AZ AZ - Allison Feldman, 31, Scottsdale, 18 Feb 2015 #1

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You mean like FOR EXAMPLE throwing acid on her face to disfigure her, like we have read about in the news before - like something of that nature???

(It sounds like I'm back at hate crime...but I sweart I'm not, I really have no clue WHO or WHY - I just can't forget LE says Allison was a target...)

I hope not! Shudder!!!

I was actually thinking more along the lines of a satanic ritual or something. I don't want to say some of the more horrible things (yes even worse than that) that come to mind.

I do know that satanic worshippers like to perform rituals when there is a new or full moon.

Jeez I'm sounding like a lunatic. No pun intended!

MissD, I agree. Especially,since her family lived so far away,FB would be a great way to connect. It's interesting no comments made about what gift her BF got her and what they were doing. I'd love to know if her family also thought this odd.
FWIW, the photo/poster to the left of the window in Allison's FB Valentine's Day page looks to me like a poster publicizing/advertising an event that meant something to Allison vs. a picture of Allison herself. . . .

Can anyone here decipher the writing on the envelope?


That could be, Pacific, but it does say ALLISON FELDMAN on it. At least that's what it looks like to me. And if you had seen the photo of her with her date that I was referencing it looks a lot like the dress she was wearing that night.

Thanks for pointing the FB thing out. I am personally not on FB,but I know many people that are. A few of them post every minute detail with pictures of their daily life. If she used FB frequently, then I have to agree that it's odd that nothing was pisted after Feb. 14 th. I know we can't sleuth him,but I'd like to know more about her current BF.

Her FB page is more about travel, football, clubbing with her girls, and "I'd rather be in Scottsdale". She didn't look like she was a "frequent flyer" on FB, *maybe* a few post every month.

I wonder if she had an Injunction against Harassment on someone?
Could someone associated with the local clubs she went to have "targeted" her?
That could be, Pacific, but it does say ALLISON FELDMAN on it. At least that's what it looks like to me. And if you had seen the photo of her with her date that I was referencing it looks a lot like the dress she was wearing that night.

I haven't seen that photo you mentioned of Allison and her date "that night." Was "that night" New Year's Eve?
MissD, I agree. Especially,since her family lived so far away,FB would be a great way to connect. It's interesting no comments made about what gift her BF got her and what they were doing. I'd love to know if her family also thought this odd.

While I appreciate Bernina's opinion, I don't necessarily agree with her on this one. (Sorry Bernina, I know you don't mind! :) ) I do think that Allison made great use of FB to chronicle her events and activities. She didn't post jokes and things like that, at least not that I'm aware, but she seemed to post every important event.
I have spent hours reading every post she has made in the years she's been on FB. Every post...more than once. I can't believe Allison would have left out photo remembrances of something romantic perhaps that she and her BF did that weekend. It doesn't fit. Maybe someone deleted them.

I get the feeling her family really likes Alex. Or at least they did in the initial stages of the investigation. I also get the feeling everyone has been told to keep quiet.
I haven't seen that photo you mentioned of Allison and her date "that night." Was "that night" New Year's Eve?

Go down to Dec 2013 or Jan 1 2014. She refers to the guy as someone she's "dating" but only when someone asks who he is.
The framed poster looks like flamenco dancers.
The envelope looks like it has something starting with a "D".
She posted roses that were given to her on her b-day from current BF, but nothing else. Goes along the same line as the Valentine's picture.
I haven't seen that photo you mentioned of Allison and her date "that night." Was "that night" New Year's Eve?

Yes it was New Year's before last. She posted the photo on FB and someone commented "Who's the guy?" or words to that effect. She answered with something to the effect of "That's a guy I've been dating. :) "
That's very interesting about the FB postings stopping after the Feb 14th post. I'm fairly new here (websleuths) and I've notice people have mentioned several times that they are not "sleuthing" anyone. Could someone enlighten me as to what is meant by that? Please correct me if I'm wrong, however, I thought the idea of a site called "Websleuths" would be to sleuth without directly making an accusation about a specific individual. Am I missing something? I enjoy the forum but I don't want to say anything inappropriate. :)
Go down to Dec 2013 or Jan 1 2014. She refers to the guy as someone she's "dating" but only when someone asks who he is.
The framed poster looks like flamenco dancers.
The envelope looks like it has something starting with a "D".
She posted roses that were given to her on her b-day from current BF, but nothing else. Goes along the same line as the Valentine's picture.

Maybe the card said: Daddy with a smiley underneath. She was reportedly very close to her dad.

What do you make of the bunch of tulips laying down on the counter, other than that there might not have been room in the vase for them? It looks like a full bunch of flowers you would buy at the grocery store. Not elaborate roses like he bought for her on her birthday. Not that I'm putting him down mind you. She probably picked these up herself, to decorate with for example.

Allison liked to dance. I've read that several times. Maybe the guy in the photo was a flamenco dancer? Or maybe they took dancing lessons together. It does say Allison Feldman on the picture, if I'm not wrong. And I don't think I'm wrong about that. I just can't read the smaller print.

I know these things sound really crazy. But isn't murdering someone even crazier? I guess we have to think like the murderer to get our heads wrapped around this.

No detail should be overlooked.

I know cities worry about their reputations, keeping crime stats low, etc, maybe partly for tourism...but short of a verified serial killer roaming a town killing at random (i,e Son of Sam) I doubt very many people change their travel plans. For one, people never think they will become victims and secondly, they don't like to change their plans. I doubt very much that Allison's murder will affect a single booking in a hotel or at a spring training game.

