The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 8th July - Trial Day 16

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Lol. The Google animation today is a little letter R spraying shaving cream onto the letter G and holding up a razor. Not sure how it relates to the soccer but it's amusing given this G's shaving story.

Oh WOW it is too. That is a classic. It HAS to relate to the case... especially with the shaving cream particularly targeted on the letter 'G'.
Tweet List in order so far - These have been posted on the thread from the Re-Tweet Websleuths Team today.

List 1:


Gerard is in court, ready for trial day 16 #badenclay @couriermail
Gerard is in court, ready for trial day 16 #badenclay @couriermail
We're in court for day 16 of the Baden-Clay trial. We'll hear the end of the defence closing argument this morning. @couriermail
The jury has entered the court. Gerard Baden-Clay, defence and prosecution all waiting for the judge to enter.
The jury has entered the court. Gerard Baden-Clay, defence and prosecution all waiting for the judge to enter.
The judge is telling the jury they won't be sequestered. Up to them if they want to deliberate on Fridays and weekends. #badenclay
Michael Byrne QC is on his feet continuing his closing argument. #badenclay
Byrne is discussing Gerard's evidence. #badenclay
Byrne says a person charged with a crime is not under obligation to give evidence. #badenclay
Byrne says Gerard spent some period explaining his life with Allison, their relationship, their problems. #badenclay
Byrne: You might think that he didn't hold back. #badenclay
Byrne says if the jury thinks Gerard's evidence is credible and reliable, they have to find him not guilty of murder. #badenclay
Byrne says Gerard has denied killing his wife, denied dumping her body, denied leaving his girls home alone to do so. #badenclay

Byrne says if they think his evidence was not convincing, but left them in doubt as to what happened, he is still not guilty. #badenclay
You might think he didn't hold back when he spoke about the evidence and his own foibles - defence #badenclay
Prosecution case does not prove guilt - defence #badenclay
He has under oath denied killing his wife, disposing his body, leaving his girls at the time - defence #badenclay
He is entitled to give his account - defence #badenclay
He is presumed to be innocence unless evidence overwhelms beyond reasonable doubt - defence #badenclay
If you are left with a reasonable doubt it's your duty to acquit - defence #badenclay
He didn't have to give evidence, he elected to, had to relive matters and exposed himself to cross - defence #badenclay
Prosecutor, as expected to do, attacked Gerard - defence #badenclay
Gerard wanted to tell you a detailed history - defence #badenclay
Abhorrent he would leave those children alone in the night - defence #badenclay
Byrne says Gerard is presumed to be innocent. The Crown has to have proved beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty. #badenclay
Byrne says Gerard didn't have to give evidence. He elected to do so. #badenclay
Byrne says Gerard exposed himself to cross examination, where he was attacked by prosecutor Todd Fuller. #badenclay
Byrne says Gerard wanted to tell the jury a detailed history of his life. #badenclay
Byrne says Gerard's lapses were in respect to women "and keeping quiet about such liaisons". #badenclay
Byrne: It's not something shared with family, it's not something shared with friends. #badenclay
He was attacked for deceiving people about his liaisons and accepted he had - defence #badenclay
But the deception was limited to affairs - defence #badenclay
Gerard would not kill his wife in cold blood, temper would not explode, no history of that in his life - defence #badenclay
Byrne says Gerard's only deception related to not broadcasting his "straying" particularly from his wife. #badenclay
Byrne: He admitted all of that and you saw him speak to that. #badenclay
Byrne: Gerard Baden-Clay is not a person who would cold bloodedly kill his wife and mother of his children.
Byrne says Gerard is not the type of person to explode in temper. #badenclay
Byrne says apart from Allison "slipping" back into depression and the birth of her male nephew, things were as they always were. #badenclay
Byrne is urging the jury to pay attention to the details. #badenclay
Byrne is urging the jury to think of the scenario of waking up to find their partner gone in their own lives. #badenclay
Allison was slipping back into her recurrent depression, affected by birth of her nephew - defence #badenclay
Gerard would not kill his wife in cold blood, temper would not explode, no history of that in his life - defence #badenclay
Apart from that it was a normal time in the Baden-Clay household - defence #badenclay
Pay attention to the little things - defence #badenclay
Think if your own wife went missing in the morning, you'd go through a process - defence #badenclay

