VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #2

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Yeah so my son is 18 now. But last year my son use to wait at the bus stop with a few kids. There was a cute girl that used to wait with them and talk to my son all the time. I think he had a crush on her but never admitted it to me. Well on Valentine's Day he sent her a carnation along with 2 other girls. It was buy 3 for a $1 so he wasn't sure who to send the other one to she he sent it to her because they were friends. They texted, FB'd. So she then tells her boyfriend that she was creeped out by him and then her BF started texting my son basically threatening him. It was so innocent of him and it blew up into this huge thing. I was afraid for my son that her BF was going to come to our house or follow him home and hurt him.

Anyway things like that can happen so quickly. Maybe this person texting her was just something very simple and is being used to throw off investigators. We don't know anything about her BF, their relationship, if he has a card, etc etc. There could be so many more players out there than the obvious 2 that are on our minds.

I agree!
I thought I read that they wont release his name because he is not a POI!
I wonder if family members have submitted to lie detector tests. You know, just to rule themselves out.

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I agree!
I thought I read that they wont release his name because he is not a POI!

True but this made me giggle. Not at you per say but lets face it. Law enforcement, reporters, family, whoever had repeatedly said they did not suspect she disappeared under suspicious circumstances either just until the other day the family stated now they are worried. They aren't releasing anyone's names other than the parents from the news statements. I'm just saying there are so many other possible scenarios. I mean come on Bring AJ Home's own FB said that she was last seen at home at noon! I would embed the FB post change and pic but not sure if I can here.

They have said all along it was 7 a.m. then they said WH say her around noon that day, then he met her at a gas station at 12:45pm that day. So who saw her at home at noon??? No one has yet to be able to confirm that the mom was actually out of that house that day at that time. She is the only one stating that she went to work. Since no one has come forward with her place of employment and can verify that she was with them and states she works as a photographer she could have come and gone out of that household all day long whenever she wanted! What color car does her mom drive? We know that the family has not been honest with the public so whose to say the mom wasn't home. Whose to say it wasn't the mom driving AJ's truck. I mean from a distance they both have long brown hair an eye witness could have mistaken one for the other. What if AJ, mom and WH were all in and out of that house between those hours?

Sorry so much is going through my mind because the parents have changed their times and stories too many times.
I was away from the computer last night so I didn't read all of this in real time. It helped put things in perspective. To be blunt, THIS ISN'T LOGICAL. AT ALL. We have all followed wacky cases, but does AJ's family think the public is that naive?'s my summary of what we've been fed over the past several days..all IMO.

From family:
1. AJ is missing. Mom is the last one to see her, at 7 am on Monday. However, AJ texts mom the next morning that she's not ready to come home. It might not have been her texting.
2. Actually, a neighbor saw her at 2:30, Monday, BTW.
3. Her debit/credit card was found on a search with other debit/credit cards, but hers was the only one that looked new. It was cut in two pieces.
4. Everyone STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING. There is a flyer out there that was not created by us. It has LE's phone number on it, but the reward doesn't match the one we are offering, and it doesn't have our contact info on it. Could everyone please go around town and take those flyers down?
4. Actually, stepdad found the debit/credit card, BTW. It is sliced in many pieces, BTW.
5. LE won't communicate with the family, so they will be talking to the media.
6. Uh oh. The public has done some research and found out some "things" about stepdad and it's getting all over the internet.
7. BTW, real quick, stepdad met with AJ to give her money at noon on Monday. Forgot to tell y'all that.
8. Also, AJ texted with stepdad a thumbs up sign the next day.
9. Oh, BTW, AJ was spotted at home with a white car around 230 on Monday.
10. We are going to go on a search with machetes in a specific place to find her phone, which we believe was thrown out the window there.
11. Actually, AJ had been afraid of someone for weeks, and we have vague text messages to prove it.
12. BTW, someone found her jacket somewhere.

From LE:
1. Nothing.

Interesting to compare latest timeline/events above, to the one from Thread #1 originally Posted by pittie_mcclure I had added the questions in italics:

I'm updating my timeline. I am deleting AJ's possible walk as there was just confirmation from the FB for AJ that she didn't go for a walk.. "Somebody" put false information out there. I learned my lesson to not take anybody calling thenselves somebody's brother so literally.. Sorry, y'all.

March 2, Monday

7:00 AM - AJ is last seen by her parents leaving for work. Most sources state by her mom as she left for work, but no sources mention step-dad Wesley until NG where Wesley himself says "WE" saw her Monday. When did AJ's siblings return from school? When did AJ's step-dad return from work?

2:15 PM - AJ is seen by a neighbor at her mother's residence.

March 3, Tuesday
4:30 AM - AJ texts her mom that she is ok, but not ready to come home.. Mom questions who sent these texts.
Ping location of where calls are coming from, as well is phone on the move - where it was, where it going, is it still on etc.
When did mom get the call, did she call back, did she say call me back with a voice call.
Did AJ ever send text this early in the morning?
Whom does she normally text?

9 PM - Family reports AJ as missing to police
Was anyone (friends) contacted first to see if she was there before calling LE?

