Found Deceased MA - Jaimee Mendez, 25, Swampscott, 6 Nov 2014 - #1 *Arrest*

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I have never said that I don't think JF did it. I just think other possibilities should be considered and not completely ruled out. In fact, that is the nature of this site, sleuthing possibilities in the hopes that we can help solve a case.

I also think that JF and his family are entitled to a certain level of privacy and rights. That is why our justice system is set up the way it is. Our civilized society thinks privacy and rights are important even if/when you are guilty of a crime. Camping out in front of his house, releasing his personal information, calling him names and otherwise bullying this man because one thinks he committed a horrible crime, well that's not ok even from the family of the victim. I am sorry for their loss. I have hope that LE will do their job effectively and bring to justice the killer whomever that may be.
I have never said that I don't think JF did it. I just think other possibilities should be considered and not completely ruled out. In fact, that is the nature of this site, sleuthing possibilities in the hopes that we can help solve a case.

I also think that JF and his family are entitled to a certain level of privacy and rights. That is why our justice system is set up the way it is. Our civilized society thinks privacy and rights are important even if/when you are guilty of a crime. Camping out in front of his house, releasing his personal information, calling him names and otherwise bullying this man because one thinks he committed a horrible crime, well that's not ok even from the family of the victim. I am sorry for their loss. I have hope that LE will do their job effectively and bring to justice the killer whomever that may be.

The family stayed within their rights. Best of my knowledge, there is nothing backing your statement that the family released his name, the media did, please provide a link to such information if it exists. I find your judgement of the Mendez quibbling as I admire them for how they acted, awed by it, in fact.
The family stayed within their rights. Best of my knowledge, there is nothing backing your statement that the family released his name, the media did, please provide a link to such information if it exists. I find your judgement of the Mendez quibbling as I admire them for how they acted, awed by it, in fact.

I wasn't referring to the release of his name. I do recall reading somewhere that his current address was being given but I honestly don't know if the family has anything to do with it. They might not. I can't provide a link because I don't know where I saw it. It might have been here to be honest. It might have been on the family FB page. As to how they have acted, were they within their rights? I am not sure. Did they act with the moral fortitude and grace we have seen from others (like the Harringtons, for example)? Not sure. We can just agree to disagree on this point. I am not trying to be right.
I usually scroll through, but your first line reminded me of this. I guess because such comments would tend to shut down discussion.

From Etiquette & Information Thread

"I am leaving WS" threads:

"It is the policy of WS to disallow threads that are purely to announce that you are 'leaving the site' for any reason. Posts of this nature will result in the following action: 1) The post will be removed from general view. 2) Your membership will be suspended without notice. 3) If you wish to have your membership reinstated then you may contact an Administrator or Moderator to request this. If you find it necessary to 'leave' WS for any reason - or just take a break from the site - then you are welcome to notify your WS friends via personal Private Message."

The RSO is a suspect as Steleheart posted a link here to the information.

BBM I understand what you are saying and if there is a #1 POI I agree it would be him. However this is not an "official" statement from anyone identified as being in LE. It's grasping at straws at this point IMO. If he has not been named as a suspect or POI in the last 3 months by LE then I believe there is a reason.

Again I will point out that any form of LE investigating this case has been so "hush" that it leaves everyone to their own opinion. That alone scares the CARP out of me. I for one will await a statement, response, COD or an arrest before doing this battle again. If he is in fact a POI he should be back in MA very soon. thoughts and prayers are very much so with the Mendez family and especially her young son. No one should have to feel this pain.

BBM I understand what you are saying and if there is a #1 POI I agree it would be him. However this is not an "official" statement from anyone identified as being in LE. It's grasping at straws at this point IMO. If he has not been named as a suspect or POI in the last 3 months by LE then I believe there is a reason.

Again I will point out that any form of LE investigating this case has been so "hush" that it leaves everyone to their own opinion. That alone scares the CARP out of me. I for one will await a statement, response, COD or an arrest before doing this battle again. If he is in fact a POI he should be back in MA very soon. thoughts and prayers are very much so with the Mendez family and especially her young son. No one should have to feel this pain.

Well said. It is not however the family saying it whomever the "law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation" mentioned may be. I'm not at all a long time follower of such cases, but I have little doubt this one will be solved sooner or later, Jamie Mendez murder may even lead to charges.
I just don't understand why he was NEVER a named POI with LE! :pullhair: Sorry I'm on the west coast but who and why are the authorities there so stuck on HUSH? There have been too many missing as well as too many multiple remains found recently.