He called police three times to get them involved, does not portray someone hiding - defence #badenclay
Gerard told mistress Toni McHugh to just tell the truth, that's not a man who's recently killed his wife - defence #badenclay
Police came to his house, he said they were doing their job - defence #badenclay
He was trying to help them - defence #badenclay
Byrne is detailing the phone calls Gerard made to police, to family and friends. #badenclay
Byrne says this is not a person who is hiding, who violently murdered his wife the night before. #badenclay
Byrne says they should consider one piece of evidence - Gerard telling Toni to tell police the truth. #badenclay
Byrne says that is not someone who has just violently killed his wife. #badenclay
Byrne says there are two possibilities. One is Gerard murdered his wife and dumped her body. #badenclay
Byrne says second is Gerard was worried about his wife and expected her to be found at any moment. #badenclay
Byrne says it is telling that Gerard on the morning of April 20 told police about the affair. #badenclay
Byrne: If she was dead, and he knew she was dead, why would he care? Says Gerard had asked dad and sister to leave room. #badenclay
Byrne says the jury must deliver a unanimous verdict. #badenclay
He told the police he had an affair. Would only have done that if he thought she was returning - defence #badenclay
Byrne: That does not in my submission betray to you someone who is hiding anything, someone who very recently killed their wife. @abcnews
Gerard is sitting up straight in the dock, not moving as defence nears the end of closing argument #badenclay
Byrne: says G #badenclay confessing of affair to police shows he expected Allison to walk through door, not that he murdered her. @abcnews
Your duty is to ignore the media - defence #badenclay
Some jurors looking at Michael Byrne, others looking down or away as he talks about media coverage #badenclay
Byrne says the jury must make their decision on the evidence. #badenclay
Byrne says the sensational media coverage has taken it to the "lowest common denominator". They must ignore it. #badenclay
Byrne says the media coverage must be completely out of their contemplation. #badenclay
Byrne says they have to ignore the publicity. Says the media haven't seen, heard and assessed each one of the witnesses. #badenclay
Byrne says each member of the jury is in the best possible position to assess the evidence. #badenclay
Byrne says the jury has seen the Kholo Creek bridge, they have walked through the house. #badenclay
Prosecutor Todd Fuller flicking through paperwork ahead of his turn to give closing argument #badenclay
Byrne to jury: You are the only ones who have gone to look at Kholo Creek, the bridge, the house. @abcnews
Byrne says on all the evidence, they could not find Gerard guilty of murdering his wife. #badenclay
Byrne says there is no cause of death, no realistic means of carrying it out. #badenclay
Byrne says their verdict on the evidence must be not guilty. And he's done. #badenclay
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 39s
There are no realistic means of him doing what the prosecution alleges - defence #badenclay
Your verdict on the evidence should be not guilty - defence barrister Michael Byrne QC finishes his closing argument #badenclay
That's the defence done. Michael Byrne QC has taken his seat. #badenclay
Todd Fuller QC begins final address to jury. @abcnews #badenclay
Todd Fuller QC facing the jury, using his hands to make points as he begins #badenclay
We've had a window into the lives of the Baden-Clays - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller: a trial is not a computer program putting data in. Because a trial is all about people. @abcnews #badenclay
We've had a window into the lives of the Baden-Clays - Fuller #badenclay
Apply your every day experience - Fuller #badenclay
Todd Fuller is on his feet beginning his address to the jury. #badenclay
Fuller says it is not unknown for a person of previous good character to step outside the character. #badenclay
Fuller says we are programmed to have an expectation as to how someone should behave. #badenclay
Fuller says we have all seen someone under pressure react in an unexpected way. #badenclay
Fuller says the jurors are participating in a process to determine whether Gerard killed his wife. #badenclay
Fuller: And if he did it with an intention to kill her. #badenclay
Fuller says it's not about the mechanisms, it's about whether they are satisfied he did it. #badenclay
Fuller says we make assessments of people every day. #badenclay
Fuller says they apply their experiences, their knowledge of that person to make those decisions. #badenclay
You make assessments of people every day, you decide beyond reasonable doubt every day - Fuller #badenclay
Do you trust your doctor or follow the treatment they provide - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says a courtroom is an unofficial environment. They can't have a relationship with any of the people who come before them. #badenclay
Fuller says they are restricted to what people say in the courtroom and how they say it. #badenclay
This is different in that you are banned from having any knowledge of the people being assessed -
Fuller says on the surface, the Baden-Clays appeared to be a perfect couple. But it was just a facade. #badenclay
Fuller says they were two desperately unhappy people, for different reasons. #badenclay
Gerard #badenclay is taking notes in the dock as the prosecution delivers closing argument. @7NewsBrisbane
They seemed like the perfect couple. It was a facade - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller: To many of these witnesses the Baden-Clay's seemed like the perfect couple ... but it was just a facade. @abcnews #badenclay
A woman trying to save her marriage. A man looking for a way out, living a double life - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says Allison was a woman who battled for years to keep her marriage on track. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison was told the cruelest thing a woman can be told by her husband: I don't love you. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard would go home to his family, then slink back to his mistress. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard conducted an affair with a woman from the office, where his father worked. #badenclay
Fuller says it shows the level of bravado and confidence Gerard can use to carry off deception. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard cried when he spoke of falling in love with Allison. #badenclay