March 4th

AJ's sliced debit card is found on the street approximately one block from her mother's house by a friend helping search.
Was card scattered or in neat pile?
Was it windy, or weather such that card would not scatter?
What time was card found?
Background check done on person who found card - whereabouts, cellphone pings

Saturday March 7

AJ misses first softball practice at LU

March 5th, Thursday

AM - unconfirmed sightings on VCU campus
Attention to beauty mark under lower lip should be pointed on on fliers to lessen false sightings.

Monday March 9

AJ misses her first day back to classes
Does LE know whom her friends are, have they been contacted.

So LAST CONFIRMED SIGHTING WAS AT 2:15 PM ON MARCH 2nd by a neighbor. AJ was seen returning to her mom's house in her truck. At this point texts aren't confirmed, either.

So who was waiting for AJ when she got home?
Okay, a few posts coming your way from me.

On the last thread, I questioned why WH would wait until a week later and then disclose that he has seen her at noon.

Elizabella had a great response:
My first thought was something was discovered that placed him with her later on that day, and that was his way of back peddling.

Just wanted to point out that that makes even more sense now, given that we're suddenly being told they met at a location which might have had surveillance.
I, too, now have some more info to add to my little list. This isn't really a big deal, I think, considering we have pretty much figured out the time line to the best of our abilities so far, but it is still interesting to see!

  • The Rotunda reported that AJ was last seen on Tuesday, March 3rd around 5:30 a.m.
  • The Rotunda reported that AJ was reported missing at 9:15pm on Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • ABC News reports that she was last seen at 9:15pm on Monday, March 2nd.
  • WAVY 10 reported that AJ was last seen around 2:30 p.m. Monday, March 2nd.
  • WAVY 10 reported that AJ was reported missing at 9:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • WAVY 10 reported that AJ was last heard from via text message at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB page states that AJ was last seen at 7:00am on Monday, March 2nd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB Page is changed, states that AJ was last seen at her home around 12:00pm on Monday, March 2nd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB Page is changed, removing the time altogether. Now just states she was last seen Monday, March 2nd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB page states that AJ was last heard from at 5:30am on Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB Page is changed, removing the time. Now just states she was last heard from in the early morning on Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • 13 News Now reported that AJ was last seen at 12:00pm on Monday, March 2nd by her step-father.
  • On Nancy Grace, step-father says he thinks that she was last seen Monday, March 2nd.
  • Mace & Crown reported that, according to a quote from her mother, she was last seen by her family at 7:00am on Monday, March 2nd.
  • Mace & Crown reported that, according to a quote from her mother, she was last seen by a neighbor at 2:00pm on Monday, March 2nd.
  • WAVY 10 reporter tweets that AJ was last seen with her step-father at a gas station at 12:45pm on Monday, March 2nd.
I, too, now have some more info to add to my little list. This isn't really a big deal, I think, considering we have pretty much figured out the time line to the best of our abilities so far, but it is still interesting to see!

  • The Rotunda reported that AJ was last seen on Tuesday, March 3rd around 5:30 a.m.
  • The Rotunda reported that AJ was reported missing at 9:15pm on Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • ABC News reports that she was last seen at 9:15pm on Monday, March 2nd.
  • WAVY 10 reported that AJ was last seen around 2:30 p.m. Monday, March 2nd.
  • WAVY 10 reported that AJ was reported missing at 9:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • WAVY 10 reported that AJ was last heard from via text message at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB page states that AJ was last seen at 7:00am on Monday, March 2nd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB Page is changed, states that AJ was last seen at her home around 12:00pm on Monday, March 2nd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB Page is changed, removing the time altogether. Now just states she was last seen Monday, March 2nd.
  • The "Bring AJ Home" FB page states that AJ was last heard from at 5:30am on Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • 13 News Now reported that AJ was last seen at 12:00pm on Monday, March 2nd by her step-father.
  • On Nancy Grace, step-father says he thinks that she was last seen Monday, March 2nd.
  • Mace & Crown reported that, according to a quote from her mother, she was last seen by her family at 7:00am on Monday, March 2nd.
  • Mace & Crown reported that, according to a quote from her mother, she was last seen by a neighbor at 2:00pm on Monday, March 2nd.
  • WAVY 10 reporter tweets that AJ was last seen at a gas station at 12:45pm on Monday, March 2nd.

Excellent synopsis! To the last point I would add, "with her STEPFATHER".
OKAY. So right now, the major question I have is about this mystery white car. WHO reported seeing it following her? The neighbor again? And is that who saw the car in the driveway too? Any surveillance cams pick that up? Why are we just now learning about this?
In trying to give the benefit of the doubt (and because we have a big family and we're all coming and going all the time) I've tried to imagine a similar scenario in our house. I honestly can't :( If one of our kids went missing, every last detail would be given to LE. Who saw them last, where, what time, what they had on, SM accounts, local friends, groups/sports they're involved in, last conversation... everything. If I saw the kid last (or so I thought) and found out later no, hubby saw them later then me, I'd be right there on my FB page (right after calling LE with the newest info) updating and explaining no, we had it wrong. Not just changing it with no explanation.

