Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

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<Respectfully snipped>

Hi Colonel, A bit of misunderstanding on a couple of fronts. I said on #1263 “Not that I've heard of here in Oz. Surely you're not suggesting pro bono in a huge case? I've never heard of that”

However when you asked in #1272 “What Makes A Lawyer WantTo Take A Case Pro Bono?” I took it that you were referring to pro bona cases per se, not the huge ones. I then gave the reasons. on the other hand was obviously referring to the large ones.

So to clarify for all, I only retired last year and never followed any overseas trials until OP’s. Not only had I not heard of any of the cases referred to by G.Bing, neither had I heard of Jodi Arias until I joined the forum. When Australian trials are on the news, the question of whether it was pro bono would never be mentioned. If G.Bing can show me any large Australian trials where it was done pro bono I’d like to see them.

Are we good now? :)

My list was not only large cases and most pro bono cases are not large. IMO pro bono work is rarely done for publicity more especially in the UK since trials have limited and controlled reporting and none televised. And in the US pro bono advocates for Guantanamo detainees would hardly be doing it for publicity since anything concerning terrorism doesn't score high on the popularity scale, and the Innocence Project's cases are rarely widely publicised and I never heard of one that was televised.

In respect of Australian trials can't say I've seen more than a couple reported here either when a UK person is involved or the odd outback murderer... or was that the same trial! And with the limited reporting here I only know of one in the UK, the McLibel case, where McDonald's sued two 'London Greenpeace' activists (not Greenpeace Int.) for their campaign: "What's wrong with McDonald's", and since Legal Aid does not cover libel they were forced to represent themselves albeit with substantial pro bono input. It's a fantastic David and Goliath case which lasted some 10 years, and polls showed McDonald's received more negative publicity from the case than they did from the few pamphlets distributed by the campaign, and to boot it cost McD's some £2m or more and the activists only £30k. McD's did win on some counts and were awarded by the High Court £60k but the activists appealed and the Court of Appeal reduced the damages to £40k. The activists then took the UK government to the ECHR and were awarded £57k for the government's failure to protect the public right to a fair trial and to criticise the practices of large corporations.
Thanks for this.


I wonder whether, when they are compiling those stats, they take into account that in SA for every woman who gains in equality another less equal one is murdered.

That would skew the results to reflect a net gain, yes?

I went and checked WHO out. When they're talking about gender inequality it covers health, education, earning potential and political empowerment. It doesn't look like DV figures in this at all.
Absolutely, we are good!

Another place things went off the rails was when you wrote "oz ". I didn't know that meant Australia. I thought you were talking about Oscar... as in Oz, Ozzie...

This is my first trial. I have no idea how I began to watch it, because it had been going on for a couple of weeks. I had to binge watch to catch up. (Not to be confused with Cousin Binge.)

I found my way to WS via Juror13. I googled ferociously trying to find an intelligent conversation vs the shallow drivel that's everywhere else.


:floorlaugh: And we call ourselves Aussies (pronounced Ozzies, not Ossies).
....copied from prior thread

My thoughts: due to the following points (which were testified to in court), I don't believe we have any evidence that supports him having any concern/issue with the fans or the sliding balcony door:

1. ME testimony about food in Reeva's stomach & approximate time she last ate something. Therefore, she's awake during early morning hours of Valentine's Day.
2. Testimony of arguing heard by neighbor, and the time of this arguing. Neighbor resorted to placing pillow over her head to try and drown it out. Supports both being awake (and much sooner than when OP claims to have awoken, in bed, with Reeva at his side).
3. Early photos taken of crime scene show balcony door open, drapes/curtains open, fans not moved to location OP claims they were, placement of duvet, Reeva's jeans, etc. 1st pictures taken don't support this story.

Other than the ever changing testimony of the man who killed Reeva, and "fighting for his life", the testimony & evidence seem to contradict that issue ever actually being a concern for OP, IMO.

I do agree with your statement re adding additional, unnecessary information can often signal having greater significance than it appears. However, in this case I just think OP needed a reason to have his back to Reeva so she can get to the bathroom without being seen/heard by the man madly in love with her and worried for her safety. So much so, that for 15 min of "life threatening danger" he doesn't even have eye contact or any 2-way communication with her, while in the same room with her. I just don't think any of the "fan/door story" is real, other than them being in the bedroom with him.

I think also, OP wanted to drill it into Masipa's/people's mind that it was part of his regime, whoever goes to bed last takes in the fans and closes balcony door and curtains. BS imo.

Another question, was OP ever directly asked if he moved anything after he shot Reeva? I don't remember Nel asking him but I think he should have, it would be interesting to hear OP's explanation and the wording of it.
We never did find out much about the trophies.

Published 17th March 2013

“… the amputee runner’s prized trophies were strewn across the floor when officers arrived – and some were damaged. Investigators believe this may point to a row.

Officers are trying to establish whether the awards might have ended up around his home during an alleged dispute.

