DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #17

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Maybe LE discovered that the Mosler had been locked (and not unlocked) since long before the crime, so there was no reason to search it. (It sounds like based on people's research there is a chance that it might have had the kind of locking device that would record when it had last been opened.)
Remember the ONLY person who says JW dropped the money in the Mosler is JW, an unreliable source of information. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out that JW was never directed to put money in the Mosler and that's why he couldn't tell LE whether it was locked or unlocked. In fact, I think it's highly likely!

Definitely possible, but I think since JW said in one of his stories that he put the money in the car, LE would need to look inside the car to rule the story in or out. JMO.

BBM: I don't think it's been definitively stated exactly how the accountant received the money from the bank. In post #673 I give a scenario of how the transaction may have happened. For JW's self-interest, hopefully his second account matches with that of the accountant. Some may say how do we know the accountant is telling the truth. Two things: Whatever story he has given will be verified by bank personnel and the accountant has so far not been implicated in any way as misrepresenting anything. If JW's 2nd version is incorrect, then he has worse problems than I thought. The thing is, if nobody was there to witness the money exchange, whose story has more veracity?

Who are you going to believe, this CPA who directs the accounting department for a billion dollar firm, balances books, keeps ledgers and spread sheets as a professional or this Ex GoKart racer who couldn't even take a complete picture of four bundles of currency and can't remember the difference between a red lined bag and a manila envelope, or for that matter doesn't remember where he left the keys. Let's get on with this trial and hang the guilty party.
According to the warrant, the money was placed directly into a bag possessed by JW after the accountant removed it from his pockets. I think it likely the bank was very discrete. The cash may have been dispersed in a manager's office rather than in the main lobby. Then again, it's been reported that the transaction took place slightly before opening time. I know in fact, from personal experience, that a bank WILL allow a known, trusted client into the bank before official opening time. There is a circumstance under which it is very reasonable for the money to be in pockets. Manila envelope could attract attention leading a thief to suspect a large amount of cash was being carried. Pockets more discrete, IMO. The warrant doesn't state if JW entered the bank with the accountant or waited in the parking lot. I tend to think JW waited in the parking lot as he was not required to be present for the withdrawal. I believe the accountant may have gotten into the car with JW or vice versa and that is when the money was given to JW.

BMW Search Warrant p. 7 # 7
Wallace stated he responded to the Hyattsvile office and met Mr. Savopoulos's accountant. He and the accountant responded to the Bank of America located in Hyattsville, Md. Wallace and the accountant walked into the bank at which time Wallace watched the accountant enter into a transaction with the bank manager.

This is JW's first account. The second account of picking up the money only changes what the money was in when the accountant gave it to him.

How so? It's almost nine weeks and JW is a witness not a defendant. IMO that means his story checked out via other evidence gathered in the investigation

It's almost nine weeks and DW's brother hasn't been named as a witness or defendant. Do you think his story checked out with LE?
Who are you going to believe, this CPA who directs the accounting department for a billion dollar firm, balances books, keeps ledgers and spread sheets as a professional or this Ex GoKart racer who couldn't even take a complete picture of four bundles of currency and can't remember the difference between a red lined bag and a manila envelope, or for that matter doesn't remember where he left the keys. Let's get on with this trial and hang the guilty party.

Not sure what you mean by the bolded part or the spirit in which it was intended. I agree with everything up to that point. I made the statement I made because some have vaguely intimated in the past that nobody knows if the accountant's story is accurate either. But have seen nothing to the contrary.
Not sure what you mean by the bolded part or the spirit in which it was intended. I agree with everything up to that point. I made the statement I made because some have vaguely intimated in the past that nobody knows if the accountant's story is accurate either. But have seen nothing to the contrary.

That could have been me when I stated that it's possible LE might have thought something in the accountant's record of events didn't sound quite right or plausible. I assume LE compared his/her statement with JW's and did so until they believed either one or both.

Just mentioning possibilities. Could be the accountant and the bank employee were in cahoots. Just sayin'. That one's for Hanover because that really would surprise me. Buuuut, it still wouldn't make me see DW in a different light.
IMO In a murder case, time is of the essence. Police on the scene can search the car with permission or without it because they have reasonable suspicion. They can also rapidly obtain a search warrant via communication with a judge using their police vehicle on-board computers. During a field search police would be looking for the obvious things such as weapons, stolen property, e.g. $40,000, red bags, etc. Not finding the obvious they would want to do a more thorough search for forensic evidence, i.e. DNA evidence requiring swabs, lab tests, etc. The search warrant was issued on 05/15 and evidence collection was concluded on 05/21/2015.