Fuller says what about his reaction when asked about the first time he told her he no longer loved her. #badenclay
It was an ongoing deception. An affair in the office where his father worked. And not for the first time #badenclay
Shows his level of bravado and confidence in what he could carry out - Fuller #badenclay
He presented a number of faces - Fuller #badenclay
The first half of the trial focused on the pressure on Allison - Fuller #badenclay
Those pressures hadn't changed for years and she had been coping - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says the pressures on Allison hadn't changed for years. The pressures on Gerard had. #badenclay
Fuller says the killing was the result of a set of circumstances accumulating over time. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard is a man who prided himself on his achievements. #badenclay
But look at the change in pressures on Gerard, from his business and mistress - Fuller #badenclay
He prided himself on his achievements - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says look at the difference between the answers Allison and Gerard gave to the counsellor when asked about themselves. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison said she was a wife and a mother. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard said he was the president of the chamber of commerce, etc. #badenclay
Allison told counsellor she was a wife and a mother. Gerard cited his community involvement. Shows the difference - Fuller #badenclay
Pathologist can't say how she died. You can't be expected to decide how - Fuller #badenclay
You just need to decide he killed his wife and did it intentionally - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says the jury needs to decide whether Gerard killed his wife, if there was intent. #badenclay
Fuller says nobody saw the killing, nobody has confessed. Means their case is circumstantial. #badenclay
Fuller says "circumstantial case" is a much maligned term. But can be every bit as compelling. #badenclay
People deride 'circumstantial' cases but they can be just as powerful or more so - Fuller #badenclay
It's about the accumulation of evidence - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says the jury must look at the evidence as a whole and make a decision from that. #badenclay
Fuller says there is a superficial attraction in looking at each piece of evidence. #badenclay
Fuller says it is the context of everything each witness says they must look at. #badenclay
It's all about the context of the evidence - Fuller #badenclay
Yesterday the defence spoke about Allison being subdued at the hairdresser - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says yesterday afternoon defence spoke about Allison being stressed and subdued at the hairdresser. #badenclay
Fuller says defence spoke of a psychiatrist who had never met Allison. #badenclay
Defence presented a psychologist as a witness who had never seen Allison - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says defence claimed she was so depressed she'd gone walking into the night never to be seen again. #badenclay
Fuller says in context, Allison was a general manager going to a major conference. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison had had a cold. Does that put things in context? #badenclay
Fuller says the women at the office had told her to leave early for hairdressers, there'd been a crash, lots of traffic. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison had made a phone call to hairdressers to say she was going to be late. #badenclay
Allison was going to a conference, appearance was important, had been to get her hair done before and wasn't happy - Fuller #badenclay
She had been sick with a cold. She had been in traffic. Puts defence claims into context - Fuller #badenclay

Fuller says defence asked them to look at things superficially. They were being led astray. #badenclay
Fuller is talking about evidence of Amanda Reeves, DNA expert. #badenclay
I want to talk about scientific certainty - Fuller #badenclay
Fuller says Reeves told them statistically, the blood in the car belonged to Allison Baden-Clay.
Fuller says the blood was found in Allison's car. The other people who used the car were DNA tested. The blood was not theirs. #badenclay
Fuller says they had only owned that car for eight weeks. #badenclay
We're having a short break. #badenclay

