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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think the Daily Mail is incredibly creative they always have a well-balanced one glaring error per article (this one says DM is pleading guilty.)

Also JW of the Sun is pretty creative

WS to me is like a wiki-blog, that is a blog because people comment on articles and offer opinion, a wiki because it is a mass effort. I think there are some pretty creative people here ;)

Who do you think has done the best job of covering the story so far? What are people missing - if you were the journalist offering commentary and thought leadership, what is the message that should be going out there?

I agree that there are some pretty creative people here.

Although journalists are free to offer commentary on their own opinions, I don't believe they should offer "thought leadership". They should report the facts and let people decide their own thoughts and opinions. It is not the job of the press to lead peoples thoughts to the outcome that they want to achieve.

I am very much under the impression DM indicated all this and then some to the reporter. Narcissism at its finest. Rolling up his sleeves was his way of revealing a tad bit of his true self and also trying to show/confirm the ambition tattoo which made newspaper headlines. He was taunting the reporter IMO. We mustn't forget, DM wants to tell his story so I bet he was pretty talkative, revealing a lot of info. Of course not about the murder itself, just all about him. He would have definitely loved the attention, that's a for sure. Must talk like a trooper whenever he gets those far and few between visits. ;) MOO.

Funny that it wasn't the ambition tattoo that the reporter commented on then. Many many people pull up their sleeves when they pull their chair up to a table to have a discussion with someone. Unless they're cold of course. It's just a force of habit.

I was never under the impression that DM said to the reporter "I aspired to that image in some ways because people wanted that of me, I am heaven sent, don't you dare forget. I threw some parties, I tried to make that a reality for my friends."

First of all that wouldn't make any sense as a spoken paragraph in English. Secondly, the fact that he rolled his sleeves up doesn't mean that the tattooed words revealed on his arm then became the words from his mouth.


Reading through these posts of the last couple of days, DM appears to be much more of a follower, someone always looking for acceptance.

He did the solo flights at age 14 to please his family.

He finished school, apparently also to please his parents.

He threw parties and provided toys to please his friends.

He attended meetings and helped with the MRO to please his father.

He seems to always be doing something for someone other than himself, to make someone else happy.

Did he get engaged to please his mother?

Did he go looking for a used truck to please his friend who didn't have one?

Ärmel hochkrempeln und arbeiten - Roll up your sleeves and work

I think, when DM is rolling up his sleeves, then he doesn't intend to show his tattoos but it's a gesture of "let's begin, come on" , whatever there may start (eg interview). A positive sign of energetic people and completely unconscious. IMO
Reading through these posts of the last couple of days, DM appears to be much more of a follower, someone always looking for acceptance.

He did the solo flights at age 14 to please his family.

He finished school, apparently also to please his parents.

He threw parties and provided toys to please his friends.

He attended meetings and helped with the MRO to please his father.

He seems to always be doing something for someone other than himself, to make someone else happy.

Did he get engaged to please his mother?

Did he go looking for a used truck to please his friend who didn't have one?


bbm = I agree but NOT with this one.
Reading through these posts of the last couple of days, DM appears to be much more of a follower, someone always looking for acceptance.

He did the solo flights at age 14 to please his family.

He finished school, apparently also to please his parents.

He threw parties and provided toys to please his friends.

He attended meetings and helped with the MRO to please his father.

He seems to always be doing something for someone other than himself, to make someone else happy.

Did he get engaged to please his mother?

Did he go looking for a used truck to please his friend who didn't have one?


He did the solo flights to gain attention for himself

He finished school, apparently because he believed and was told the Millard dynasty was coming to an end and his parents told him without an education there's not much in the way of a fulfilling career without at least a grade 12 education.

He threw parties and bought toys for people hoping to gain friends and become popular, (fed him ego) and perhaps there was money to be made from these parties.

He attended meeting because he saw dollar signs and his father could not attend. Perhaps his father paid him to attend.

What else do you suspect or know that he did for others to make others happy and not himself? Maybe stealing and illegally bringing a dog across the borders? I'm sure the dog was so, so, happy for that although DM wasn't. He seemed to selfishly take from others, no matter the personal value or nature, only to please himself.

