Match! NY - Caledonia, WhtFem 1UFNY, 13-19, Turquoise Necklace, Nov'79 *Tammy Alexander*

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There's a Teresa Marie Byers on Ancestry born December 1958 (2 1/2 years older than TMB), living in Corpus Christi in the 80's. Could Teresa have moved to Corpus to escape family problems, lied about her age, and started a new life? It's a stretch, but what do you think?
Update. Call back that Eileen Hynson DNA has been ordered for comparison to Cali. This poor girl's face has been displayed all over the Internet. I hope this puts her case and all speculation to rest.

I thought Eileen was ruled out months and months ago?
Apparently someone just called in a tip or it was an automatic computer check,and she was ruled out by fingerprints. What ever the circumstances, no one did any research or followedup on this and I have been doggin' agencies since the photo became public, did the research,sent the report and finally connected with a ME that believes the case comparisons are compelling. She is getting a scientific review now. Still don't know how the rule out by prints came to be. Such a mess...'nuff said on incompetence vs computers. MO
I definitely agree Eileen needs to be looked at again. It is scary how similar her appearance is to Cali!
Apparently someone just called in a tip or it was an automatic computer check,and she was ruled out by fingerprints. What ever the circumstances, no one did any research or followedup on this and I have been doggin' agencies since the photo became public, did the research,sent the report and finally connected with a ME that believes the case comparisons are compelling. She is getting a scientific review now. Still don't know how the rule out by prints came to be. Such a mess...'nuff said on incompetence vs computers. MO

Oh wow! Ok. We discussed her on 6/2012 and 02/2013. I think she was added to Namus in April 2012 and Charley in May 2012. She was submitted by WSers, called in by caddylex in June 2012, after we did research and we followed up, but she was ruled out due to age and fingerprints. Thanks for rechecking her! The commonalities are remarkable...The first link below has pictures and comparisons...*GRAPHIC*/page19*GRAPHIC*/page25&p=8834020#post8834020

Google is great for searching to see what has been posted on WS by other members. Just searching "caledonia jane doe eileen hynson
websleuths" pulled up the threads. One thing that is really important is to not duplicate our efforts and overburden LE with the same requests over and over. It decreases our credibility and reputation. It is also important to not over inflate one's self and inadvertently or deliberately put-down other members on this forum. As for Eileen, I think they ruled her out by age (maybe) and a closer look is warranted.
I thought Eileen was ruled out months and months ago?

Welcome back friend! Yes; Little Lulu submitted her; she was ruled out with finger prints. Baxter wanted her rechecked because we do not know where the finger prints came from & if they were really Eileen's.
Welcome back friend! Yes; Little Lulu submitted her; she was ruled out with finger prints. Baxter wanted her rechecked because we do not know where the finger prints came from & if they were really Eileen's.

I am happy a recheck is being done!
I only posted the photo...not my findings, to update the group here and hopefully renew hope that there are independent researchers, LE, ME and investigaters outside this forum who have been working on this case for years. We can't possibly be duplicating suggestions here. I read the thread after getting confirmation of our review. As you can see I don't present cases here for suggestions and rarely make comments. So, again, I was not duplicating anything. When Eileens photo became public we felt we had something to present along with the research done years ago. I am sorry but I get the sense this information did not make others happy. We just investigate, we don't keep score or seek credit. Many cases can't b4e commented on in open forum, but there was no reason not to let you know that Cali was getting a review. We can only hope it is her. If not, we continue the work and our own research. Again, I thought an update as to the progress would be appreciated. It is my fault for breaking my own rule on not posting info about on-going cases in a public forum
Keep up the good work...
I only posted the photo...not my findings, to update the group here and hopefully renew hope that there are independent researchers, LE, ME and investigaters outside this forum who have been working on this case for years. We can't possibly be duplicating suggestions here. I read the thread after getting confirmation of our review. As you can see I don't present cases here for suggestions and rarely make comments. So, again, I was not duplicating anything. When Eileens photo became public we felt we had something to present along with the research done years ago. I am sorry but I get the sense this information did not make others happy. We just investigate, we don't keep score or seek credit. Many cases can't b4e commented on in open forum, but there was no reason not to let you know that Cali was getting a review. We can only hope it is her. If not, we continue the work and our own research. Again, I thought an update as to the progress would be appreciated. It is my fault for breaking my own rule on not posting info about on-going cases in a public forum
Keep up the good work...

