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Anyone watching Mad Men? 2 more episodes :(

Did This Predict Woman ‘Mad Men’s Ending Two Years Ago?

"Two years ago, Lindsey Green posted a conspiracy theory that the show is really about a real-life, unsolved historical footnote. With two episodes to go, against all odds, signs point to her being right..."

17 Things 'Mad Men' Should And Shouldn't Do Before It Ends

"...“Mad Men” has reveled in shades of grey and ambiguity for seven seasons, and the chances of that changing now are almost nil. I expect the last two episodes to be as symbolically complex and narratively knotty as the rest of the show. It’ll probably make us laugh and I hope it’ll make us cry; there might be some forms of catharsis before we go, but resolution? Nah. Nothing about the lives of Don, Peggy, Pete, Joan and Rogers has ever been neat and tidy, which is partly why the show is one of the greats...."



You go get them Peggy! :)


coffeejunkie = question?? You probably don't have any cats, right? Otherwise, I don't see how those robins would be nesting on that railing!!

:wave: Hi everyone!

This year we only have a tomato plant - yes a tomato plant... frustrating that our ground in the back is mostly all rock...
:gaah: I would love to have a garden with veggies. Have lots of rose bushes my brother left when he moved. Just plucked 3 orange ones, 1 pink, and 2 red ones in a vase! :loveyou:

I don't plant a veggie garden anymore :( (Too many snails and slugs here, UGH.)

When I lived in Pa, I had a beautiful garden with about 85 roses- they were sooooooooo beautiful. I did take some of the roses with me when I moved to this area, but the zone was different (went from zone 6 to zone 4) and most died.

Enjoy your roses :loveyou:
Good morning. It looks like we are going to have a hot and steamy day here (rainstorms possible). Kind of matches my mood?

Actually .... son is supposed to take me to lunch for my favorite burger (combo birthday/Mothers Day).
I went looking for the house we stayed in. It's was the Bodie House. It's over one hundred and twenty eight years old. Anna , my grand daughter and I stayed in the room in the photo's. It's a short walk to downtown and lots to see if you like old shops and things. I don'tt know if they are still there , but Two Dumb Dames (IIRC) Candy Shop was very good. You could also have your photo dressed as an old timely barmaid (they did makeup and everything.) a schoolmarm etc, It was fun for my daughter and sister's daughter. They had their photo's done way back in 1987 when we took our summer family trip. All twenty of us. We stayed in cabins out at a Lake Leatherwood. When I started searching for my family I found my great grandma Cora had Leatherwoods on her mothers side of the family.

BBM :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Been a very stressful last few day...was my yearly check up for my heart and was having all the 'bells and whistles' test done. Will get the results next week when I see my Cardiologist.

Looks like Momma Robin has finished laying her eggs and 3 it is! :) They should hatch in about 2 weeks (give or take a few day).

Hope you get good results from all those tests, Coffee. :blowkiss:
Good morning. It looks like we are going to have a hot and steamy day here (rainstorms possible). Kind of matches my mood?

Actually .... son is supposed to take me to lunch for my favorite burger (combo birthday/Mothers Day).

My son is volunteering for something to do with the addiction center he is working at on Sunday and asked me if it was OK because it was Mother's Day.
I just told him to bring me Chinese food when he was done. :)

Have a nice lunch with your son Spelly. (I love to go to lunch with my son- we talk so much then. :)
Normally, he's so busy and we don't get a chance to talk as much.
Good morning. It looks like we are going to have a hot and steamy day here (rainstorms possible). Kind of matches my mood?

Actually .... son is supposed to take me to lunch for my favorite burger (combo birthday/Mothers Day).

How sweet :) Enjoy your burger and the time spent with your son!!
My son is volunteering for something to do with the addiction center he is working at on Sunday and asked me if it was OK because it was Mother's Day.
I just told him to bring me Chinese food when he was done. :)

Have a nice lunch with your son Spelly. (I love to go to lunch with my son- we talk so much then. :)
Normally, he's so busy and we don't get a chance to talk as much.

Doing anything with my kids is a treat. Makes any day feel like a holiday.
My son is volunteering for something to do with the addiction center he is working at on Sunday and asked me if it was OK because it was Mother's Day.
I just told him to bring me Chinese food when he was done. :)

Have a nice lunch with your son Spelly. (I love to go to lunch with my son- we talk so much then. :)
Normally, he's so busy and we don't get a chance to talk as much.

