NV NV - Wellington, WhtMale 574UMNV, 35-50, off Sand Canyon Road, Mar'92 - #1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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The good news is we now have a DNA profile entered into CODIS for our John Doe, which is a huge step in the right direction! Unfortunately, we do not have any "hits" on the profile at this time.

We need your help. Attached is a photograph of a piece of a T-shirt. We believe the T-shirt was originally white. We need your help with identifying the design. Does anyone recognize it? Thank you in advance for your time and efforts!

I would like to see the very left side of the t shirt opened up more - Also I believe this is all bird - Looked at hundreds of falcon and eagle pics and the edges of the lighter areas look like feathers. Might have a clue on the left side. The darker tail doesn't line up with a fully flying bird though. Will continue to look. photo is post #30
I am probably going to go buy longer pants as I will likely be pulling them up higher, "I must Say" :floorlaugh:

Wait. That's a thought because we may have an idea how tall he is but not how high he wore his pants.

Thanks for the laugh. My girlfriend complained to her husband's tailor that she feared her husband was shrinking because his pants were all frayed at the bottom. The tailor responded that her husband was doing the opposite of shrinking. His gaining weight was causing him to wear his pants lower on his waist and that's why his pants were fraying.
Here it is: Post 42 (same post with the Levi's description):

"A pair of black Stadia shoes was located about a half mile away from the remains. There is evidence the shoes were too small for whoever wore them. There is also evidence the shoes had been repaired in somewhat of a unique manner. It is unknown at this time if the shoes actually have anything to do with this case."
Now that you mentioned that and I zoomed in on the weave, there is a definite vertical pattern. That is typical, so IMO, I believe the photo was taken in direct relation to the placement it would have been in. The other option would be to flip it upside down. I don't think, based on the weave that the orientation would rotate. Thanks for the new look at this dang shirt!

Thank you! Well your eyes are belter than mine so that shoots another theory.

In an effort to clarify some of the facts and timeline of this case...

On March 12, 1992 a male caller reports that he found a skeleton in Sand Canyon and provides detailed directions to the location. The caller refuses to identify himself. Law enforcement locates the remains the next day.

The body was nearly completely skeletonized. The victim was aged between 35 and 50 and stood between 6’0” and 6’3”. He had reddish/brown hair.

The victim had dental work done, to include a root canal. The victim was missing several teeth prior to his death. The victim had been stabbed. The body was missing both hands and feet.

The body was clad only in what remains of a T-shirt. The shirt has a partial design of what appears to be a bird with outstretched wings with an orange circle (likely a stylized sun) in the background.

A pair of Levi Strauss 517 pants in relatively good condition was found inside of a moving blanket that was covered in white paint. The moving blanket and pants were found nearby. The pants are 32W by 36L. Men’s brief-type underwear were found nearby as well as a black Heavenly Lake Tahoe hat. The clothing was scattered over a broad area.

A pair of black Stadia shoes was located about a half mile away from the remains. There is evidence the shoes were too small for whoever wore them. There is also evidence the shoes had been repaired in somewhat of a unique manner. It is unknown at this time if the shoes actually have anything to do with this case.

At the time the body was located, a deputy sheriff on scene recalled handling an abandoned vehicle in October of 1991 (7 months prior to body discovery). An anonymous caller called this particular abandoned vehicle into the Mono County Sheriff’s Office. The vehicle, a 1979 Pontiac Grand Prix, with Oklahoma plates, was found along Highway 338, about two miles from where the remains were found. The vehicle was found in a manner that suggested whoever put it there was trying to conceal it. The registered owner was ultimately located and interviewed, but nothing conclusive came out of the interview. The vehicle may or may not have anything to do with this case.

In 1999 this investigation was reactivated and a press release was put out. As a result, a woman who lives nearby reported she started seeing a dog come around her property about 9 months prior to the discovery of the body. The dog would leave in the direction where the body would later be found. The woman took a picture of the dog.

