The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 8th July - Trial Day 16

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Yes and... I believe Mr Fuller is depressed, that's why he's saying all these viscous things. We will appeal....
Fuller says.. Gerard was a 'fence sitter'. he couldn't leave, and he didn't want to stay..... big chunk of truth there..

he hadn't quite finished with Alison.. he knew she was the better person... the cleverer one in the marriage, the one thing that really gave him genuine status.. he hated her for this on so many levels.. .
I agree, imo, Allison didn't say or do anything to bring the worst out of him that night, this was his Plan D. Whether his parents and sister can believe it or not, GBC is a callous and cold hearted killer. jmo

The more MR Fuller talks the more I am convinced that it was pre-meditated....have thought that all along.

If GBC gets manslughter - he will be a very very lucky man.....:(
“Gerard stood in my way and I have treated him like **** because I held this belief…” she wrote.

Mr Fuller said the jury might think Allison Baden-Clay’s harshest critic was herself.

“She knew he didn’t love her. She has had Kerry-Anne Walker suggest to her that maybe he is having an affair,” he said.

Mr Fuller said Ms Baden-Clay did not return to depression on finding out of the affair but instead gave him an ultimatum: “her or me”.

He said Ms Baden-Clay returned to the work place to share her husband’s passions, goals and energy.

“How did he repay that? By putting an app on his phone…, by deleting his phone calls, by contacting her via an email account his wife didn’t know about and of course, telling some staff in his office that he still loved the other woman,” he said.

Mr Fuller said Baden-Clay told a counsellor he did not believe depression was an illness and a person could “snap out of it”.

He said the accused told Ms McHugh he would be with her unconditionally by July 1, 2012.

Mr Fuller said Baden-Clay’s relationship with his mistress was now quite different and they no longer had unfettered access, but instead stole moments together in brief windows.

He showed the jury Baden-Clay’s secret email to Ms McHugh on April 3, 2012: “I have given you a commitment and I intent to stick to it – I will be separated by 1 July.”

Mr Fuller said Baden-Clay was in love with Ms McHugh but was “straddling the fence” and did not have “the courage to go” or to stay.

“Does that not show the pressure… that this man was in on the 19th of April, 2012?” he said.

He showed the jury another email from the accused to his wife on April 11, 2012. TONI!!!

“This is agony for me too. I love you. I’m sorry you hung up on me. It sounded like you were getting very angry. I love you GG. Leave things to me now. I love you. GM,” he read.

Mr Fuller said Baden-Clay could have told Ms McHugh it was over but did not.

“Now, he’s under a tighter leash,” he said.

He said Ms McHugh told the accused it was okay if he chose his wife.

“You might think she was an intelligent woman… She fell for the Baden-Clay product and she fell hard. She was obviously in love with this man,” he said.

Believe me, I am very happy how the prosecution handled today, but the implications that he murdered her without having any proof and describing it the way he did just surprised me that defence wouldn't object as it's speculation.
Hope I explained that ok.