Since the Mosler registration didn't belong to JW, wouldn't that be possible stolen property? If LE had the opportunity to look for $40,000, a red lined bag, bank money wrappers, BofA banking documents, etc. during the field search, wouldn't they know it wasn't in there and leave it off the SW request? The BMW SW says the car was recovered approximately one block away from the crime scene on May 14, 2015.

It seems kind of dangerous for LE to do a field search based on "reasonable suspicion" if it's based only on talking to a witness at the crime scene. There wouldn't be any independent verification of what the witness said to LE. Couldn't that give the defense team a way to impeach the search?
BMW Search Warrant p. 7 # 7
Wallace stated he responded to the Hyattsvile office and met Mr. Savopoulos's accountant. He and the accountant responded to the Bank of America located in Hyattsville, Md. Wallace and the accountant walked into the bank at which time Wallace watched the accountant enter into a transaction with the bank manager.

This is JW's first account. The second account of picking up the money only changes what the money was in when the accountant gave it to him.


I see what you're saying. Unless there has been an omission in the narrative, that part stands. For some reason, just missed that. It is still very strange that he would describe being handed a manila envelope when (if) in fact the money went from pockets to JW's own red (lined or not) bag.
It's almost nine weeks and DW's brother hasn't been named as a witness or defendant. Do you think his story checked out with LE?

Yep. IMO DW kicked in the door, subdued the females and a child then the coward demanded money from SS

I agree with Former Asst Director FBI Ron Hosko
"Certainly by now they have had enough time to do lab examinations, to get records- typically in this case phone records that may put others in proximity to the crime scene. To lift fingerprints and get other DNA from the scene. Now the question is: does that exist?"
Since the Mosler registration didn't belong to JW, wouldn't that be possible stolen property? If LE had the opportunity to look for $40,000, a red lined bag, bank money wrappers, BofA banking documents, etc. during the field search, wouldn't they know it wasn't in there and leave it off the SW request? The BMW SW says the car was recovered approximately one block away from the crime scene on May 14, 2015.

It seems kind of dangerous for LE to do a field search based on "reasonable suspicion" if it's based only on talking to a witness at the crime scene. There wouldn't be any independent verification of what the witness said to LE. Couldn't that give the defense team a way to impeach the search?

Not necessarily, it's not stolen property if SS gave it to JW. If it was the current registration it still wouldn't automatically be stolen property. It would be suspect, but not automatically deemed stolen.
How so? It's almost nine weeks and JW is a witness not a defendant. IMO that means his story checked out via other evidence gathered in the investigation

Not named =/- Cleared IMHO
Not sure what you mean by the bolded part or the spirit in which it was intended. I agree with everything up to that point. I made the statement I made because some have vaguely intimated in the past that nobody knows if the accountant's story is accurate either. But have seen nothing to the contrary.

Actually I don't see the significance of who is more truthful about the money, the bag or the envelope. The accountant confirmed he gave JW $40,000. JW admitted he received and delivered $40,000. The container isn't as important as the murders that were committed after the delivery. I am getting impatient to see Darron Dillon Wint and any accomplices given a fair trial and then sentenced to death for this unspeakable crime.
Totally off subject direction at this moment, but I wanted to reply to an old post about the missing Bentley. I would like to offer a theory that sits in my gut. or a version of this..... Does anyone suppose JW dropped his car off blocks from SS home the infamous morning, walked to the house of SS., (to keep all low key) opened the garage & deposited part of the cash into the Moseley. Then grabbed the Porsch & all the evidence gathered by Wint - drove it like a bat out of hell to the church parking lot he was so familiar with. Torched it (was him seen in the video running), then picked up the Bentley & drove it at rock-star speed to the hardware shop where JW could be seen on a video & cleared of involvement of the crime. Bentley could have been planned for a chop shop. This seems like a plausible version of events or similar version. JW may have had the Mosley registration for the fact he may have planned on getting the Mosley out of the garage, that could have been the car he planned to chop shop or move somewhere unknown. Just a theory. typing quickly, so sorry if any bad grammer or typeos
- stated JW gave V.1 and V.2 on the 3 points.
- did not explicitly or implicitly credit JW's V.2 as being accurate (& IIRC, not say acct'ant's stmt corrob'ed V.2).
-stated JW ack'ed that he lied.

A hypo to further clarify that V.2 may not be accurate. Forget actual details of this case for a sec.
Listen & watch hypo vid as LE asks JW about man he said he saw on street near xyz that morning.
JW V.1: "The man I saw there at X:00am was wearing an electric blue shirt."
Then either -
- LE shows surv cam vid to JW & asks "This man?" wearing white shirt, time-stamped X:00:00am or
- LE tells JW, acct'ant stated "The man I saw at xyz at X:00 am was wearing a kelly green shirt."
JW V.2: "The man I saw was wearing a bright red shirt." Now JW just contradicted self, inadvertently or deliberately.

