Related Issues and Food for Thought

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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So DM is at his home doing work with friends on Wednesday May 8th in his backyard ? I wonder if he hurt himself to cover for scuffs or bruises he may have had the night of TB's murder? I wonder if one of the friends was Smich?

To me, this is like saying that even though the witness described the suspect as being a tall white man with a large mole on his nose, it turns out that the person arrested matches the description for a tall white male but has no large mole on his nose. Would it be surprizing if people were questioning if the right man was charged, or would people assume that he had added a fake mole for the crime in leu of an actual disguise?

Well if the guy who was described as having a large mole on his nose but didn't at the time of his arrest, had the victim's burned body in his incinerator, on his farm and the victim's vehicle in his trailer in his mother's driveway, I'd probably think that the witness was mistaken about the mole but that it was a lucky break that even with that mistaken witness testimony, LE were able to apprehend the correct person.

If the box/no box around the tattoo witness confusion is the only defense DM has and he's going to claim he was not there at all...well good luck to him.

So DM is at his home doing work with friends on Wednesday May 8th in his backyard ? I wonder if he hurt himself to cover for scuffs or bruises he may have had the night of TB's murder? I wonder if one of the friends was Smich?

Was he setting up an alibi for the truck and trailer drop off?
The square looks like it's orangy yellow, kind of like when someone takes off a bandage and the gooey stuff stays on the skin for a bit. JMO

That was my thought from way back also Matou, a bandage. Did DM put a bandage on the tattoo days before or the day they took the business guy's truck out? Was the bandage to cover a wound or the tattoo? Even the smallest wounds can bleed a lot. Was DM sweating (nervous) and the bandage came off?

Before DM found his next victim, did he prepare the incinerator, cleaned it out for the next body and got his arms covered in ashes? :eek: As you said Matou, we know how bandages can leave a gooey residue around the edges. The sticky goo from the bandage would attracted black ashes from the incinerator. Did the bandage fall off just prior to, or during the test drive giving it the appearance of a box around the tattoo? Perhaps DM didn't realize the bandage came off or realized it a little too late. Perhaps that was part of the suspicious acting bit, trying to hide his arms/tattoos.

Again it's JMO the tattoo is not going to be big evidence the Crown are going to hang their hats on. Nor is it going to be the deciding factor for the jurors. Evidence such as DNA, cell phones, surveillance, computers, witness testimony will be more important.

Were they looking under the business owner's truck hood, him being to the left of DM, giving him an opportunity to get a look at DM's tattoo, enough to be able to read it? The guy said the perps acted suspicious, which to me says he may have felt something nefarious was up, therefore he made a mental list of the perps descriptions just in case.


Interesting thoughts about a bandaid maybe causing the outline around the tattoo ....

As an outdoor working guy , I notice whenever I remove a bandaid there is always a dark outline where dirt has attached to the edge of the adhesive creating a "border"

A bandaid with squared ends would make a nice faux box.

dm bandaid outline.JPG

Interesting thoughts about a bandaid maybe causing the outline around the tattoo ....

As an outdoor working guy , I notice whenever I remove a bandaid there is always a dark outline where dirt has attached to the edge of the adhesive creating a "border"

A bandaid with squared ends would make a nice faux box.

View attachment 77247

Yes like that Arnie but dirtier. :) And maybe DM had just recently had the ambition tattoo re inked, it was still healing, needing a bandage on it. Re inking would really make it nice and black, crisp, and more legible. Black to match the dirt or ash outline of a squared cornered rectangular bandage. :D MOO.
So DM is at his home doing work with friends on Wednesday May 8th in his backyard ? I wonder if he hurt himself to cover for scuffs or bruises he may have had the night of TB's murder? I wonder if one of the friends was Smich?
Was he setting up an alibi for the truck and trailer drop off?

Interesting you mention that .... I have had that question in the back of my mind for 2 years.

The neighbor described it as "remedial work" being done by DM (& someone else) , there must have been a lot of "activity" for the neighbor to notice and remember that happening May 8th , DM had not received any publicity yet.

Unless the neighbor reviewed his surveillance tapes after DM was named in the news ..... and if that is the case I bet there is video of all the comings and goings from that yard for May 5 , May 6 , May 7 , May 8 , May 9 , May 10 , ..... hmmmm

Interesting a HuffPost article says ... was last seen by neighbours Wednesday evening working outside on his house with a few other men.

Further to yard activity May 8th 2013 ..... could they have been picking up the Bobcat to bring to the farm ? ... remember Police hauled it away from the farm after the arrest

--- keep in mind the picture below was from several years earlier
--- since then , the Bobcat had been on the farm (pictured with snow on the ground)
--- they had dug the Bobcat out of the snow and mud .... did they bring it back to town ?
--- my guess the Bobcat was kept in town to clear driveways in the winter
--- did police seize the Bobcat from the farm as part of a routine check , or did
they suspect it was used to scrape stuff up to dump in the woods ?

dm bobcat.JPG

Interesting thoughts about a bandaid maybe causing the outline around the tattoo ....

As an outdoor working guy , I notice whenever I remove a bandaid there is always a dark outline where dirt has attached to the edge of the adhesive creating a "border"

A bandaid with squared ends would make a nice faux box.