Only from the tweets. I don't have a transcript, and no court attendees have mentioned it, but there has not been one objection from either side throughout the whole trial so far... not one..
Collection of todays Tweets from the Websleuth Re-Tweet Team
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And we're back with the jury in the #badenclay trial. Prosecutor Todd Fuller addresses the court on 6 plant species found in Allison's hair
Todd Fuller resumes closing, says the third type of plant material found with Allison's body was eucalypt
Fuller says Eucalyptus was found in Allison's hair. He says there was a "fair amount of litter" in the backyard.
Chinese elm leaf found with her body
Fuller says Chinese Elm was found at Kholo Creek but also one at the house. One leaf found on Allison.
Chinese elm was found at Kholo Creek and in her yard
Fishbone fern leaves were found in her hair - Fuller #
Fuller shows jury photograph of lots of leaf litter at back door of Baden-Clay home, opening onto back patio #badenclay
Fuller is now discussing the Fishbone Fern. He says the fern grew to 90cm.
Fishbone fern leaves were a mix of old and fresh
Fuller says think about where your head would be to come into contact with a 90cm plant. Gestures like he is holding something.
Court shown photo of fishbone fern leaves on her back patio
Prosecutor says lillypilly leaves found in Allison #badenclay hair is found in her front yard, but not at Kholo Creek @abcnewes
Fuller says Chinese Elm was found at Kholo Creek but also one at the house. One leaf found on Allison.
Chinese elm was found at Kholo Creek and in her yard
Fishbone fern leaves were found in her hair - Fuller #
Fuller shows jury photograph of lots of leaf litter at back door of Baden-Clay home, opening onto back patio #badenclay
Fuller is now discussing the Fishbone Fern. He says the fern grew to 90cm.
Fishbone fern leaves were a mix of old and fresh
Fuller says think about where your head would be to come into contact with a 90cm plant. Gestures like he is holding something.
Court shown photo of fishbone fern leaves on her back patio
Prosecutor says lillypilly leaves found in Allison #badenclay hair is found in her front yard, but not at Kholo Creek @abcnewes
Fuller is showing another picture of the leaf litter all over the back patio area.
Fuller says there is no Lillipilly at Kholo Creek, but of course there is one in the front yard.
Lillipilly leaf found in her hair. Was a lillipilly tree in her front yard. None found at Kholo Creek
Fuller: One Lillypilly, one Chinese Elm, lots of Crepe Myrtle, lots of Fishbone Fern, lots of Cat's Claw Creeper.
Fuller says the combination of all six plants are at the house.
Proportionate amount of leaves in her hair, to the trees at her house - Fuller
All six plants at her house - Fuller
Fuller says all six are in her hair. Then we get to the creek where there is a Eucalyptus and a Chinese Elm.
Fuller - Only rational conclusion you can draw is that Allison Baden-Clay's head came in contact with leaf litter at the house #badenclay
Only rational conclusion is her head came into contact with leaf litter at her house - Fuller
Fuller says the only conclusion you can draw is that her head came into contact with the leaf litter at the house.
Fuller asks was there a struggle, was she dragged? Does that explain the Cat's Claw Creeper leaves detaching into her hair?
Fuller - how is that possible unless there's a struggle outside, or, she's killed and dragged through leaf litter? #badenclay
Fuller says otherwise they have all fallen from somewhere else, end up in the creek at the same time, come into contact with her.
Look at it the other way. All six would have to be in the creek or elsewhere and somehow come into her hair - Fuller
Fuller: So that's what connects her to the house, ladies and gentlemen.
A woman who had just had her hair done - Fuller
Fuller says he will now speak about the Captiva.
The Captiva. Three rows of seats - Fuller
Prosecutor Todd Fuller reminds the jury Allison #badenclay had just had her hair done, ahead of the next day's conference.
Fuller says there are three rows of seats in the Captiva. We are being shown a picture of the middle row.
Police find the Captiva with the back row of seats down, back loaded with toys - Fuller
Fuller says when the police find the Captiva, the back row of seats are down, baskets of toys have been put in the back.
Luminol applied to the back of the car - Fuller
Fuller says several police looked at the car during the day and didn't notice any blood in the back.
Fuller says that's because it was next to the footwell, which was covered by the rear row of seats when they were folded down.
Gerard is sitting up straight, head up as Todd Fuller talks about his wife's blood in their car. Photos shown to court
Fuller says the blood was hidden from view unless the seats were folded up.
Blood trickled down the side panel, went unnoticed because of the amount and where it was - Fuller
On the blood in boot of Allison's Captiva, prosecutor Fuller said police initially overlooked it, because seats were folded up #badenclay
Fuller: If you didn't know it was there, would you see it? He says they had only had that car since Feb 25.
They only had the car for eight weeks - Fuller
Pros: they only had the car where blood found since 25 Feb 2012. Allison disappeared 20th April 2012 @7NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Fuller says nobody was aware of any reason for the blood to be there, any previous injuries.
It's the car he chose to take the next morning - Fuller
Fuller says there was no blood trail in or out of the car.
He doesn't take the Prado. Why? Fuller
Fuller says Gerard did not take his Prado when looking for Allison that morning.
Fuller - "Interestingly it's the car he chose to take the next morning." Gerard didn't take his own car to search for Allison #badenclay
Photo shows Prado parked at the front of the house, Captiva reversed into carport
Fuller says if you are alarmed that your wife is missing, why haven't you taken the first vehicle you come to?
Prosecution talking about blood found in #badenclay car. Didn't look like blood, but was tested and contained Allison's DNA @tennewsqld
Fuller says he instead reverses the Captiva out. The roads he takes are the perimeter of where police later triangulate her phone.
He had to drive around the Prado - Fuller
Prosecution - You might think it's odd that boxes of children's toys are in the back of the Captiva that day. 'A subtle touch' #badenclay
