help in Search for Woman Missing Under Suspicious Circumstances
August 20
Thank you very much for changing the title for me, Mod!
March 8, 2014 Still Missing After Eight Months
Video and Article.
Stephanie's sister Sharon speaks.

Ruch , Ore. -- The family of a Ruch woman who has been missing for eight months now said they're not giving up hope.
But detectives say they haven't found any new evidence.

Two months ago Ames and his son had warrants out for their arrest unrelated to Warner's disappearance. Deputies say they also left to Georgia and it is unclear if they are back in Oregon.

Warner's family said they just want to find her.

"Every time it gets to be another month it just gets worse and all our prayers right now are focused on whoever would know what happened to her to come forward," said Warner's sister, Sharon Lambert.

Detectives said they don't know why Ames left to another state but said they are continuing to follow up with leads.

June 19, 2014

The search for Stephanie Anne Warner, 43, has continued for almost a year. The Ruch woman was last seen July 4th of last year around 5 p.m. She was reported missing four days after that and detectives have actively collected evidence since then.

They believe she did not leave the area and was likely the victim of foul play.

Investigators have determined Warner’s green 2003 Nissan Exterra was operated late in the evening on July 4th and into the early morning hours of July 5th. The vehicle was at Warner’s residence at the time she was reported missing.

August 29th, 2013 detectives named Lennie Laverne Ames, 61, as a person of interest in Warner’s disappearance. He was Warner’s boyfriend and the last person known to see her alive, He currently has unrelated warrants for his arrest in Jackson

Stephanie is 5’2” tall and weighs 135. She has brown eyes and red hair.

If anyone has any information about her disappearance they should contact the Jackson County Sheriff’s office at 541-774-8333.

July 3, 2014
KOBI Channel 5--Special Report by Roma Villavicencio (Article and video)
Search for Stephanie Warner Continues One Year Later

Warner was last seen walking in the Ashland Fourth of July parade in 2013. Her case is now garnering national attention with NBC Dateline.

But perhaps no one's giving it more attention than lead detective Eric Henderson with the Jackson County Sheriff's Department.

He's worked the case since Warner's mother reported her missing on July 9th 2013.

"At this point in time we just can't rule out that Stephanie Warner was the victim of foul play" said Henderson.

There are no suspects in Warner's disappearance but there is a person of interest. Warner's boyfriend, 61-year-old Lennie Laverne Ames.

NBC 5 interviewed Ames and his son Jarred Fournier a few weeks after Warner went missing. He told us he didn't know where Warner went.

"I'm baffled," said Ames.

Detective Henderson said Ames now has a warrant out for his arrest in an unrelated case of criminal trespassing and offensive littering tied to an alleged stay on BLM land.

Henderson will not detail what makes Ames a person of interest in Warner's disappearance, just that they have some evidence that make them believe he's involved.

"We can't rule him out as a part or being involved in Stephanie's disappearance at the time and as of right now he's in Belleview, Florida with his son Jarred Fournier," said Henderson.

The father and son now in Florida and Detective Henderson said he hasn't been able to reach them in months.
July 7, 2014
KOBI Channel 5--Special Report by Roma Villavicencio (Video)
Search for Stephanie Warner: What Happened July 4, 2013?

Ruch, Ore.-- Stephanie Anne Warner disappeared on July 4, 2013. Friends, family, and law enforcement still searching for answers. In part one of this special report NBC 5 reveals new details about the only person of interest in this case, Warner's boyfriend, Lennie Laverne Ames.

July 11, 2014
KTVL Channel 10--Detectives Search New Areas for Missing Ruch Woman (video)

Henderson said Ames is in Belleview, Florida, but detectives need the legal means to go after him.

"When you have a case, when you have probable cause, which means more likely than not a certain person committed a crime, well we can issue a warrant for their arrest for that crime and they can be extradited for that crime," said Henderson.

Henderson hopes to find that probable cause hidden in new search areas.

"We're gonna be focusing our searches primarily on areas where we knew that Stephanie had gone before and also some of the areas where Lennie Ames, uh, was known to camp out, where he was known to go gold mining. He did have several mining claims out in Jackson and Josephine County area," said Henderson.

August 15, 2014
KOIN--What Happened to Stephanie Warner

CENTRAL POINT, Ore. (KOIN 6) — Search teams scoured remote locations in Jackson and Josephine counties looking for a woman last seen on July 4, 2013. Stephanie Warner was last seen with her boyfriend, Lennie Ames, that day. Investigators said in a release the areas they searched are associated with him.

Trained scent dogs were used to check the area, although investigators did not say why they searched there now or if they found any information.

July 1, 2015

KOBI--Roma Villavicencio "Stephanie Warner, missing since 2013, boyfriend named suspect"

"Our investigation has really centered down to one focal point and that's Lennie Ames."

Henderson said Lennie Ames, Warner's boyfriend, known as "Lonnie" is the last person who saw Warner.

He's been the only person of interest in this case, but now he's something more.

"Based of physical evidence that we collected in this case and also based on the inconsistent statements from him in the case. He is now our suspect in the case," said Henderson.

The video has new information and a never before released video clip of an interview with Ames and his son shortly after Stephanie disappeared.

Video Link

July 2, 2015

KTVL--Will Maetzold--"Suspect named in Stephanie Warner case"

Based on physical evidence collected during the investigation, as well as inconsistencies in Ames’ statements, detectives believe Warner is deceased. Ames is not cooperative with law enforcement at this time, according to officials. Detectives believe Ames knows the location of Warner’s remains, but will not disclose that information.

Very firm statement by Detective Henderson at the end of the video that the investigation will continue with or without Ames until there is enough evidence to arrest him.

Video at link:
July 1, 2016

KOBI--Natalie Weber--Search for Stephanie Warner Continues Into Third Year

Interview with Detective Henderson and Stephanie's sister Sharon. This is not a cold case. The investigation is active. Henderson has a message for Ames.

“The evidence in this case clearly show’s that he knows about Stephanie’s death, that he’s responsible for her death, that he knows where she’s at right now, where her body would be located.”
As for their most recent leads, Henderson’s releasing few details, so as not to compromise the investigation. But the detective does have a message for Ames.
“This case is not closed, it’s not going to be over with anytime soon, we’re going to see this through, we’re going to make an arrest, and do the right thing, and tell us where she’s at.”


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