SIDEBAR #49 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Harmony 2

Retired WS Staff
Oct 12, 2008
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:gthanks: Harmony2
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thanks for the new thread and great food Harmony.

[h=3]Arpaio to welcome Pamela Anderson to jail[/h]
PETA applauds Arpaio's policy and is calling for jails and prisons nationwide to follow his lead.

Just saying, I don't support PETA. Their whole operation was pretty sorry when they tried to make it illegal to ship day old poultry and waterfowl, and adult birds years back. Much of their organization was scrutinized and it wasn't very pretty.
It's kinda weird when I hear people say that LE in Arizona is all shoot first, ask questions later. There's been 3 pretty serious altercations between LE and suspects in the last month, the nut job who shot people in Mesa, a vagrant family at a Wlamart in Cottonwood where one of the 7 died, and now this. I've got to hand it to LE, they use a lot of restraint.

Marana police video shows cruiser ram crime spree suspect


LOL@ knocked down people to get up there to tattle

My thoughts exactly cj. She ran up there to tell on Samantha! She was so MAD at the things Samantha said that SHE just had to set the record straight and let it be known that Samantha was WRONG! That it was HER that wanted to settle! FOUR times!! (of course she left out the part that she desperately WANTED/AGREEDED to plead guilty to murder two ONLY, which carries a much lighter sentence. 10 to 22 years...minus her timed served)

And how DARE that baby to cry while the goddesses has the floor.
I'm surprised she didn't break her neck the way she flipped that head of hers around to give that baby the EVIL EYE. One thing is for sure...she scared that baby into silence. That baby didn't make another peep in court the rest of the day. Heck I'm willing to bet that terrified baby hasn't ever cried again to this day!

And she also HAD to let it be known that Samantha was WRONG again because poor little Jodi WAS an ABUSED CHILD too! She got her butt wacked a few times, and don't even get me started on the HORRIFFIC abuse she suffered with that big bad wooden spoon! Pssst

She was supposed to be asking for leniency from the judge. I guess she OR her mother didn't get the memo.


Dmacky, just had bring this over let you know how funny this was :hilarious: loved your take on this :takeabow:
Well, here we all are on the Sidebar, digesting Harmony's sumptuous buffet. Hope Inmate 281129's crummy breakfast (powdered eggs? moldy toast? watery Tang?) is still burning a hole in her stomach. Orange is not the most flattering color for her, is it? lol Bet she misses those stylin' black stripes...tee hee.

And Aaron Hernandez guilty of murder in the first...w00t! It's so unusual to have this much justice in a single week. Lovin' it.


I :heartbeat: :websleuther:
Let me tell you what happened a little bit ago...I made a quick run to local UPS center send off a package. No cars were there when I pulled up, I saw this small little clutch purse. Thinking some little girl lost it, I picked it up and took it inside. Told them I found it and they opened it, seeing if a name was inside. OH MY GOSH!! There was $5,000.00 dollars CA$H in it!!!! All paper clipped in $1000.00 bundles. They called the police and I give my statement to them. Sure hope whoever lost it contacts the store or the police. The police has it.
Let me tell you what happened a little bit ago...I made a quick run to local UPS center send off a package. No cars were there when I pulled up, I saw this small little clutch purse. Thinking some little girl lost it, I picked it up and took it inside. Told them I found it and they opened it, seeing if a name was inside. OH MY GOSH!! There was $5,000.00 dollars CA$H in it!!!! All paper clipped in $1000.00 bundles. They called the police and I give my statement to them. Sure hope whoever lost it contacts the store or the police. The police has it.

Yow! That would wake me up more than a vat of coffee! Hope it gets back to the rightful owner. "Hmmm, I know I had $5,000 around here somewhere..."

You're a good girl. ((HUG))
Well, here we all are on the Sidebar, digesting Harmony's sumptuous buffet. Hope Inmate 281129's crummy breakfast (powdered eggs? moldy toast? watery Tang?) is still burning a hole in her stomach. Orange is not the most flattering color for her, is it? lol Bet she misses those stylin' black stripes...tee hee.

And Aaron Hernandez guilty of murder in the first...w00t! It's so unusual to have this much justice in a single week. Lovin' it.


I :heartbeat: :websleuther:

:floorlaugh: at the advertisement that I see on post #1 above. At first glance I thought it was part of Harmony's b'fast spread :giggle:

Yow! That would wake me up more than a vat of coffee! Hope it gets back to the rightful owner. "Hmmm, I know I had $5,000 around here somewhere..."

You're a good girl. ((HUG))

In my mind I see some little sweet lady losing it and she was on her way to the bank to deposit her life savings. But, I am known being wrong (at times).
:giggle: Soooooo dear Mrs. Dood...just so happened also have $5000 laying around? :websleuther:

Posted by Sedona722
I so love you guys here, so I need to say something, not to open up a debate, just to clarify what the inmate blurted out to hopefully give peace to the Alexanders in case they read here.