Fuller says we know Allison took the children to school the day before in the Captiva. They put their bags in the back. No toys.
Toys in the back of the Captiva, were they just a nice touch - Fuller
Fuller says Allison was the hairdressers til late. Unlikely she would have put the toys in the car when she got home.
Fuller - "Is that how she was removed from the address?" In the Captiva, bleeding. #badenclay
Allison was going to the conference the next day, was to drop off dresses to friend, more unlikely she would put toys in the car
There was some violence to her, some injury - Fuller
Fuller says Allison's blood in the car supports the Crown theory that some violence was done to her.
Lets move to the scratches - Fuller
Fuller - Let's move then to the scratches. Are they scratches or cuts? An indelible mark left by his wife? #badenclay
Fuller is talking about the scratches now.
Fuller asks whether the scratches are an indelible mark left on Gerard's face by his wife.
Prosecutor says blood in the car is a piece of circumstantial evidence that points to violence #badenclay @abcnews
Fuller now talking about scratches/marks. Could be described as "fight to the death." @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Fuller says defence claim was that he didn't try to hide the scratches, that it's another one of his virtues.
He told his daughter he scratched his face three times in a row with a blunt razor - Fuller
Prosecution - "It might be described as a fight to the death, because that's what results" but doesn't mean bad injuries result #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard told his nine year old daughter he had cut himself with a blunt razor.
Fuller: What a terrible thing that on this one morning, when he is in a hurry, he does his "****, shower, shave" in wrong order.
He normally showered then shaved first, '****, shower, shave' - Fuller
What a terrible thing this one morning when he's in a hurry he does it in reverse order - Fuller
Fuller says one of the girls said her dad shaved before his shower that morning.
He tells police he is in a rush. Is it any quicker to do in the reverse order? Fuller
Prosecutor says #badenclay's father and sister the only ones who describe facial marks as 'cuts'. @7NewsBrisbane
It's not a dry shave. Uses foam - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard said he was rushed. If you have to do the same two things, is it any quicker to do them in the reverse order?
His dad noticed cuts and a bandaid, asks what it is - Fuller
Fuller says Nigel asked his son what the marks on his face were. The police also asked.
Constable turns up, says it is red with skin raised - Fuller
Fuller has put up Gerard's photo, with the scratches visible on his cheek.
Fuller says when the next police arrived, he volunteered the info. They asked one question. Same with the next lot of police.
Photo of Gerard's injured face put on screens. In court, he's not moving
Fuller says one officer suggested the marks didn't look consistent with shaving cuts. Gerard repeated his story.
Detective notices the injuries, tell him they don't look like shaving cuts - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard wasn't pushed, or challenged or interrogated.
Fuller says Priscilla Dickie noticed the scratches, so did Kerry-Anne Walker.
Priscilla and Geoff Dickie noticed them. Kerry-Anne Walker noticed they were fresh and weeping - Fuller
Fuller says there was no mention of the other injuries at this time.
Experts looked at these photos, says Fuller, putting a close-up on the court screens
Prosecutor Fuller enlarges an already big photo of Gerard #badenclay and his angry red cheek injuries to show the jury.
You might think there are two distinct types of injuries, at different times - Fuller
More recent ones, might indeed be shaving cuts - Fuller
Fuller is now pointing out the smaller marks at the bottom of the larger marks.
Prosecutor zooming in on photo of injuries on Gerard #badenclay cheek @abcnews
Fuller - have a closer look. There's the "three damning" marks, and then others that look like disguising shaving cuts #badenclay
What possible reason to disguise, cover up or lie about those? Fuller
Fuller says when it's suggested he didn't try to cover the marks on his face, they should look at the smaller cuts at the bottom.
They show evidence of violence, someone striking out to defend themselves. He knows that - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard knew he would have to explain the cuts. He made up a false explanation and started by telling his children.
Prosecutor says marks on #badenclay show: "someone striking out in the only fashion they could to defend themselves against him."
Right from the start, to his children, he makes up an explanation - Fuller
He sees a GP, makes no mention of his other injuries - Fuller
Fuller says the next day he went to the doctor. That doctor made no mention of the smaller cuts. You might think they'd healed.
Fuller says Gerard told the doctor he'd made the cuts in one motion. Told others in three motions.
He tells GP there must have been a couple of shaving motions. Told his daughter there were three - Fuller
Prosecution: marks on GBC's face show "close hand contact, evidencing violence between him & someone else" #badenclay @tennewsqld
Gerard has GP check his cheek, "and then of course, he gives the doctor his business card," Fuller reminds jury #badenclay
Fuller: And then of course he gave the doctor his business card.
Photos are taken after he sees the doctor. They reveal his other injuries - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard's visit to the doctor later that day revealed all his other injuries. Including the one near his shoulder.
Fuller says the marks by his shoulder were never explained. He says they are consistent with someone pulling on his clothing.
The one on his neck, on his chest. One near his right shoulder he has no explanation for - Fuller
The shoulder. Someone pulling on his clothing - Fuller
Fuller shows another photo of the cuts on Gerard's face. "He's starting to grow a beard ladies and gentlemen."
Cont..."someone striking out, to defend themselves against him" #badenclay @tennewsqld
Here's a photo of Gerard, starting to grow a beard - Fuller
Fuller says the pictures are taken on April 21. He says Gerard hasn't shaved again.
He goes to another GP. Tells her he was doing a rush job shaving - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard explained that day that he'd been startled while shaving, rather than rushed.
