MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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This is just my own personal opinion, but I don't think Jessica told them any names, and if she did speak a name, it was not Eric or Derrick. I think those names were put out there by LE to make the killer(s) think they didn't suspect them.

Curiosity has gotten the better of me. Why do you believe she didn't speak a name?
Multiple coincidences become evidence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Sorry for any typos!
I would still like to know if she was possibly lighting up or cooking meth via,shake n bake n car and it blew up literally in her face. I'd like to know if this is one option on the table for what happened.

Did you really just ask that; Or was you just subliminally saying that this case is hard to figure out.
I would still like to know if she was possibly lighting up or cooking meth via,shake n bake n car and it blew up literally in her face. I'd like to know if this is one option on the table for what happened.

I don't think so. LE ruled it a homicide right away + they have said they believe someone was in the car with her moments before the fire. It's true that the someone in the car with her could have been smoking meth too, but that would be almost impossible to prove. If an explosion from a meth lab occurred, the person who was in the car with her sure got out and away from the scene in a hurry, just in the nick of time. And instead of calling 911 for help, it would appear he/she removed the battery from Jessica's cell phone and threw the phone into a ditch. This is cold blooded, premeditated murder--not an accident and not a suicide. Nothing else fits. JMO
Curiosity has gotten the better of me. Why do you believe she didn't speak a name?

To the best of my knowledge, LE has not said she spoke the name Eric or Derrick. I could be wrong, but I think Eric Bibbs was the first one I heard explaining why LE came to his house that night. He said they told him there was an accident down the road and his name was mentioned. Well, there was no "accident" down the road--LE knew it wasn't an accident, so that's one lie. Who's to say that his name being mentioned was not a lie also? Why would LE tell Eric Bibbs that Jessica said the name "Eric" and Cole Haley said Jessica said something, but he could not comment on what it was? If LE had already put the names Eric or Derrick out there, why couldn't Cole Haley comment on it since he's the one she supposedly spoke to? LE did call some people named Eric or Derrick in to question them, but they also called in and detained some people whose names sound nothing like Eric or Derrick. I first believed she gave them the name of the killer(s), but then so much of what was reported was not true. I'm not a trusting person. In my experience, if you tell one lie, you'll tell another and another and another. When/if the killer(s) are arrested, I will be feasting on crow if anyone named Eric or Derrick is among them.

Remember one report that said Jessica was found beside her car more dead than alive? Anyone more dead than alive would probably be unconscious and unable to speak. Of course, I don't hang my hat on THAT MSM report either, but it's more believable than her walking around on fire and speaking.
My memory is getting the better of me, was it ever stated the number of fire fighters that responded to the tone for the car fire?
My memory is getting the better of me, was it ever stated the number of fire fighters that responded to the tone for the car fire?

A total of four, IIRC. I don't have a link for that, I'm just going on my memory, and it's OLD.
I think with all the information it seems to get flooded with all the info.
I am just thinking out loud here but here but if the Fire Chief was supposedly the only one who heard this I cant help but wonder what explanation there would be for just him hearing this and no one else. When responding to a tone at least where I am from requires at least 2 people on a fire truck the power of the hose alone is too much for one fire fighter to handle. Also if she was next to or near her car close to the road wherever she would be the number one priority especially before attempting to extinguish a fire with the power of the water and foam that come out so why would only one have them have heard a name that doest make sense to me either. JMO and thinking out loud
A total of four, IIRC. I don't have a link for that, I'm just going on my memory, and it's OLD.
If she gave the person's name; Then i dont see what the hold up is. Was the name an aquantance of the fire fighter she told so he just switched names on us or what. If not; Then was is taking so long. She told you who did it. So eliminate people with the same name and go after the one with the most circumstantial connections. Jmo

If she gave a name, (and it's still an if - imho that story could have been fabricated to smoke out the perp) then it still doesn't have to be the name of her killer. She could have said her father's name, or a friend's name - someone she wanted them to call, rather than her murderer. Or, even if she did give the name of the perp, it could be someone from out of town and outside of her known circle of friends - it could even have been a stranger who gave her an alias instead of their real name. Also possible that they totally misunderstood what she was trying to say and got the name completely wrong.
Honestly -- could anyone read this and expect that an effective, carefully considered investigation would be forthcoming?

"This is personal to all of us up here," Sheriff Darby said. "We'll figure this out. This has been national, we've had tremendous help. The black ones and the white ones have been working together, They're reaching out, and I tell you what, no matter whatever the rest of the world thinks, we haven't got it here. They've been excellent on assisting us and waiting. We're a Christian nation here as far as a county. We believe in Jesus, okay, and make that very specific, that's what we rely on. And we're bonding and bringing each other together like never before. Whatever you hear in the rest of the world, we're not doing it here."
This -- and it was not alone in terms of unprofessional actions and pronouncements -- made it difficult for some to believe LE.
Honestly -- could anyone read this and expect that an effective, carefully considered investigation would be forthcoming?