Fuller on defence alternate death theory: When you put it in context, "you've been just led astray". #badenclay
That's an example of how experts approach scientific certainty - Fuller
A brief break
Justice John Byrne asks the jury to consider sitting 9am to 4.30pm excluding weekends during verdict deliberations #badenclay
The jury has returned to the courtroom. #badenclay
The judge is asking the jury to contemplate sitting hours of 9am until 4.30pm excluding weekends. #badenclay
Fuller is back on his feet. #badenclay
Fuller asks the jury to contemplate the evidence through Gerard's eyes. #badenclay
Fuller says the suggested trigger that Allison was upset over the birth of her nephew came six years after her last child. #badenclay
Fuller says the affair might have been more on her mind than Gerard's brother having a baby boy. #badenclay
Fuller tells the jury the pressures were building on Gerard, personal life and business. #badenclay
Prosecutor Todd Fuller discussing defence suggestions Allison was disappointed about not having a son #badenclay
Allison told her psychiatrist she was just worried for Gerard's sake - Fuller
Fuller says the jury can safely conclude her body was dumped where it was found. Did not fall from bridge, did not wash up. #badenclay
Fuller says the jury can safely conclude her body was dumped where it was found. Did not fall from bridge, did not wash up. #badenclay
Fuller says her body was found 13km from home. Would have taken a considerable distance to walk it. #badenclay
Fuller says both cars were at home. She either walked or was taken there by someone else - no evidence of that. #badenclay
What does Allison tell us in death? - Fuller
Her body was dumped where it was located, it did not wash up or fall from the bridge - Fuller
It's 13km from her home, you've travelled that business - Fuller
It's a 13 minute to 20 minute drive, longer to walk - Fuller
Both the Baden-Clay cars are at home - Fuller
She is a reluctant walker - Fuller
Fuller says Allison was a reluctant exerciser. Do we have her walking that distance? #badenclay
Fuller says even Gerard said Allison normally walked to avoid hills. #badenclay
Fuller says she did not walk there to die, did not negotiate her way down to the creek bank. #badenclay
Fuller says the police never found a single person who saw her walking. #badenclay
Fuller says even kayakers have to negotiate pipes to go along the creek. #badenclay
Fuller says the houses are some distance away from the Kholo Creek bridge. There is room to pull in a car. #badenclay

Fuller is showing the jury pictures of the Kholo Creek bridge area. #badenclay
Gerard tells us she doesn't like hills, yet she walks 13km to the bridge - Fuller
She has not walked there to die - Fuller
Even less likely if she put the phone on charge at 1.48am - Fuller
Not a single sighting of Allison on the morning of the 20th - Fuller
Court shown a photo of Kholo Creek bridge, with area for a car to stop
Fuller tells the jury to be careful of the presumptions they make. #badenclay
Fuller says the dark coloured Captiva less conspicuous than the white Prado with personalised plates. #badenclay
Less suspicious in the Captiva then then white Prado - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard had sold a house nearby. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard could have been at the bridge quickly in the middle of the night with no traffic. Ten, thirteen minutes. #badenclay
Fuller says there have been significant changes to the bridge area since Allison's body was discovered. #badenclay
Fuller is showing photographs taken on April 30, 2012. #badenclay
He knows the area, has been involved in the sale of a property nearby - Fuller
He needs somewhere to dispose the body - Fuller
He has to balance time to dispose body with leaving his children for too long - Fuller
There's been significant changes in the bridge area - Fuller
Fuller says reviews of rainfall from April 19 - 30, 2012. Evening of April 27 to morning of 28 was the only rain. #badenclay
Fuller: So where's the mud that's going to be there on April 19? #badenclay
Fuller says there is no evidence that there would have been mud there at the time. #badenclay
Fuller is now showing a picture of the underneath of the bridge. #badenclay
There was rain 27 and 28 April, not on the 19th so where would the mud come from that the defence claims - Fuller
Fuller is discussing the differences in the slope now to at the time. It's now been made steeper. #badenclay
Fuller is talking about the officer who fell when they discovered Allison's body. #badenclay
Fuller says he fell negotiating a different track. #badenclay
Fuller suggests that the idea of mud dissipates under the bridge, where the rain doesn't reach. #badenclay
Fuller: So don't be distracted by the mud. #badenclayKate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou • 18s
Fuller says the officer didn't fall walking down or under the bridge. He fell in the mud by the water's edge, below the body. #badenclay
Fuller says you can pull over on the right hand side of the bridge travelling from Brookfield. #badenclay
Fuller says it hadn't rained. #badenclay
Fuller is showing the court photographs of Allison's body. #badenclay
Fuller: Her body was pushed off that ledge and ... fell to where she was. #badenclay
Fuller says that's where she remained. #badenclay
Todd Fuller QC says Allison's body was pushed off a ledge just above it
Fuller says the positioning of Allison's arms and legs are consistent with her being rolled/pushed off the concrete ledge above. #badenclay
Fuller says there was a dent in the mud after Allison's body was taken away. It remained even in August. #badenclay
Fuller is showing a photograph of Allison taken from the ridge above. Shows the positioning of her arms and legs. #badenclay
There is a dent underneath her body. The dent is still present in May and August 2012 – Fuller
Gerard is looking down, appears to be taking notes, as photos of his wife's body are shown to the court
There is no sign of disturbance around her body, to climb up - Fuller
Fuller says they should be satisfied she didn't fall down there or negotiate her own way down. She didn't jump from the bridge. #badenclay
IMO Chinple (ha!) aside, it takes such an enormous amount of skill, foresight, nerve and hard work to arrive at a summation this effective. It's like writing the final chapter of a book, knowing how you need it to end and working back from there. To elicit all the evidence you require, 'no more and no less', from 70something witnesses over a month, holding it all at the ready in your massive brain, with no rewind or pause function, it's amazing.