I don't believe he got engaged to please his mother. He got engaged because he saw dollar signs. His ex's house was a house that someone without much money would not go out and buy. At least that's one example I can give you from the MSM. IIRC she travelled a lot and one needs money to do that. If DM got engaged to please him mom, his tune changed pretty quick afterwards IMO. Maybe dear old dad gave him the money for that parcel of farmland as an engagement or pre wedding gift. Once the deal was done, the engagement broke up. ;)

Nope I don't buy he was looking for a truck for a friend. If the friend wanted a truck, why didn't the friend test drive it himself? If he didn't have a license, why is he wanting to buy a truck then? Something tells me the friend would not be able to afford the trucks which were test drove.

Don't forget DM is charged with three murders, MS is only charged with two (and nothing in the MSM to show any involvement other than possibly being on the two test drives). Just because someone plays a part in gore videos, does not make them a murderer. Just because someone has charges of petty crimes, does not make them a murderer. Seems DM liked to murder people for money, to silence people and steal. He murdered his own father for pete sakes, the person who provided for him from birth to the age of 27. If DM didn't like what was going on under his father's roof or didn't like his father, he could have left at any time. He didn't leave because he feared losing out financially. DM is all about DM and financial gain (of course without having to work for it) and thrill seeking and apparently murder. MOO.
If DM wanted to please a friend who didn't have a truck, why was he one test driving it and not the friend?
Some pretty staunch defences as usual but the writing is on the wall. Defend away, it is what it is and I have no doubts DM will be found guilty of all three murders; Laura, Wayne and Tim. For everyone posting and sleuthing about his guilt, there is always comeback in DM's defence. It's quite easy to do, to make up excuses or create other scenarios/theories IMO. There could be a zillion comeback rationales, but there is only one truth which the Crown will present during the trials with solid evidence.

Giving thought as to how DM presents himself to the court on each appearance is a very strong indication he has meager hope of ever being free again. By now he has seen discovery, most, if not all, he knows what his future existence has come down to. He certainly is not happy about this for obvious reasons no doubt. As to why he doesn't plead guilty is because he has that very, very, slim glimmer of hope there will be that one juror who is gullible/naive. The chances of that happening are as good as DM winning the lottery. DM will forge ahead with the trials as it will give him reprieve from his trite homestead. Once the trials are done and over with and his sentences have been handed down, DM will not go away quietly. He will take full advantage of filing appeals (which is his right and his entitlement), trying to find fault in our justice system instead of putting the blame rightfully where they belong...on his shoulders, all his evil and selfish doings. Just another trait of a true narcissist and psychopath. ALL MOO.

Psychopathy and narcissism are just two of several related and often overlapping conditions that afflict a portion of the population. These people are, effectively, human beings that are intraspecies predators; they look human, but they operate on a foundation that is more akin to that of an animal than a human.

Since all creatures seek survival, these pseudo-humans learn very early what behaviors get them what they want and need, including pretense to normal human emotions and empathy. Many of them can maintain this pretense - this "Mask of Sanity" - for a very long time; others let the mask slip sooner, or more often.

What they want varies by individual, but the most persistent need seems to be control and those things that give them control. For the brighter members of this taxon (for that is what it surely is), that means power and money; for the lazier and less driven members, it can mean other things: control over a spouse, children, a family, or the maintenance of a parasitic lifestyle at your expense. In extreme cases, this urge for control can be expressed in murder.
Still not sure. Did DM actually fly any planes for Millardair? or anyone? And I mean post his age 14 flight.
Still not sure. Did DM actually fly any planes for Millardair? or anyone? And I mean post his age 14 flight.

Good question Matou. That's something that has never come out in the MSM. I would think if he had, we would have heard by now wouldn't you think? I think once he set those flight records at age 14 and there wasn't the huge media hype he hoped for, perhaps it didn't build his ego enough so he never bother to continuing flying on a serious note. Just for sheets and gigs. MOO.
Reading through these posts of the last couple of days, DM appears to be much more of a follower, someone always looking for acceptance.

He did the solo flights at age 14 to please his family.

