Trial Discussion Thread #46 - 14.07.7, Day 37

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I agree. Is this where I'm supposed to say I'm sorry or I was wrong? If so, I'm sorry, I was wrong and you were right all along that the Pistorius Clan was behind the production and the release of this farce. I'm not sure why they had to assert that The Evidence Room did something illegal or that the television station illegally obtained the clips of OP; that I would think would be damaging to both companies. IDK. But this definitely was a Pistorius Propaganda Production©, LOL!!!

BiB… Seriously ?!?… absolutely not !!… we all make assumptions and guesses… if I had to apologize every time I was wrong about stuff in this case, more than half of my posts would be apologies, LOL !!

Professor Wayne Derman is "Professor of Sports and Exercise Medicine at the UCT / Sport Science Institute of South Africa and is Co-Director of the Clinical Sports Medicine Services and Research Group, incorporating the FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence and IOC Research Centre for Injury Prevention and Protection of Health of the Athlete."

"He is presently a member of the International Paralympic Committee’s Medical Commission. In December to May 2002, he served as Flight Surgeon to Cosmonaught Mark Shuttleworth during the “First African in Space” mission in Russia and served as the Medical Officer for Cape Town for the FIFA 2010 World Cup."


So Derman is a Doctor that is also a Professor.
D has cared for OP for six years. What is D actually? A professor or a Doctor?

Both. He's a genuine doctor of medicine that became a teaching professor of physical medicine IIRC prior to leaving it and going in to private practice, it would seem primarily for the SA Olympic teams. From his website I get the impression that he is a sought after hired gun by corporations seeking to have him do speaking engagements to promote their companies and medical devices/products. Of course now he will be the sought after specialist on the "Startled Syndrome" for murder defendants worldwide. LOL, that last bit is most likely true BTW!
What does SA law say about shooting through a door to "nullify a threat" yet unseen, as Dr. D contends OP did?
Many thanks for providing this link Viper

IMO, that show was unbelievably biased… a lot of the facts presented were partially wrong, some totally incorrect… 90%+ of the airtime was dedicated to fallacious explanations about how OP had to be innocent of murder and how OP loved RS too much…!!!!!

This was obviously commissioned by OP… it was in the works for months prior to its airing… Evidence Room was mandated by OP to participate… the whole "illegally obtained", etc… is all bollocks.

Truly pathetic and shameful.

I didn't expect anything else from that particular channel. And it doesn't matter as this isn't a jury trial. Like I said earlier, it didn't touch on any of the contentious forensics and in some ways seemed like an advert for OP and the Evidence Room. Its relevance to the trial and OP would be zilch except that it shows OP much more mobile than last weeks' testimony had suggested. Certainly a man who could stand on a set of scales to be weighed! And there's more discrepancies in the sounds that made OP startle. After everyone's demeanour in the courtroom today I genuinely think the DT didn't want this aired right now. Because of it there's been backtracking about OP's mobility and a lot of renewed focus on the sound of the magazine rack. Nel, I'm sure, didn't give a hoot about the photos or the opinion of someone on the OP clan payroll as there's nothing there to damage his case but the footage of OP moving swiftly on his stumps is hugely relevant.

So, not "illegally obtained" but I doubt welcome right now.
Deb, That it is illegal. I know we discussed this many, many threads ago but can not remember exactly where it was now.
Deb, That it is illegal. I know we discussed this many, many threads ago but can not remember exactly where it was now.

The words "nullify a threat" seem very precise and chosen with care, but I don't see how they excuse OP in any way.
Thanks Viper for the link,

Report was filled with inconsistencies and there are a few glaring points different from testimony.

The report also leaves out so much - for example all of the other gun charges where Pistorius showed how comfortable he was with equivocation (while accusing almost everyone with lying) though it was clear his version was unbelievable.

Roder cheerleading Pistorius version was uncomfortable because at times even he seemed slightly shifty at certain points. And the 'sounds'...any Evidence room recordings felt like they had post-production tweaking.

Expensively made cheese, literally promoting trial-by-less-than-accurate-media.

Pistorius and sister role-playing Pistorius and dying Steenkamp seemed calculating and odd.

What is important to note was that it was a Channel 7 recreation, partly based on Roder's recreation, partly based on one of Pistorius versions...that's a translation, of a translation, of a 'translation'.

I want Nel to pick up on the point Judge Greenland made on the 'reasonable disabled person' channel 199 panel...he stated all of Derman's fight/flight research equally applies to rage and homicide. Therefore it's feasible Derman's could be a witness for the prosecution with his research as it applies to a relationship argument and an unreasonable person firing under startle/emotional duress.
Yes search this exactly on YouTube search bar (huge thanks to Viper!):

Oscar reenactment video broadcast - Sunday night 2014 07 06

I am watching it right now in Canada.

I am watching it right now at the Jerseyshore

O. M. G.

Anyone know if Reeva screamed like some/ most girls/women scream.

That really high octave type of scream.

I never could. I would most likely yell "fire" for attention.