I am a retired RN. I spent 42 years as a critical care and ER nurse. I have seen much in my years in that capacity. I HAVE NEVER seen a gunshot wound to the head like Travis had, that did not swell immediately and bleed profusely into the surrounding tissue. It would have knocked him out and he would have been unconscious right afterward, therefore, it would have been last. He had no profuse bleeding in that area, even having layed for 5 days. The very fact he had no circulation would limit any blood. If he had been shot first, his heart would have circulated the bleeding profusely into the tissue. Had the bleeding occurred, the clotting mechanism would have started and by the 5th day, there would be a clot still there because there was no circulation to begin the process of desolving. Decomposition would not have removed the clot in his face, sinus cavity or brain tissue left. Decomp did occur with brain tissue, but that is vastly different than a what a humongous clot would be if there had been one.

He had already extravasted (bled out) into his chest cavity due to the laceration to the superior vena cava, rendering him in cardiac arrest. He most likely was in a tachycardia from the adrenaline response and was down on the floor as he bled and was already unconscious. By the time the neck slice occurred, he would have been unconscious and either stopped breathing or was having agonal respirations (end of life breath).

So, no, he could not have been conscious when she delivered the final slice to his throat and yes, the GSW was last. Dr. Horn got it correct in his autopsy report. I knew all this based on my experience and I knew she was lying when she said those things just to get back at the Alexanders yesterday.

This has bugged me so much, I just kept thinking and thinking about it and finally decided to say something. I want Travis' family to know that he did not suffer after the initial stab to the vena cava, that what she did to him was in rage and occurred after he was unconscious. It took what, a total of 2 minutes, I can't remember, but in that short time, he was taken by surprise, off guard, and had no time to fight very long for his life before the fatal blow to the vena cava.

I apologise for this, I just had to say it.

Bringing over from the previous thread. Hi Sedona, I appreciate your opinion re: the question of conscious vs. unconscious, however, just wanted to interject that the stab wound to the vena cava is believed to have occurred in the bathroom. He had defensive wounds to the hands indicating he had tried to fight back, and then was still conscious enough to attempt to escape by crawling down the hall. He made it down that short length of hallway ending at the door of his bedroom. Throughout this time he was still conscious. So are you saying that the length of time it took for him to get down to the end of the hallway would have been the precise amount of time it would have taken for him to reach the point of losing consciousness ? I do remember Dr. Horn testifying that Travis was still alive when his throat was cut, but not whether or not he believed he was still conscious. Anyway, just trying to clarify. And FWIW, I hope you're correct that he wasn't.
Yow! That would wake me up more than a vat of coffee! Hope it gets back to the rightful owner. "Hmmm, I know I had $5,000 around here somewhere..."

You're a good girl. ((HUG)) glad that I ran into you. I wanted to thank you kindly for the good wishes that you sent to me yesterday. That was so nice of you. I had a lovely birthday and part of the lovely was receiving good wishes from you, so thank you kindly again. :loveyou:
So sorry I missed the party yesterday. Belated Happy Birthday to you, Paintr!

Hey all! Good morning!

Seems I missed alot!

I'm bringing over some posts from last night and this morning to just comment... :) You all sure are busy at night :eek:nline: while I asleep! :giggle:

Spellbound said:
Gave me a to see the smile has been wiped off her face. Maybe they told her " smiling is not allowed"

If they told her NOT to smile, I believe Inmate 281129 :jail: would have smiled... that's how she is!

YESorNO said:
Seems the supporters don't want the murderer's pic posted:

I don't think Inmate 281129 :jail: looks sad at all! More like defiant! and that left eye... very EVIL looking!

Re Juan Martinez!
Sedona722 said:
This is an excellent review. Juan also said he was flattered about the way people got to know him and would come up to him to say hello or to meet him. He is such a gentleman and so kind, I loved his so much before, but now I love him even more!
Ricki said:
I love his soft voice and he is easy on the eyes. A real gentleman.
neesaki said:
Great interview, Thanks Sedona :) Isn't Juan just juanderful ?
I'mjazzed said:
I Love Juan!!! :loveyou: I really want to watch this...

I agree with ALL you guys said!! :thumb:




more to say... :pcguru:
So sorry I missed the party yesterday. Belated Happy Birthday to you, Paintr!


Awww! Thank you kindly. I have been gone from WS for a couple years and have recently been making my way back. :) Soo many familiar beloved posters gone and so many new and wonderful posters to meet. Just having someone notice and comment on my birthday is so neat. Made me feel welcome. glad that I ran into you. I wanted to thank you kindly for the good wishes that you sent to me yesterday. That was so nice of you. I had a lovely birthday and part of the lovely was receiving good wishes from you, so thank you kindly again. :loveyou:

Hope you had a good one, and sorry it's belated!!!!!

Maybe WS should just make April the honorary B-Day month, seems like there's a ton of us April babies, lol!
Happy Belated birthday Paintr. Hope it was great.
Hey all! Good morning!

Seems I missed alot!

I'm bringing over some posts from last night and this morning to just comment... :) You all sure are busy at night :eek:nline: while I asleep! :giggle:

If they told her NOT to smile, I believe Inmate 281129 :jail: would have smiled... that's how she is!

I don't think Inmate 281129 :jail: looks sad at all! More like defiant! and that left eye... very EVIL looking!

Re Juan Martinez!

I agree with ALL you guys said!! :thumb:




more to say... :pcguru:

I don't think she looks sad either, maybe a little deflated, but also seething with anger and hate. Those eyes, cold and evil.
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