Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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Isn't it funny how Nurmi-we'll-be-scrutinized-for-years was eager as hell to talk to the media after his little "victory"? He's the type of defense lawyer that gives the whole profession a bad name. So you "won", how about acting like a decent human being and leaving the chest-pounding for your dumb *advertiser censored* website homepage?
What do you make of the judge being ready to sentence immediately? Also, what is the reason for Jodi asking for extra time? Will she stay at Estrella during this time?

The judge doesn't need any more information. But perhaps Jodi wants to make a statement and is hoping the media loses interest before April 13.

Yes, she will stay at Estrella until sentencing.
They might have known last night or this morning, but I assume it was a surprise or the one Alexander sister wouldn't have cried out like that. :(

Thank you. I kinda thought they probably knew, and I just hurt for what the Alexanders went through, knowing it wasn't looking positive.

(And the bitter part of me hates the idea that Jodi knew her "chances of 'winning'" were still there. Ugh.

And lastly, I feel deep disappointment for Juan and Det. Flores...they gave it their all, but it wasn't meant to be, due to one juror.

Thanks again for all your responses and time during this process :)
One of the Jurors described their exasperation at being handed a pile of CDs with no idea what they showed, or how to
locate the recordings they wanted to see and wasted a lot of time with this. How difficult is it to provide an itemized list to assist them.....

so they should have asked for some sort of ID and way to find what they wanted. Clearly they did not have everything they wanted or needed...they probably should have been more forceful about this juror and all the outside stuff she brought to the deliberations....if JSS did not respond...she must have a higher authority they could have asked for. I feel for these jurors...victims of a very badly run trial.
Our jury system must be for EVERYONE. Not just the outcomes I agree with.

Jodi is G*U*I*L*T*Y and will never breath air outside of legal custody. Just the other day, I made a special trip to Starbuck's for a strawberry frappe and giggled as I drank it in her 'honor'. I'm okay with that.

My own personal experience with murder of a beloved and the ultimate execution is that the only people affected were those who loved and cared for the perp. Not only was my beloved not returned, the pain has never diminished and the crime rate has not been affected.


I've read several accounts of how the DP doesn't bring closure or peace, or any of the things that someone might believe that verdict will provide.

I don't want to bash #17, but she does seem as if she was a stealth juror.

Regardless of this "verdict" the conviction will never get overturned.

I hope the family can take comfort in the fact that these jurors didn't buy the murderess's Bullchit--I'm not even sure #17 did either. Also, travis's reputation has been completely restored as Juan was so effective knocking down every one of the DTs lies.

The murderess will likely not get any appeals, and without the distinction of being on death row, she will fade into irrelevance. That is sure to pizz her off big time, especially when she realizes Wilma and MDLR are not her BFFs and will have nothing to do with her.

I also hope the Alexander's do sue so that the murderess is denied selling her art work or whatever ridiculous things she might come up with to keep herself relevent and make money, ie, the glasses on eBay.
Anyone care how Jodi feels? I don't but I did find it interesting what she has tweeted since the verdict.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 3m 3 minutes ago
To all the premeditating cold-blooded would-be killers on #JodiArias jury: U DON'T KILL A WOMAN 4 KILLING HER ABUSER, dumbsh-ts. #no-brainer

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias
I wish I was in Amsterdam with you, suckin' down strawberry frappaccinos (which I don't even like) sitting at some pretty canal, crying together!

Any Starbucks, not even Strawberry Frappe will be Starbucks Jodi can't have. That and Cinnabons. Enjoy knowing she's given up those pleasures forever.
HOW did this juror slip past the interviewing process? SMH

She lied - pure and simple. You know good and well they had to disclose if they had watched that movie or not....she had an agenda and played the system and got the outcome she wanted :(
Right now I hate Juror #17 more than Casey Anthony, so that's saying alot!!!

All I can say is that the Alexander's are far better people than what I think I would be in their same situation. People would have been punched, screamed at and etc etc...so yea they are strong. Noone should have to go through what they have or what Travis had to..well except Jodi but I will let their religion and faith pull them through. Sometimes things are not about us anymore.
what exactly do you think Jodi meant when she said she was sorry for the verdict?
While I am not happy with this non-verdict, I do take some comfort that Travis' murderer will not get a boat load of state funded appeals. She will struggle to raise money for representation and future appeals if the first appeal is denied, which I'm 99% sure it will be. She has like, what, 6 or 7 supporters?

