GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #32 *Arrest*

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Dr. Phil had a guy 'Tony' on his show yesterday. He is 32 yo and his mom is an enabler (topic of show).
Tony crushes Oxycodone into a powder (must be easy to do), puts it into a paper bill and snorts it.
Thirty bucks a crack, many, many times a day.
He's hooked on the upper and downer combinations.
Everything is crushed and goes up the nose.
Something looked familiar about Tony. His eyes. Brown, sort of with a fixed deer in the headlights gaze.
Remind anybody of anyone else?

I didn't see the show, but he sounds very familiar. Kids snort anything now days - including candy - Smarties. Why?
On the right side I still believe he hit something. I had no clue of the damage to the left. Detective yesterday stated that it was not a as bad as the right side. I believe she said dented on left side. I saw the left side of his vehicle right after Christina went missing but I don't remember thinking it was damaged so I assume the dents weren't huge. Now that could maybe be from kicks I would think? That's just my opinion though. The right side damage no way he punched and hit with his forearm and did that.

I'm trying to think of what could cause damage to both sides of a car and its making me crazy. Any ideas out there?
I mentioned the accident (if you can even call it that) my 17 yo self had.
I'm also trying to think of tight spaces with unexpected obstacles to navigate. Wooded area..junk yard...driving behind road blocks? I am stuck on that car damage.
You said:

My problem is you said this yesterday:

"Detective Stamm said, if we are to believe the reporters tweets, that they have no evidence of a sexual assault. That was the basis of the arrest warrant, point 4 under the Texas Code on Aggravated Kidnapping."

Which was later clarified by the original tweeter and in the thread:

She tried to clarify what she tweeted here:

"Catherine Ross ‏@CatherineNBC5 - They're trying to make the point that in general, DNA doesn't always mean assault. A little confusing

I think it was her wording making it even more confusing, but difficult sometimes in 140 characters to get a point across."

The detective didn't say there is no evidence of sexual assault.. he said that DNA does not prove sexual assault. They may have other evidence that we don't know about. IMO.

Then you repeat the line that the detective said they have no evidence of sexual assault even though that's not what he said.

But, more importantly, a lot of DNA in his trunk and fresh injuries on EA - isn't that enough for an AK charge? Not conviction - a charge. Obviously, it wasn't even close for the judge that heard this evidence.

Furthermore, why does it matter? LE is being thorough at building a case. Not being snarky - but why does it matter at this point if the charge isn't the exact correct one? It's appropriate enough to keep him in jail and if LE determines other charges are more appropriate - they'll indict on those.

The conviction doesn't hinge upon finding DNA. With AK, the conviction hinges upon the accused having the intent to commit the crime.

And, it matters because if they misapply the law at any stage, from arrest to trial, an appeals court will overturn the conviction.

As it is, according to the arrest warrant affidavit, the only thing they rely upon to work to 20.04 (a)(4) is a different girl thought he came on to her, not CM. Therefore, if this thing goes to trial as an AK, you are caught in SB says he came onto me, EA denies it.

I think with a murder charge, he's got no wiggle room. I think with a murder charge, you have, "Well, her blood DNA is in your car and she's nowhere to be found after all this time."

Overarching that, I can't find anywhere, in any state, a conviction for Aggravated Kidnapping with no witness or body. Murder without a body, those do exist.

And, again, I think hanging murder over his head, in that state - Texas - gives him more impetus to give up the name of possible third party involvement.

As it stands now, what has he got to gain by talking? If he says nothing, he's got a pretty good dice roll at trial and on appeal on an AK with no body.

I think the difference here is I'm looking way down the line; others are looking for just convicting him at trial. Trial, I believe, will be difficult enough if they are going AK. Appeal would be certain.

It's fine. I take no offense at people disagreeing with me over what the charge should be. I just think they should be going to murder. The AK charge doesn't seem to move the needle for him as far as talking. And, he's the only one, or one of only two, who knows where she is, so you want him to talk. And, I think saving his own hide from the death penalty would really get his needle moving!
I'm trying to think of what could cause damage to both sides of a car and its making me crazy. Any ideas out there?
I mentioned the accident (if you can even call it that) my 17 yo self had.
I'm also trying to think of tight spaces with unexpected obstacles to navigate. Wooded area..junk yard...driving behind road blocks? I am stuck on that car damage.

I missed the story of your accident MissLu. What happened?

The car damage has me too - both sides. Maybe two vehicles pinned him in between them so he couldn't leave?
I'm trying to think of what could cause damage to both sides of a car and its making me crazy. Any ideas out there?
I mentioned the accident (if you can even call it that) my 17 yo self had.
I'm also trying to think of tight spaces with unexpected obstacles to navigate. Wooded area..junk yard...driving behind road blocks? I am stuck on that car damage.