One police source said: ‘We don’t know why the trophies were all over the floor. You would think Oscar would take good care of them and have them on shelves or in cabinets. One had been wrecked and they were in an untidy mess. What really matters is that Oscar fired four shots at Reeva and killed her’”.
Col Mustard - when I insert an image, I select it from my computer and then I get this pop up with the upload option.

View attachment 62607

Do you see a different page?

This pop up I don't know, giggl. I don't know, how to copy MY pop up to show you. - I would have explained to Mrs. Colonel, but I have a problem with designation and I'm not savvy at all.
I will try:
Select a picture, save it to file.
On WS "Reply to Thread/Reply with Quote", write your text,
go to "Go advanced", click, go down to "Manage attachment", click, window opens, go up to the right to "Add Files", click, "seek", click, open file with pic, go to "upload", click, you see the pic at the bottom left, go down right to "insert", click, go to "done", click, attachment is done. If required, you copy it to the desired spot (often ends up where it should not be!!!).

I hope, it's not explained completely wrong ... :smile:

AimeeCarlPsych.jpg (my test now)
This is an audio only recording of Magistrate Desmond Nair reading out his reasons why OP was granted bail. Nair outlines all the mistakes by Hilton Botha etc. but this part at 1:47:20 is the most compelling. It is here, in Nair's very own speech, that he was instructing the trial judge to let OP completely off without any charge, imo, Masipa was guided by him and commenced the trial with that as her final goal unless swayed by public opposition, of which she was. This is bloody pathetic!!!!!



Magistrate Desmond Nair -

"Even by the state's own concession, he may at WORSE CASE SCENARIO face Culpable Homicide. I even pointed out, that in as much as the minimum sentence legislation may be applicable, there is of course, provision for exceptional circumstances or substantial and compelling circumstance which would cause the trial judge to deviate if necessary, so it may not necessarily be the case that he is now committed to face 15 years imprisonment or life in prison."

Among all the reasons Nair gave why OP would not run from appearing at his own trial, for example, having assets worth 5millionR, being a well-known figure.......
Magistrate Nair concludes why should OP run when he doesn't face imprisonment???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Lemon Mousse replied to:

1490 Squoozitips
You remember Henke finally admitting the ammo was his? I wasn't sure if I imagined hearing that!

The answer seems to have been yes AND that it was NOT Henke's ammo.


1. Was it Oscar's? (logical guess)

2. Even so, why would Henke refuse to sign a (bogus) affidavit (to save his son's a$$)?

If his dad wouldn't help him - and frankly, never had, I can relate to that. My parents were exactly that way ( and it hurt). Some people/some parents are like that. "While [almost] anyone can have kids, not everyone should."

My opinion to this: Henke refused to sign a (bogus) affidavit (to save his son's a$$). He took the only proper education measure. OP has never been held accountable for any wrongs. He kicked Henke as his manager and broke up with him. But on 14th April 2013 Henke was good for OP to use him as an excuse for storage of his illegal ammunition.
Finally Henke signed, because he then had to much compassion with his nasty son.
Yet another example of the perpetrator becoming the victim.

Zola Tongo is the driver of the car in the Dewani case. He&#8217;s currently serving 18 years for his part in the murder. This is what he said last week.

Q. What trouble did you go to, to get Monde&#8217;s [the fixer who hooked Tongo up with the two assassins] services?&#8221; asked Van Zyl.

A. I went to a lot of trouble. I used MY phone to phone Monde; I used my petrol. I sacrificed my life for this to happen. There are many troubles I went to,&#8221; Tongo angrily replied. I sacrificed my life.

Yes, that didn't go unnoticed, lol. :D
I do not have the exact transcripts - what I managed to find are these:

As for him charging OP for premeditated and not CH, even though he was the lead investigator, there were other officers in the team and they had access to all (or most) the information collected; so it may not have been up to him alone to decide what to charge OP for. What I am suggesting they did is more subtle.

Thanks for these links. I also use enca and news24 who had live blogs over the 4 days.

19 Feb 2013

20 Feb 2013

21 Feb 2013

22 Feb 2013

Also, if you know a reporter who was tweeting from the court room on the day, you can get all their tweets via Topsy e.g. to get Karyn Maughan's tweets for 18-23 Feb 2013 (just to make sure every day is covered):

You'll see it only offers the first 100 tweets over 10 pages but as you scroll forward it puts an offset into the address e.g.


Just keep upping the number by 10 to see tweets beyond this limit.

Does anyone know an easier way?
I went and checked WHO out. When they're talking about gender inequality it covers health, education, earning potential and political empowerment. It doesn't look like DV figures in this at all.

Oh, no!

I should have added...