Fuller says Gerard's evidence on the stand was that he stopped, then went again.
Fuller is very sassy today #badenclay
Jurors mostly sitting back in their seats, listening to Todd Fuller QC, on the other side of the room, talk of Gerard's injuries
Fuller says the second GP was of a view that Gerard's razor was not consistent with causing the marks on his face.
Prosecutor Todd Fuller now shows jury a photograph of Gerard Baden-Clay's razor. #badenclay
Fuller says Dr Griffiths saw him two days later. A forensic specialist.
Prosecutor - forensic specialist Dr Griffith saw #badenclay two days later. He said razor couldn't have caused the cuts. He was adamant.
Fuller says Dr Griffiths described the scratches as irregular, not straight as you'd expect from a razor.
Another doctor, Dr Griffiths, sees Gerard's facial injuries. Edges are irregular. Resembled fingernail scratch marks - Fuller
Fuller says Dr Griffiths thought they "could not" have been caused by the razor.
Dr Griffiths was adamant they weren't cuts, couldn't have been caused by the razor - Fuller
Fuller says three experts were given the photographs of the scratches to look at.
Fuller says all three saw it the same way, all used the same language.
Another expert, Dr Hoskins, said they were typical of fingernail marks - Fuller
He was of the opinion they could not be caused by a razor - Fuller
Fuller says Dr Hoskins said "typical of fingernail marks". Raggedy and parallel.
Fuller says the smaller scratches down the bottom appeared to have been caused by a razor.
He said scratches might have been caused by a razor - Fuller
Fuller says Dr Stark called the marks abrasions.
Fuller says Dr Stark also said consistent with fingernail injuries.
Dr Stark, she too called the abrasions, suggestive of two sets of injuries - Fuller
Prosecutor points to testimony that Allison #badenclay nails were capable of causing the injuries on Gerard's face @abcnews
Fuller says Dr Stark did not consider the marks typical of shaving injuries.
Razor injuries are usually finer. These were broader - Fuller
Now onto Dr Wells. Identified all he same features as the other experts - Fuller
Fuller says the evidence from Dr Wells was that the first thing that came to mind was fingernails or a canine claw.
The first thing that came to his mind were fingernails or a canine claw - Fuller
He could not see a mechanism where they were caused by the blade - Fuller
Six doctors tell you, then you can apply your own experience. They are fingernail marks - Fuller
Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 41s Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller says the marks occurred after his children went to sleep and before they got up.
They are on his face, they occurred after his children went to bed - Fuller
Fuller says after they last saw their mother and before they got up to find her missing.
Fuller says they can't say whose DNA was under her fingernails but there was a possible second contributer.
They are fingernail marks, they are on his face, they have occurred after his children have gone to sleep, prosecutor says. #badenclay
Fuller - "There was a struggle between the two of them and she left her mark on him." #badenclay
Fuller says there was a struggle. She has left her mark upon him.
There was a struggle between the two of them and she left her mark on him. They are damning – Fuller
Fuller says one of the things the jury must find is intention.
"They are damning and linking to the act of violence without any doubt" says Fuller of fingernail scratches. @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Fuller on the scratches - "They are damning and they link him to the act of violence without any doubt" #badenclay
Fuller: This is close quarters, close up violence. They are in arms reach of each other.
Gerard doesn't move in the dock as Fuller says 'this is close up, close quarters violence'
She is unable to raise the alarm - Fuller
Fuller: She is unable to cause any injury to him other than the face.
Jessica van Vonderen ‏@jessvanvonderen 32s
Prosecutor tells court this is close up violence, they are in arms reach of each other #badenclay @abcnews
Fuller: Does that not speak of the mechanism that was used?
Fuller says if it was efficient and effective, what is in the mind of the person inflicting the violence?
"There was a struggle between the two of them and she left her mark on him" - prosecution re. marks on GBC's face #badenclay @tennewsqld
Fuller: "She was overpowered quickly and unable to resist. That's why he was so confident about the police searching his house" #badenclay
She was overpowered quickly and unable to resist. That's why he was so confident - Fuller
Is it such a virtue he came a false story to police - Fuller
Fuller: "She is unable to cause any injury to him other than the face..." @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Prosecutor; She (Allison) was overpowered quickly and unable to resist #badenclay @abcnews
Fuller says is it such a virtue that Gerard lied about the scratches and tried to cover them up?
How was he going to hide the scratches from his children, staff - Fuller
Fuller asks how was he going to hide them from the people he had to deal with that day?
It's like saying it's a virtue to tell police he was having an affair. Really? Fuller
Fuller says is it such a virtue to disclose the affair? His wife knew it. His staff knew. His doctor knew. Toni knew.
Fuller lists the people who knew of the affair. How long was it going to be a secret - Fuller
Fuller asks how long that was going to be a secret?
Fuller says is it such a virtue to disclose the affair? His wife knew it. His staff knew. His doctor knew. Toni knew.
Fuller lists the people who knew of the affair. How long was it going to be a secret - Fuller
Fuller asks how long that was going to be a secret?
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller mentions the phone, put on charge at 1.48am.
His telephone. Put on the charger at 1.48am. It's his phone. It's his life line - Fuller
Fuller says the only person to back that Allison had his phone all night is Gerard.
Prosecutor Todd Fuller now moves to Gerard's mobile phone, put on charge at 1.38am. Gerard did it, not Allison. #badenclay
Short break now in #badenclay trial. Until 3.35pm.
Fuller asks whether Allison would have gone around the side of the bed to Gerard's side to plug it in?
A brief break