There was a dog collar located in the area of the remains however it is unknown how close the collar was located to the body. This photo was taken to area veterinarians, but no identifications were made. This dog may or may not have belonged to the victim. Nothing definitive to prove it either way was ever found.

In 2014, the case is reassigned again. Utilizing modern technology, a DNA profile of the victim was developed and entered into CODIS.

The clothing evidence will be re-processed utilizing modern technology in the near future. At that time, hopefully there will be conclusive proof as to whether or not any of the clothing and shoes belonged to the victim. Additionally, an isotope analysis of the victim’s hair will be done in the near future which could reveal clues regarding where the victim had been prior to his death.

A consultation was done with Texas State University regarding the condition of the remains in hopes of narrowing the time of death. Based on this report, we believe the victim probably died sometime between 4 and 14 months prior to discovery.

Previous investigators had the subject’s skull sent to a facial reconstruction artist. Those pictures are one artist’s rendition of what they believed our subject might have looked like. Detectives are sending the skull out to be reconstructed again for another perspective on what our subject may have looked like.

Other investigative leads have been developed as a result of the fresh look at this case, however these will not be publicly discussed at this time.

Further photos will be posted at a later time.

Please contact via private message lcsodetectives or mmarty with any leads on this case. Please keep in mind that while we can't always comment on certain aspects of the investigation, we do read these posts and we appreciate any and all ideas!
I brought this forward as a refresher to the case.

According to Ksodetectives: A consultation was done with Texas State University regarding the condition of the remains in hopes of narrowing the time of death. Based on this report, we believe the victim probably died sometime between 4 and 14 months prior to discovery.


ETA: The officer later corrected 7 months to 5 months concerning the car being found in relation to the body found.
Thanks. Much better than two days ago but still dragging.

I believe they feel the shoes may be unrelated, and they want us to focus our energy on things that are more likely to be related----like the hat and the tee-shirt since they were found closer to the victim.

Here's the post about the shoes:

I agree, the shoes don't make or break things (and they'll know soon enough if they're related to the case by doing testing on them). I'm still more puzzled about the circumstances of the dog and its broken collar.
Here it is: Post 42 (same post with the Levi's description):

"A pair of black Stadia shoes was located about a half mile away from the remains. There is evidence the shoes were too small for whoever wore them. There is also evidence the shoes had been repaired in somewhat of a unique manner. It is unknown at this time if the shoes actually have anything to do with this case."
Oh, thanks for clarifying they were too small for whoever wore them, as opposed to being too small for the victim to have owned them.

Here's the other post about the shoes. I feel strongly the detectives don't want us wasting our time focusing on the shoes right now. They consider us an amazing resource and hope we'll focus our attention to the things most likely having to do with the case.

Concerning the shoes, keep in mind they were found a half mile away. They may or may not have anything to do with the case. I can tell you from personal experience that although the body was found in a rather remote area, the road is somewhat well traveled. In fact, my partner and I revisited the scene not too long ago and in the span of about 45 minutes, we saw a vehicle on the road. In other words, it's not uncommon (unfortunately) to find trash in remote areas such as this. We are not opposed to posting pics of the shoes, but we are having lab work done first which will hopefully give us a better idea of whether or not they are connected to the victim.
I was rereading the NamUs site, and noticed that they mentioned "T-shirt present on remains around neck and right arm." Also noticed a 2nd photo, showing a long string coming off one part:

So, I'm wondering--if the long string on the rt side of the photo (looks like piece of fabric cut on the bias; it's rolled)--if that is a piece of the neck part, then it would appear that the bird is facing downward, away from the sun. The tail feathers are the closest to the neckline of the shirt. So that would be different than the typical Native American design which had birds flying upward, toward the sun.

For what that's worth.

Is there any possibility that's a native headdress rather than a live bird?
So time of death would have been approx Jan 1991 to Nov 1991.
ETA: or Aug 1991 to Oct 1991 based on edit above.