I have been thinking about that too.. Maybe he squeezed into a tight place and hit something going in and the same thing going out. To have damage on both sides but not the front gets me thinking and thinking ...
The 4th and 14th Amendments, the Texas Rules of Evidence, The Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, and the State Bar of Texas agree with you.

Oddly enough, the defense attorney is doing what the law expects, and requires, him to do; which, for the 1,000th time, is good. You want a conviction to be nailed down tight against an appeal.

Crazy, right?

I want it nailed down tight. But I don't mind EA squirming for a while waiting for the evidence to be revealed. He already knows he has to worry about just how much LE knows.
On the right side I still believe he hit something. I had no clue of the damage to the left. Detective yesterday stated that it was not a as bad as the right side. I believe she said dented on left side. I saw the left side of his vehicle right after Christina went missing but I don't remember thinking it was damaged so I assume the dents weren't huge. Now that could maybe be from kicks I would think? That's just my opinion though. The right side damage no way he punched and hit with his forearm and did that.
Thank you, JMOM! I remember you saying you saw his car and didn't notice any damage because you only had view of the left side.
I'm wondering if there was any scratches or paint transfer on either side.
Also wanted to say my sincere hope is for you, Jonni and all of Christina's loved ones to get answers. It doesn't seem like too much to ask for, does it? I hope peace comes to all of you in some form.
The conviction doesn't hinge upon finding DNA. With AK, the conviction hinges upon the accused having the intent to commit the crime.

And, it matters because if they misapply the law at any stage, from arrest to trial, an appeals court will overturn the conviction.

As it is, according to the arrest warrant affidavit, the only thing they rely upon to work to 20.04 (a)(4) is a different girl thought he came on to her, not CM. Therefore, if this thing goes to trial as an AK, you are caught in SB says he came onto me, EA denies it.

I think with a murder charge, he's got no wiggle room. I think with a murder charge, you have, "Well, her blood DNA is in your car and she's nowhere to be found after all this time."

Overarching that, I can't find anywhere, in any state, a conviction for Aggravated Kidnapping with no witness or body. Murder without a body, those do exist.

And, again, I think hanging murder over his head, in that state - Texas - gives him more impetus to give up the name of possible third party involvement.

As it stands now, what has he got to gain by talking? If he says nothing, he's got a pretty good dice roll at trial and on appeal on an AK with no body.

I think the difference here is I'm looking way down the line; others are looking for just convicting him at trial. Trial, I believe, will be difficult enough if they are going AK. Appeal would be certain.

It's fine. I take no offense at people disagreeing with me over what the charge should be. I just think they should be going to murder. The AK charge doesn't seem to move the needle for him as far as talking. And, he's the only one, or one of only two, who knows where she is, so you want him to talk. And, I think saving his own hide from the death penalty would really get his needle moving!

:goodpost: I agree with you Quailfoot! No body. No footage to see if there was actually other people in the garage or car. The garage wasn't treated as a crime scene - I thought it should have been. Also, PPD allowing CM's father to drive CM's car away and a security guard also getting in the car prior to the forensics analysis on her car - Mistake. SN and CM being together at some point when SB, PP and EA went for burgers - curious to say the least.
I have been thinking about that too.. Maybe he squeezed into a tight place and hit something going in and the same thing going out. To have damage on both sides but not the front gets me thinking and thinking ...

Did the crash data ever come back from the airbag computer? Of course, I assume the airbags never deployed with side damage.
So, looking over my notes, I honestly don't think EA thoroughly cleaned his car until after his 1st interview with LE on 9-3-14 (which makes me think he was feeling quite confident....why was he so confident?). That day he only consented to "viewing" his car and denied consent for LE to look through his phones. However, he gives consent the very next day for LE to search his car. If he had cleaned his car (and deleted messages) the day CM disappeared why not give consent on 9-3, why wait 1 day? Also, I don't think the note was a list of "things TO get rid of", I think it was a list of "things ALREADY gotten rid of". I think he was going through everything he had already gotten rid of that could connect him to CM.

OR, it could have been a to-do list and he made it the night of 9-3 after his first interview with LE because he was no longer as confident as he had been. Either way, I thinK EA wrote the note and was the only one aware of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Random, but I don't think EA wrote that note, solely because I don't know why he would call bank statements "bank bills". Unless bank statements would be called something in Spanish that would translate to bank bills in English?
I missed the story of your accident MissLu. What happened?

