Malaysia airlines 370 with 239 people on board, 8 March 2014 #25

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Sorry I should have clarified. I guess you would expect to see debris washed onto land by now. JMO.

Yes, that is strange that none has washed onto land...
Are there any land masses near where the plane supposedly went down?
IIRC, searches are (or were) focused in the South Indian Ocean and that part of the ocean is deep and desolate. The only land nearby is the Antarctic so even if debris did wash ashore, no one would see it (except the penguins)!

For those few who are still following the mysterious disappearance of MH370, the following is required reading: Canadian mathematician Brock McEwan's paper on why the actions of the MH370 investigate team don't add up. There is a lot of technical detail in the paper, but it highlights numerous instances in which the investigation team appears to have deliberately obfuscated the facts, leading the search effort astray. Not one to mince words, Plane Talking columnist Ban Sandilands asks where it's time to investigate the investigators....

Hope I'm able to find time to read it; it looks interesting.
One thing I believe is that Kate did see the plane & I do not doubt there was some sort of Navy ship in the waters that they will not disclose. Kate & "the crew" also saw it. It's too bad she did not wake the men up.
"In what can only be described as an optimistic move, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau has called for expressions of interest in carrying out the recovery operation for MH370.

Nearly four months into the underwater search for the missing aircraft nothing has been found in the southern Indian Ocean.

But the ATSB wants to be prepared to recover any wreckage, in the knowledge it will be a technically challenging and expensive operation.

In a statement issued today, the ATSB said preliminary tenders would allow it to assess which organisations would be able to supply the equipment and expertise required.

The deadline for Expressions of Interest is February 18 with a final decision on any recovery operation to be made jointly by the Australian, Malaysian and Chinese Governments."

I hope we do get to this point.
"An interim report into missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is due to be released on March 7 - the day before the anniversary of its disappearance.

Deputy transport minister Aziz Kaprawi confirmed the report by Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation will carry details on the 'technical investigation' into the missing plane which vanished over the Indian Ocean on March 8 in 2014 with 239 people on board.

More than 9,000 square kilometres of ocean floor has since been searched but no sign of the missing aircraft has been found."

Read more:
The Malaysian government has officially declared the disappearance of Malaysian Airline flight MH370 an accident and has said that there were no survivors.

No trace of the Beijing-bound aircraft has been found since it disappeared on 8 March 2014.

Officials said that the recovery operation is ongoing but that the 239 people onboard are now presumed dead.

The plane's whereabouts are still unknown despite a massive international search in the southern Indian Ocean.

The declaration on Thursday should allow compensation payments to relatives of the victims."
I've finally caught up on all of the threads about this missing plane. I had to skip over quite a few pages in this one because the back and forth of trying to prove each other wrong was getting ridiculous. Makes me glad you can't slap someone through a phone or computer lol. It amazes me that after almost a YEAR, not one single shred has been found of this plane. While reading through the threads a lot of the theories have made sense. I do feel the plane was landed on land somewhere and is awaiting an attack or something. The way they avoided radar lines just hit me as extremely odd. Also. How can they now declare that it was an accident where there is no evidence of an accident??? I feel Malaysia just does not want to take any blame at all.
Another Fugro vessel is joining the search. Not sure why - perhaps they are trying to speed things up a bit. They lost some time due to a tropical cyclone in the area, and the other two Fugro vessels are scheduled for a port visit soon.

- Fugro Supporter is anticipated to arrive in the search area in the next few days.

- On 21 January, GO Phoenix recommenced search operations following the suspension caused by ex-Tropical Cyclone Bansi.

- Around 18,000 square kilometres of the seafloor have been searched, which is around 30 per cent of the priority search area.

- Assuming no other significant delays with vessels, equipment or from the weather, the current underwater search area may be largely completed around May 2015.
I was never under the impression that nobody knows anything.
I have always been of the impression that someone knows clearly what happened as they do with the 911 saga.
I do think it is on the bottom of the ocean by now, but I also think the powers that be wanted to get rid of someone.
Since when did human lives make a difference to them?
(IMHO 911 was clearly a plan as was the Boston Marathon - they can pretend anything they want)
The Malaysian government has officially declared the disappearance of Malaysian Airline flight MH370 an accident and has said that there were no survivors.

No trace of the Beijing-bound aircraft has been found since it disappeared on 8 March 2014.

Officials said that the recovery operation is ongoing but that the 239 people onboard are now presumed dead.

The plane's whereabouts are still unknown despite a massive international search in the southern Indian Ocean.

The declaration on Thursday should allow compensation payments to relatives of the victims."

Interesting article about this announcement, and how the Malaysian officials are treating the families of the victims (poorly).

"We are the next of kin," said Jacquita Gonzales, wife of Patrick Gomes, one of 13 cockpit and cabin crew .... "Shouldn't we know first before they go and tell the nation?" Ms Gonzales asked.

The answer was painfully obvious.

It was evidence that Malaysia's elite family leadership cadre of uncles and nephews, who owe their positions less to ability and more to the good fortunes of high birth, still has a tin ear for the public mood.

They also appear to lack any kind of clue on how to soothe the rage of ordinary citizens they have spent almost a year upsetting time and again.

