GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 5

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OT but if anyone followed Paige Birgfeld's case, they finally made an arrest. 7 years later.
No Justice- I just realized that if one of my best friends was accused of any crime, my defensive/protective nature would have me vocal in support of them until facts were release (for or against). Thank you for your presence here and defending her name. This is often not the case and if someone is accused/exonerated they've already been convicted in the court of opinion and it's hard for others to believe after the fact.

I might have in the past but many years ago my significant other went on TV and swore up and down that his friend & employee was completely innocent regarding a missing person. Several months later, the body was found - buried on property owned by my SO's business! Lesson learned.
The mass move of IT to "the cloud" has taken place over the last year or two. Three years ago would have been light years in the past for most IT shops. I would believe that with the increased storage capacities available now, all text information is maintained for quite a bit longer now.

My Android phone automatically backs up to something related to my gmail account. Only found out when my teen & I had traded phones for a while. All of his deleted photos showed back up on the phone when I logged in to my gmail. Some were... photos most people would not want their mom to see, LOL.
This post is about Websleuths Verified Insiders in general; to clarify - not just on Beverly's case here, but on any of the WS cases. Do Verified Insiders usually, generally, maybe, maybe not, yes, no, etc. work with LE in regards to what they can and cannot say on here? And the same applies to - do they report back to LE what is and isn't said here?
Just curious as I saw this mentioned in another thread/case on WS that these things do take place and it made me curious as to if there is any truth to it??
I might have in the past but many years ago my significant other went on TV and swore up and down that his friend & employee was completely innocent regarding a missing person. Several months later, the body was found - buried on property owned by my SO's business! Lesson learned.

Yes.....I've found out too not to vouche for anyone. Heck, I can barely figure out what me, myself, & I are capable of! :)
This post is about Websleuths Verified Insiders in general; to clarify - not just on Beverly's case here, but on any of the WS cases. Do Verified Insiders usually, generally, maybe, maybe not, yes, no, etc. work with LE in regards to what they can and cannot say on here? And the same applies to - do they report back to LE what is and isn't said here?
Just curious as I saw this mentioned in another thread/case on WS that these things do take place and it made me curious as to if there is any truth to it??

I think verified insider just means they know people involved in a case and the websleuth staff has verified that relationship.
I'm not saying she killed anybody....

After her arrest she received a $600 child support payment. Somehow she was able to get this money put onto her prison account for candy bars and sodas... Despite the fact that her daughter went to live with her dad with nothing but the clothes on her back.... The house was a crime scene so she wasn't allowed to get anything.

One week prior to her arrest she failed a court ordered drug test at a child custody hearing.... And not just for marijuana... The hard stuff.

A few months before the kidnapping and murder of Beverly Carter... Arron Lewis (while unemployed) somehow managed to buy Crystal some new *advertiser censored*. I wonder where that money came from??
I'm not saying she killed anybody....

After her arrest she received a $600 child support payment. Somehow she was able to get this money put onto her prison account for candy bars and sodas... Despite the fact that her daughter went to live with her dad with nothing but the clothes on her back.... The house was a crime scene so she wasn't allowed to get anything.

One week prior to her arrest she failed a court ordered drug test at a child custody hearing.... And not just for marijuana... The hard stuff.

A few months before the kidnapping and murder of Beverly Carter... Arron Lewis (while unemployed) somehow managed to buy Crystal some new *advertiser censored*. I wonder where that money came from??

Sounds like you're an insider. Tell us more. What drug did she test positive for, was that the PCP and then they took a hair sample that supposedly was negative for drugs? Have her kids come back to Little Rock to visit their mother in county jail?
What do you want to know? Her kids have not been to visit her...but they will at some point. She speaks to her children regularly.
What do you want to know? Her kids have not been to visit her...but they will at some point. She speaks to her children regularly.