I also think LE has made it as clear as possible without saying much that they feel her killer was in some way a part of her life, past or present. But jmo...
She has been seeing this new guy for about 10 months. We know he has a child from a previous marriage or relationship. It's not really all that long. I wonder if there's anything in his past. Some people do turn out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing? I'm not accusing him,but just wondering. Also, am I correct that we don't know who her previous BF is? I'm sure LE knows,though.
I know cities worry about their reputations, keeping crime stats low, etc, maybe partly for tourism...but short of a verified serial killer roaming a town killing at random (i,e Son of Sam) I doubt very many people change their travel plans. For one, people never think they will become victims and secondly, they don't like to change their plans. I doubt very much that Allison's murder will affect a single booking in a hotel or at a spring training game.

I also think LE has made it as clear as possible without saying much that they feel her killer was in some way a part of her life, past or present. But jmo...

I think that makes total sense, Clu.

What do you think of this. It's a remnant of an article that has been deleted, but this part of it remains:

Court papers prove to brand-new specifics concerning severe Scottsdale murder

02:twenty GMT

8 days after a Scottsdale woman was murdered in her home, brand-new court papers inform united states a lot more concerning the severe crime.
Allison Feldman, 31, was located lifeless in her Scottsdale residence enduring Wednesday.
Cops continue to be fairly tight-lipped concerning the investigation, however newly launched court papers reveal detectives are hunting in to a person that is known to have actually possessed call …
(continue reading)

[You can't continue reading because it's been deleted]

What could the article have been saying when it stopped after "person that is known to have actually possessed call...."
She has been seeing this new guy for about 10 months. We know he has a child from a previous marriage or relationship. It's not really all that long. I wonder if there's anything in his past. Some people do turn out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing? I'm not accusing him,but just wondering. Also, am I correct that we don't know who her previous BF is? I'm sure LE knows,though.

I know there are some family court records as recently as Dec 2014. I personally don't think he's the perp. But there could have been things that caused her to want cool the relationship a bit and give someone else a chance to get their foot back in the door. But then again, that is pure conjecture. LE never said he was not a POI or Suspect. Instead they said he had been "cooperating".

I did learn that they interviewed the mother of the child, for whatever reason. Looks like they are leaving no stone unturned. We don't know at this point if the killer was a man or woman.

Anything is possible.
Wow, I don't know. Could it be the word" called " or " calling". It sounds like they might have zeroed in on someone. The quote " are hunting in to a person that is to have known actually possessed call...". It's such an odd statement,IMO. What does hunting in to mean? The word into is one word. I'm confused by it,but I think they gave a lead.
I've been really impressed by the sleuthers here and the fact some great thoughts have come forth especially considering how little is known about the facts.

i'll just throw one item on the wall and see if it sticks. In May of 2014 a Michael Gilman was found murdered in his home around 54th street and Lincoln in Paradise Valley. For those that are not local, Paradise Valley is adjacent to Scottsdale and is as, if not more, affluent than Scottsdale. No one has been identified as his murderer and very little info released. It has really bugged me as I live fairly close to his home and I simply cannot believe it is apparently cold.

They did report that Gilman spent alot of time at an Old Town Scottsdale bar/restaurant. I also wonder if Gilman was Jewish too.

I'm just looking for any links at all to Allison's murder. Carry on all as I'm curious as can be but don't have the sleuthing abilities as many of you! I surely hope they find her killer.
Now think about a statement Sgt. Ben Hoster made and was quoted in the news:

"There are only two people that know the elements of this crime. ... That would be Allison and her murderer," Hoster said.

What an interesting choice of words Hoster uses. Elements of this crime.

Almost like the elements of a plot.


In a plot you have 5 basic elements:

The Five Elements of Plot Structure

1. Exposition: The Beginning
Every story must have a beginning. The start, or exposition, is where the characters and setting are established. During this part of the novel, the conflict or main problem is also introduced.

2. Rising Action: Introduction of the Problem or Conflict
After the characters and main problem have been established, the main problem or conflict is dealt with by some kind of action. In this part of the story, the main character is in crisis. This is the place for tension and excitement. The complication can arise through a character's conflict with society, nature, fate, or a number of themes. In this part of the story the main character is aware a conflict has arisen and takes some kind of step to battle this crisis.

3.Climax: The High Point
The climax is the high point of the story. It is the main event or danger that the character faces. This is the darkest moment, the worst challenge the character must oppose. At this point it looks as if the character will fail, and will never get what he/she wants. The turning point may be either physical or emotional. In a romance, the girl may turn the hopeful lover down, in an action story, the character may be surrounded by enemies with no chance of escape.

4. Falling Action: Winding Down
Following the climax, the story begins to slowly wind down. Falling action, one of the two final story elements, shows the result of the actions or decisions the character has made. This eventually leads to the final part of the novel, the crisis resolution.

5. Resolution: The End
The resolution, also often called denouement, which is French for "to untie" or "unraveling", is the conclusion of the story. Here, the conflicts are resolved, all loose ends are tied up, and the story concludes with either a happy or sad ending.


His choice of words indicates to me that he thinks there is a "story" behind this and that only Allison and the murderer know the story. But Allison is dead. But her phone and computer and the knowledge her friends have is not.

Speaking of phone. Do they have the phone? Does anyone know if the killer took the phone? Has there been mention of it?
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