View attachment 77247

I'm just curious who could mistake the outline of an old bandaid for a tattoo when they were close enough to read that small writing?

And that doesn't explain why he would have hidden the tattoo before he needed a disguise, and yet removed the bandaid to reveal the unique identifying mark when he actually did need a disguise. That just doesn't take sense to me, sorry.

Further to yard activity May 8th 2013 ..... could they have been picking up the Bobcat to bring to the farm ? ... remember Police hauled it away from the farm after the arrest

--- keep in mind the picture below was from several years earlier
--- since then , the Bobcat had been on the farm (pictured with snow on the ground)
--- they had dug the Bobcat out of the snow and mud .... did they bring it back to town ?
--- my guess the Bobcat was kept in town to clear driveways in the winter
--- did police seize the Bobcat from the farm as part of a routine check , or did
they suspect it was used to scrape stuff up to dump in the woods ?

View attachment 77259

If that Bobcat does belong to DM, it's not his only one. He has one at his Etobicoke house as well.

"Aside from a few house lights flicked on, there were no signs of activity at Millard's childhood home. A Bobcat sat in weeds in the back yard." _waterloo_region.html

Link doesn't work any more.

jash on 20.5.2013 WS
Link doesn't work any more.

jash on 20.5.2013 WS


If that Bobcat does belong to DM, it's not his only one. He has one at his Etobicoke house as well.

"Aside from a few house lights flicked on, there were no signs of activity at Millard's childhood home. A Bobcat sat in weeds in the back yard."
Wonder what DM kept in the barn at the farmland?...Besides the drums, some empty, some with contents. MOO.

The two witnesses

I happened to be re-reading an article from early morning May 14 , 2013 where it said there were two witnesses DM was not to have contact with , I had presumed it could be the first test drive guy and maybe SB .... but in the article it says two men.

Millard is under a court order to have no contact with two witnesses involved in the Bosma case. The identities of both men are covered by a publication ban.

Becha' it is a DM groupie or insider who has been assisting LE from the beginning ... and somewhere along the line had "witnessed something"

At the time of the article they still had not found Tim , only the truck.

Second witness:

The man, who noticed the incinerator perhaps?

Or AM, who was early on cleared by police? Maybe he was one of the men in the backyard on Wednesday?
Neighbours must have just loved the guy for parking a Bobcat on his urban lawn. I think that's why the neighbour knew the exact date...he was aggravated by DM in general and kept watch.

Same with the farm neighbours...who must have been wondering how someone can treat a Bobcat with such disrespect, leaving it open to being stolen if it weren't abandoned stuck in the mud. They probably watched all the time, irked, to see if it ever moved or was stolen.

It really doesn't matter if you live in the country or the city, if you leave your junk all over the road-facing part of the property you are going to P.O. the neighbours, who will become fixated on watching you.

That's how the farm neighbours no doubt became curious enough to discover the incinerator - perhaps they were following up after seeing smoke the previous day.

Anyway, I think DM did a good job of attracting attention from the neighbours because he was a slob by owner standards.
I think him stopping deliveries to the hangar is telling as well. He didn't want people showing up there.
Neighbours must have just loved the guy for parking a Bobcat on his urban lawn. I think that's why the neighbour knew the exact date...he was aggravated by DM in general and kept watch.

Same with the farm neighbours...who must have been wondering how someone can treat a Bobcat with such disrespect, leaving it open to being stolen if it weren't abandoned stuck in the mud. They probably watched all the time, irked, to see if it ever moved or was stolen.

It really doesn't matter if you live in the country or the city, if you leave your junk all over the road-facing part of the property you are going to P.O. the neighbours, who will become fixated on watching you.

That's how the farm neighbours no doubt became curious enough to discover the incinerator - perhaps they were following up after seeing smoke the previous day.

Anyway, I think DM did a good job of attracting attention from the neighbours because he was a slob by owner standards.

Good post.
Neighbours must have just loved the guy for parking a Bobcat on his urban lawn. I think that's why the neighbour knew the exact date...he was aggravated by DM in general and kept watch.

????? It says the Bobcat was parked in the weeds in the backyard.

Same with the farm neighbours...who must have been wondering how someone can treat a Bobcat with such disrespect, leaving it open to being stolen if it weren't abandoned stuck in the mud. They probably watched all the time, irked, to see if it ever moved or was stolen.

Treating a Bobcat with disrespect?? The construction and road crews around here leave their Bobcat's on the street or on the property wherever they happen to be using it. I haven't heard about the city or any construction crews complaining about too many stolen Bobcats.

It really doesn't matter if you live in the country or the city, if you leave your junk all over the road-facing part of the property you are going to P.O. the neighbours, who will become fixated on watching you.

Wasn't the Bobcat back in the field where the backhoe was? The other one was in the back yard at the house. What was on the road-facing part of the property?

Google has recently changed the way it displays search results. Previously, if there were a Wikipedia article, Google linked in that info graphically (the way Bing still does with Freebase data, see the earlier DM post )

Now Google is giving the top result (what people clicked on most) a graphical treatment. Search for CN or CN's mother, and you get various articles about TB and the trials:


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