Also interesting that Allison writes that she did not want to go overseas with him. She wanted to change her career and be famous - presumably with her dancing?

My guess is that GBC began, very early on, to bully Allison into compliance with his demands, standards, expectations, dreams and goals.

So much for treating her like a 'princess' - if he truly loved her he would have considered Allison's dreams before his own.

I pray that Allison is now dancing; dancing with complete joy and freedom and total self-acceptance.
Collection of todays (DAY 16) Tweets
from the Websleuth Re-Tweet Team


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Prosecution says jury needs to b confident of 3 things - GBC killed wife, did unlawfully, & with intent #badenclay @GreenhalghSarah #TenNews
Back again. Prosecutor Todd Fuller talking about the 'pressures' on Gerard Baden-Clay. His marriage, his mistress, his business. #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller says Gerard had pressures from business, pressures from his wife and pressures from his mistress.
Fuller says it's not about Allison and her state. It's about Gerard.
Fuller says Gerard had ability to recall his travels and his honeymoon while on the stand.
He could remember his travels, what about the things that were important - Fuller
Prosecution says it now wants to talk about the pressure Gerard #badenclay was under - in his relationships and business @abcnews
Fuller on Gerard: "He's tailored his evidence to meet the case that's been put up against him." #badenclay
Fuller asks what level of detail he had when describing his conversations with Toni.
Where he was when Lady Diana died - Fuller
Prosecution: "He was in denial." Talking about build up of problems @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Pros: he (Gerard) wants you to believe his wife's on edge all the time @7NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Fuller says it was more important to Gerard to play up his wife's battle with depression.
Fuller says Gerard was caught out with the testimony of Ms Nutting, counsellor, who said Gerard didn't believe in depression.
He told his wife to snap out of it. Is that the real Gerard
Crown: Baden-Clay was caught out by counsellor; she noted he didn't believe in depression, thought Allison could snap out of it. #badenclay
Fuller says Toni wasn't a "flash in the pan, oh I need sex". He was with her for three years
Toni McHugh. Not just a flash in the pan. Not just sex. Three years of it - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard throws in that the medication made Allison put on weight. That it affected her libido.
He tried to turn his affair into a virtue, said he was counselling Toni McHugh - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard tried to turn his affair with Toni into a virtue. He was counselling her over relationship problems.
Fuller says Gerard resumed with Toni McHugh after Allison found out.
You really might think he had a good thing with Toni, interrupted when his wife found out - Fuller
The ground rules had been changed - Fuller
He is just saying what he needs to say, what is best for him - Fuller
It is far more than him placating Toni. Genuine care between them - Fuller
The ultimate insult. Toni leaves the business and he tells staff he loves Toni - Fuller
Fuller says the ultimate insult was telling staff he still loved Toni after Allison found out about the affair.
Fuller says it's a matter for the jury to consider Carmel Ritchie's testimony about Gerard not being keen on her advice.
The night before, he says there's no tension, everything is happy. He fails to talk about his talk with Toni McHugh - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard claimed there was no financial pressure. But call to Sue Heath had him in tears, saying he would go bankrupt.
Claims he was under no financial pressure, despite trying to get loan, telling Sue Heath he would go bankrupt - Fuller
Prosecution says #badenclay didn't just 'notify' insurance company of death, he enquired as to how to make a claim. @9NewsBrisbane
The prosecutor tells jury #badenclay made inquiries how to claim on life insurance - diffnt to notifying them of her death. @7NewsBrisbane
Fuller says there had been strains in marriage from at least 2009.
'Prosecution says #badenclay didn't just 'notify' insurance company of death, he enquired as to how to make a claim.'
Fuller says that insurance evidence was "scripted" in an attempt to justify his behaviour.
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1mFuller says he had been in a relationship with Toni for a year when he and Allison went to see Dr George.
Toni McHugh enjoyed his energy, admired his drive - Fuller
Toni was still with her partner of 17 years and her two children. She separates, gets her own place - Fuller
Fuller asks if Gerard is the perfect dad by coming home to his children each night. He says after he would meet his mistress.
He would go to Toni's house, later her unit. They would text and call - Fuller
Prosecutor Fuller - Gerard #badenclay painted as 'perfect dad'. But he'd put kids to bed and slink back to his mistress.
Prosecution qns #badenclay being 'perfect dad' when, after putting kids to bed, he'd go and see Toni McHugh. @7NewsBrisbane
Fuller says not everything was content with his relationship with Toni McHugh, because we've heard about Jackie Crane.
Another affair, with Jackie Crane. Wasn't spontaneous, they'd discussed - Fuller
Fuller says they planned for Jackie to stay with him at the conference.
Fuller says in 2009, Dr George said Allison was symptom free, despite she and her husband living separate lives.
Allison was on the up - Fuller
Fuller says in 2010 Allison confides to her best friend that Gerard said he didn't love her anymore.
Fuller says Allison didn't confide in her best friend about the affair. She protects him, she's loyal.
Allison talks to her friend. Says Gerard has told her he doesn't love her - Fuller
The court is being shown Allison's journal again.
Prosecutor Todd Fuller shows jury Allison's journal. First page shows - 'daily disciplines'. #badenclay
Journal: I have a loving marriage with a wonderful relationship and great sex.
Allison Baden-Clay's journal entry, undated: "I have a loving marriage with a loving relationship and great sex" #badenclay
Jury shown page of Allison's journal from 2010 which reads I have a loving marriage/relationship with great sex. @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Prosecution: Gerard #badenclay was looking for a way out & driven by love & money to efficiently & effectively kill his wife @SkyNewsAust