One Australian with a relative on the plane described it this way: "They stopped making regular calls, and made me feel like I was a burden."

"Then, at a meeting, one MAS guy finally lost it, and demanded to know why I couldn't just accept that they are all dead," she said.
A Chilean plane carrying 24 people was found crashed on the side of a mountain after being missing 53 years.
This was on land and not in the ocean and it still took a very very long time to find.

Daily Mail article that also has video.
Half buried under piles of rock, twisted remains of doomed plane which crashed in Chilean mountains carrying a team of footballers are found 50 years later
Zaidi Ahmad, who was sacked from the military for exposing weaknesses with indelible ink used in Election 2013, will be called as a witness in the lawsuit filed by two sons whose father was on board Flight MH370.

... the dismissed major will testify based on his expertise as a former member of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).

“I believe it shouldn’t have happened, [the RMAF] should be on alert all the time.

“Heads must roll,” Zaidi told reporters during a press conference at the lawyer’s office here.

Zaidi ... had been stationed at the RMAF Butterworth airbase that the jumbo jet flew over on the day it disappeared.

“The most important thing is that this involves the government’s assets and as a Malaysian citizen, I am concerned especially with the readiness of the armed forces as a whole in handling any intrusion into our air space,” he said.
Over 22,000 square kilometres of the seafloor have been searched, which is around 36 per cent of the priority search area.

Following bad weather associated with two tropical cyclones in the area, conditions prevented the safe launch/retrieval of search equipment between 1 and 5 February. The vessels evaded the storms and resumed search operations in the following days.


‘Dragon Prince’, the EdgeTech DT-1 towfish that is being used to search the seafloor for MH370, on the deck of Fugro Discovery


The HUGIN 4500 AUV is equipped with instruments identical to the towfish on Fugro Discovery and Fugro Equator.
Thanks for all the updates SouthAussie they are much appreciated.
MH370 relatives protest at Malaysia Airlines office, demanding withdrawal of statement passengers are presumed dead.

Very sad. I can't even imagine my loved one being on a plane that was lost. Look at the plane from yesterday; lost for 53 years. A bunch of young men.

I know that the Malaysian Government is to blame for how it handled the crash; leaving many (including me) to question if the plane was hijacked; but Kate coming forward really made me change my mind. She had nothing to gain by coming forward. I wonder how many others saw something but did not come forward.

French businessman Ghyslain Watterlos, whose wife was on board along with two of his three children, said he was still waiting to understand what happened

"It has been absolutely awful, I mean, it has been awful for many reasons," he said.

"First of all is we have absolutely no help and no news from anyone.

"After the pain we had for many months, now it is not the pain anymore... it's a rage."

Mr Watterlos said Malaysia's statement that the plane is lost and all passengers are dead brings no closure.

He said there had been no offer of compensation from the airline although he would not accept it anyway.

"My receipt is not my fight today," he said.

"My fight today is for the truth, I don't want to think about compensation.

"I want to know what happened first."

Grace Subathirai, whose mother was travelling to Beijing to meet up with her husband, said her family had been offered $US50,000 from the airline, but would not be accept it.

"I don't know about the value of a life - I mean, how do you quantify someone who you love so much in terms of money? I don't think it's possible," she said.

"Accepting it would be accepting the fate of all the passengers on board and accepting that they have died.

"We are not ready to accept that without any proof."
I've finally caught up on all of the threads about this missing plane. I had to skip over quite a few pages in this one because the back and forth of trying to prove each other wrong was getting ridiculous. Makes me glad you can't slap someone through a phone or computer lol. It amazes me that after almost a YEAR, not one single shred has been found of this plane. While reading through the threads a lot of the theories have made sense. I do feel the plane was landed on land somewhere and is awaiting an attack or something. The way they avoided radar lines just hit me as extremely odd. Also. How can they now declare that it was an accident where there is no evidence of an accident??? I feel Malaysia just does not want to take any blame at all.

If this were the case, where are they keeping all the passengers? I can't figure that part out...
I've finally caught up on all of the threads about this missing plane. I had to skip over quite a few pages in this one because the back and forth of trying to prove each other wrong was getting ridiculous. Makes me glad you can't slap someone through a phone or computer lol. It amazes me that after almost a YEAR, not one single shred has been found of this plane. While reading through the threads a lot of the theories have made sense. I do feel the plane was landed on land somewhere and is awaiting an attack or something. The way they avoided radar lines just hit me as extremely odd. Also. How can they now declare that it was an accident where there is no evidence of an accident??? I feel Malaysia just does not want to take any blame at all.

Read my post 582; I'm sure there is classified radar info that we're never going to see. I do not think they would be spending the amount of money they are if they weren't sure it is in that area. I wish it would happen soon to give the poor families the chance to move to the next phase of grieving.

Hope I'm able to find time to read it; it looks interesting.
One thing I believe is that Kate did see the plane & I do not doubt there was some sort of Navy ship in the waters that they will not disclose. Kate & "the crew" also saw it. It's too bad she did not wake the men up.
If this were the case, where are they keeping all the passengers? I can't figure that part out...

Thanks for bumping this post; I missed it. I feel that if this were the case that an attack would have happened already & I'm 100% sure there is classified radar data
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