Mr Fuller QC rightly gets the credit, but so too should Boyle QC, the DPP solicitors and staff and those tireless investigators. Win or lose, they and Allison's family know that the prosecution has done their collective utmost in search of the truth.

Astute officers...

Inspector Ainsworth + Constable Ash = A class :)
Page 2 - up until lunch break:

These have been posted on the thread from the Re-Tweet Websleuths Team today.

Fuller says if Allison had fallen from the bridge and landed on the ground, she would have sustained serious injuries. #badenclay
Pathologist told us she would have sustained substantial injuries if she fell from the bridge. She had none - Fuller
Fuller says if Allison had fallen into a depth of water, she would have had to have washed up onto the bank. #badenclay
Fuller says at best the water lapped up against her. #badenclay
Prosecutor Fuller says Allison Baden-Clay was not suicidal, did not jump or fall in drug-induced confusion. #badenclay
Prosecutor Todd Fuller: Allison Baden-Clay did not jump or fall. She was thrown down there, under the bridge. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison's body was clearly underneath the bridge, not next to it. #badenclay
Fuller says she has not fallen from the bridge to end up in that position. #badenclay
Fuller says the pathologist said Allison's body did not have the appearance of having been in the water. #badenclay
Fuller says there would have been injuries from bumping into things as she is moved by the water. #badenclay
Fuller is talking about the time lapse footage of the rise and fall of tides used by the defence. #badenclay
Allison's body was underneath the bridge. She has not fallen from the bridge - Fuller
Pathologist found she did not have the appearance of being in the water - Fuller
Prosecutor - Allison did not fall or jump from the bridge to end in that position, unless her body's been carried by water #badenclay
But prosecutor Todd Fuller reminds jury the expert pathologist said there was no evidence Allison's body had been in the water #badenclay
The footage is misleading, one second equals up to 4500 seconds, don't be confused - Fuller
Fuller says time lapse made it seem like debris was floating past quickly. Not so. The tide takes six hours to come in and out. #badenclay
Fuller says it was not a constant forceful stream as it appeared in timelapse. #badenclay
Fuller says pathologist said there were post mortem changes consistent with her being in the same position from soon after death. #badenclay
Fuller says top half of body mummified, bottom half in mud putrified. #badenclay
Body photos taken off the screen for now. Gerard has his head up. There are screens at his feet too
Fuller says for Allison to have been washed up the creek, she would still have had to have made it 13km from home. #badenclay
Fuller is referring to maps of the creek. #badenclay
Fuller is now showing tide charts for the relevant dates. #badenclay
Fuller is showing tide heights and times from the time the footage was taken for defence in June, 2014. #badenclayKate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou • 9s
Fuller says that shows the folly of their footage. Tide heights were different. Topography was different. Water flows, etc. #badenclay
Fuller says there was no markings in the footage to show where the body would have been. #badenclay
Fuller says whether there was water lapping around her body wasn't the point. #badenclay
Fuller says there had to have been enough water to make her bouyant, deposit her there and recede. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison's body was at the 1.5m mark. Tides fell below that mark during the relevant times. #badenclay
Gerard has a notepad on his lap, pen in hand, listening to prosecutor detail why Allison's body didn't wash up on the bank
Fuller says rainfall would only have affected the low tide. #badenclay
Fuller says the jury can be confident the water never reached Allison's body. #badenclay
Gerard has a notepad on his lap, pen in hand, listening to prosecutor detail why Allison's body didn't wash up on the bank #badenclay
Fuller: You will conclude ... she was not in a depth of water. #badenclay
Fuller says jury can be confident Allison's body was not in a depth of water that placed it, where it was found, under the bridge #badenclay
Fuller says in that case, what does that exclude? #badenclay
If her body had not been so decomposed pathologist might have been in a better position to determine - Fuller
Prosecution: The fact the doctor can’t exclude it (Allison drowning) doesn’t mean the opposite is true.
Prosecution: The fact the doctor can’t exclude it (Allison drowning) doesn’t mean the opposite is true. #badenclay @7NewsBrisbane
Fuller says this trial is not about establishing a cause of death. #badenclay
Fuller says if Allison's body had not been so decomposed, the pathologist would have been in a better position. #badenclay
Fuller says the diatom expert (organisms in water) said none in Allison's system. Shows drowning unlikely. #badenclay
Fuller says if she didn't drown, didn't fall, wasn't deposited by water, what's left? #badenclay
We've adjourned for 20 minutes. #badenclay
Another break for jury in the Queensland Supreme Court.
A brief break