Love Chinese! That would work for me :)

Our kids do a "Parent's Day" between Mother's and Father's Day. They started that family tradition about 5 years ago and it works out for everyone :)
I just love all your stories about your life :) You should stop by more often when you can, so we can hear more.

No tomatoes will be planted yet (at least here in Zone 4), not until May.

Thanks Yes/No for the very kind post. I love coming to this thread to visit. Everyone here is so friendly and I always end up smiling and get in a good mood when I visit with everyone here.

I definitely will be dropping in as often as I can. Things on the personal front have gotten kind of crazy for me. Nothing major. Just real busy lately.

Thanks again to everyone here for making this place so fun to visit with everyone.

PS Ive been visiting the Holmes trial on WS lately too. Its depressing hearing about all the victims but that Holmes character is a piece of work.
We have a big garden - fifty by seventy five feet - but not this year. We love fresh okra, squash, zucchini, corn and melons which take up a lot of room, and we still have more than enough left over for leaf lettuce, onions, peppers, and tomatoes - just about everything for salads - but the rain and life have got in the way this year so far so no tilling done yet. I do have plans ( and can increase the garden size to twice it's size), and seed catalogs at the ready, to grow pot when it becomes legal in Texas.

We can a lot of tomatoes like you do. We use them to make goulash, spaghetti sauces, spanish rice, chili and stews, and swiss steak. We hang some of our onions to dry , and freezer others to use through the winter.

When I was pregnant with Anna we planted out first garden and there was a tree that had a branch hanging over part of the garden. So one day dh told me to stand under a catch a small branch when he cut it, so the tomatoes would get more sun. So there I stand arms outstretched, in the middle of the garden between rows of tomatoes as he saws the branch off. It was much bigger than what he thought and it knocked me down. He jumped down and pulled it off of me telling me I was laying on the tomatoes. Over the years I have refused to do somethings that he has asked. Like put your thumb over this part of the engine so I can check the compression.

Thanks so much for sharing. :)

The story about catching the branch and him being more worried about the tomatoe plants than your health had me LOL. Sorry to be laughing at that but all of us gardners can relate to that story because we all know how much time and work goes into tending our crops.

Thanks also for sharing the types of things you grow. I want to try to experiment next year with some different things. I tend to plant the same old things each year and Ive been meaning to try some different things and it helps to hear about what others grow.

Next year, I may have to expand my garden size too. I used to be happy with just small ones but I do fill it up too quickly lately. I would like to double or triple the size of mine.

I have a nice roto-tiller that I got a few years ago so tilling up soil is pretty easy using that machine. Its a little dangerous to use them, but is a must to have one when needing to prep the soil or expanding a garden.
For those that have gardens + roto tillers, please be careful and watch your feet when using those things. Just be sure to keep feet clear of the machine when turning corners and such.
Just wanted to share a couple photos from 2-3 years ago.

One pic is of some fresh garden tomatoes ready to be canned.

And since we have all been talking about baby birds lately, the other pic is an older photo of 3 guinea chicks that we had bought from Atwoods and raised before. It was our first attempt at raising them. We learned a lot about them. Unfortunately, we also learned about predators. Luckily 1 of them is still with us though. We have 1 neat adult male left from these 3. He is a funny bird.

This year, we ended up getting 6 more to give him company so now we have 7 of them running around.

Someday, I will try to get new pictures of them.


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The last couple of days I haven't had time to read much, and I am so far behind!
There's so many people that I wanted to respond to, but I decided instead to catch up on all the posts first and then reply. Big Mistake. Now I can't remember who posted what :crazy:
I do remember what they were about, just not sure who posted them.

On a sadder note :frown:
I can't seem to get this heartbreaking story about a man from Canada visiting Louisville for the Kentucky Derby off of my mind. I am SO devastated by this senseless tragedy that I can't seem to stop thinking about it.
What in in hell has happened to this world? At least these awful murdering punks were CAUGHT and arrested.
Thanks so much for sharing. :)

The story about catching the branch and him being more worried about the tomatoe plants than your health had me LOL. Sorry to be laughing at that but all of us gardners can relate to that story because we all know how much time and work goes into tending our crops.

Thanks also for sharing the types of things you grow. I want to try to experiment next year with some different things. I tend to plant the same old things each year and Ive been meaning to try some different things and it helps to hear about what others grow.

Next year, I may have to expand my garden size too. I used to be happy with just small ones but I do fill it up too quickly lately. I would like to double or triple the size of mine.