Not sure about the headdress, idea, carbuff...to me, it seems to 'end' too soon on either side for that. But that's just my impression. It simply looks like tail feathers to me (and if I had to pick a specific bird, I'd go with the peregrine falcon, still).
So time of death would have been approx Jan 1991 to Nov 1991.

Not sure about the headdress, idea, carbuff...to me, it seems to 'end' too soon on either side for that. But that's just my impression. It simply looks like tail feathers to me (and if I had to pick a specific bird, I'd go with the peregrine falcon, still).

I agree that's my first thought as well. But I was looking at tribal logos that use a falcon or hawk, though, and turned up quite a number of very similar looking headdresses.

There's something about it that just doesn't look quite right for a bird. All the parts don't seem to quite fit together.

Or maybe that's just my eyes going crossed after three days of looking at bird-themed shirts!
I agree, the shoes don't make or break things (and they'll know soon enough if they're related to the case by doing testing on them). I'm still more puzzled about the circumstances of the dog and its broken collar.
I feel the same way about the t-shirt art. He could have bought it second hand, been given the shirt, or otherwise acquired it. Unless a person was reported missing wearing this particular shirt or if someone recognizes it from the past to connect it to the victim, the art on the shirt is not nearly as important as the DNA it contained...at least in my opinion. (And I am relatively certain there is no birch tree in the artwork)

The dog and the broken collar could be related to the victim. If the dog was travelling to the woman's house on a regular basis, did they do a search of her yard/area to see if the dog had carried bones there? Hands and feet are rather delicately attached in the scheme of body parts. Decomp would allow an animal to easily remove and take them away from the scene, imo. However, they have not made it clear if they believe there appeared to be intent for the parts to be missing.
I feel the same way about the t-shirt art. He could have bought it second hand, been given the shirt, or otherwise acquired it. Unless a person was reported missing wearing this particular shirt or if someone recognizes it from the past to connect it to the victim, the art on the shirt is not nearly as important as the DNA it contained...at least in my opinion. (And I am relatively certain there is no birch tree in the artwork)
The detectives want us working on the shirt. I think their opinion matters. The shirt could lead to the finding the identity via a backdoor way. It could indicate his interests and lifestyle, etc. They already have the DNA. If there's no match, they have to identify this victim the old fashioned way to find a family to match DNA with.
Thanks. Much better than two days ago but still dragging.

I believe they feel the shoes may be unrelated, and they want us to focus our energy on things that are more likely to be related----like the hat and the tee-shirt since they were found closer to the victim.

Here's the post about the shoes:

Have some tea Miss M - I recommend Yogi.

I do not think we will hear from our LE friends till they get off work... I hope this 'crowd sourcing' is helping them rather than creating more work. We here, get all wound up with many questions, etc. It is a sad fact that when professionals like these grab a cold case to work, it takes a back seat from the regular duties our LE must attend to on most days.

I wanted to mention our members who are devoting so many hours in matching the IUD to Missing cases, putting them into lists and data bases, updating those lists and all that. I know this thread has run fast and we Sleuthers may have overshadowed the members who are diligently researching details - the actual work of this thread - to match the IUD to the missing.

They are not involved in the abstract theorizing that I am familiar with, but to be fair I understand our VI members also need and have asked for that input, so I wonder if we need 2 threads. One for ID matching and one for sleuthing the details of the case and including abstract theories about the circumstances surrounding the death. The area, the geography, the timeline, the facts as we know them and the many directions we all are able to run in.

The overwhelming response to this thread after the notice that was put out, is such a positive indication as to how we, the members can contribute to a need for the victims, Law Enforcement, the lost and the forgotten, that I feel it is tremendous opportunity for us at WS.