I'm more upset with Nurmi claiming "victory". No victory here for him. I think CMJA looked upset after the verdict because she realizes her future and and the insignificance she is headed for. Nurmi will write a book like Juan Baez - he's in it for himself. It won't sell well - like Juan Baez. Then he can reaiize insignificance too.

JM did a great job proven by 11 jurors who confirmed it. I think JS has made an appeal of this case next to impossible and in that I think she did well. I didn't like the way she ran the courtroom sometimes but I'm not ready to judge the judge until all transcripts are released.

Love and prayers for the Alexanders. They showed tremendous class and integrity in the face of more adversity and trauma than most of us would encounter in a lifetime. So proud of them for keeping the face and spirit of Travis in the courtroom!
Not much to say but bad words & I'm not allowed. At least she will fade away.

RIP Travis & prayers for the Alexander family & friends.
I must say.. It doesn't hurt as much as when Casey Anthony got acquitted. I really took that one to heart. That sweet baby. That day I left Websleuths and didn't return for months.

This one... We got the guilty verdict and she WILL rot in prison.

Same here, I had to take a break from it. Still a kick in the gut.
and why not sentence her today? what's the point of dragging this out another month, and with JSS, that probably means she'll get sentenced next year. i don't get it. it's like nurmi asks for ANYTHING, he gets it.

IT was Jodi's last manipulation and power over the Alexanders. She heard their cries and pain, she could have CHOSEN to put an end to it all today, and let them have this part of it behind them...but the B**** decided to drag it out for another 5 to 6 weeks...just because she could and has the right. Is anyone really surprised? She's E*V*I*L
Ive had time to get less mad. LOL

My observations

-The Lone Wolf Juror was what we were afraid of. Based on what we know so far, it sounds to me like she had no business being on the jury. If she thinks the DP is "revenge" instead of a just punishment for a terrible murder, then she should have said that in the beginning so that she could have been excluded.

And if its true she had "liked" a Jodi facebook page, then she favored Jodi going into this.
Not sure if what I read is true or not.

And if she was unwilling to even deliberate at all, then she also should have been excused from the jury pool. Because that is part of the process and jury instructions. You must be willing to listen and debate with your juror peers. Doesnt mean she has to change her mind but she HAS to deliberate with them.

The bottom line is I think more must be done during jury pool questions. They need a professional to interview each juror to make sure the jury pool is ok with a DP verdict if it is warranted. And to be sure a juror member knows what lies ahead.

This person had no business being on this jury. She was unwilling to listen to jury instructions that demand you participate.
One of the Jurors described their exasperation at being handed a pile of CDs with no idea what they showed, or how to
locate the recordings they wanted to see and wasted a lot of time with this. How difficult is it to provide an itemized list to assist them.....

so they should have asked for some sort of ID and way to find what they wanted. Clearly they did not have everything they wanted or needed...they probably should have been more forceful about this juror and all the outside stuff she brought to the deliberations....if JSS did not respond...she must have a higher authority they could have asked for. I feel for these jurors...victims of a very badly run trial.

They did--they asked for a list of exhibits early on and they got one.
The judge doesn't need any more information. But perhaps Jodi wants to make a statement and is hoping the media loses interest before April 13.

Yes, she will stay at Estrella until sentencing.
Not a chance after all this time anyone loses interest until the final chapter closes!
Anyone care how Jodi feels? I don't but I did find it interesting what she has tweeted since the verdict.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 3m 3 minutes ago
To all the premeditating cold-blooded would-be killers on #JodiArias jury: U DON'T KILL A WOMAN 4 KILLING HER ABUSER, dumbsh-ts. #no-brainer

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias
· 10m 10 minutes ago
"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

Classy as always.
She thought Jodi was a monster from watching the Lifetime movie and then during the penalty phase she didn't see a monster -- she saw someone who was mentally ill and had suffered some abuse. She also said to other members of the jury that the DP is "seeking revenge." So in essence, she wasn't really death qualified at all AND she had a personal background that made her more malleable to seeing abuse where there really was none. Who knows what else she thought...she didn't really participate in deliberations.

And what was the prime opportunity the holdout had "to see" that JA was not a monster? During the 2-days JSS wrongly allowed JA to speak to the jury in secret.
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