What color was the man's shirt (assuming JW or acct'ant are not color-blind & no photoshop-finagling w vid)?
Blue or red? It's poss neither V.1 nor V.2 was accurate.
Green? It's poss acct'ant's stmt was not accurate, either inadvertently or intentionally.
White? Seems most likely, imo, as that is supported by forensics.
Still does not tell us if either JW or acct'ant is telling the truth.

But the point = JW's V.2 (& v.1 both) may or may not be accurate. LE's affidavit is ambiguous on that, imo.
JM2cts, could be all wrong. Hairsplitting is done for this afternoon.

In reporting that V.2 was accurate (sorry no link), MSM may be azz-uming things & may be mistaken.
Thx to kammiemc for noting this ^ several posts back.
Totally off subject direction at this moment, but I wanted to reply to an old post about the missing Bentley. I would like to offer a theory that sits in my gut. or a version of this..... Does anyone suppose JW dropped his car off blocks from SS home the infamous morning, walked to the house of SS., (to keep all low key) opened the garage & deposited part of the cash into the Moseley. Then grabbed the Porsch & all the evidence gathered by Wint - drove it like a bat out of hell to the church parking lot he was so familiar with. Torched it (was him seen in the video running), then picked up the Bentley & drove it at rock-star speed to the hardware shop where JW could be seen on a video & cleared of involvement of the crime. Bentley could have been planned for a chop shop. This seems like a plausible version of events or similar version. JW may have had the Mosley registration for the fact he may have planned on getting the Mosley out of the garage, that could have been the car he planned to chop shop or move somewhere unknown. Just a theory. typing quickly, so sorry if any bad grammer or typeos

Except that LE has publicly declared it was DW running from the burning car. No doubt running through the trees to his sister's home.
Totally off subject direction at this moment, but I wanted to reply to an old post about the missing Bentley. I would like to offer a theory that sits in my gut. or a version of this..... Does anyone suppose JW dropped his car off blocks from SS home the infamous morning, walked to the house of SS., (to keep all low key) opened the garage & deposited part of the cash into the Moseley. Then grabbed the Porsch & all the evidence gathered by Wint - drove it like a bat out of hell to the church parking lot he was so familiar with. Torched it (was him seen in the video running), then picked up the Bentley & drove it at rock-star speed to the hardware shop where JW could be seen on a video & cleared of involvement of the crime. Bentley could have been planned for a chop shop. This seems like a plausible version of events or similar version. JW may have had the Mosley registration for the fact he may have planned on getting the Mosley out of the garage, that could have been the car he planned to chop shop or move somewhere unknown. Just a theory. typing quickly, so sorry if any bad grammer or typeos

IMO if the cars were the target the cars could have been driven away after dark. I suspect after coming home to his wife and son and housekeeper held at knife point SS would have gladly handed over keys, titles and gas money. However DW chose not to take cars. He ordered pizza, then spent the evening having SS call people to arrange cash to be available as soon as the bank opened at 9am
Since the Mosler registration didn't belong to JW, wouldn't that be possible stolen property? If LE had the opportunity to look for $40,000, a red lined bag, bank money wrappers, BofA banking documents, etc. during the field search, wouldn't they know it wasn't in there and leave it off the SW request? The BMW SW says the car was recovered approximately one block away from the crime scene on May 14, 2015.

It seems kind of dangerous for LE to do a field search based on "reasonable suspicion" if it's based only on talking to a witness at the crime scene. There wouldn't be any independent verification of what the witness said to LE. Couldn't that give the defense team a way to impeach the search?
If someone is stopped for a traffic violation and the officer believes he can smell marijuana, he has reasonable suspicion that he will find CDS material in the vehicle. The officer can search the car and testify in court why he had reasonable suspicion. On Woodland Drive, a murder had been committed and a young man walked up to the police and said he delivered $40,000 to the house where the crime occurred, to police he was the last person to have contact with the victims or the house. There was reasonable suspicion that the young man was involved and the vehicle may have contained weapons or property related to the crime.
Are you talking about this paragraph? I read this as MSM giving JW's second account as what actually happened, compared to this first account. (That is the way the info was handled in more than a couple of articles--"what actually happened" but it was actually just JW's second account.) I read the article twice, but I am missing the part where it says that the bank handed the acct four bundles not in an envelope or bag! That said, I do know that the accountant said he took out $40k from BofA. Sorry, if I missed something in the article. I've had just one cup of tea.

View attachment 77946

Re: "I do know that the accountant said he took out $40k from BofA."
How do you *know* that the accountant said he took out $40k from BofA? Did the accountant tell you this?
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