AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #4

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It is always so sad when you come back to a case after an absence and the points are still basically the same. She is our there and just like Hailey, she will be found!

sarx, did you take a look at the FOIA info?
It's interesting to me that many of the locals we originally had here on Cassie's forum, actively participating at the time (now, not so much), appear to have aligned themselves with JC. At least on SM anyway.
I wonder why that it? LE still has not publically changed their statement about JC and BR as considered suspects in Cassie's case. What would make so many locals readjust their initial position of who the guilty partie(s) might be?

I know it looks like we have nothing more on this case than we did from day one, but I don't believe that to be the case at all. What I do think, is that we have perhaps been neglectful on WS's in reading between the lines- and as a result perhaps some very valuable information may have been overlooked.

I typically try to come from a place strictly of location and recovery when it comes to missing persons- and we plan on returning to that position very soon with a possible search in Feb. However, in the meantime- I have become extremely interested in these missing pieces regarding suspect behavior and how that might help lead us to the individual who would be willing to talk openly, honestly, with clarity, and without fear, about what they know of Cassie's disappearance.

Who is that person? Most certainly they are local to the area, imo.
Perhaps whoever that person is, needs to know that Cassie is not forgotten, and Cassie's case is still being taken very seriously. Perhaps that person reads here, or reads SM; perhaps they even check it daily or multiple times a day.

Who is this person?

On a completely different note, the pic of Cassie from her older FB page (and the comments associated with it) of the 'bubbled' sign saying "Have you seen this person?" continue to bother me tremendously. As I'm sure you all know, it is front and center on JC's FB page.
Is this simply an oversight of inappropriateness? I tried for a long time to believe that.
I'm done trying.

All, of course, jmvho.

Cassie, wherever you are, and however eearily similar to Hailey's case your case may be- you are not Hailey. You are Cassie Kay Compton. And we are not giving up on you.
^ oh yeah that pic is just too darn eerie...3 yrs after & she is

I wonder, does one align in support or...ulterior motive...some of that good cop, bad cop mojo?

yep, must be hard looking over your shoulder all the time and seeing what is being said or not....very tiring & nerve wracking I would think, so much easier to come clean & share
^ oh yeah that pic is just too darn eerie...3 yrs after & she is

I wonder, does one align in support or...ulterior motive...some of that good cop, bad cop mojo?

yep, must be hard looking over your shoulder all the time and seeing what is being said or not....very tiring & nerve wracking I would think, so much easier to come clean & share

Yup. Gotta be pretty stressful.

Are we referring to being the suspect or those aligning with them??? IMO aligning with them you're only risking others thinking that you were involved in the first place. Id have to wonder what type of person does that. I can see one at the guidance of LE-although the in different ways than I've seen in this case-but multiple? Odd IMO jus sayin'.
"The world is an evil place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing"
yeah it's odd, the whole freaking thing is odd...this poor child seems to have been forgotten. I just do not understand why someone in the media has not grabbed on to this story like a bulldog, and shook it for all it is worth.

I am not so sure 'it' is aligning, maybe preservation of one's own interest? Are people not quite sure BR is the culprit, and are some secretly harboring fears that someone they KNOW is the actual one??
Or are people 'cozying' up with...just to get the dirt or are any sincere in wanting to help someone they may believe is innocent?

I'd really like to think ASP or FBI has heard all the info put out here or else where....especially if persons have little faith/respect in the local LE.

It is almost like there is a cover up of some one is talking...I don't get it, poor Cassie decerves the truth and to be found in some manner.
Maybe we have scared the locals off here, I dunno, I mean we are kind of direct...but I hate it if so, because Cassie needs all the help & voices she can get no matter what. We are still dealing with a case where last word according to LE is no one is cleared...and including JC & BR still suspects

this is so frustrating, all I can do is vent and moan and groan.....there is nothing really we can discuss here, even though no one is cleared, apparently including those 'named' two ( there just doesn't seem to be much there?)
but since no one else is named there is nothing we can openly sleuth, yet imho there could be other alternatives.

man, Cassie where are ya kiddo?
It's interesting to me that many of the locals we originally had here on Cassie's forum, actively participating at the time (now, not so much), appear to have aligned themselves with JC. At least on SM anyway.
I wonder why that it? LE still has not publically changed their statement about JC and BR as considered suspects in Cassie's case. What would make so many locals readjust their initial position of who the guilty partie(s) might be?
You know the old saying... keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
Yup. Too bad often your friends are the enemies.

Sre, if it sets your mind at all to ease I know the FBI is aware. And not the same folk in the FBI certain people babble about on SM.

Cassie, honey, wherever you are- you are thought about long and hard and from an investigative standpoint every day. You aren't a point of gossip, or an ego boost, or a chit chat session over a beer.

