VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #7

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I've been wanting to learn about this case for awhile but it is going too fast and I don't have a enough time. Is anyone willing to do a synopsis of the major players, the inconsistencies and the questionable behavior of those involved?

I know it's a lot to ask but I don;t think I can get into the case without knowing more or starting from the beginning which I lack the time to do!!

I did read the timeline but I;m still confused!!!!

If reporters were standing in the street and filming things that were on view to the general public, there is no way charges could be pressed. If they went to the door and were asked to leave the property, all they have to do is walk to the end of the driveway, step on to the sidewalk or street, and they have complied.

I thought the same thing. Makes no sense. None.
I'm not saying do that, but I'm saying we should look in all directions. Leave no stones unturned if you will.

Yeah so let's look at the white car. Wasn't it WH that said the neighbor would have recognized the car since they knew what his brother's white car looks like. But we know that he has lied before, so what I'm saying is that he's explaining away why it wouldn't be his brother's car as to not focus on that. He could be saying that to bring the focus away from the white car so we wouldn't really look into it.
I've been wanting to learn about this case for awhile but it is going too fast and I don't have a enough time. Is anyone willing to do a synopsis of the major players, the inconsistencies and the questionable behavior of those involved?

I know it's a lot to ask but I don;t think I can get into the case without knowing more or starting from the beginning which I lack the time to do!!

I did read the timeline but I;m still confused!!!!


Hi :) at the beginning of the thread there's Elizabella's timeline and links. I think it might need some updated I haven't checked it out in a while but it has some of the basics in there.
Wonder if some kids had a party maybe going away party for someone? Got some alcohol for the party from some adults that would not want to get caught for providing alcohol to under age kids. Kids getting dropped of by taxis in the area...someone slips someone a date rape drug...accidental death scenario. Was AJ's mom/sisters home for the whole rest of the day. Could have AJ taken an overnight bag when she left and all the text messages between her and mom haven't been revealed because they are preserving evidence?

Help Save the Next girls Facebook poster still says last seen the evening of March 2.

That's a scenario, I'm going to bed but I'm thinking.
ok. It's true that he is the source of ALL of that, other than there were SOMEBODY'S clothes on Battlefield, which police confirmed, but I can't imagine a scenario where he makes all that stuff up, and isn't guilty of something..

I've been lurking here for a while. Zach, I am so sorry for what you are going through, and you have all of my prayers! I really hope your daughter AJ comes home soon, safe and sound!

Two possibilities that could be discussed:

1) AJ left on her own due to severe stress/depression or some other mental health crisis. People can be VERY good at hiding this from those closest to them. ESPECIALLY people who have always been told they "have it all together," or those who want to look like they "have it all together." If the people you live with struggle with similar issues, it's beyond easy to hide this. Personality changes can mean the person does not behave as normal (i.e. may not want to/be capable of contacting anyone in their life at all for long periods of time). Onset is often during the late teenage years/early 20's. In this technology-obsessed age, cutting oneself off from technology is an easy way to disappear for a short period of time. You can be with one friend - a friend that no one else knows even exists - and you can disappear for a while.

2) She was lured or taken somewhere, either by someone she knew or by someone that she didn't know. I believe it could be entirely possible that WH is lying and involved in planting her belongings in the vicinity for two reasons. One - SIMPLY to bring attention to her case, if he thinks that the police are not doing anything. Many of us on WS have found the lack of verified information from the police to be frustrating (although we seem to fully trust their work). It could be even more frustrating for WH. Given his background, I would have a hard time trusting law enforcement. Given the possibility that he has a mental health diagnosis, that can complicate things and cause erratic behavior (that he may now regret). Two - honestly, this is pure speculation (mods, I'm sorry if this is against the rules - please delete if so), to cover for something else (probably a minor illegal thing) that he did the day she went missing.

These are all of the alternate possibilities I can think of. I truly hope and pray that AJ is safe and unharmed!
Gitana, I've had a few glasses of vino and couldn't give a timeline of my own day right now. Let me just say that this case has more lies than the Anthony case. I think it's going to continue to be explosive, so I would suggest investing in the time to read all of the threads. I'm going to suggest it because I would love to hear your take on it. lol I value your opinion and you would be a huge asset to the thread if you became a regular poster on it.
Lol sorry hit the enter button had a thought but have to check with mod

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Has JH ever said anything to the media? Like a plea for her daughter to come home or call? A plea to a possible kidnapper to let her go? Anything?
Not that I've ever seen. [emoji17]

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Has JH ever said anything to the media? Like a plea for her daughter to come home or call? A plea to a possible kidnapper to let her go? Anything?

