Or unless one party is loudly making their point while the other party is just giving them deadly looks and the silent treatment.
Lol !
So not sure about you, but for me, one partner talking AT their other half for around an hour, half an hour, or even 15 minutes for that matter, at those ungodly hours and loud enough to interfere with the neighbours' right to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes just so my OH can loudly making their point is a rant, diatribe, tirade, harangue, bluster, vociferation, nag, castigation, vituperation, or a speech or a lecture, but NOT, by any stretch of the imagination an argument. On the other hand a partner who stays in their presence just "giving the silent treatment" and ineffective "deadly looks", (ineffective since if the ranting goes on for an hour the ranter is clearly too wrapped up listening to themselves speak to notice!), needs serious professional help, (and if married a good divorce lawyer wouldn't come amiss too), to build up enough pride and self esteem to be able to escape.
And the ranting partner would also need professional help of course as they obviously haven't realised that browbeating your OH an hour at a time as if they were a miscreant teenager just ain't the best terms of endearment an' it just won't work.