This -- and it was not alone in terms of unprofessional actions and pronouncements -- made it difficult for some to believe LE.

Oh my...just about everything he said came out so wrong and some of the wording is beyond belief. I have serious doubts this woman will ever be given the rightful justice she deserves when I read information like this.
Honestly -- could anyone read this and expect that an effective, carefully considered investigation would be forthcoming?

This -- and it was not alone in terms of unprofessional actions and pronouncements -- made it difficult for some to believe LE.

So I've been out of the loop for a while...but seriously, how did I never read that article? wfgodot, you have pretty well summed it all up right there in that one post. Unless an outside investigator is to somehow break through the barriers in PC and solve this case on their own, OR, someone comes forward with enough evidence for an arrest/indictment/conviction; what little hope I once had is now gone. R.I.P. Jessica.
P.S. How could a newspaper editor in their right mind even approve something like that to make it to final print?? Just wow.
I keep reading that a felony defendant in MS must be indicted by a Grand Jury. Is that what we are waiting for? No arrests until there are GJ indictments??? Sooo confused. What's the hold-up? JMO
If so, that explains SOME of the secrecy. But remember, the jury pool is the citizenry of Panola County.....where everyone knows, knows of, or is related in some way to just about everybody else. EEK JMO
Respectfully snipped

True dat, SteveP. In addition, we do not know if she even uttered any words other than a single "name", or even how that one word/name was used.

If she could not get an entire cohesive, well-understood, enunciated sentence spoken, then that one "alleged" name could mean any number of things besides "HE DID THIS TO ME".

It could be a name called out in affection,
it could be the name of someone who tried to help her but ran right before FFs arrived,
it could have been a name called out during a hallucination,
it could have been "air, air" (as in "I can't get enough air") followed by gurgling or a stuck dry throat that sounded a lot like "ick",
it could be a name she was screaming out to for help before firefighters even arrived, maybe because she knew that was the only person living near the scene.

The possibilities go on and on and on.

Only the first responders who heard her really know how well enunciated the "name"was, if it was even a name at all, and how much more she added to substantiate any claims.

Everything is still on the table........ until it's not.

This makes a lot of sense to me. JC allegedly saying a name, and the assumption that it was the perp's, is something the media would have jumped on and, frankly, that their audience would like to have happened. But would she have been in the presence of mind to do that? Maybe? I doubt that the first responders even considered it murder at that point, so I doubt they would have asked. As you note, it could just as easily have been a thing versus a name that she was trying to say ... air, like you note, or dare ...
Then there are those who doubt that she spoke at all.
To the best of my knowledge, LE has not said she spoke the name Eric or Derrick. I could be wrong, but I think Eric Bibbs was the first one I heard explaining why LE came to his house that night. He said they told him there was an accident down the road and his name was mentioned. Well, there was no "accident" down the road--LE knew it wasn't an accident, so that's one lie. Who's to say that his name being mentioned was not a lie also? Why would LE tell Eric Bibbs that Jessica said the name "Eric" and Cole Haley said Jessica said something, but he could not comment on what it was? If LE had already put the names Eric or Derrick out there, why couldn't Cole Haley comment on it since he's the one she supposedly spoke to? LE did call some people named Eric or Derrick in to question them, but they also called in and detained some people whose names sound nothing like Eric or Derrick. I first believed she gave them the name of the killer(s), but then so much of what was reported was not true. I'm not a trusting person. In my experience, if you tell one lie, you'll tell another and another and another. When/if the killer(s) are arrested, I will be feasting on crow if anyone named Eric or Derrick is among them.

Remember one report that said Jessica was found beside her car more dead than alive? Anyone more dead than alive would probably be unconscious and unable to speak. Of course, I don't hang my hat on THAT MSM report either, but it's more believable than her walking around on fire and speaking.
In regards to EB being questioned, from the beginning, I wondered who sent LE to him specifically.

I read that JC said a name and SOMEONE said "the only Eric I know is Eric Bibbs."

Who said that? IMO it had to be someone at the scene because the hunted down Eric Bibbs immediately.

Did the fire chief offer that tidbit of info?

Jus asking
Not to mention the unspeakably ill-nuanced local LE -- the 'e' evidently for 'embarrassment.'

Umm... I was being sarcastic. I think whoever did this, and whoever is working this case, have a lot more on the ball than we give them credit.
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