Sorry about that. :eek:hoh:
This pop up I don't know, giggl. I don't know, how to copy MY pop up to show you. - I would have explained to Mrs. Colonel, but I have a problem with designation and I'm not savvy at all.
I will try:
Select a picture, save it to file.
On WS "Reply to Thread/Reply with Quote", write your text,
go to "Go advanced", click, go down to "Manage attachment", click, window opens, go up to the right to "Add Files", click, "seek", click, open file with pic, go to "upload", click, you see the pic at the bottom left, go down right to "insert", click, go to "done", click, attachment is done. If required, you copy it to the desired spot (often ends up where it should not be!!!).

I hope, it's not explained completely wrong ... :smile:

View attachment 62630 (my test now)

You use the "GO ADVANCED" edit? I'm still struggling with the Basic edit! Ha!

(Yes, it helps! Thanks to you both!)

:: PS::

Oscar's babysitter, Dr. Arts&Crafts, the woman sitting between Carl and Aimee, above, testified that she only cried in court once ... when OP was pulling off his legs.

I don't think this picture was taken then, was it? Maybe it was! If so, they were all crying because he pulled off his legs??

If not and this is showing her at another time... Well, when she was in the dock, Nell should have put on his most commanding voice and boomed out in her direction..

YOU! __ ARE! __ LYING!"!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Mr. Nel - Yes, M'lady? - mind your language. - JM)

"Reeva Steenkamp's Parents Preparing for Contentious, If Not Violent, 'Altercation' With Oscar Pistorius?

The mother of Oscar Pistorius' slain girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp said a meeting with the double-amputee sprinter is inevitable, but suggests it will be much more contentious than amicable.

June Steenkamp told the British newspaper, The Guardian, that she and her husband Barry are preparing themselves to have a face-to-face meeting one day with Pistorius, in which Reeva's 68-year-old mother said she intended to ask him why he shot and killed their daughter."

"Don't expect the encounter to provide healing, June Steenkamp said. In fact, the meeting is almost certain to provoke buried hostility.

"What can he say? Sorry is not enough," she told the Guardian. "What can he say and what would we want to talk to him about? I don't know.

"But one day that confrontation will come. Altercation? Maybe. Violence? No, I don't think so. But that day has to come."

Reeva Steenkamp was going to leave Oscar Pistorius on the night she was killed?

The fact that she can't even guarantee a meeting without violence still speaks to the rage she and her husband feel - even though June said that "You have to move forward with forgiveness; otherwise you carry all the hate inside your heart.

"So I have forgiven. It's got nothing to do with how I feel about the case, it's just something I'm compelled to do."
In re: Carl ... baiting.

I hate to be dense, but exactly what are you guys talking about?

Baiting is like when you bait for fish ... you put some bait on the end of a fishing line, hoping for a 'bite' .. this is the same thing as when someone on the internet (or in real life!) keeps on saying things deliberately to provoke a reaction (that's the bait) and then people will start reacting to it (so that's when the baiter gets people to 'bite', just like the fish would bite on the bait) .. and then there is also a phrase for those people who have reacted, which is that they have 'taken the bait'. Hope that makes sense!

Magistrate Desmond Nair -

"Even by the state's own concession, he may at WORSE CASE SCENARIO face Culpable Homicide. I even pointed out, that in as much as the minimum sentence legislation may be applicable, there is of course, provision for exceptional circumstances or substantial and compelling circumstance which would cause the trial judge to deviate if necessary, so it may not necessarily be the case that he is now committed to face 15 years imprisonment or life in prison."

Among all the reasons Nair gave why OP would not run from appearing at his own trial, for example, having assets worth 5millionR, being a well-known figure.......
Magistrate Nair concludes why should OP run when he doesn't face imprisonment???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! :mad:


No wonder OP was arrogant and smirking in court, and partying and chasing women after hours.

He thought it was meaningless.

What he never counted on was the Bulldog!

If you haven't heard Nell's official Fan Club theme song, yet, watch at least the first 30 seconds below.

[video]&lt;iframe width="382" height="215" src="//" [/video]


4.07pm GMT Nel is trying to make the point that even if you plan a murder you can still be struck by remorse afterwards. Pistorius dropped the gun after firing, Nel says.

Nel suggests that the gun is immediately put down after firing because OP realises what he has done. Is this why OP's version in court becomes that he searched the bedroom, opened the curtains, blinds and balcony doors, yelled help (all on his stumps and in the dark), kicked, barged and pulled at the toilet door, and fetched the cricket bat (still dark) ... all with a cocked gun in his hand? He only put it down briefly to put on his prostheses.
Baiting is like when you bait for fish ... you put some bait on the end of a fishing line, hoping for a 'bite' .. this is the same thing as when someone on the internet (or in real life!) keeps on saying things deliberately to provoke a reaction (that's the bait) and then people will start reacting to it (so that's when the baiter gets their 'bite') .. and then a phrase for those people who have reacted can be that they have 'taken the bait'. Hope that makes sense!

Thanks for this but... and... who would Carl be baiting?

I mean, his brother is sitting in the slammer wearing a glow-in-the-dark onesie and jailbird slippers.
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