Sorry...I'm just feeling a lot of emotions so excuse my rant :facepalm:

Honestly, I am not sure what POI means anymore. Fleury is undoubtedly a material witness and probably a suspect of some kind given that he was last seen with her. I am firm in the belief that there are things being done. If JF had an active role in her disappearance, it is far easier to pursue him for her death now that she has been found. This may tie everything together that has been discovered so far. Slow and steady, dot the i's and cross the t's.... The question for me is where is he and is he willing to be re interviewed now that she has been found? ;)

The next step here has to be some kind of justice. LE has a lot of evidence. I dont know if they have enough evidence and who it points to, but imvho a lot of it points to him.
TBH, I cant remember the last time this jurisdiction or any of them in MA used the term POI in relationship to a crime. Typically if they dont have someone in custody, they call them a witness. My point in mentioning it is that it shouldnt be taken for lack of action...just because they keep their cards close.
Some info on Swampscott Beach

from here:
Nearest Boat Launch and Pier - Edited.jpg

You can see, even off season there are couple of boats out on the launch. Whatever happened that Jaimee Mendez's remains washed up with the lobster traps, whomever disposed of her did not have the time to go far enough at sea. Something may have alerted them to return, or they may have known they'd need an alibi prior to disposing of her. Though her remains may have been anchored by the pots, they were not cast far enough to control for a storm. What are chances otherwise?
The RSO is a suspect as Steleheart posted a link here to the information.

With all due respect, that is not actually what the article says. It says:

"A law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation said authorities consider the sex offender a suspect in Mendez’s disappearance."

To me, that's the same thing as quoting a "source close to blah blah blah". No LE official has been named as actually saying this, as far as I know. Unless I've missed something (and that's entirely possible).
Trying to start all over from the beginning with this. I keep getting stuck on JF not being named POI.
We still don't know if JM specifically "said I am with JF and he's making me nervous". We only have " this guy" and "a sex offender". I believe they knew him and that she was sometimes with him. Is it possible they only assumed it was JF? Or is that what JF wants people to believe. He reportedly said to the Mom that he gave her his charger. Was he trying to make it look like she went off with his charger and some other people. Is that so LE will think 'well he wouldn't throw away his own charger'?
It seems to me and maybe to LE that unless she specifically named him the door is open to another person. Or does it. The CVS dumpster where the sneakers and the rug along with "Men's clothing" Is near JF's house.
Police had to have probable cause to seize and process both his vans. Could probable cause be as simple as she was with him and it was proven by the cell phone calls, pings and what not?
It's baffling me. Maybe when LE processes the Sand from the beach they will put it all together.


So, as to the who she said she was with part, the first reports quoted her sister saying "this guy". They later changed to claiming Jaimee said it was JF or an RSO. However, from reading through posts by the family on the FB page, they keep claiming that Jaimee said he was on Spring Road, which is the road JF lived at with his aunt and uncle. However, there's a lot more regarding JF's living situation, some of which I'm not sure I can state here. But it's already been mentioned that he was known to live in his van, and that's the gist of it - that he lived in his van out front of the house.

As for the charger, I think maybe, if it is in fact his charger and he is the one responsible for her death, that he disposed of her belongings quickly forgetting that he had let her use his charger and it was among her belongings (or maybe he grabbed it by mistake). Fearing that this would quickly link her death back to him, he came up with the story about loaning it to her when he left her at Rite Aid, and made sure to tell her mom this so they wouldn't be surprised when they found it. This is all just a guess though (MOO).

I'm not sure how the family knew she was with him unless she told someone ahead of time that's who she was leaving with, or she did in fact tell her friends that's who she was with when she texted them.
My hope at this point is that somehow the ME will be able to easily determine the COD and possibly even TOD and that this goes a long way toward answering some questions. I know local LE did a massive job of collecting evidence initially and maybe none of it connected to anything substantial, but maybe now that they have her remains, it WILL connect to something?

I do know the Mendez family needs some peace and some closure. I pray that is coming very soon.
With all due respect, that is not actually what the article says. It says:

"A law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation said authorities consider the sex offender a suspect in Mendez’s disappearance."

To me, that's the same thing as quoting a "source close to blah blah blah". No LE official has been named as actually saying this, as far as I know. Unless I've missed something (and that's entirely possible).

You may have missed my post with the the same quote, no respect necessary but I have the mindset that it is quibbling, and I find it somewhat tasteless to disparage the family's civility or vigilance, as sunflowerchick does.
You may have missed my post with the the same quote, no respect necessary, but I have the mindset that it is quibbling, and somewhat tasteless to disparage the family's civility or vigilance.

I didn't miss your post with the same quote, we're just looking at different sections of the sentence. You're reading it to say LE consider him (JF) a suspect. I'm reading it to say, no LE official has actually been named as saying this at all, that statement just comes from some unnamed "official with knowledge of the investigation". It doesn't say Sgt. So and So or Cpt. What's His Face made this statement. The article doesn't quote anyone from LE in an official capacity - it simply says "an official" and that says A LOT to me. I don't find it "quibbling" at all, to read with a skeptical and critical eye of what's being said and what's not being said, and by whom.

In no way am I disparaging the Mendez family's civility or vigilance by making this comment and I find it out of line and rather insulting actually, that you'd make that leap & accusation. My heart aches for this family and has since day one.