He finished school, apparently also to please his parents.

He threw parties and provided toys to please his friends.

He attended meetings and helped with the MRO to please his father.

He seems to always be doing something for someone other than himself, to make someone else happy.

Did he get engaged to please his mother?

Did he go looking for a used truck to please his friend who didn't have one?


I think the family was pushing DM to achieve great things, to be some kind of legend that set world records and spoke several languages and went to private school in preparation for university...and DM pushed back, proclaiming he's not that kind of person with dog biscuits, haircuts, tattoos, whatever. Unfortunately he took it too far.

Maybe he was an angry young man who didn't want to wait until he was 65, as WM did, to have his hands on his inheritance and do what he wanted in life, not be "an extension of another life" where he was following someone else's ambitions.

Poor little rich boy: he has everything except the freedom of choice of what he does with his life, because it's all been picked out for him.
He did the solo flights to gain attention for himself

If that's the case, that's a very ambitious undertaking for a boy of 14 just to get attention. JMO

He finished school, apparently because he believed and was told the Millard dynasty was coming to an end and his parents told him without an education there's not much in the way of a fulfilling career without at least a grade 12 education.

The "dynasty" apparently could still afford lots of high priced things after DM left school - things like a $6 hangar for instance. JMO

He threw parties and bought toys for people hoping to gain friends and become popular, (fed him ego) and perhaps there was money to be made from these parties.

I've seen no evidence anywhere that money was made from any parties. Nor that he bought the toys "for" people - only that he bought things that were available for his friends to enjoy. JMO

He attended meeting because he saw dollar signs and his father could not attend. Perhaps his father paid him to attend.

I thought it was a common belief here that DM never saw dollar signs in the MRO and never wanted it. I would hope he would be paid for attending meetings, whether on his own or on behalf of his father. What's the point in having a business if you pay everyone but yourself? JMO

What else do you suspect or know that he did for others to make others happy and not himself? Maybe stealing and illegally bringing a dog across the borders? I'm sure the dog was so, so, happy for that although DM wasn't. He seemed to selfishly take from others, no matter the personal value or nature, only to please himself.

From the pictures I've seen, I'm not convinced it was DM who took the puppy or kept the puppy. JMO

I don't believe he got engaged to please his mother. He got engaged because he saw dollar signs. His ex's house was a house that someone without much money would not go out and buy. At least that's one example I can give you from the MSM. IIRC she travelled a lot and one needs money to do that. If DM got engaged to please him mom, his tune changed pretty quick afterwards IMO. Maybe dear old dad gave him the money for that parcel of farmland as an engagement or pre wedding gift. Once the deal was done, the engagement broke up.

You're suggesting he was going to marry her for her house? When he already had property worth that and more? The one she listed for sale during the time of their break-up? That's odd timing. DM seemed to have some money to travel with as well. How do you know she didn't travel for her career? Why is it an issue that people like to, and can, travel? JMO

Nope I don't buy he was looking for a truck for a friend. If the friend wanted a truck, why didn't the friend test drive it himself? If he didn't have a license, why is he wanting to buy a truck then? Something tells me the friend would not be able to afford the trucks which were test drove.

His friend did have a licence. Not sure why you would think he didn't. He wasn't charged with driving without a licence, he was charged with driving under the influence. Perhaps the friend didn't drive because he had other things planned for the the test drive that would be easier for him if he wasn't driving. Perhaps that's also why his friend kept his hoodie up. JMO

Don't forget DM is charged with three murders, MS is only charged with two (and nothing in the MSM to show any involvement other than possibly being on the two test drives). Just because someone plays a part in gore videos, does not make them a murderer. Just because someone has charges of petty crimes, does not make them a murderer.

Perhaps there's nothing in the MSM because LE quit releasing information after MS was arrested. There is nothing in MSM about the evidence collected for the other two murders either, yet many are convinced that they were both murders and that DM committed them both. Lots of people with petty crimes have committed murders and been convicted for them. I have a feeling that Tori Stafford's family and possibly even Jeremy Cook's family might disagree with you on that one. JMO

If DM didn't like what was going on under his father's roof or didn't like his father, he could have left at any time. He didn't leave because he feared losing out financially.