Fuller says Allison's body was left where it was to delay discovery. #badenclay
Fuller is showing photographs that show someone would have to be standing on the edge of the ledge to see Allison's body. #badenclay
Prosecutor Fuller is showing jury photographs of different perspectives of where Allison's body lay under the bridge
Prosecutor says Allison #badenclay body was left at the creek to delay her discovery and delay the investigation @abcnews
Fuller: Why do you have to distance yourself from the body? That's because you've killed somebody. #badenclay
Fuller asks the jury if they know anyone good at hiding things, covering their tracks. Someone who has lived a lie? #badenclay
Gerard's parents Nigel and Elaine, sister Olivia Walton, brother Adam siting in the row behind him
Fuller says Gerard corrected his evidence, saying it was his idea to put the tracking app on their phones. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard claimed it was to give his wife peace of mind. #badenclay
Fuller says it was good peace of mind ... Gerard had kept on with the affair. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard knew how to turn it off. He manipulated his way around it. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard gave Allison his phone to check but just deleted the calls to his mistress. #badenclay
Fuller is back on Allison's body. Talking about the jumper wound around her head. #badenclay
Fuller on jumper: Which isn't her normal walking attire by the way. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison still has her rings on. Whoever killed her did not remove her wedding rings. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison has no ID, no money, no phone. #badenclay
Fuller says #badenclay was skilled at 'deception at its highest' in disguising his affairs with other women.
Fuller says two possible injuries to Allison, a bruise to her chest, a chip on her tooth. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard had not seen a chip on Allison's tooth. #badenclay
Fuller says decomposition was consistent with death ten or eleven days earlier. #badenclay
Fuller: Let's look at overdose. #badenclay
Fuller: chip on tooth and bruise on chest don't prove she was assaulted but are consistent with it. @abcnews #badenclay
Fuller says experts say level of drug not consistent with her death. #badenclay
Fuller says levels in stomach not consistent with having ingested any before death. #badenclay
Fuller says death from sertraline toxicity is almost unheard of. #badenclay
Sertraline in her system, experts tell us to be cautious because of decomposition - Fuller
Stomach content show no recent ingestion of the drug - Fuller
Fuller says defence suggestion is she took antidepressant, became disorientated, somehow made it 13km then dived or fell. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison had been on sertraline for a long time. Nearly nine years. #badenclay
Fuller says her usage was closely monitored by her psychiatrist Dr Tom George #badenclay
Allison's history of Sertraline (Zoloft) use is important - Fuller
Fuller says defence says she had upped her dose to 100mg and developed seratonin syndrome. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison's prescription had been increased seven months earlier with no trouble. #badenclay
Fuller says on March 19, 2012, Allison went to her GP. It wasn't about her mental health, it was for a Pap smear. #badenclay
Fuller says while she was there, she asked for a script for sertraline. She'd done that regularly. #badenclay
Fuller says once you have a diagnosis, people can use it against you, no matter how you have adjusted. #badenclay
Prosecution says Allison #badenclay had used anti-depressant drugs for years & never had adverse reactions or confusions @abcnews
Prosecution says Allison #badenclay had used anti-depressant drugs for years & never had adverse reactions or confusions @abcnews
Fuller says March 19 appointment was not about the return of a major depressive illness. It was about a Pap smear. #badenclay
Fuller is showing a picture of the box of Allison's sertraline, found in the console of the Captiva. #badenclay
Prosecutor Todd Fuller - it seems once you've had a diagnosis of depression,people are able to use it against you forever
Fuller says Gerard told police he knew nothing about Allison's sertraline, had been searching the house for it. #badenclay
Fuller says police found it in the Captiva. A foil inside. Ten tablets, all empty. Does that scream of an overdose? #badenclay
Fuller: She doesn't take the tablets with her, no suggestion of that. #badenclay
Fuller says the box contained 30 tablets. She'd had the box for over 30 days. #badenclay
Fuller: You might think she has taken the last tablet close to the 19th of April. #badenclay
Fuller: There is no sudden change in her script from 50 to 100mg. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison has been supervised throughout her time of using sertraline. #badenclay
Fuller says the real key to Allison's mental health was that she didn't go back to Dr George. #badenclay
Fuller says Dr George was the man who fixed her. #badenclay
Box contained 30 tablets. More than 30 days had passed - Fuller
Prosecution says Allison was taking her anti-depressant as usual. No sertraline syndrome,she is a long term user. @9NewsBrisbane
Fuller says the alcohol in Allison's system is consistent with decomposition. #badenclay
Fuller says there is no evidence that Allison "went on a bender", nothing around the house. #badenclay
Fuller says we are now excluding jumping, falling, death from overdose, drowning. #badenclay
Prosecution says Allison was taking her anti-depressant as usual. No sertraline syndrome,she is a long term user. @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Prosecution: "So if you exclude drowning, jumping, toxicity…what are you left with?"
Fuller says Allison ticked "transient suicidal thoughts" back in 2003 during first appt with Dr George. No concerns since. #badenclay
Fuller says Dr George treated Allison for six years. Says depression resolved quickly in 2003. Allison got on with her life. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison's best friend Kerry-Anne Walker described her as "fantastic" in 2012. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison is involved in the school community, is working. She is not socially isolated. #badenclay
Fuller says the night before Allison puts her girls to bed, she sings one of them to sleep. #badenclay
Fuller says she was engaged in the business. #badenclay
Fuller says once you have a diagnosis, people can use it against you, no matter how you have adjusted. #badenclay