I have a nice roto-tiller that I got a few years ago so tilling up soil is pretty easy using that machine. Its a little dangerous to use them, but is a must to have one when needing to prep the soil or expanding a garden.
For those that have gardens + roto tillers, please be careful and watch your feet when using those things. Just be sure to keep feet clear of the machine when turning corners and such.

When I was growing up, my dad picked up a Montgomery Wards roto-tiller. Front tine. Very heavy. I got it from him about 25 some years ago. It finally died about 7 years ago and it took some time to find another front tine model. I've used the rear tine models before and just wondered what the manufacturers where thinking putting them in the back.:facepalm:
I strip off all the "Safety" stuff from most of the equipment I have. When you grow up using the old stuff, you KNOW what you should or shouldn't do. Does it bug anyone else when you get a lawnmower that shuts off every time you have to release the handle to get something out of the way? And the engines have governors on them that just barely get the blade moving fast enough to cut the grass.
I wish they'd bring back the old Sensation lawn mowers with the heavy deck, and Briggs and Stratton engines.
The last couple of days I haven't had time to read much, and I am so far behind!
There's so many people that I wanted to respond to, but I decided instead to catch up on all the posts first and then reply. Big Mistake. Now I can't remember who posted what :crazy:
I do remember what they were about, just not sure who posted them.

On a sadder note :frown:
I can't seem to get this heartbreaking story about a man from Canada visiting Louisville for the Kentucky Derby off of my mind. I am SO devastated by this senseless tragedy that I can't seem to stop thinking about it.
What in in hell has happened to this world? At least these awful murdering punks were CAUGHT and arrested.

It's extra sad because The Ky. Derby was on his bucket list :frown:

Here is the FB page of Grinder Coffee, that Mr. Huber co-owned.
When I was growing up, my dad picked up a Montgomery Wards roto-tiller. Front tine. Very heavy. I got it from him about 25 some years ago. It finally died about 7 years ago and it took some time to find another front tine model. I've used the rear tine models before and just wondered what the manufacturers where thinking putting them in the back.:facepalm:
I strip off all the "Safety" stuff from most of the equipment I have. When you grow up using the old stuff, you KNOW what you should or shouldn't do. Does it bug anyone else when you get a lawnmower that shuts off every time you have to release the handle to get something out of the way? And the engines have governors on them that just barely get the blade moving fast enough to cut the grass.
I wish they'd bring back the old Sensation lawn mowers with the heavy deck, and Briggs and Stratton engines.

We know what you mean about some of that safety stuff goes too far.

The mower handle drives me nuts to have to hold that to keep the mower running. When I want to bend down to pick up a rock or stick with 2 hands to get it out of the way of the mower, the darn thing shuts off. Grrrrrrr.

I think i will bring me some duct tape next time I mow. LOL :)
Just wanted to share a couple photos from 2-3 years ago.

One pic is of some fresh garden tomatoes ready to be canned.

And since we have all been talking about baby birds lately, the other pic is an older photo of 3 guinea chicks that we had bought from Atwoods and raised before. It was our first attempt at raising them. We learned a lot about them. Unfortunately, we also learned about predators. Luckily 1 of them is still with us though. We have 1 neat adult male left from these 3. He is a funny bird.

This year, we ended up getting 6 more to give him company so now we have 7 of them running around.

Someday, I will try to get new pictures of them.

Lol! Tupperware totes, that's definitely the way to go for young poultry. I get the semi clear ones (Sterilite makes some big ones/Walmart) for early brooding, cut a hole in the lid for an aluminum utility light shield and 75-100 watt bulb, and use a 1" auger bit to run a series of holes across the top of the container's sides. Easy to clean, easy to store, cat proof, and when they wear out, just throw them away.

chicks 3-24 012.jpg
The last couple of days I haven't had time to read much, and I am so far behind!
There's so many people that I wanted to respond to, but I decided instead to catch up on all the posts first and then reply. Big Mistake. Now I can't remember who posted what :crazy:
I do remember what they were about, just not sure who posted them.

On a sadder note :frown:
I can't seem to get this heartbreaking story about a man from Canada visiting Louisville for the Kentucky Derby off of my mind. I am SO devastated by this senseless tragedy that I can't seem to stop thinking about it.
What in in hell has happened to this world? At least these awful murdering punks were CAUGHT and arrested.

OMG this is horrible. Going to the Oaks for 3 yo fillies, the Barnstable Brown party and the Derby are on my bucket list. Hotel rooms, even at a place like the Rodeway Inn, are super expensive. As in $1K a night. What a senseless, horribly heinous crime. WTH is wrong with people.
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