Nope. The only thing I remember seeing is the early videos where she says she thinks she's somewhere safe.
If that was the Coast Guard they could have chosen a better neighborhood, not mine whose dark history and infamous nickname still resonate in peoples minds after all these years.

Lol got ya. I guess mums the word on that then. I know you asked earlier. It's been going on how long?

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I've been wanting to learn about this case for awhile but it is going too fast and I don't have a enough time. Is anyone willing to do a synopsis of the major players, the inconsistencies and the questionable behavior of those involved?

I know it's a lot to ask but I don;t think I can get into the case without knowing more or starting from the beginning which I lack the time to do!!

I did read the timeline but I;m still confused!!!!


I'm gonna try.

1st week: AJ is home on spring break, seen on Monday morning, March 2 at 7 am. By the next day, her mother, JH, receives a text that she's not ready to come home. She thinks it seems unlike her. She doesn't seem overly worried. AJ's debit card is found on separate days in pieces up the street.
End of first week into second: WH, the adoptive step-father, begins taking over the media appearances and telling more and more stories. Read interview transcript.

Ever since then, stories have been coming out here and there, and absolutely nothing is being verified by LE.

We know he is a felon with previous charges for kidnapping, felonious restraint, burglary, etc. Read this document on his record.

End of last week some clothes were found by WH after he "received a tip" in Chesapeake. Police spent several days combing the area. No confirmation from LE that these are AJ's.

WH got arrested at the same time for B&E, obstruction, and resisting arrest for activity occurring on March 6. The warrant is floating around somewhere. He was found with 72 rounds of 9mm ammo in his hotel room, which confirmed our speculation that he and AJ's mother have actually been separated.
Watch his jailhouse interview or read the transcript.

Because AJ had another name on her FB profile, we discovered she had another stepfather. He raised AJ from toddlerhood to early teens, and is the only family member acting like a grieving parent. He is our verified insider, Zach. He blogs at He has been the target of JH's wrath for hanging his own fliers with more complete information about AJ's appearance and offering his own reward. They share two younger daughters.

That synopsis really doesn't capture the weirdness, back and forth, double- triple-speak stories and everything else going on. There is a small circle of friends, some vocal on SM relatives (and not in a good way), a lot of backlash from the family for anything that doesn't toe their party line. Basically just hang our fliers and leave us alone.
Oh crap, Princess Anne never occurred to me either! I live very close to that road and it does become very rural. Isn't that another way to get to NC?

I bring it up bc my son is in high school very nearby and he refers to Princess Anne as PA. Like when they play sports against them etc.

Did we ever get more info on this? I know we skip around a lot.

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This is a really confusing case to try to explain. Several big twist and turns. I will do my best to give a Cliff Notes Version.

Original timeline, given in news article, from JH-the Mom, was that 'everyone' left at 7 am, for work and school, except for AJ. So last seen time was 7 am at home, on March 2nd.

Also, there was a 'strange' text sent to Mom, at 5:30 am, saying " i am not ready to come home yet" but mom did not know for sure if it was AJ.
Mom called in missing report on the 3rd at 9;30 pm.

OKAY. that all seemed solid. And a few asked basic questioned on the BringAJHome FB, set up by the family. Respectful, simple things like, "did she have a car, was it missing, was her father leave at same time, that morning...?" Mom left a curt and even kind of passive/aggressive response, imo. She said it was not anyones business, no one needs to know any of that, and all that anyone needed to do was send out and share the MISSING posters, 'thank you very much.'

The missing posters had Moms cell #, Dad's Cell # and NPD # for any tips. Also, mom got VERY upset when her ex husband began putting up missing posters and offering 25k reward, and put the NPD #. She asked people to go pull them all down because he was interfering with the investigation.

OKAY. That response kind of made people dig a bit deeper. And eventually a few of the questions were answered. It was said that AJ's truck was left in the driveway but she was not home when family members arrived back at the house in the afternoon.