You are very real, and we are working-not playing- at finding you, and finding whoever it is responsible for making you disappear.
I should have added to that above I the only one who is driven mad by people on SM posting on pages about their 2nd husbands, 3rd wifes' stepson by marriage who just got into the FBI academy and maybe they can help??? Jeez, what a circus.

Anyhoo, serious question. Has anyone found the form of ID that BR used when he was booked on the trespassing charge? State ID card? Anyone know?
I am unable to help with any of the dirty secret paperwork stuff. I am just a google girl. :(

I don't read the SM stuffs you are referencing, but in regards to the FBI academy boasting, that person will be eliminated if the relatives don't shut their traps. I believe you are supposed to be incognito, not flamboyant about it.

Maybe I am dim, but Oriah I am just now seeing that you are a SAR professional. Are you also in Stuttgart?

Are things actually happening, is LE still trying to find Cassie and we just aren't hearing about it? If so, is it productive type investigating, or the bait and wait method?

BR should be out of jail by now. Where is he?

I'm going to be honest. This case means so much to me, next time there is a legit, organized and serious search, I am flying out for it. And I'm bringing people! I'm so done waiting helplessly.
As of 4:34pm EST today I show BR still in custody per Vine...
I can't contain my anger and frustration surrounding this case, how can she be ignored by her family, town, peers, etc? I applaud all who have helped in the searches, I wish I was close enough to assist.

Cassie needs a voice.
As of 4:34pm EST today I show BR still in custody per Vine...
Unless they handed him new charges, I can't imagine they could extend his sentence(s). How can we find out the situation?
I am going to be honest, friends, I dont think BR was ever in custody for an extended period of time. I certainly dont think he is still in custody. I think the Vinelink report is in error. None of it makes sense at all. There was no sighting of him at the courthouse or the jail? Locals are employed there and it is public information. STM said some time ago that she was positive she would have known if he came up for arraignment or a hearing or for trial. I believe that implicitly. I think it would have been everywhere including the stories in the media that have been done since. One of the prime suspects in custody. It is a cookie cutter statement in many, many stories like this one.

I see news on SM about behind the scenes doings and have faith. So far we have seen that tactic used, imvho, as a way of putting off any further active transparent sleuthing or searching. So I dont believe it. I am not sure if Stuttgart is the place for any true efforts regarding Cassie to be centered any longer. I think, jmvho, that those efforts need to be centered in Little Rock. With the real deal FBI. They know this case and she is on their radar. Note the search in February mentioned by Oriah. That is a real deal no need for shenanigans or secrecy or meetings at the local coffee shop.

Why all the freaking hiding? It is all connected. The silence, the hiding, the distractions...
And for the record, the black and white photo with the bubble of have you seen this person CHILLS me to this very day. For anyone reading, including JC-it is chilling and disturbing and at this point I am going to consider it a very clear message being sent to the world. In the words of pop psychology, I find it to be very passive aggressive. Like the bible page nonsense. Like all of the wedding photos and kitten videos early on in Cassie's disappearance.
I am unable to help with any of the dirty secret paperwork stuff. I am just a google girl. :(

I don't read the SM stuffs you are referencing, but in regards to the FBI academy boasting, that person will be eliminated if the relatives don't shut their traps. I believe you are supposed to be incognito, not flamboyant about it.

Maybe I am dim, but Oriah I am just now seeing that you are a SAR professional. Are you also in Stuttgart?

Hi Gig,
I just reposted the SAR professional info, so you are not dim. ;) It's listed on the first page of WS's where they list 'Professionals' so it sometimes seems redundant to me to have it hovering under ones' screen name lol. But sometimes people forget to check, or I get odd questions from newbies lol, so I put it back up as a reminder. Don't be surprised to see it disappear again when the need no longer exists for the time being. :)

No, we are not located in Stuttgart.

Are things actually happening, is LE still trying to find Cassie and we just aren't hearing about it? If so, is it productive type investigating, or the bait and wait method?

BR should be out of jail by now. Where is he?

I'm going to be honest. This case means so much to me, next time there is a legit, organized and serious search, I am flying out for it. And I'm bringing people! I'm so done waiting helplessly.

Things are happening. I'm not speaking for any SM platform that's speaking of 'things happening.' I'm speaking from what I know, which is totally different information than what many post on SM. We do not post anything on SM.

There is a search planned- and while I thank you tremendously for your offer of assistance; it's date, location, and time will not be made public, nor will the public have access to participating in it. I'm sorry. It is the only way we can effectively conduct a search using certain methods safely and efficiently at this point in time, in this particular area.
Thank you for understanding, and thank you for the kindness and passion driving your desire to help find Cassie.
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