Why would DM lose out financially by leaving the family home? Surely you don't think WM was so controlling that he wouldn't even let his son move out without cutting him out of the will. If things were that bad at home, I would think WM would have rewarded him for leaving, rather than penalizing him. JMO
I think the family was pushing DM to achieve great things, to be some kind of legend that set world records and spoke several languages and went to private school in preparation for university...and DM pushed back, proclaiming he's not that kind of person with dog biscuits, haircuts, tattoos, whatever. Unfortunately he took it too far.

Maybe he was an angry young man who didn't want to wait until he was 65, as WM did, to have his hands on his inheritance and do what he wanted in life, not be "an extension of another life" where he was following someone else's ambitions.

Poor little rich boy: he has everything except the freedom of choice of what he does with his life, because it's all been picked out for him.

Every family wants their child to do great things. If it was how you envision, than it's unfortunate that it was taken to that extreme. Every child deserves the right to explore themselves and make their own decisions on what they want to do with their life. They should not be expected to live their parent's dreams, but instead be encouraged to pursue their own dreams and ambitions. If DM was that against the MRO right from the beginning, then at least he still gave it a try by attending the negotiation meetings to help it get started, even if it was only his father's dream.

Every family wants their child to do great things. If it was how you envision, than it's unfortunate that it was taken to that extreme. Every child deserves the right to explore themselves and make their own decisions on what they want to do with their life. They should not be expected to live their parent's dreams, but instead be encouraged to pursue their own dreams and ambitions. If DM was that against the MRO right from the beginning, then at least he still gave it a try by attending the negotiation meetings to help it get started, even if it was only his father's dream.


CM seems to be a really driven guy. He liked his work. He ran a business from the tiniest little bungalow, so he wasn't materialistic. He lived to work. In WM's words,

Two weeks ago, he was still eating Kentucky Fried Chicken, which he used to love. Then he just began to fail, as if he was just shutting down. There are worse ways to go.

'Flying was in his bones. It wasn't just a job'; Pioneering pilot legendary for 'dead-sticking' jet, reports Bill Taylor: [ONT Edition]
Taylor, Bill. Toronto Star [Toronto, Ont] 28 Nov 2006: B8.

91 years 11 months out and still doing the Dirty Bird. Now that's a tough old guy.

WM was fighting about long hair and animals and then his mother died in 1984 and he had DM in 1985 and then MA failed in 1990 and the marriage failed ~ 2000 (?)

Then CM died in 2006 and WM was 65 and his life had passed by and there was nothing much left of MA, 5 employees, 1 recently deceased, but WM spent $30k to eulogize CM and this formerly 20-person enterprise.

Maybe WM always felt the pressure to be great from CM, and as that pressure might never have been relieved, perhaps WM in turn put that burden on DM.
Quote Originally Posted by swedie View Post
He did the solo flights to gain attention for himself

Alethea Dice:
If that's the case, that's a very ambitious undertaking for a boy of 14 just to get attention. JMO

If you look at the photo of CM and DM with the insignia in grandpa's hands, then you see a joyously beaming Carl and a skeptical-friendly Dellen. Seemingly it was grandpa Carl's success more than Dellen's. IMO
I didn't think he looked skeptical so much as maybe shy or embarrassed for the attention.
I think the family was pushing DM to achieve great things, to be some kind of legend that set world records and spoke several languages and went to private school in preparation for university...and DM pushed back, proclaiming he's not that kind of person with dog biscuits, haircuts, tattoos, whatever. Unfortunately he took it too far.

Maybe he was an angry young man who didn't want to wait until he was 65, as WM did, to have his hands on his inheritance and do what he wanted in life, not be "an extension of another life" where he was following someone else's ambitions.

Poor little rich boy: he has everything except the freedom of choice of what he does with his life, because it's all been picked out for him.

... and everywhere one says something negative about him for alleged arrogance and alleged wealth and is just jealous of him. Rarely have I read something nice about DM, I have noticed only just hateful envy. I don't mean WS but social network and comments to newspaper articles.
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