Fuller says on April 19, after hearing of the birth of the nephew, Allison tells Olivia she was "thrilled". #badenclay
Fuller says she has "survived" the disclosure of her husband's affair. #badenclay
Fuller says up until then she has just been putting up with her husband not loving her and wanting to leave. #badenclay
Fuller asks - think about Allison on 19th April 2012: "She puts her children to bed, she sings one of them to sleep" #badenclay
The day after finding out about the birth of her nephew, Allison was excited about the future - Crown
She has survived her husband's affair - Crown
All that time, going to psychiatrist and psychologist, he was having an affair - Fuller
Prosecutor Fuller: "(Allison) has survived, and I use that word intentionally, the disclosure of her husband's affair" #badenclay
Fuller says Dr Bourke doesn't refer to Allison's depression. He just says she is upset about problems in her marriage. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison was "over the moon that Gerard had finally decided to engage" when they went to see the counsellor. #badenclay
Fuller says going to the counsellor showed the efforts she was making again to save their marriage. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison was excited about going to the conference. She'd made plans about that. #badenclay
Fuller: She's not depressed. She's not suicidal. He says she's busy making plans. #badenclay
Fuller: "She's not depressed, she's not suicidal, she's not going to wander off ... there is no trigger. #badenclay @abcnews
Fuller - Allison was unlawfully killed and her body dumped. Only killer knows how she was killed, jury need not decide #badenclay
But prosecutor Fuller says whatever the method of killing it was "efficient and effective" #badenclay
Fuller says Allison was not affected by drugs, didn't drown, didn't fall. He says she did not die from natural causes. #badenclay
Fuller says she was dumped at Kholo Creek after she was dead. This means someone has killed her. #badenclay
Fuller says was she strangled or smothered? She wasn't shot or stabbed. #badenclay
Fuller says her killing was efficient and effective. #badenclay
She wasn't affected by the drug, she didn't drown, she didn't fall - Fuller
She was dumped at the creek, somebody killed her, tried to distance themselves - Fuller
It was effective and efficient. So who was it? Fuller
Fuller says Allison was not affected by drugs, didn't drown, didn't fall. He says she did not die from natural causes. #badenclay
Fuller says she was dumped at Kholo Creek after she was dead. This means someone has killed her. #badenclay
Fuller says was she strangled or smothered? She wasn't shot or stabbed. #badenclay
Fuller says her killing was efficient and effective. #badenclay
Fuller says we turn now to who did it. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard was doing business as usual that night. He sent out group work texts. #badencla
Fuller says Gerard claims he got up after 6am and found she was missing. #badenclay
including the children, in the house that night. #badenclay
Fuller is showing a photograph of the house, showing the girls' bedrooms. #badenclay
Fuller says both girls' bedrooms at the front of the house had controls for an airconditioner. #badenclay
Fuller is now showing a photograph of Allison and Gerard's bedroom. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard claimed noise travelled quickly through the house. But the bedside table has a baby monitor on it. #badenclay
Fuller says a woman gave evidence of her daughter screaming down the street. Those screams weren't heard in the Baden-Clay house.
Fuller says evidence from the youngest girl was that mum came back in to check on her. How do you know? She promised. #badenclay
Fuller: points to aircon in girls b/rooms, didn't hear a thing. Also to baby monitor when G #badenclay said sound travelled.@abcnews
Gerard's neighbours heard a scream. Mrs Apps said her daughter screamed. Gerard didn't hear a thing, prosecutor says. #badenclay
Fuller says one of the girls was asked what her mum was wearing that night. She said she can't remember. #badenclay
Fuller says the girl said she thought her mum was wearing a sloppy jumper and pyjama pants. #badenclay
Fuller says the girl was positive it wasn't her work clothes. #badenclay
Fuller asks whether it is conceivable that she had on the clothes she was found in. #badenclay
Fuller says he will talk about where her death occured. #badenclay
Fuller says Allison's body tells us one more thing. And that's the leaves. #badenclay
Fuller is showing a photograph of the leaves and twigs found in Allison's hair. #badenclay
Fuller: They inexplicably link Allison Baden-Clay to the house ... and her death to the house. #badenclay
Fuller says the leaves were found in and around her hair and her jumper. #badenclay
Prosecutor says it's not inconceivable Allison changed into the clothes her body was found in after hairdresser visit #badenclay
Fuller asks if inconceivable she was dressed in clothes she was found in night b4. #badenclay daughter cldn't remember exactly. @abcnews
Fuller says botanist Dr Gordon Guymer had to physically disentangle the leaves from her hair. #badenclay
Fuller says what is the possibility of all six plant types being found at the house. #badenclay
Fuller says what's the possibility that all six were deposited by the creek and no other types of foliage. #badenclay
Fuller says what's going to be in the creek? The plants growing around the creek? None of those ended up in her hair. #badenclay
Fuller asks, could this man be so unlucky?
Fuller says of those six plants, only two are located in the area. Not the vicinity, in the area. #badenclay
Fuller: It's not like she'd lying underneath a Chinese Elm. #badenclay
Fuller says seven crepe myrtle leaves were in her hair. #badenclay
Fuller says there is no Crepe Myrtle found at the creek. #badenclay
Fuller says at her house there is Crepe Myrtle at the front of house, next to carport, next to driveway, back of house. #badenclay
Fuller is showing a photograph of Crepe Myrtle leaves covering the back patio area. #badenclay
Fuller says it's not just that they're there, they're there in the highest proportion. Seven found in her hair. #badenclay
Fuller: They inextricably link Allison Baden-Clay to the house ... and her death to the house. #badenclay
Fuller is now talking about the Cat's Claw Creeper, found in and around the carport of the house. #badenclay
A break until 2.30pm
We're breaking for lunch until 2.30pm. #badenclay
Inspired by the excellent website **** My Kids Ruined, I give you:

**** GBC Has Forever Ruined For Me. Not exhaustive, * indicating my previous attachment to same, *** being the highest.

McDonalds **
Several makes of vehicle *
Personalised number plates N/A
The film Top Gun **
iPhones ***
The word gorgeous *** (I call my daughter Gorgeous Girl :()
The word manifest **
Palace Barracks ***
The colour mustard *
Real estate agents *
A certain pie franchise **
Toblerone ***
Overseas vacays ***
Office romances **
Boxer shorts *

Anyone else?

Sure someone else suggested it: PLACATE
Does anyone want to do Kate's tweets for the afternoon session??
Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 59s

And we're back with the jury in the #badenclay trial. Prosecutor Todd Fuller addresses the court on 6 plant species found in Allison's hair
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
Todd Fuller resumes closing, says the third type of plant material found with Allison's body was eucalypt

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller says Eucalyptus was found in Allison's hair. He says there was a "fair amount of litter" in the backyard.

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
Chinese elm leaf found with her body
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 2m
Fuller says Chinese Elm was found at Kholo Creek but also one at the house. One leaf found on Allison.

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 2m
Chinese elm was found at Kholo Creek and in her yard

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 2m
Fishbone fern leaves were found in her hair - Fuller #
Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 33s

Fuller shows jury photograph of lots of leaf litter at back door of Baden-Clay home, opening onto back patio #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 2m
Fuller is now discussing the Fishbone Fern. He says the fern grew to 90cm.

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
Fishbone fern leaves were a mix of old and fresh

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller says think about where your head would be to come into contact with a 90cm plant. Gestures like he is holding something.

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
Court shown photo of fishbone fern leaves on her back patio
Jessica van Vonderen ‏@jessvanvonderen 45s

Prosecutor says lillypilly leaves found in Allison #badenclay hair is found in her front yard, but not at Kholo Creek @abcnewes
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller is showing another picture of the leaf litter all over the back patio area.

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller says there is no Lillipilly at Kholo Creek, but of course there is one in the front yard.
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
Lillipilly leaf found in her hair. Was a lillipilly tree in her front yard. None found at Kholo Creek

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 54s
Fuller: One Lillypilly, one Chinese Elm, lots of Crepe Myrtle, lots of Fishbone Fern, lots of Cat's Claw Creeper.
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