ALRIGHT. Now it began to get shady. A few sleuthers found out that 'dad'--Wesley Hadsell--had a long criminal history. And he had only been married to JH since 2005, 2 months after he was released from prison for the kidnapping/rape of his ex wife, and for a bank robbery that happened while he was on the run with her. And somehow, MAYBY YOU CAN EXPLAIN HOW it could happen, but somehow this felon with a long history, was able to ADOPT AJ when she was 15.

Now by this time, Wes had become the sole family spokesman. He answered the questions on the FB, did the media interviews, and organized the searches. he even was credited with the initial 'clues' and finds.

However, there was a clumsy, hamhanded, couple of days where the timeline was 'clarified' and re-clarified. And after a few awkward attempts, it was explained that actually, 7 am was NOT the last sighting.

Now we were told that Wes met her at lunchtime at a gas station to give her some cash. But no need to worry because 2 neighbors, apparently saw her after that time, driving her red truck home.

You REALLY need to see his interview explaining that new timeline, in order to understand the reason for much of our skepticism. It is hard to explain but he is very 'leaky' and awkward when he tries to explain things.

OK, so now we have a newly revised timeline, placing Wes in a 35 minute 'meeting' in an unnamed gas station, where they did not speak much but stared at each other. <<<HIS WORDS.

And trust me Gitana, from there the entire thing went NUTSO. I think, with my suspicious Scorpio mind, that Wes planted much of the evidence and tried to frame a neighborhood teen.

But some believe his stories about why he broke into the teens home --because he thought he needed to look for evidence--and he found a jacket that he says is AJ's so he left it there, and got some other kids to call it in as a tip to LE. But these kids now say they are afraid of him and he threatened them? So I don't know how to explain what happened. Wes found her cut up credit cards but it was hinky because her name was not cut off of it, and it was in the street. And the first piece was 'found' by the kid whose house he later broke into, so It is very convoluted.

Bottom line for me--3 weeks later, after all the cell records, surveillance footage and witness testimony--the cops spent 15 hrs interrogating Wes, and accusing him of killing AJ. And they told him that there is no video of him at the gas station with her, but that his cell pings at his hotel, not where he says he was,].

OH, and the family did not want to admit that Wes was living in a hotel and separated from JH at this time. A WS member figured that out here by the interview Wes gave, where he tired to dance around it.

Are you confused yet?
Hi gitana,

thanks for joining us on this thread,we could sure use your wits and expertise.I will try to give you a quick run down. I may not have exact dates and times correct so nobody quote me and everybody please feel free to point out and/or correct my mess ups because I'm doing this from memory as I don't have time right now to research for exact dates etc.

Mostly what we've been told so far has been by AJ's dad &#8211; WH. (He adopted her shortly after marrying her mother which Ibelieve was in 2010). He was released from prison in ?February 2010after previous charges and issues in several other states and IIRC he married AJ's mom within a few months of his release. On AJ's thread here, we do have Zach who is a verified insider, he was involved in AJ's life from I believe almost 2 years old until WH came into the picture. I do not want to speak for Zach, my heart goes out to him.

AJ is a college student who was home on spring break and went missing. I believe it was on March 3 late evening when she was actually reported missing. Numerous different times and stories told of when she was actually last &#8220;seen&#8221; but some include Monday,March 2 at 7 a.m., then WH says he met her for lunch that day (which this was days later he let this info out). Her mom (JH) has made reference to receiving some odd texts from her in the early morning hours of the 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] IIRC. Per WH, there's a neighbor who said he saw her on Monday leaving the house and then coming back, another neighbor says he saw her coming home with a white car following her and yada yada yada.

WH organized (I'd guess you'd say) his own searches, one I know of with 3 of AJ's friends along, he found clothes along a highway, as far as I know, LE has not confirmed they were hers. He allegedly broke into a neighbor's house and claims he found AJ's jacket hidden under a couch cushion. He was arrested I believe on March 21 and is in jail for obstruction of justice and a couple other things. (He is a felon with past history).

He has done a few interviews since being in jail, WTKR news, WAVY-10 news, and I think a couple others. You really need to watch those.

To my knowledge, LE has not had a press conference and have released very little information.Again, most of what we know has come from WH himself.
Great Nermal now I have been hearing heliocopters for 10 min about. Dismal swamp is practically right across the street from me in Suffolk.

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Ughhh thats to much helio flying for here

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