Sorry, wanted to add that that particular ear piercing type of scream could not be confused with a screaming OP:jail:
Roder stated he KNEW that OP loved Reeva because of all the photos that OP had of her/them in his bedroom at Uncle Arnold's house. Is he really that dense to think that perhaps that is what we call staging?? OP and family KNEW that Roder and his crew were coming, this was not a spur of the moment surprise visit. OF COURSE OP put up photos of Reeva and/or them together. I want to know how long after the crew left did those photos come down. Was it 5 mins, 10 mins?

And any person that was putting on that kind of show in court, to the point of needing a green bucket, when just TALKING about the events of that early morning would NOT be in complete calm and control when REINACTING the events. What a load of carp.


BIB - Can you imagine how traumatizing it must have been for OP to re-enact the events of that night considering he has PTSD? :rolleyes:

I wonder what the panel of psychiatrists would make of him reliving that night (in several takes I would imagine) and dragging and carrying his sister around as if she was his dead girlfriend with no retching, vomiting, panic attack, or any other sign of distress.

Seems pretty clear to me that his PTSD/depression/anxiety/startle/and anything else we're supposed to feel sorry for him about has absolutely nothing to do with Reeva's loss of life, but everything to do with OP's fear of spending the rest of his own behind bars.

I hate to do this, but I just need to point out that after having watched that piece of Pistorius propaganda, I learned something new that is confusing with regards to blood found on the staircase walls. It now appears most likely that OP is claiming that he carried Reeva down the stairs with her head facing away from the wall, her feet facing the wall, and her nearly severed arm pressed against his chest. Anyone care to explain how her body shot arterial spatter over the upstairs railing and on to the opposite walls?

Different subject. The video did show a photo of Reeva lying at the bottom of the stairs. With a sad feeling for doing this, I'm attaching an iPhone screen shot.

This is odd. When was she lying at the bottom of the stairs. I though he testified that he carried her downstairs and out to the front where the Standers were waiting? Did he put her down inside first?
Imagine how startling OP found Reeva's screaming at 3:00 a.m. with neighbors very likely to hear and call police?
OP was frantic to get RS out of his house and begged the arriving Standers to take her to the hospital in their car. IIRC Carice insisted OP lay her down at the bottom of the stairs and get busy collecting ... rope and plastic bags????
Imagine how startling OP found Reeva's screaming at 3:00 a.m. with neighbors very likely to hear and call police?

Yep, like much in this trial the real truth isn't far from the lie spoken.
BIB - Can you imagine how traumatizing it must have been for OP to re-enact the events of that night considering he has PTSD? :rolleyes:

I wonder what the panel of psychiatrists would make of him reliving that night (in several takes I would imagine) and dragging and carrying his sister around as if she was his dead girlfriend with no retching, vomiting, panic attack, or any other sign of distress.

Seems pretty clear to me that his PTSD/depression/anxiety/startle/and anything else we're supposed to feel sorry for him about has absolutely nothing to do with Reeva's loss of life, but everything to do with OP's fear of spending the rest of his own behind bars.


exactly, and yet when you watch that video he looks more like an actor filming his latest role rather a man recreating the worst night of his life.
Both. He's a genuine doctor of medicine that became a teaching professor of physical medicine IIRC prior to leaving it and going in to private practice, it would seem primarily for the SA Olympic teams. From his website I get the impression that he is a sought after hired gun by corporations seeking to have him do speaking engagements to promote their companies and medical devices/products. Of course now he will be the sought after specialist on the "Startled Syndrome" for murder defendants worldwide. LOL, that last bit is most likely true BTW!

He has a PhD in sports medicine, but I do not think he is a medical doctor.

In court this morning, Nel addressed his as Mr. Derman to which Derman arrogantly corrected him by saying, "doctor!"

Nel apologized and then said he wasn't sure if he should be referred to as professor or doctor. Milady spoke up and said "professor." ;)
He has a PhD in sports medicine, but I do not think he is a medical doctor.

In court this morning, Nel addressed his as Mr. Derman to which Derman arrogantly corrected him by saying, "doctor!"

Nel apologized and then said he wasn't sure if he should be referred to as professor or doctor. Milady spoke up and said "professor." ;)

Google him, and then Google the letters after his name, and then click the link that takes you to his medical school and their requirements to achieve that certification. That's what I did, last week. :wink:
Somewhere in the last thread someone here said they emailed Nel's office directly about the "leaked video" -- AND they even received a reply stating he had it or had seen it or something.
If you can find that post, it may have the name of the office and/or his email address.

Please DO contact him with your info!

I do remember that post, I'll have to see if I can find who was contacted.
Lots of discussion on local SA media about The Video.

Professor Stephen Tuson (on tonight's Legal Round Table Channel 199) said the video falls under attorney/client privilege and if Gerrie Nel tried to use it in court today the defence/defense could have used it to apply for the SA equivalent of a mistrial. So it comes as no surprise that the NPA say that they can not comment on the video and that Gerrie Nel has not seen it.

Ty. Wish Prof. Tuson had popped onbrd here over the wkend when subject was being heavily debated. :)

BBM - That makes all the sense in the world, doesn't it!? I suspect that's the answer we were all trying to come up with and it certainly explains why there was no mention of vid in court. Grrrh...

UBM - I find that hard to believe. It certainly seemed as though Nel was "hinting" at the vid in Ct. today...jmo.
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