I'm questioning the reporting on this case, as well as every other aspect that LE has not OFFICIALLY confirmed - just like every one else. If it turns out JF is the one responsible, then by all means STRING HIM UP. However, it's entirely possible it will turn out JF had nothing to do with Jaimee's disappearance and/or death.
I didn't miss your post with the same quote, we're just looking at different sections of the sentence. You're reading it to say LE consider him (JF) a suspect. I'm reading it to say, no LE official has actually been named as saying this at all, that statement just comes from some unnamed "official with knowledge of the investigation". It doesn't say Sgt. So and So or Cpt. What's His Face made this statement. The article doesn't quote anyone from LE in an official capacity - it simply says "an official" and that says A LOT to me. I don't find it "quibbling" at all, to read with a skeptical and critical eye of what's being said and what's not being said, and by whom.

In no way am I disparaging the Mendez family's civility or vigilance by making this comment and I find it out of line and rather insulting actually, that you'd make that leap & accusation. My heart aches for this family and has since day one.

I'm questioning the reporting on this case, as well as every other aspect that LE has not OFFICIALLY confirmed - just like every one else. If it turns out JF is the one responsible, then by all means STRING HIM UP. However, it's entirely possible it will turn out JF had nothing to do with Jaimee's disappearance and/or death.

I've corrected my post.
Just as an aside, "A law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation said..."

could be anyone from a janitor to a receptionist who overheard part of a conversation where officers investigating a case expressed an opinion about something. Unless that "official" is named by name, to me, it does NOT mean LE formally consider someone a suspect, in any case we're discussing. It certainly COULD mean LE considers *name whoever* a suspect but unless there is physical evidence to back it up, they're not going to be irresponsible and name him/her in any official press release.
I'm not sure how the family knew she was with him unless she told someone ahead of time that's who she was leaving with, or she did in fact tell her friends that's who she was with when she texted them.

If memory serves (and it may not, lol) he picked her up at her house that night. Either she told (whoever was there at the house) "I'm catching a ride with JF" or they saw him drive up. As far as I can recall, that's the only way anyone knew he was the last person *known* to be with her that night.
He was seen with her by people who knew who he was and what the inside of his van looked like.

The family has been very vocal ,Michelle Mendez has been though hell. They have done everything they could to find Jamie and I dont understand the post about the delay in reporting her missing. She was reported on the 6th of Nov. Jamiee saw her son off to school on the 5th. Like Believe pointed out the response was huge by LE in her case. That is not the normal in missing person cases we see often. Sometimes, in high profile cases but Jamiee's case was not high profile.

I respect that people like to sleuth different idea's and leads. I am a huge believer in BARD before conviction. I love to sleuth different theories . In this case I am BARD that JF is a suspect named or unnamed.
The circumstantial evidence reported in this case is overwhelming with regards to him being a suspect or not. We have witnesses that place them together. We have search warrants executed at his home(?) . We have his 2 vans seized. and we know he was questioned 3 times. We also know he has a huge record of priors. 22. This is a lot to overlook.
That is not including the information the family provided. i.e. the phone calls about her feeling uncomfortable and her belongings found in a dumpster. The carpet found that may not be related but is interesting.What is lacking at this time is what crime may have been committed.

I know this post is all over the place. Sorry about that. I hate to use the saying Justice for any case,because the idea there can be justice when a life is stolen or taken seems absurd to me in an emotional kind of way. I just hope for resolution to the crime and protection from the offender for the rest of us,or sometimes I just want the truth. I hope answers will come for Jamiee's family.
I just saw that Jaimee was found deceased. I am so very sorry. May she RIP. :(
So, as to the who she said she was with part, the first reports quoted her sister saying "this guy". They later changed to claiming Jaimee said it was JF or an RSO. However, from reading through posts by the family on the FB page, they keep claiming that Jaimee said he was on Spring Road, which is the road JF lived at with his aunt and uncle. However, there's a lot more regarding JF's living situation, some of which I'm not sure I can state here. But it's already been mentioned that he was known to live in his van, and that's the gist of it - that he lived in his van out front of the house.

As for the charger, I think maybe, if it is in fact his charger and he is the one responsible for her death, that he disposed of her belongings quickly forgetting that he had let her use his charger and it was among her belongings (or maybe he grabbed it by mistake). Fearing that this would quickly link her death back to him, he came up with the story about loaning it to her when he left her at Rite Aid, and made sure to tell her mom this so they wouldn't be surprised when they found it. This is all just a guess though (MOO).

I'm not sure how the family knew she was with him unless she told someone ahead of time that's who she was leaving with, or she did in fact tell her friends that's who she was with when she texted them.

NOT true. 2nd post on this board is her family talking about the RSO was that "guy". You have to view the videos and also read. YOU missed that video with her family on page 1, 2nd post. Her family knew from the get go. JMO. I trust Jaimee's family.
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