Please tell me who or what is offending you? Lucy hasn't been around to see what happened; she was working with us. We remember she was ruled out but don't remember how.
I've already said I agree to have her looked at again; we don't know where they got the prints from. I really hope Cali gets identified; she's been known as Cali far too long.

Please stop taking things wrong. We're all working for the same thing. We value everyone's input
I have to wonder also how Nancy Lynn Jason was ruled out. While I didn't at first find her to particularly resemble the UID all that much (appearances can change when you lose weight, etc), the more I look at her, the more I see all of Cali's features. There are several reasons that she piques my interest.

1) She and Cali Doe both have type A- blood. Only 7% of the Caucasian population in the United States has type A- blood.
2) Nancy was known to hitchhike
3) Both she and Cali Doe had brown hair and brown eyes
4) Both she and Cali Doe share upturned noses
5) Nancy was likely heading to Florida. Cali Doe's pollen analysis indicated she could have traveled to Florida.
6)Nancy's teeth and chin look very similar to Cali Doe
7) Nancy liked to make jewelry and it's noted that the necklace that Cali Doe had on had a "homemade" appearance.

I am convinced for all these reasons that Nancy Jason should definitely be looked at again!

Doe Network Unidentified Girl.jpgjason_nancy.jpg
I have to wonder also how Nancy Lynn Jason was ruled out. While I didn't at first find her to particularly resemble the UID all that much (appearances can change when you lose weight, etc), the more I look at her, the more I see all of Cali's features. There are several reasons that she piques my interest.

1) She and Cali Doe both have type A- blood. Only 7% of the Caucasian population in the United States has type A- blood.
2) Nancy was known to hitchhike
3) Both she and Cali Doe had brown hair and brown eyes
4) Both she and Cali Doe share upturned noses
5) Nancy was likely heading to Florida. Cali Doe's pollen analysis indicated she could have traveled to Florida.
6)Nancy's teeth and chin look very similar to Cali Doe
7) Nancy liked to make jewelry and it's noted that the necklace that Cali Doe had on had a "homemade" appearance.

I am convinced for all these reasons that Nancy Jason should definitely be looked at again!

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They ruled her out through DNA.
We thought she was a good possible too when we submitted her Feb 2013. Nancy Jason ruled out via DNA March 2013 (Nameless Helper confirmed 10/1/13)
I have been following another case out of Australia, McCulkin family. See link below. One of the interesting things that I recently read was that the family was seeking assistance to get into a safe house, then disappeared. It is a long shot and most likely they were murdered, but I saw a bit of a resemblance in Vicki with Cali. Is it possible they made it to the states? I know even in the 1980's when I went overseas with my parents, checking passports was hit or miss...Very much a long shot.

This article talks about a safe house...

Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 12.30.47 PM.png
It's been awhile since I've had time to research Cali. So a big THANK YOU to all who are working so hard on her case!!!

Vicki McCulkin is an interesting theory. I do see some Cali in her. If not the three McCulkin ladies, then maybe just Vicki was able to get out of Australia. Her mother had knowledge of some very nasty stuff, no doubt her daughters were living in an extremely dysfunctional situation, and perhaps it caught up with Vicki who was now in the US. The way Cali was murdered was execution-style, which could be a payback for whatever her mother knew and/or told Australian law enforcement. It's possible the Australian criminals made or had connections in the US and got to Vicki.
Unidentified White Female
Located on November 9, 1979 in Caledonia, Livingston County, New York.

Estimated Date of Death is November 8, 1979
Died as a result of severe brain hemorrhage caused by a gunshot wound to the head.

Vital Statistics
Estimated age: 13 - 19 years old. Her estimated date of birth is 1958-1967.
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'3; 120 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: She had curly brown, shoulder length hair which had been frosted about four months before her death. The frosted hair was in the process of growing out. She had brown eyes. She was tanned and had visible bikini lines. She had no distinguishing marks. The victim had had no broken bones that would have been in a hospital's records. It didn't look as though she had received much medical attention of any kind.
Dentals: She has some serious decay and tooth #14 was decayed to the extent that only three roots of the tooth were left. She did have some dental work to suggest that the dentist was not trained in the US.