How do you think he got money to get her a boob job? Was the boob job before she started at nursing school? Where was she on the night that the kidnapping occurred? Where was she that weekend? Are you friends with her? Do you think she's guilty in any of this?
I think he got the money from where he has always gotten money from....from lying, robbing, and scamming. I think she didn't care where the money came from as long as it kept coming in. I have no idea when she started nursing school, but she got the *advertiser censored* in late spring/early summer of this year. I don't know where she was on the night of the kidnapping...but I know she sent her daughter to spend the night at a friends house (which was unusual because it was a school night) the daughter was "sent away" by mom between 3-4pm before she "went to school" that night. Typically the daughter stayed at home when mom was in class. The daughter stayed with that friend throughout the entire weekend. I am not friends with her....but I know that both she and Arron were at home together Friday night when the house was toilet papered by the daughters friends. I don't know if she was present for the actual kidnapping/killing or not, but she has already admitted to family members that she knew Beverly was dead by Sunday. (she probably knew way before that) It is my OPINION that she will at least be charged with accessory after the fact.
I'm not saying she killed anybody....

After her arrest she received a $600 child support payment. Somehow she was able to get this money put onto her prison account for candy bars and sodas... Despite the fact that her daughter went to live with her dad with nothing but the clothes on her back.... The house was a crime scene so she wasn't allowed to get anything.

One week prior to her arrest she failed a court ordered drug test at a child custody hearing.... And not just for marijuana... The hard stuff.

A few months before the kidnapping and murder of Beverly Carter... Arron Lewis (while unemployed) somehow managed to buy Crystal some new *advertiser censored*. I wonder where that money came from??

How would anyone have information about her child support and what she is buying in jail? The house was a crime scene only for a few days. The daughter had gone to live with the dad prior to the house becoming a crime scene.

The drug test was a false positive. We have already discussed here that court papers reflect she passed a hair follicle test.

Just FYI she had new *advertiser censored* before she met AL.
I think he got the money from where he has always gotten money from....from lying, robbing, and scamming. I think she didn't care where the money came from as long as it kept coming in. I have no idea when she started nursing school, but she got the *advertiser censored* in late spring/early summer of this year. I don't know where she was on the night of the kidnapping...but I know she sent her daughter to spend the night at a friends house (which was unusual because it was a school night) the daughter was "sent away" by mom between 3-4pm before she "went to school" that night. Typically the daughter stayed at home when mom was in class. The daughter stayed with that friend throughout the entire weekend. I am not friends with her....but I know that both she and Arron were at home together Friday night when the house was toilet papered by the daughters friends. I don't know if she was present for the actual kidnapping/killing or not, but she has already admitted to family members that she knew Beverly was dead by Sunday. (she probably knew way before that) It is my OPINION that she will at least be charged with accessory after the fact.

Not trying to be disrespectful but she had the *advertiser censored* before AL. The daughter spent the night every clinical night away from home. She was not "sent away" as you put it. In fact between 3-4 the daughter would have been at school since school gets out at 4:00 pm and the pick up was already arranged for the sleep over that evening because the person she stayed with picked her up from school. The daughter never stayed at home when CL was gone to clinical.

the TP incident was already reported here. I doubt she has admitted anything to family members. Did you not watch her perp walk?

I think you are repeating rumors that are floating around without any actual knowledge. If CL FB page was still up it would verify when she got the *advertiser censored*. AL was not in the picture. In fact, I think he was still in jail.

As to the child support the court papers have her paying support now not the ex spouse so how would she get $600? That would not make sense.
I think he got the money from where he has always gotten money from....from lying, robbing, and scamming. I think she didn't care where the money came from as long as it kept coming in. I have no idea when she started nursing school, but she got the *advertiser censored* in late spring/early summer of this year. I don't know where she was on the night of the kidnapping...but I know she sent her daughter to spend the night at a friends house (which was unusual because it was a school night) the daughter was "sent away" by mom between 3-4pm before she "went to school" that night. Typically the daughter stayed at home when mom was in class. The daughter stayed with that friend throughout the entire weekend. I am not friends with her....but I know that both she and Arron were at home together Friday night when the house was toilet papered by the daughters friends. I don't know if she was present for the actual kidnapping/killing or not, but she has already admitted to family members that she knew Beverly was dead by Sunday. (she probably knew way before that) It is my OPINION that she will at least be charged with accessory after the fact.