Fuller is showing Allison's "gratitude list". One reference to her husband, loving text she received from him.
Fuller points out Allison's mention of Gerard "being a gadget person".
Tessa Scott ‏@TessaScott9 47s
Correction: last page was undated. One from 2010 shows "gratitude list." @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Allison Baden-Clay's journal reveals she's grateful her husband is a "gadget person", makes her a morning smoothie, in 2010 #badenclay
Fuller is showing Allison's "gratitude list". One reference to her husband, loving text she received from him.
A woman unable to drive? 'Flash car I was able to drive today' on her gratitude list - Fuller #badenclay
Jury now being shown Allison #badenclay 's journal. Her list of things she's grateful for. Her affirmations. @7NewsBrisbane
Fuller says in August, 2010, Allison writes she is happiest when she is with her family and friends.
Allison's thoughts of August 2010 in journal: "I wish my marriage was like it was before the...ceremony" #badenclay
Journal: I wish my marriage was like it was before the ceremony.
"I would give anything if my partner would make love to me", Allison Baden-Clay's journal, August 2010. #badenclay
Journal: If my relationship ends it will be because G has had enough and doesn't love me anymore and all the crap I have dished...
It's the insight into her. Defining the problem, attempting to resolve them -Fuller
Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 45s
Prosecutor Todd Fuller describes the journal as "the insight" into Allison Baden-Clay, "ladies and gentlemen" #badenclay
'I would give anything if my partner would make love to me.' Journal, Allison Baden-Clay, August 2010,
It's the insight into her. Defining the problem, attempting to resolve them -Fuller
Fuller says this is an insight into Allison.
Jury shown more of Allison's journal: "Sometimes at night I feel lonely and cry." #badenclay @7NewsBrisbane
2010 - Allison #badenclay "If my relationship ends it will be because I didn't work hard enough"
Journal: I would give anything if my partner would love me and make love to me.
Gerard looks down, screens at his feet show entries from his wife's journal
Allison #badenclay journal, 2010: Maybe I'm still harbouring regrets about getting married?
Journal: If my relationship ends it will be because I didn't work hard enough.
Journal: Maybe I am still harbouring regrets about getting married and whether I made the right decision.
'Maybe I am still harbouring regrets about getting married...I didn't want to go overseas.'
Fuller says you might think that Allison's harshest critic was Allison.
Allison was her own harshest critic - Fuller
Prosecutor Todd Fuller: "You might think that Allison Baden-Clay's harshest critic is Allison Baden-Clay." #badenclay
What of the other pressures, after she's been told she isn't loved - Fuller
Fuller says she wasn't afraid to look at herself in the mirror and ask what she could do to make things better.
Things weren't good financially - Fuller
Fuller says Allison knew Gerard didn't love her. Her best friend suggested he might be having an affair
Pros. has read pages from Allison's journal: "If would give anything if my partner would love me and make love to me." #badenclay
Fuller says there was no return to depression. The new Allison gave her husband an ultimatum.
Allison gives Gerard an ultimatum on affair - her or me
Fuller says Allison said it's her or me. She told him Toni would no longer work for them.
Fuller says Allison was the one who tried to share his goals, his passions, by joining the business.
Did Allison try to become Toni McHugh for him? Got involved in his work - Fuller
How did he repay her? Told staff he still loved Toni - Fuller
Fuller says how did he repay her? Phoning, emailing Toni. And of course, telling other staff he still loved Toni.
Allison also wrote: "Maybe I am still harbouring regrets about getting married and did I make the right decision?" #badenclay
He wanted to do everything he could to help Allison. Really? Fuller
Prosecution says Allison #badenclay tried to share Gerard's passions & energy & how did he repay her? told staff he still loved other woman
Fuller says Gerard claimed he wanted to do anything to help Allison. Really? He didn't believe depression was an illness.
Fuller says Allison wanted to pick up her marriage and make it work despite everything that had happened.
Allison had flashbacks of seeing Toni McHugh. Gerard seems to have dismissed that - Fuller
Fuller says Allison had flashbacks of seeing Toni's car. How would she react to seeing her at the conference?
He gets back in touch with McHugh, he is the one who resumes relationship - Fuller
Fuller: It's him, not her, who resumes the relationship (with Toni).
Fuller says Gerard made the decision to go back.
He tells Toni he will be with her unconditionally. He claims it's a real estate joke - Fuller
Fuller says they were now brief windows of contact.
We know the pressure was there - Fuller
Prosecutor Todd Fuller now shows jury Toni McHugh and Gerard Baden-Clay's secret emails in 2012. His pseudonym is Bruce Overland. #badenclay
Fuller shows an email between Toni and Gerard. Toni is telling him how she feels being the "other woman".
Email from Tomi shown to court: 'sick of being second best'
Fuller says the next email she has recovered. They are planning a life together.
Gerard's head is up, he's silent, not moving in the dock
Fuller says Gerard was in love with Toni McHugh. This man wanted to be with Toni McHugh. #badenclay
Email Gerard to Toni: I have given you a commitment and I intent to stick to it. I will be separated by 1 July. #badenclay
Fuller says Gerard was in love with Toni McHugh. This man wanted to be with Toni McHugh.
This man was in love with Toni McHugh. Didn't have the courage to go, didn't have the courage to stay - Fuller
Fuller: But he was straddling the fence. Didn't have the courage to stay, didn't have the courage to go.
Prosecutor Todd Fuller calls Gerard Baden-Clay's secret email - 'leave things to me now' - to Toni McHugh "the clincher". #badenclay
Email, Gerard to Toni: This is agony for me too. I love you... Leave things to me now. I love you.
Prosecution: This man loved Toni McHugh. he wanted to be with her, but didn't have the courage to go or stay #badenclay @abcnews
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Email, Gerard to Toni: This is agony for me too. I love you... Leave things to me now. I love you.
Fuller: Leave things to me - does that mean leave me alone? This is at an end?