Clothing: She was wearing a a boy's multi-plaid, button-down shirt, tan corduroy pants, blue knee socks, light blue panties; white exquisite bra; brown laceup, ripple-sole shoes and a red nylon-lined man's windbreaker with black stripes down the arms, marked with the inside label Auto Sports Products, Inc..
The Doe Network Case File 1UFNY
NCIC Number: U-157617149

Case History
The victim was discovered by a passing motorist at 10am in a Caledonia, NY cornfield on November 9, 1979. She was found about 20 ft. from the south side of Route 20, about ½ mile from the intersection of Route 5.
She was fully clothed and there was no evidence that she had been sexu*ally molested. Her pockets had been turned inside out, possibly to remove any identification.

An examination of the girl's stomach contents turned up pieces of meat, corn and potatoes. A waitress from a small dinner in Lima, New York, remembered seeing the girl the night before the murder, but she couldn't remember anything more.

She died of two gunshot wounds; one to the back and one to the right temple. The coroner estimated that she was killed the previous night, (November 8) and that the gunshot wound to her back was inflicted prior to the head wound. The victim was apparently shot by the road where a blood spot marked the earth. Then she was dragged into the cornfield and shot again.

Police speculated that the murder weapon used was a .38-caliber handgun. Ballistics experts dug up a slug buried in the dirt underneath the victim. The slug was tested against literally hundreds of other bullets fired from guns seized by police. Over the years, the Livingston County probers traced weapons to as far away as Canada, Europe, and Mexico, but they were never able to match the slug to a murder weapon.

Although the victim is still unknown, over 60 serial killers have come forward claiming responsibility for her death. Henry Lucas and Ottis Toole took credit for killing the unidentified girl in the corn field. At the time, Lucas claimed to have killed over 100 people. Toole often accompanied Lucas on his killing sprees. At the time, Toole was serving time in a Florida state prison, and Lucas was on death row in Texas. The two serial killers claimed they were together when they killed the girl in the cornfield. Toole said he picked up the girl in a park near Philadelphia and traveled with her for a while before he took her out in the cornfield off Route 20 and shot her twice. Authorities were not able to account for the whereabouts of either Lucas or Toole during the time of the murder. Both had been seen in New York State several months before the murder.

Serial killer Chris Wilder was also looked at as a suspect. What sparked investigators interest was Wilder's fas*cination with racing cars. The Livingston County victim's jacket was designed to look like a racing jacket. Wilder was known to be in the area and hiding from the police at the time of the killing. Wilder was, however, killed before the police got a chance to talk to him.

Several truckers also called in with information about a young girl who was traveling and catching rides where she could. One trucker swore he saw the girl the night before she was murdered trying to hitch a ride to Boston from a nearby truck stop.

Police have followed up over 10,000 leads, all to no avail.
The girl's fingerprints were sent to FBI headquarters, but her prints weren't on file.

Jane Doe rests in Dansville, New York. The inscription says, "Lest we forget an unidentified girl. November 9. 1979. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

The victim was wearing a necklace, made with silver beads and three small turquoise stones, one resembling a bird. The necklace was probably homemade-possibly native American- but the best detectives could figure was that it was made somewhere in the Southwest.
The victim was also wearing two key chains that were attached to the front belt loops of her jeans. One key chain, in the shape of a heart, was inscribed, "He who holds the Key can open my heart." The other key chain held the key that fit the small silver heart. The key chains could have been bought in almost any roadside gift shop.

Additional Case Information
Locale of Region
Caledonia, NY is located in the Finger Lakes region of the state and is close in proximity to the Canadian border. Some theories about the victim's identity include the possibility that she was not American, but Canadian. Searches of the Canadian missing persons' databases have not provided any information on a possible ID match for this victim. Route 20 runs parallel to Interstate 90. The crime scene was just past the bifur*cation of Routes 5 and 20 on the south side of the road. On the north side, a small pull-off for truckers and motorists offered a rest area for travelers. Tanned Complexion of the Victim
She had tan lines, suggesting that she had recently lain in the sun in a halter top. Tanning salons were not common in 1979, it is believed that she had recently vacationed somewhere tropical or was from a region more conducive to tanning in November. Furthermore, the victim's hair was lightly frosted in the front, a hairstyle popular on the beach. Clothing Manufacturer
Auto Sports Products. The jackets were a one-shot promotional gimmick. There was no way to track where they had gone after they were distributed.
One caller told investigators that she thought the victim's shoes were popular in the Venjiont area during the late 1970s.

Livingston County Sheriff's Office 585-243-7120


I wonder if there could be a connection with the serial killer called Dr.No.The Dr.No sketch looks similar to the sketch of the suspect in the Caledonia Jane Doe. Some more here.
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