So, this leaves me with just one thought. There is some willful deception going on here because someone has something they don't want anyone else knowing. What that something is, is anyone's guess.

I, like many of you, have really tried to keep an open mind. I personally know people who have made mistakes and engaged in criminal activity in the past but are now completely lawful, kind, and selfless individuals. I truly hate to pass judgement on people. It makes me feel terrible to think that anyone's past actions would be used to tarnish their personalities without careful examination of the circumstances. I am always the one to give a person the benefit of the doubt; I consistently try to see things from every perspective.

Every now and then I go back to the basic details of this case. Imagine that all of the confusion and misinformation is the result of circumstances other than the narrative they're building now - her panicked and worried parents, lousy media that doesn't fact check, rumors spreading, information that might be concealed by LE request... Maybe WH did get a viable lead about where her phone could be, maybe he was able to determine where it had pinged from. Maybe LE feels like she may have run away and truly aren't very involved. Maybe the time was lied about for a very innocent reason - maybe they really believed that certain details weren't vital, maybe the time-line fell together for them as they went along. Maybe they just haven't made intelligent choices about how to handle the situation. A confluence of all of these and similar factors is possible. It is easy to forget that sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one.

All of that being said, I also firmly believe in the power of gut instinct, and mine isn't quite so pleasant.
Question for admins. Can we share tweets that come from news stations just not personal accounts?
Yes. MSM links are always allowed. And remember, NO link, NO post. In other words, if you can't provide a link because you read something on a FB page or Twitter feed that is not allowed to be linked, you CANNOT post what you read, nor post about it.

Relatives' and friends' social media is OFF LIMITS.

This is a FINAL WARNING. TO's will be issued going forward with no questions asked.

Social Networks

Regarding Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networking or blog websites: Links may be used to direct posters to view something on a social networking page. But postings on social networking sites are not considered fact; they are rumor. Copying and pasting, or taking screen caps, directly from these pages is not allowed. Paraphrasing is okay. (Exception: If the Twitter or Facebook post belongs to a verified news station, it may be copied. But a link should still be provided.)

Also, social networking pages may only be linked if they are directly related to a case, i.e. the victim or suspect. We don't want to post to someone's mother, brother, employer, milkman, or postal carrier just because they know the main player. We also NEVER link to minor's pages (unless they are the victim). And be sure that the page actually belongs to the person being discussed. Do not link to someone if you are not 100% sure it is the correct person. And if a social networking is set to private and you get in the back way, you may not post what you find. Private means private!

Rules: Etiquette & Information
Bessie, can we discuss things posted by the admins of the HELP FIND AJ site, run by her parents?
Bessie, can we discuss things posted by the admins of the HELP FIND AJ site, run by her parents?
Yes, but include links to the posts you mention. Click on the date and time of the post, and it will open in a new page. Copy and paste the url of the new page into your post.

No copy and paste or screenshots of the posts, themselves.
I, like many of you, have really tried to keep an open mind. I personally know people who have made mistakes and engaged in criminal activity in the past but are now completely lawful, kind, and selfless individuals. I truly hate to pass judgement on people. It makes me feel terrible to think that anyone's past actions would be used to tarnish their personalities without careful examination of the circumstances. I am always the one to give a person the benefit of the doubt; I consistently try to see things from every perspective.

Every now and then I go back to the basic details of this case. Imagine that all of the confusion and misinformation is the result of circumstances other than the narrative they're building now - her panicked and worried parents, lousy media that doesn't fact check, rumors spreading, information that might be concealed by LE request... Maybe WH did get a viable lead about where her phone could be, maybe he was able to determine where it had pinged from. Maybe LE feels like she may have run away and truly aren't very involved. Maybe the time was lied about for a very innocent reason - maybe they really believed that certain details weren't vital, maybe the time-line fell together for them as they went along. Maybe they just haven't made intelligent choices about how to handle the situation. A confluence of all of these and similar factors is possible. It is easy to forget that sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one.

All of that being said, I also firmly believe in the power of gut instinct, and mine isn't quite so pleasant.

You are so right. But my mind goes back to the official FB page where they are adamate about not giving out info and they just want the public to share her pic. This was very early on so to me that means a deliberate attempt to conceal facts not that they dont remember them.

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OKAY. So right now, the major question I have is about this mystery white car. WHO reported seeing it following her? The neighbor again? And is that who saw the car in the driveway too? Any surveillance cams pick that up? Why are we just now learning about this?

From this article, BBM

Hadsell was last seen March 2 around 2 p.m. driving down Millard Street toward her home. Mr. Hadsell said his daughter was seen driving “with purpose,” and a white car followed behind her less than one minute after her. Mr. Hadsell said a white car was reported in the family’s driveway at the same time.
From this article, BBM family’s driveway at the same time.

The white car was about a minute behind her? Is that following ? This must have come from security footage then, after looking for it purposely. Because a car a minute behind someone is not necessarily seen as following them.

Who reported it was in the driveway? It had to be a neighbor I guess. I wonder what time. I wonder when it was first mentioned.
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