Fuller: It's still a relationship, it's still ongoing. It just has taken a different form because now he's under a tighter leash. #badenclay
Fuller to jury: Toni McHugh was intelligent lady but "she fell for the Baden-Clay product and fell hard." #badenclay
GG, gorgeous girl. GM, gorgeous man
Fuller: It's still a relationship, it's still ongoing. It just has taken a different form because now he's under a tighter leash.
It's still ongoing, just different. Now he's under a tighter leash - Fuller
Fuller says while Toni is discussing rental properties for them, Allison is speaking to their marriage counsellor.
Where's Allison when he's sending email to Toni? Speaking to counsellor
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller says Toni had told Gerard that if he had to make a choice and his choice was his wife, that's OK.
You saw Toni McHugh sit here. Articulate, intelligent lady. She fell for the Baden-Clay product - Fuller
Fuller: She (Toni) fell for the Baden-Clay product and fell hard.
Toni McHugh "fell for the Baden-Clay product" says Todd Fuller. @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Fuller says Toni was gracious enough to give him the out, but he doesn't take it.
She is gracious enough to give him the out, he doesn't take it - Fuller
Fuller says you can imagine how Toni felt when she found out she would be at the same conference as his wife
Understand how she felt April 19 when she finds out she will be at the same conference as his wife - Fuller
Fuller says Allison had been working at Century 21 four days a week, forging her career. Gerard has gone back to Toni.
Prosecution talking about Gerard #badenclay business pressures. "His dreams hadn't come to pass" @abcnews
They're in contact most week days, had sex a couple of times, use Bruce Overland email account for subterfuge - Fuller
His dreams in business hadn't come to pass - Fuller
His business was in trouble in 2009, in 2011, borrows money from friends
Fuller says by the start of 2011, Gerard's business was in trouble. Was even the case in 2009.
Fuller says the business partners knew of the affair. One had let it slip.
Fuller says the partners left. One went to work for a rival company, still held a big stake in Gerard's business.
"He needed money to stay afloat" prosecution says of Gerard #badenclay business @abcnews
His partners knew of the affair with Toni - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard owed money, interest was not being paid. Hardly the hallmarks of due diligence and financial acumen.
Fuller says the partners left. One went to work for a rival company, still held a big stake in Gerard's business.
Fuller says the business was such that he paid out his two partner $1 each and he had no assets.
Fuller says his friends who loaned him money took control of spending. He had to sell his Lexus.
Fuller says Gerard decided which interest payments he would not make.
Gerard, in the dock 1m away, showing no emotion during prosecutor Todd Fuller's closing arguments to the jury
Fuller says Gerard needed to raise $300,000 to buy the rent role. Says you might think he had no real prospects of doing that.
Fuller says Gerard went to Bruce Flegg for money. He didn't want an equity partner. He wanted to be the success.
Fuller says Gerard's friends weren't going to lend him any more money.
Gerard left his friends exposed. Do you not think that puts pressure on you. Do you walk away from your friends - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard might have been able to walk away from his business, but do you walk away from your friends who you owe?
Fuller says Gerard told Sue Heath he needed $300,000 or he was going to go broke, got emotional.
He approached Sue Heath in March, emotional, needed $300,000 urgently or would go bankrupt
Fuller says Gerard's explanation for that was Sue asked him how he was and nobody ever asked that.
Where had his dream started? With him and his parents working together to build that business - Fuller
This is where that business is now, on the phone asking for money from the local MP - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard's dreams for his business ended with him on the phone tearfully asking for money from the local MP.
Fuller says Gerard told police his wife had access to $20, that they were on the bones of their arse.
He can't afford to buy razor blades. He tells police 'we're on the bones of our arse' - Fuller
What happens to his assets if he and his wife split - Fuller
Fuller says #badenclay told police in April 2012 "we're on the bones of our arse" financially. Couldn't afford to buy razor blades
Fuller asks what happens to assets if Gerard and Allison split?
His success has been illusory - Fuller
Fuller: There's no awards being handed out in 2011 and 2012.
There's no awards in 2011 and 2012 - Fuller
Fuller says for #badenclay business success was elusive in 2012. There were real estate awards early on, but not now.
Fuller says there are those three pressures - marriage, mistress, business - and then Carmel Ritchie, counsellor, comes along #badenclay
Fuller says the three pressures are coming together - wife, business, mistress.
Add Carmel Rithie, counsellor, into the mix 16 April - Fuller
Fuller says then we add marriage counsellor Carmel Ritchie to the mix, three days before Allison disappears.
He tells her he wants to wipe it clean - Fuller
He was told to listen to Allison, was reluctant, didn't see benefit - Fuller
Fuller says Gerard was told to listen to his wife. He was reluctant, didn't see any reason to do that.
She writes a list 18 April 2012 - Fuller
Fuller says Allison was happy Gerard had gone along to the the session with the counsellor.
#badenclay trial is adjourned until 10am tomorrow. Prosecution has not finished. @9NewsBrisbane
Fuller says Allison was happy Gerard had gone along to the the session with the counsellor.
The sort of detail she was asking - Fuller
He is resistant to the concept - Fuller
Fuller says that puts into context the list of questions Allison made. He says none of that would have been discussed.
Prosecutor Todd Fuller says he's about to move onto another topic; court has adjourned for the afternoon. Closing continues #badenclay
Fuller says did Gerard not want to think about the happier times in his life with Toni.
Court adjourned until 10am tomorrow for prosecutor Todd Fuller to continue closing
We have adjourned until tomorrow, 10am.
Fuller says.. Gerard was a 'fence sitter'. he couldn't leave, and he didn't want to stay..... big chunk of truth there..