I am honestly asking if there should be 2 threads and I will likely alert my own post to posit that query, LOL

Now that you mention the cut, I am not a sewing dude, but when I look at the lower part where it is rolled, and the extended longer part to the lower right, I see at least 3 more inches of fabric. When we look at our gloved fingers holding it open at top and bottom, both edges want to roll back against my fingers like a drawing that is open on the board. So regarding the cut, as a bias cut, how does that rolling effect orient the picture on a section of cotton T-shirt with regard to the weave or cut? Is the image definitely horizontal or would it be oriented at an angle? I have no idea if I am explaining myself properly. I do recall a post from our LE members that it was thought the image was toward the upper part of the shirt. But is it back or front? That might give some clue to it's origin.

Incidentally the upper right part still looks like Birch Bark to me. The middle section moving left looks like a wing folded back while the bottom squared off section looks like a tail with the right feathers not yet folded in. So a hawk in motion just landing is my impression, perhaps coming in to scout the woods. I would love to know from someone experienced in Photo Shop if it is possible to restore the coloring in this photo.

I need to ask my wife.


I can say with all certainty, since those are my gloved fingers holding the piece of shirt and my partner is taking the photo, that there is no birch tree in that image. The feathers are plain as day in real life.
I agree that's my first thought as well. But I was looking at tribal logos that use a falcon or hawk, though, and turned up quite a number of very similar looking headdresses.

There's something about it that just doesn't look quite right for a bird. All the parts don't seem to quite fit together.

Or maybe that's just my eyes going crossed after three days of looking at bird-themed shirts!

I know, LOL. I went through over 3,500 t shirts so far. I googled the following just incase it helps...
Lynyrd Skynyrd Free Bird
The Eagles and their tours
Red Hawks
Bay Hawks
Atlanta Hawks
River Hawks
Falcon Tees
Wild Turkey tees and bourbon
Vintage Tees and rock bands
there were more, just can't think of them.
Personally I don't think we need 2 threads as we are keeping up the list with all of the post numbers referenced for each missing person. LEO has indicated they are continually working on the list and it is working currently. The rest of the sleuthing can continue until we find the match (or extremely close ones) on this thread right along side the submissions of possible matches to the UID.

I plan on reposting the updated list every 100 posts or so and the tags below indicate where the alpha list is last posted. JMO
Have some tea Miss M - I recommend Yogi.

I do not think we will hear from our LE friends till they get off work... I hope this 'crowd sourcing' is helping them rather than creating more work. We here, get all wound up with many questions, etc. It is a sad fact that when professionals like these grab a cold case to work, it takes a back seat from the regular duties our LE must attend to on most days.

I wanted to mention our members who are devoting so many hours in matching the IUD to Missing cases, putting them into lists and data bases, updating those lists and all that. I know this thread has run fast and we Sleuthers may have overshadowed the members who are diligently researching details - the actual work of this thread - to match the IUD to the missing.

They are not involved in the abstract theorizing that I am familiar with, but to be fair I understand our VI members also need and have asked for that input, so I wonder if we need 2 threads. One for ID matching and one for sleuthing the details of the case and including abstract theories about the circumstances surrounding the death. The area, the geography, the timeline, the facts as we know them and the many directions we all are able to run in.

The overwhelming response to this thread after the notice that was put out, is such a positive indication as to how we, the members can contribute to a need for the victims, Law Enforcement, the lost and the forgotten, that I feel it is tremendous opportunity for us at WS.

I am honestly asking if there should be 2 threads and I will likely alert my own post to posit that query, LOL


I say keep this one thread. If we can change the thread title that would be great! Dog may or may not have anything at all with what we know are the facts. A title like "Unidentified Remains Found Off Of Sand Canyon Road, Near Wellington, Nevada" works for me. And, since NAMUS is the central clearing house, having NAMUS info instead of DoeNetwork info as the lead in would be awesome. Not sure if that is possible, but it would certainly help the cause.

As stated by someone above, yes please, stay the course on the t-shirt, it is vital to this investigation and my partner and I greatly appreciate all the work and dedication that you are all putting forth with us.
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