The car damage has me too - both sides. Maybe two vehicles pinned him in between them so he couldn't leave?
Copied and pasted from my original post responding to justme:

Anyhow, do you have the same year model as EA? What do you make of damage to both sides? Does any part of the car stick out on the sides making it easily (well easily in a dumb way) beat up or scratched up? <br />
<br />
I was always a Ford girl and had a mustang when I was in HS. I once sideswiped a curb going faster than I should've, was pushed over to the other side of road where I hit a mailbox. The right side was beat up at the bottom from the curb and the driver side was damaged from the mailbox. I also managed to get a flat tire and my rim was damaged as well. (I also managed to ruin Thanksgiving for my parents that day but we don't talk about that). Been trying to picture a scenario similar to that here.
Copied and pasted from my original post responding to justme:

Anyhow, do you have the same year model as EA? What do you make of damage to both sides? Does any part of the car stick out on the sides making it easily (well easily in a dumb way) beat up or scratched up? <br />
<br />
I was always a Ford girl and had a mustang when I was in HS. I once sideswiped a curb going faster than I should've, was pushed over to the other side of road where I hit a mailbox. The right side was beat up at the bottom from the curb and the driver side was damaged from the mailbox. I also managed to get a flat tire and my rim was damaged as well. (I also managed to ruin Thanksgiving for my parents that day but we don't talk about that). Been trying to picture a scenario similar to that here.

((((MissLu)))) Probably made you a little wiser in the future too. The Good Lord was looking out for you! I can see EA wiping out some a mailbox or two, or hitting some metal posts.
Did the crash data ever come back from the airbag computer? Of course, I assume the airbags never deployed with side damage.

IMO by the way the damage is described. I doubt the air bags went off. But even if they did that module wouldn't say where and when that happened. If he had GPS like onstar or something then they could cross reference I'm sure
No I noticed nothing on the left side of the vehicle. my understanding is that the damage to the left side were just dents. That is just how I took it from the detectives explanation yesterday in court. The damage on the right IMO he hit something.

Thank you, JMOM! I remember you saying you saw his car and didn't notice any damage because you only had view of the left side.
I'm wondering if there was any scratches or paint transfer on either side.
Also wanted to say my sincere hope is for you, Jonni and all of Christina's loved ones to get answers. It doesn't seem like too much to ask for, does it? I hope peace comes to all of you in some form.
Detective Busby stated yesterday that the vehicle has a tracking devise and they are aware that it is on the vehicle. Whether that has been analyzed to this point I don't know but I am sure it will happen.

IMO by the way the damage is described. I doubt the air bags went off. But even if they did that module wouldn't say where and when that happened. If he had GPS like onstar or something then they could cross reference I'm sure
((((MissLu)))) Probably made you a little wiser in the future too. The Good Lord was looking out for you! I can see EA wiping out some a mailbox or two, or hitting some metal posts.
Thanks, Boots. Let's just say I was a late bloomer in the wisdom department, ha! Yes I can see that, too. And maybe damage to a tire? He said he was rotating/turning/whatever his tire and we learned he explained away his thumb injury by saying he was scraping something off his rim, if I'm remembering all the info we received yesterday correctly. Maybe a little truth in there?
Also, would he have let or even asked Christina to drive (you know, since he was blacking out and all that) his car? Is this a souped up car that would get squirrely if it was gunned?
Just because a VI or Jonni said it to be the truth does not make it so. There have been several things today dispelled the mother, step-mother, and VIs told us and were adamant about being true. Not saying they are lying, but it does leave me a bit bewildered about some things. Did HF show them the texts? Did he let them listen to the call? They acted like they were so certain and come to find out...they should have been questioning the one text at least.

I can't help but think the family's effort to insure no one looked at HF twice came at a very high price. We shouldn't trust anything the VIs or fam said about him because they have no clue what is true and what is not concerning him. We have to alter our views because we have new information to change what is factual.

I hope LE re-examines the fight at the pier because it is another HF denial. I want to know for a fact if CM was afraid of what he may do to her 2 days before she went missing. I want to know if HF would go off on her in public and how bad the abuse could have escalated during that time.

You're preaching to the choir, seriously, Seriously!
WS rules have been at work training us not to believe FB, unverified info heard elsewhere, etc.
Yet, in order not to appear rude and alienate oneself, one has to bend the rules a little bit (when TOS allows).
Honestly though, there are very few cases that don't involve a lot of "what ifs".
Detective Busby stated yesterday that the vehicle has a tracking devise and they are aware that it is on the vehicle. Whether that has been analyzed to this point I don't know but I am sure it will happen.
Excellent news! Thanks so much for giving us these extra tidbits from the hearing. It is so nice to have someone who was there and can report back. And many hugs and other virtual expressions of support to you and the rest of Team Christina. As hard as it is for us to read, I can't imagine what it was like in person :(
Detective Busby stated yesterday that the vehicle has a tracking devise and they are aware that it is on the vehicle. Whether that has been analyzed to this point I don't know but I am sure it will happen.
If there is a tracking device and LE has had the car multiple times since mid-September, why do we not yet know where CM is? Does anyone know why they can't hand off the tracking device to a computer expert or Chevrolet's own experts and determine exactly where EA was? Is the tracking device recording GPS coordinates at all times? Is it constantly looping and only protects a loop after auto trauma and records over unprotected tracks?
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