he hadn't quite finished with Alison.. he knew she was the better person... the cleverer one in the marriage, the one thing that really gave him genuine status.. he hated her for this on so many levels.. .

I agree - Allison was everything he would have loved to be. Can't agree enough that he hated her on so many levels. He even tried on the stand re his well paid job and Allison's poorer paid job to vent his hatred.
I bet in their social circles after a night out - friends on the way home would natter to each other on how she put up with him. Unless it was the 3 stooges from school who probably thought Gerry was awesome . Imagine his stories at a dinner party .... Bucket please.
Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 33s

Fuller to jury: Toni McHugh was intelligent lady but "she fell for the Baden-Clay product and fell hard." #badenclay

it sounds like an item that should be recalled before it hit the shelves.
Only from the tweets. I don't have a transcript, and no court attendees have mentioned it, but there has not been one objection from either side throughout the whole trial so far... not one..

Interesting. Thanks troops. Maybe I just watch too much courtroom drama ; )
I agree - Allison was everything he would have loved to be. Can't agree enough that he hated her on so many levels. He even tried on the stand re his well paid job and Allison's poorer paid job to vent his hatred.
I bet in their social circles after a night out - friends on the way home would matter to each other on how she put up with him. Unless it was the 3 stooges from school who probably thought Gerry was awesome . Imagine his stories at a dinner party .... Bucket please.

Lol yes - we used to come back from a particular couples place and ask ourselves why they were still together - they niggled at each other all night over little things - other friends it was oh my goodness why doesn't she tell him to shut up and go [emoji15]
Thanks everyone for today.
Have to get some work done now, see you all tomorrow.
Interesting. Thanks troops. Maybe I just watch too much courtroom drama ; )

if I may add.. there hasn't been one interjection from the bench ( the judge) or one call for a gathering of barristers into the judges office, either throughout the trial so far.. its been clockwork. . the only tiny and ( for me ) terrific piece of Comedia D'ella Art was the note from Gerard via the bailiff thru the jury to the judge.. a most unusual, . well. almost unique occurrence.. but that was handled swiftly and efficiently without a major production.
Any reports from the court attendees today on the B-C 's demeanour ?
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