Just wondering your relationship to the accused murderers? Are you the dad of the kids? Seems like only family or close friends would know information about where money went to buy snacks and if the children are talking to her. And what she told her family she knew by Sunday. Are you a friend of the family, family, neighbor, just passing on rumors?
How would anyone have information about her child support and what she is buying in jail? The house was a crime scene only for a few days. The daughter had gone to live with the dad prior to the house becoming a crime scene.

The drug test was a false positive. We have already discussed here that court papers reflect she passed a hair follicle test.

Just FYI she had new *advertiser censored* before she met AL.

I don't know exactly what she is buying in jail...I was being sarcastic. But I know that she transferred her last child support payment onto her prison account because SHE SAID SHE DID. The child support issue has been resolved.

The daughter went to her dads on the day she was arrested for possession of a the stolen phone (CL was released later that night). But at that time the house was a crime scene. A few days later (after agreeing that she should stay with dad for at least a week) she drove to Kansas in the middle of the night and texted her daughter when she got there to sneak out. (the daughter wanted to go back to moms so she agreed) So when dad, step-mom, and brother woke up she was just gone.... She drove 14 hours round trip and didn't bother to see her son, because she knew she was being shady. Then dad filed for emergency custody (which was granted), and when he took physical custody of her Crystal refused to allow her to take any of her belongings.

And I don't know how long you have known Crystal....but Arron bought her the *advertiser censored*.
I am family of her ex-husband (father of 2 of her 3 children)
I am family of her ex-husband (father of 2 of her 3 children)

So are you saying her ex husband told you she said that she knew BC was dead by Sunday? Where are you getting this information? Please do tell us more.

I have to continue to respectfully disagree with you on the *advertiser censored*. I remember when she got them. AL was not in the picture but I do know who purchased them for her.
NJ...His child support to her was $600/month. It was set up automatically to come out of his paycheck and the last payment was transferred to her after her arrest.

As to the daughter staying with a friend Thurs night.....My information comes DIRECTLY out of the daughters mouth to me. On Thursday, Sept. 25 the daughter was at home after school with both AL and CL . There was a conversation about weather she (the daughter) was going to stay home that night while mom was at school or go stay with a friend. It was decided that she would go stay with a friend.
I am family of her ex-husband (father of 2 of her 3 children)

Is her possible involvement in this kidnapping/murder, or even helping cover it up or not report him, or whatever got her jailed with some major charges, was that a total shock to this side of her family or did you think someday she would be involved with AL in some manner with his crazy scammer lifestyle? I do know people can change quickly when around certain people and drugs whether she was using or not. Did anybody see this kind of thing coming with her and AL. Not specifically kidnapping and/or murder, but crime and punishment?
NJ...His child support to her was $600/month. It was set up automatically to come out of his paycheck and the last payment was transferred to her after her arrest.

As to the daughter staying with a friend Thurs night.....My information comes DIRECTLY out of the daughters mouth to me. On Thursday, Sept. 25 the daughter was at home after school with both AL and CL . There was a conversation about weather she (the daughter) was going to stay home that night while mom was at school or go stay with a friend. It was decided that she would go stay with a friend.

I know the person the daughter stayed with personally. She picked the daughter up at school that Thursday because CL was already at clinicals. She had to be at clinicals at 4:30 p.m. and it's a good 20 minute drive just to get to LR from Jacksonville. If there was $600 paid before the arrest then that was before the order that she now pays child support so legally that money was for the previous month and would be her money. I will ask around about it. I think I know who is handling her affairs while she is in jail.

Why didn't the dad come and get the daughters clothes when he had the chance? He was a no show. I know this for a fact from the person who had to clean out her house when the dad was a no show because that person had to round up other friends to get the house cleaned out before the realtor locked everything up in it.
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